21 Common Errors
Javier Pastor edited this page 2019-11-24 16:38:25 +01:00

Error updating from Web UI

See Update Errors

When searching for a TV Show, it appears and then disappears straight away! Or doesn't appear at all!

This is due to our TV Provider TVMaze not having the metadata we need to process that TV Show. We require TV Maze to supply us with a TVDBId for that show. You can easily check this by calling the TV Maze API: http://api.tvmaze.com/search/shows?q=Dexter

You can see under the externals object there should be a theTvDb property. If that is null then Ombi cannot process that show.

You can request the theTvDb id to be added here

If you search for a TV show and get this error:


This most commonly is caused by incorrect spelling. 😃

This could also be caused by there not being enough metadata available such as thetvdbid and/or episiode information.

These are two checks that Ombi looks for to verify that a show exists and is available to be requested.

Most of the time, you can freely edit the listings on TVMAZE and the theTVDB to have the information needed to make an item available.

If you have edited the TVMAZE and/or theTVDB listings for a show, there is a time delay before the api's have the new information. Give it a few hours before searching again.

libunwind8 error

libunwind.so.8: cannot open shared object file You may need to install libwind8.

Run apt install libunwind8


System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Net.Http.CurlHandler' threw an exception.

Run apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Proxmox LXC Containers

set LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8


sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"


sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

and reboot


Taken from https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi/issues/1783#issuecomment-351498238

N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 'http://repo.ombi.turd.me/develop jessie InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ombi.list

change: deb http://repo.ombi.turd.me/stable/ jessie main

to: deb [arch=amd64] http://repo.ombi.turd.me/stable/ jessie main

Mobile Notifications Not Working (PiHole/Adguard Users Mostly)

When testing mobile notifications you get an error similar to

There was an error when sending the Mobile message. Please check your settings.

Ombi uses OneSignal to send notifications but OneSignal's domain is part of some of the PiHole/Adguard blocklists.

Check your PiHole/Adguard immediately after hitting the "Test Notification" button and if you see "onesignal.com" being blocked, whitelist it and try again.

No search Movies, SQLite Error 1: 'no such column: x.RequestId'

Source this, author Sibicle


Here is a oneliner to fix the issue, assuming you are running in a docker container, your container has ombi in the name, your image requires the config dir to be mounted at /config, and the host is running Debian, Ubuntu, or a related distro that uses apt. If any of these points aren't true, see the details below the command and modify to your needs.

sudo apt update; \
sudo apt install -y sqlite3; \
sqlite3 $( \
  docker inspect --format '{{ range .Mounts }}{{if eq .Destination "/config"}}{{ .Source }}{{end}}{{end}}'  \
  $(docker ps --filter name=ombi --format '{{.ID}}') \
)/app/OmbiExternal.db 'ALTER TABLE PlexServerContent ADD COLUMN RequestId INTEGER NULL'

Explanation of parts:

Update apt & install sqlite3

sudo apt update; \
sudo apt install -y sqlite3;

Inspect container $CONTAINER_ID, list mounts, and if the mount destination is /config, print the source

docker inspect --format \
  '{{ range .Mounts }}{{if eq .Destination "/config"}}{{ .Source }}{{end}}{{end}}'  \

List containers, filtering on ombi. Format output to only include the container id.

docker ps --filter name=ombi --format '{{.ID}}'

Concatenate the inspected directory path with the path to the .db file within the /config dir

$( ... )/app/OmbiExternal.db

Tell sqlite3 to run the actual query

 sqlite3 /opt/ombi/app/OmbiExternal.db 'ALTER TABLE PlexServerContent ADD COLUMN RequestId INTEGER NULL'

After you are done, you can remove sqlite3

sudo apt remove --purge sqlite3



cd ~
wget https://www.sqlite.org/2019/sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3300100.zip
unzip sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3300100.zip
cd sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3300100
chmod a+x sqlite3
./sqlite3 $(find / -name OmbiExternal.db -print0 -quit 2>/dev/null) 'ALTER TABLE PlexServerContent ADD COLUMN RequestId INTEGER NULL'


If "sqlite3" is not installed:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y sqlite3

Fix Database:

  • Replace "/app" with the location of the databases of our Ombi installation.

If we have installed ombi with apt-get the location will be "/etc/Ombi".

$ sqlite3 /app/OmbiExternal.db 'ALTER TABLE PlexServerContent ADD COLUMN RequestId INTEGER NULL'

If we want to uninstall "sqlite3" to clean the system.

$ sudo apt remove --purge sqlite3