Alex Malinovich edited this page 2017-03-03 14:40:00 -08:00


Run plexupdate.sh on a schedule

This has been made very easy, just use the installer.sh found under extras/ and follow the steps. It will allow you to setup both a schedule and automatic updates.

Why should I use a config file?

Because putting your plexpass account information inside a script is a bad idea. Typically plexupdate.sh is run as root, which has a nice sideeffect, you can essentially make the plexupdate configuration file readable by you only or even just root, preventing other users to see your password.

Obviously, this might be a bit overdramatic since you're not likely running a multi-user setup at home, but in general, in the unix/linux community, placing ones credentials inside a script is frowned upon and makes it difficult to easily share the script since it now holds confidential information.

I want a per-user .plexupdate file back

If you desperately want the old behavior, please add the following to /etc/plexupdate.conf :

if [ -f ~/.plexupdate ]
  source ~/.plexupdate

This will make plexupdate.sh look in current user's home directory for configuration file. But this should be considered a stop-gap solution and is not officially endorsed.