17 events.stream
evilsocket edited this page 2019-02-24 20:51:13 +01:00

This module is enabled by default and is responsible for reporting events (logs, new hosts being found, etc) during your interactive session and programmatically execute commands when specific events occur.


command description
events.stream on Start the events stream.
events.stream off Stop the events stream.
events.show LIMIT? Show the events stream ( LIMIT is an optional parameter ).
events.ignore FILTER Events with an identifier matching this filter will not be shown (use multiple times to add more filters).
events.include FILTER Used to remove filters passed with the events.ignore command.
events.filters.clear Clear the list of filters passed with the events.ignore command.
events.clear Clear the events stream buffer.
events.waitfor TAG TIMEOUT? Wait for an event with the given tag either forever or for a timeout in seconds.
events.on TAG COMMANDS Run COMMANDS when an event with the specified TAG is triggered (supports XPath queries on JSON between brackets, like {{Client\mac}} ).
events.triggers Show the list of event triggers created by the events.on command.
events.trigger.delete TRIGGER_ID Remove an event trigger given its TRIGGER_ID (use events.triggers to see the list of triggers).
events.triggers.clear Remove all event triggers (use events.triggers to see the list of triggers).


parameter default description
events.stream.output If not empty, events will be written to this file instead of the standard output.
events.stream.output.rotate true If true will enable log rotation.
events.stream.output.rotate.compress true If true will enable log rotation compression.
events.stream.output.rotate.how size Rotate by size or time.
events.stream.output.rotate.when 10485760 File size or time duration in seconds for log rotation.
events.stream.output.rotate.format 2006-01-02 15:04:05 Datetime format to use for log rotation file names.
events.stream.http.request.dump false If true all HTTP requests will be dumped.
events.stream.http.response.dump false If true all HTTP responses will be dumped.


Start bettercap without colors and terminal effects and write events to the file ~/bettercap-events.log:

# bettercap -no-colors -eval "set events.stream.output ~/bettercap-events.log"

Show every event:

> events.show

Show the last 5 events, sleep one second and then clear the buffer:

> events.show 5; sleep 1; events.clear

Start discovering BLE devices and wait that at least one is detected:

> ble.recon on; events.waitfor ble.device.new

The same but with a timeout of 10 seconds:

> ble.recon on; events.waitfor ble.device.new 10

Ignore events from WiFi clients while using one of the wifi modules:

> events.ignore wifi.client. 

Whenever a wifi.client.new event happens, execute the command wifi.deauth {{Client/mac}}, the expression Client/mac will be parsed as an XPath query on JSON at runtime (for a list of available fields, api.rest on and visit http://ip:8081/api/events to see what's inside your event of interest):

> events.on wifi.client.new wifi.deauth {{Client/mac}}

Start bettercap while muting events of the net.recon module ( new endpoint found, endpoint lost, etc ), sleep for one second and then enable them back (used to suppress initial discovery messages):

$ sudo bettercap -eval "events.ignore endpoint.; sleep 1; events.include endpoint."