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Discord Notification Settings
Api Information
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Authentication Settings
Building V4
Common Errors
Customization Settings
Discord Notification Settings
Docker Containers
DogNzb Settings
Email Notification Settings
Issue Settings
Job Settings
Jobs Tasks Schedules
Landing Page Settings
Mass Email
Migration procedure from SQLite to MySQL or MariaDB
Mobile App Setup
Newsletter Settings
Notification Template Variables
Ombi & Tautulli
Ombi Settings
Ombi v4 Custom CSS File
Ombi v4 Custom Themes
Pushbullet Notification Settings
Pushover Notification Settings
Request Workflow
Reverse Proxy Examples
Reverse Proxy v4
Roles and Notifications
Slack Notification Settings
Startup Parameters
Telegram Notifications
Update Settings
User Importer Settings
User Roles
Using a different database (MySQL) on Windows
Using a different database
Vote Settings
Discord Notification Settings
Twan Ariens edited this page 2020-10-22 02:59:20 +02:00
Discord Notifications:
You must have a webhook set up for your chosen discord server or channel. Follow this guide
Setting up mentions:
- Set the user's 'Notification Preferences' to the person's discord user ID. This can be found by right clicking their name in Discord and selecting "Copy ID". (Option is only visible while in Developer Mode - this can be enabled under "Settings > Appearance".)
- Add
where you want to mention in your notification template.
Refer to the Notification Template Variables for information on formatting your notifications.
Extra tip:
You can disable posting of everyone to make it a bot only channel, and the webhook can still post.
You can @ people by using: <@{Alias}>
. Be sure their Discord alias is known in the user profile of Ombi under Alias.
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