Unix Like OS Users' Guide
Travis LaDuke edited this page 2019-06-25 10:59:34 -07:00

Linux Installation



sudo /var/lib/zerotier-one/uninstall.sh

Linux Gotchas

  • If you cannot join networks, check to make sure the tun kernel module is available or tun/tap support is compiled into the kernel.

  • Make sure your local firewall permits at a minimum UDP traffic to and from local port 9993. If you are installing at a cloud provider like Amazon EC2, ensure that its own firewall settings are not blocking packets on this UDP port.

  • Depending on your distribution and system configuration, some users may have issues with SELinux preventing the zerotier-one daemon from talking to the network or opening and configuring network tap devices. Right now you're on your own here, though in the future we may have baked-in support for SELinux configuration.

  • The /proc filesystem must be mounted, though it's rare to find a system where it isn't outside of weird ultra-tiny embedded devices where this probably won't run anyway.

  • The installer is a self-unpacking shell script and requires /bin/bash and the standard set of shell scripting utilities such as test, cut, etc. If these are missing installation may fail.

  • If your device makes use of connman to manage network, ensure that NetworkInterfaceBlacklist includes the zt networks to avoid address management conflicts between the daemons

  • If your device makes use of systemd-networkd to manage network, ensure that the networks are not managed by them to avoid two daemons managing the same network interface