2018-03-13 10:37:41 -05:00

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Ombi update script for Systemd (Ubuntu based distros)

Create the Ombi update script

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Unimatrix0/update_ombi/master/update_ombi.sh


This script assumes your systemd service is named ombi. If this is not the case, set the ombiservicename variable at the top of the script.
The script attempts to automatically detect the required variables by parsing the service file.
It assumes the service file is named ombiservicename.service in the default directory (/etc/systemd/system/).
If the service file can't be found, or if the variables can't be parsed from the service file, it assumes they are the defaults of

The script also logs to /var/log/ombiupdater.log by default. Make sure that the user running the script has write access to this file.
You can override these defaults by setting the variables in the Default variables section at the top.

Edit the script file to set variables as needed.

nano update_ombi.sh

Press Ctrl+X then y to save (assuming you're using nano).

Make it executable

chmod +x ~/update_ombi.sh 

When an update is available for Ombi simply run

sudo ./update_ombi.sh

If you do not plan to run the script as a user with full sudo privileges, you can restrict access for the user with the following:
Edit the sudoers file to give restricted access to the script user

sudo visudo

Near the bottom of the file, add:

ombi    ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl stop ombi.service, /bin/systemctl start ombi.service


This assumes you're running the script as ombi and that the systemd service is named ombi.

Configuration File Support with Variables

In order to ensure that this script applies updates correctly for your environment, you may need to create a configuration file. This script looks for update_ombi.conf in the same directory as update_ombi.sh.

Variable Comment Default Value
ombiservicename The systemd unit for Ombi ombi
logfile The update_ombi log file /var/log/ombiupdater.log
ombiservicefile The service file's full path /etc/systemd/system/$ombiservicename.service
defaultinstalldir Ombi install directory /opt/Ombi
defaultuser The user Ombi runs as ombi
defaultgroup The group Ombi runs as nogroup
defaultip The IP Ombi runs on
defaultport The port Ombi runs on 5000
verbosity Level of verbosity (-1 to 8), see Log Levels below -1

Log Levels

By default, verbosity is set to -1, which means it will not output anything. Using switch -v=# or --verbosity #. Options 1 through 7 will log to STDOUT. Option 8 logs to STDOUT and the logfile. The default log location is /var/log/ombiupdater.log.

Log Level Status
-1 None
0 Emergency
1 Alert
2 Critical
3 Error
4 Warning
5 Notice
6 Info
7 Debug
8 Trace