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# update_ombi
[Ombi](https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi) update script for Systemd (Ubuntu based distros)
**Create the Ombi update script**
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Unimatrix0/update_ombi/master/update_ombi.sh
> ### Note:
> This script assumes your systemd service is named **ombi**. If this is not the case, set the ***ombiservicename*** variable at the top of the script.
> The script attempts to automatically detect the required variables by parsing the service file.
> It assumes the service file is named ***ombiservicename*.service** in the default directory (/etc/systemd/system/).
> If the service file can't be found, or if the variables can't be parsed from the service file, it assumes they are the defaults of
> * Installation Dir: **/opt/Ombi**
> * User: **ombi**
> * Group: **nogroup**
> * URL: ****
> The script also logs to /var/log/ombiupdater.log by default. Make sure that the user running the script has write access to this file.
> You can override these defaults by setting the variables in the **Default variables** section at the top.
Edit the script file to set variables as needed.
nano update_ombi.sh
Press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>X</kbd> then <kbd>y</kbd> to save (assuming you're using nano).
Make it executable
chmod +x ~/update_ombi.sh
When an update is available for Ombi simply run
sudo ./update_ombi.sh
If you do not plan to run the script as a user with full sudo privileges, you can restrict access for the user with the following:
Edit the sudoers file to give restricted access to the script user
sudo visudo
Near the bottom of the file, add:
ombi ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl stop ombi.service, /bin/systemctl start ombi.service
> ### Note:
> This assumes you're running the script as **ombi** and that the systemd service is named **ombi**.
**Configuration File Support with Variables**
In order to ensure that this script applies updates correctly for your environment, you may need to create a configuration file. This script looks for `update_ombi.conf` in the same directory as `update_ombi.sh`.
|Variable|Comment|Default Value|
|*ombiservicename*|The systemd unit for Ombi|ombi|
|*logfile*|The update_ombi log file|/var/log/ombiupdater.log|
|*ombiservicefile*|The service file's full path|/etc/systemd/system/$ombiservicename.service|
|*defaultinstalldir*|Ombi install directory|/opt/Ombi|
|*defaultuser*|The user Ombi runs as|ombi|
|*defaultgroup*|The group Ombi runs as|nogroup|
|*defaultip*|The IP Ombi runs on||
|*defaultport*|The port Ombi runs on|5000|
|*verbosity*|Level of verbosity (-1 to 8), see Log Levels below|-1|
**Log Levels**
By default, verbosity is set to -1, which means it will not output anything. Using switch `-v=#` or `--verbosity #`. Options 1 through 7 will log to STDOUT. Option 8 logs to STDOUT and the logfile. The default log location is `/var/log/ombiupdater.log`.
|Log Level|Status|