Myles McNamara edited this page 2016-11-12 13:44:08 -05:00

To Enable Plex Library Updates on postprocess completion:

(Do not do this if you have set SickBeard/CouchPotato to send Plex update requests)

in autoProcessMedia.cfg

    plex_host = localhost
    plex_port = 32400
    plex_token =
    plex_ssl = 0 
    # Enter Plex category to section mapping as Category,section and separate each pair with '|'
    # e.g. plex_sections = movie,3|tv,4
    plex_sections = 

so what you need to add, for most installs, is plex_token = your token as found on https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/204059436-Finding-your-account-token-X-Plex-Token?preview%5Btheme_id%5D=201342253%27+%27&use_theme_settings=false

and plex_sections needs to be a list of the categories (as defined in your downloader and their appropriate section number in your Plex database.

e.g if your movies is section 1 and your downlaoder category is "Movies", and your shows are section 2 and your downlaoder category is "TV" you would have plex_sections = Movies,1|TV,2

To find section number in PMS than go to


find in page for word "key" , value of key is section number.

Another method you can use is to login to the web interface like normal, right click on the section you wish to obtain the number from, and select Copy Link Address, the link copied to your clipboard should look similar to this:


As you can tell above, the URL you copied has the section number in it. Voila!