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Notification Template Variables
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Notification Template Variables
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Notification Template Variables
Jamie edited this page 2020-06-13 23:19:42 +01:00
Table of Contents
In all of the notification templates you are able to pass in data the Ombi will populate when sending out the notification message.
Below are all the supported variables.
Variable | Description |
{UserName} | The username of the user |
{Alias} | The Alias of the user (if no alias then it falls back to UserName) |
{UserPreference} | The value of the preference set on the User Management page for that notification agent |
{RequestedDate} | The Date the media was requested |
{RequestId} | Ombi's Internal ID for this request |
{RequestStatus} | Current status of the request |
{Type} | The type of the request e.g. Movie, TvShow |
{Title} | The title of the request e.g. Lion King |
{Overview} | Overview of the requested item |
{AvailableDate} | The date the request was made available |
{Year} | The release year of the request |
{EpisodesList} | A comma separated list of Episodes requested |
{SeasonsList} | A comma separated list of seasons requested |
{PosterImage} | The requested poster image link |
{ApplicationName} | The Application Name from the Customization Settings |
{ApplicationUrl} | The Application URL from the Customization Settings |
{IssueDescription} | * The description of the issue provided by the user |
{IssueCategory} | * The issue category that was assigned to the issue |
{IssueSubject} | * The subject of the issue that was provided by the user |
{NewIssueComment} | ** The new comment text on the issue |
{DenyReason} | *** This is the reason text when we deny a request |
{LongDate} | 15 June 2017 |
{ShortDate} | 15/06/2017 |
{LongTime} | 16:02:34 |
{ShortTime} | 16:02 |
This is for Issues only
This is only for an issue comment notification, it will be empty for everything else
this is only for requests that have been denied
Since there is no real request associated with a newsletter it's slightly different, these are the allowed variables:
Variable | Description |
{UserName} | The User who the email is being sent to |
{Alias} | The User who the email is being sent to |
{ApplicationName} | The Application Name from the Customization Settings |
{ApplicationUrl} | The Application URL from the Customization Settings |
{LongDate} | 15 June 2017 |
{ShortDate} | 15/06/2017 |
{LongTime} | 16:02:34 |
{ShortTime} | 16:02 |
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