2024-03-13 09:38:35 -07:00

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Technical background and details

This is a collection of random notes and thoughts from the original development process. Much may be rambling. Information herein was not validated before release, and errors are likely.

Background and Primary Research Paper

The Usenix security conference 2013 was going to have a presentation documenting the internals fully (as well as crytpanalysis). This disclosure was delayed for two years. When it was released, the paper omitted a non-linear output filter function at definition 3.8.

This omitted function takes a 20-bit input, and returns a single bit.

All other details of the cipher appeared to have been fully disclosed (even if some errors existed). The largest error is that text description of the successor function for g register was incorrect. However, the diagram version showed the correct operation.

Variable and notations used

Common variables

  • K ==> a 96-bit shared key, known to both vehicle and transponder
  • N ==> a 56-bit nonce value, generated by the vehicle, and sent in cleartext to the transponder
  • Aᵥ ==> a 28-bit authenticator value generated by a reader (often a vehicle), and sent in cleartext to the tag. (aka frn)
  • Aₜ ==> a 20-bit authenticator value generated by a tag and sent in cleartext to the reader (aka grn)
  • frn ==> an alternate name for Aᵥ
  • grn ==> an alternate name for Aₜ
  • g ==> a 23-bit Galois linear feedback shift register
  • h ==> a 13-bit non-linear feedback shift register
  • l ==> a 7-bit feedback register
  • m ==> a 7-bit feedback register
  • r ==> a 7-bit feedback register
  • sₙ ==> a 57-bit internal state of the cipher === <g, h, l, m, r>
  •      at iteration `n` (where `0 ≤ n ≤ 55`)
  • s₀ ==> cipher initial state

Notation and Symbols

For our purposes, the finite field F will always refer to a binary finite field (each element ∈ {0,1}). Thus, as is useful for current computers, we can treat these as bitstrings.

Symbol Meaning
^ bitwise exclusive-or (XOR); the paper used
ε the empty bitstring
0ⁿ bitstring of n zero-bits
xⁿ a bitstring of length n
x₀ the first bit of a bitstring
xᵢ the ith bit of a bitstring xⁿ (where i<n)
xₙ₋₁ the last bit of a bitstring xⁿ
xₙ the nth bit of the bitstring xꟲ (where C>n)
x·y concatenation of bitstrings x and y
~x bitwise complement of bitstring x (paper uses )
&& logical AND (conjunction) (research paper uses )
x[i..j] The contiguous bits of x from subscript i to j

Notation Examples:

If the value is stored in Given:

  • x⁸ = 00000011


  • x⁸ === x₇ · x₆ · x₅ · x₄ · x₃ · x₂ · x₁ · x₀
  • x[7..4] = 0000
  • x[3..0] = 0011
  • x[2..1] = 01

Cipher data dependencies

Cipher Initial State s0 - Data Dependencies

Evaluating the bits that influence the initial state, s₀₀, as described in section 3.5:

p ==> 56-bit value, depends only on N and K[95..40] q ==> 44-bit value, depends only on p t ==> 43-bit value, depends only on q

Thus, all three of those variables depend only upon N and K[95..40].

Notably, the input i to the successor function for g is hard-coded to zero for the initialization.

As reproduced below, the full initial state is shown to depend only on three variables (p, q, t):

g : t(0..22)
h : 0 · p(0..11)
l : t(23..29)
m : t(30..36)
r : t(37..42) · q(43)

Therefore, s₀₀ depends only on N and K[95..40]. Stated differently, the low 40 bits of key K (aka K[39..0]) have no effect on the calculation of s₀₀.

Challenging the assumptions

Generally, K remains constant, and N is a random value generated by the reader. It appears these presumptions were accepted as always true in the creation of this cipher.

However, the value of N can be fully controlled during research, including choosing to make N constant. Moreover, with a writable tag, K can be modified to have specific relationships with known-good authentication traces. Taken together, these properties will (as to be described later) enable recovery of an equivalent to the output filter function.

As noted earlier, the initial cipher state s₀₀ depends only upon K[95..40] and N.

Therefore, if N is held constant, then the the initial cipher state s₀₀ will depend solely upon K[95..40]. Put another way, this means that all keys which share the most significant 56 bits (or differ only in the least significant 40 bits) will share the same initial state s₀₀.

Cipher State sₙ - Data Dependencies

NOTE: This has utility (value) when K is known, even when the mapping of the output filter function is not yet known for all 2²⁰ potential inputs.

TLDR: With a fixed N...

  • s₀ <-- K[40..95]
  • s₁ <-- K[39..95]
  • s₂ <-- K[38..95]
  • sₙ <-- s(N-1) + K[40-N]
  • sₙ <-- K[(40-N)..95]

K₃₉..K₀₀ to output bits

Here's an exhaustive table that maps which bit of the key influences a given output bit. Start state + key bit --> output

Start state Key bit Output
s₀₀ K₃₉ << hidden >>
s₀₁ K₃₈ << hidden >>
s₀₂ K₃₇ << hidden >>
s₀₃ K₃₆ << hidden >>
s₀₄ K₃₅ << hidden >>
s₀₅ K₃₄ << hidden >>
s₀₆ K₃₃ << hidden >>
s₀₇ K₃₂ O₀₀ == frn₀₀
s₀₈ K₃₁ O₀₁ == frn₀₁
s₀₉ K₃₀ O₀₂ == frn₀₂
s₁₀ K₂₉ O₀₃ == frn₀₃
s₁₁ K₂₈ O₀₄ == frn₀₄
s₁₂ K₂₇ O₀₅ == frn₀₅
s₁₃ K₂₆ O₀₆ == frn₀₆
s₁₄ K₂₅ O₀₇ == frn₀₇
s₁₅ K₂₄ O₀₈ == frn₀₈
s₁₆ K₂₃ O₀₉ == frn₀₉
s₁₇ K₂₂ O₁₀ == frn₁₀
s₁₈ K₂₁ O₁₁ == frn₁₁
s₁₉ K₂₀ O₁₂ == frn₁₂
s₂₀ K₁₉ O₁₃ == frn₁₃
s₂₁ K₁₈ O₁₄ == frn₁₄
s₂₂ K₁₇ O₁₅ == frn₁₅
s₂₃ K₁₆ O₁₆ == frn₁₆
s₂₄ K₁₅ O₁₇ == frn₁₇
s₂₅ K₁₄ O₁₈ == frn₁₈
s₂₆ K₁₃ O₁₉ == frn₁₉
s₂₇ K₁₂ O₂₀ == frn₂₀
s₂₈ K₁₁ O₂₁ == frn₂₁
s₂₉ K₁₀ O₂₂ == frn₂₂
s₃₀ K₀₉ O₂₃ == frn₂₃
s₃₁ K₀₈ O₂₄ == frn₂₄
s₃₂ K₀₇ O₂₅ == frn₂₅
s₃₃ K₀₆ O₂₆ == frn₂₆
s₃₄ K₀₅ O₂₇ == frn₂₇
s₃₅ K₀₄ O₂₈ == grn₀₀
s₃₆ K₀₃ O₂₉ == grn₀₁
s₃₇ K₀₂ O₃₀ == grn₀₂
s₃₈ K₀₁ O₃₁ == grn₀₃
s₃₉ K₀₀ O₃₂ == grn₀₄
s₄₀ 0₁₄ O₃₃ == grn₀₅
s₄₁ 0₁₃ O₃₄ == grn₀₆
s₄₂ 0₁₂ O₃₅ == grn₀₇
s₄₃ 0₁₁ O₃₆ == grn₀₈
s₄₄ 0₁₀ O₃₇ == grn₀₉
s₄₅ 0₀₉ O₃₈ == grn₁₀
s₄₆ 0₀₈ O₃₉ == grn₁₁
s₄₇ 0₀₇ O₄₀ == grn₁₂
s₄₈ 0₀₆ O₄₁ == grn₁₃
s₄₉ 0₀₅ O₄₂ == grn₁₄
s₅₀ 0₀₄ O₄₃ == grn₁₅
s₅₁ 0₀₃ O₄₄ == grn₁₆
s₅₂ 0₀₂ O₄₅ == grn₁₇
s₅₃ 0₀₁ O₄₆ == grn₁₈
s₅₄ 0₀₀ O₄₇ == grn₁₉

Branching ... from one trace to millions

Given the ability to control the nonce N, and in particular to use a constant N, it becomes possible to generate many valid authentication sequences (with different keys) from just a single valid authentication with a known key.

Trivially getting 31 more traces

With a static nonce value, an astute observer may have noticed that frn does not rely on the least significant five bits of the key ... those bits influence grn₀₀..grn₀₄.

Therefore, so long as the only bits of K that differ are K₀₄..K₀₀, the frn value will remain constant for a given nonce.

This allows a single known-good key + nonce + frn to be trivially expanded to 32x known-good sets, for "nearby" consecutive keys. Another way to state this is that each block of 32 consecutive keys will share the same Aᵥ value.

More formally, where (K' ^ K) <= 0x1F, then Aᵥ' = Aᵥ.

REM using the key and auth values from the research paper
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A02080000000000000
REM expect a tag response of `60 9D 6`
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
REM repeat using 31 additional keys in the same "block"
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A02080000000000001
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A02080000000000002
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A02080000000000003
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
REM ... and so on, for a total of 31 more keys
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A0208000000000001E
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A0208000000000001F
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0

The tag will respond to all 32 authentications, although its grn responses may differ for each key.

Moving one bit further...

Walking the sequence backwards one additional bit, where the last six bits of the key change, what happens to Aᵥ?

It turns out that Aᵥ will either remain identical, or that the least significant bit of Aᵥ will flip. Thus, there are exactly two possible values that need to be tested for Aᵥ, and the tag will respond to exactly one of them.

Formally, where (K' ^ K) <= 0x3F, then Aᵥ' ^ Aᵥ <= 0x1.

REM using the key and auth values from the research paper
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A02080000000000000
REM expect a tag response of `60 9D 6`
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
REM repeat using 31 additional keys in the same "block"
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A02080000000000020
REM 50% chance that this is the correct FRN value
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
REM 50% chance that this is the correct FRN value
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1B0

Expanding further...

Each additional bit of the key that is changed will double the number of Aᵥ values that need to be tested to find the correct challenge.

Using K'' == K ^ 0x1FF (nine lowest bits changed), requires testing only 16 possible Aᵥ'' values, by permuting the least significant bits of Aᵥ.

Thus, exactly one of the following should result in a successful authentication:

REM modify the key's lowest nine bits
lf em 4x70 setkey --key A090A0A02080000000000100
REM 1/16 chance for each of these to work:
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F100
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F110
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F120
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F130
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F140
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F150
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F160
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F170
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F180
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F190
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1A0
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1B0
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1C0
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1D0
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1E0
lf em 4x70 auth --rnd 3FFE1FB6CC513F --frn F355F1F0
REM hint: response will be `65 09 A`

Table of search space per key change

Depending on the most significant bit that changed in the key, it can be trivially calculated how many variations of Aᵥ need to be tested to find the correct challenge for that same nonce.

msb changed key bits changed mask Values to test 2^N
0 0x00'0000'0000 1 0
1 0x00'0000'0001 1 0
2 0x00'0000'0003 1 0
3 0x00'0000'0007 1 0
4 0x00'0000'000F 1 0
5 0x00'0000'001F 1 0
6 0x00'0000'003F 2 1
7 0x00'0000'007F 4 2
8 0x00'0000'00FF 8 3
9 0x00'0000'01FF 16 4
10 0x00'0000'03FF 32 5
11 0x00'0000'07FF 64 6
12 0x00'0000'0FFF 128 7
13 0x00'0000'1FFF 256 8
14 0x00'0000'3FFF 512 9
15 0x00'0000'7FFF 1,024 10
16 0x00'0000'FFFF 2,048 11
17 0x00'0001'FFFF 4,096 12
18 0x00'0003'FFFF 8,192 13
19 0x00'0007'FFFF 16,384 14
20 0x00'000F'FFFF 32,768 15
21 0x00'001F'FFFF 65,536 16
22 0x00'003F'FFFF 131,072 17
23 0x00'007F'FFFF 262,144 18
24 0x00'00FF'FFFF 524,288 19
25 0x00'01FF'FFFF 1,048,576 20
26 0x00'03FF'FFFF 2,097,152 21
27 0x00'07FF'FFFF 4,194,304 22
28 0x00'0FFF'FFFF 8,388,608 23
29 0x00'1FFF'FFFF 16,777,216 24
30 0x00'3FFF'FFFF 33,554,432 25
31 0x00'7FFF'FFFF 67,108,864 26
32 0x00'FFFF'FFFF 134,217,728 27
33 0x01'FFFF'FFFF 268,435,456 28
34 0x03'FFFF'FFFF 536,870,912 29
35 0x07'FFFF'FFFF 1,073,741,824 30
36 0x0F'FFFF'FFFF 2,147,483,648 31
37 0x1F'FFFF'FFFF 4,294,967,296 32
38 0x3F'FFFF'FFFF 8,589,934,592 33
39 0x7F'FFFF'FFFF 17,179,869,184 34
40 0xFF'FFFF'FFFF 34,359,738,368 35
> 40 ... more ... changes s₀₀ ... 56

Branching of keys

Thus, it becomes almost trivial to generate millions of valid authentication sequences for a given nonce, frn, and K' ~= K. Each of these authentication sequences has the potential to generate at least twenty distinct internal cipher states from Aₜ.

While trivial, this takes time. Millions of traces were generated over the course of multiple months using multiple PM3 Easy devices 24/7, each one writing keys and brute-forcing the frn values.

Creating equivalent to the "Output Filter Function"

While the mechanics and computation of the output filter function is not known, the inputs are defined in Definition 3.9, and the output is a single bit.

Therefore, if the entire cipher except for the internal computations of the output filter are known, given a known valid authentication trace, all twenty of the input bits passed to the output filter function can be calculated for each of the 48 output bits (Aᵥ and Aₜ).

When using branched traces (from above), the first 36 internal cipher states (give or take) are shared, and thus do not provide "new" information. This still provides up to 12 bits of "new" information per trace, or up to ~192 bits of "new" information per block of 32 consecutive keys that share the same frn value.

Treating the 20-bit parameter as an index to a bitmap, the full mapping requires only a 128k bitmap. Initially, when there remain unknown mappings, a second 128k bitmap is used to tracks if the output bit for that 20-bit parameter has already been found.

As the table become more filled, it becomes easier to generate new authentication sequences using entirely random values for N and K, especially where the most significant bits of frn are known. Thus, the brute force space for key branching never becomes overwhelmingly large.

As an exercise for the reader, and as it is important to finish filling the last values in the table, an astute reader can realize optimizations that improve finding a "targeted" 20-bit input, especially where the cipher states from current branching had been archived.

In summary, these traces can thus be used to (slowly) fill in a 128k bitmap indicating all possible output values for any of the 2²⁰ inputs, without ever needing to replicate or know the internal functioning of the output filter function.

Which bits of K ....

Given a static value for N, what bits in K influence a given output bit?

sₙ Output Bit Bits in K Delta from s(N-1) Hex Value
s₁ K[39..95] K₃₉ 0x80_0000_0000
s₂ K[38..95] K₃₈ 0x40_0000_0000
s₃ K[37..95] K₃₇ 0x20_0000_0000
s₄ K[36..95] K₃₆ 0x10_0000_0000
s₅ K[35..95] K₃₅ 0x08_0000_0000
s₆ K[34..95] K₃₄ 0x04_0000_0000
s₇ Aᵥ₂₇ K[33..95] K₃₃ 0x02_0000_0000
s₈ Aᵥ₂₆ K[32..95] K₃₂ 0x01_0000_0000
s₉ Aᵥ₂₅ K[31..95] K₃₁ 0x00_8000_0000
s₁₀ Aᵥ₂₄ K[30..95] K₃₀ 0x00_4000_0000
s₁₁ Aᵥ₂₃ K[29..95] K₂₉ 0x00_2000_0000
s₁₂ Aᵥ₂₂ K[28..95] K₂₈ 0x00_1000_0000
s₁₃ Aᵥ₂₁ K[27..95] K₂₇ 0x00_0800_0000
s₁₄ Aᵥ₂₀ K[26..95] K₂₆ 0x00_0400_0000
s₁₅ Aᵥ₁₉ K[25..95] K₂₅ 0x00_0200_0000
s₁₆ Aᵥ₁₈ K[24..95] K₂₄ 0x00_0100_0000
s₁₇ Aᵥ₁₇ K[23..95] K₂₃ 0x00_0080_0000
s₁₈ Aᵥ₁₆ K[22..95] K₂₂ 0x00_0040_0000
s₁₉ Aᵥ₁₅ K[21..95] K₂₁ 0x00_0020_0000
s₂₀ Aᵥ₁₄ K[20..95] K₂₀ 0x00_0010_0000
s₂₁ Aᵥ₁₃ K[19..95] K₁₉ 0x00_0008_0000
s₂₂ Aᵥ₁₂ K[18..95] K₁₈ 0x00_0004_0000
s₂₃ Aᵥ₁₁ K[17..95] K₁₇ 0x00_0002_0000
s₂₄ Aᵥ₁₀ K[16..95] K₁₆ 0x00_0001_0000
s₂₅ Aᵥ₀₉ K[15..95] K₁₅ 0x00_0000_8000
s₂₆ Aᵥ₀₈ K[14..95] K₁₄ 0x00_0000_4000
s₂₇ Aᵥ₀₇ K[13..95] K₁₃ 0x00_0000_2000
s₂₈ Aᵥ₀₆ K[12..95] K₁₂ 0x00_0000_1000
s₂₉ Aᵥ₀₅ K[11..95] K₁₁ 0x00_0000_0800
s₃₀ Aᵥ₀₄ K[10..95] K₁₀ 0x00_0000_0400
s₃₁ Aᵥ₀₃ K[ 9..95] K₀₉ 0x00_0000_0200
s₃₂ Aᵥ₀₂ K[ 8..95] K₀₈ 0x00_0000_0100
s₃₃ Aᵥ₀₁ K[ 7..95] K₀₇ 0x00_0000_0080
s₃₄ Aᵥ₀₀ K[ 6..95] K₀₆ 0x00_0000_0040
s₃₅ Aₜ₁₉ K[ 5..95] K₀₅ 0x00_0000_0020
s₃₆ Aₜ₁₈ K[ 4..95] K₀₄ 0x00_0000_0010
s₃₇ Aₜ₁₇ K[ 3..95] K₀₃ 0x00_0000_0008
s₃₈ Aₜ₁₆ K[ 2..95] K₀₂ 0x00_0000_0004
s₃₉ Aₜ₁₅ K[ 1..95] K₀₁ 0x00_0000_0002
s₄₀ Aₜ₁₄ K[ 0..95] K₀₀ 0x00_0000_0001
s₄₁ Aₜ₁₃ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₂ Aₜ₁₂ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₃ Aₜ₁₁ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₄ Aₜ₁₀ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₅ Aₜ₀₉ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₆ Aₜ₀₈ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₇ Aₜ₀₇ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₈ Aₜ₀₆ K[ 0..95] ...
s₄₉ Aₜ₀₅ K[ 0..95] ...
s₅₀ Aₜ₀₄ K[ 0..95] ...
s₅₁ Aₜ₀₃ K[ 0..95] ...
s₅₂ Aₜ₀₂ K[ 0..95] ...
s₅₃ Aₜ₀₁ K[ 0..95] ...
s₅₄ Aₜ₀₀ K[ 0..95] ...

128k table ... too large to fit in IoT flash memory

Although too large to fit, there are various two-level (boolean) logic reduction techniques that can migrate from a truth table (e.g., the bitmap) to a reduced set of logical operations that will obtain the same result. (ref: Espresso)

With the 128k bitmap converted to a truth table, a much more reduced set of tables was found to generate the same results. There is no assurance that this is the most optimal way to generate the results, but it is an acceptably small solution ... small enough to even be implemented in FPGA logic if desired.

Appendix of random notes (not organized)

EM4x70 Chip Memory Layout

There are sixteen (16x) blocks of memory, each storing a 16-bit value. Blocks may be protected (P column) as read-only (RO) or write-only (WO). Lock₀ === Disable writingPermanent write-prevention when set to 1. Lock₁ === Pin-code lock

Block P Purpose Bits (LSB first) Bits (MSB first)
0 `user memory bits 0..15` bits 15.. 0
1 `user memory bits 16..29, lock0, lock1` lock₁, lock₀, bits 29..16
2 RO `id bits 0..15` bits 15.. 0
3 RO `id bits 16..31` bits 31..16
4 wo `crypto key bits 0..15` bits 15.. 0
5 wo `crypto key bits 16..31` bits 31..16
6 wo `crypto key bits 32..47` bits 47..32
7 wo `crypto key bits 48..63` bits 63..48
8 wo `crypto key bits 64..79` bits 79..64
9 wo `crypto key bits 80..95` bits 95..80
10 wo `pin code bits 0..15` bits 15.. 0
11 wo `pin code bits 16..31` bits 31..16
12 `user memory bits 30..45` bits 45..30
13 `user memory bits 46..61` bits 61..46
14 `user memory bits 62..77` bits 77..62
15 `user memory bits 78..93` bits 93..78

Vehicle authentication value - Data dependency


  • An EM4x70 (ID48) Transponder with a writable key
  • The output filter OF(X²⁰) -> r¹ function is a black box:
    • The internal workings are not, themselves, known
    • The 20-bit input for the output filter function OF(X²⁰) can be calculated for s₀..s₅₄, given only N and K
  • Exists a bitmap OF_Known[2²⁰] (128kb) indicating if, for a given 20-bit input, the result is known
    • Initially, this is all set to zero (false).
  • Exists a bitmap OF_Result[2²⁰] (128kb) indicating, for a given 20-bit input, a known result .
    • Values are valid only when corresponding bit in OF_Known is set to one (true)

The, starting with a single known valid trace: K + [ N, Aᵥ, Aₜ]:

  1. The starting valid trace fills in ~48 entries in OF_Known/OF_Result
  2. By cycling through all K'' having the same upper 91 bits, 31 additional traces [K'', N, Aᵥ] are trivially created. Each K'' will share the first 28 output bits (Aᵥ is the same), but have potentially 20 more unique internal states. a. 31 instances x 20 bits per instance == 620 more potential entries b. Subtotal: 668 entries known (0.06%)
  3. By cycling through all K' having the same upper 80 bits, with least significant 5 bits set to zero: a. Brute-forcing the required value of N' takes at most 512 attempts because N(55..9) = N'(55..9). b. On average, this takes 256 attempts. b. As above, all other 31 values for K'' will use the same N', allowing 668 additional output values to be potentially filled
  4. Over time, OF_Known will trend towards being mostly populated

more random thoughts

Can leave multiple pm3 running 24/7, logging results.

Note that the initial state S₀ is also known (for that nonce) for ALL OTHER 2^40 keys that share the same bits in K[95..40]. (!!!)

earliest notes on branching technique

Similar to Partial Key-Update Aₜtack, for creating mapping of the output filter function OF( x²⁰ ) --> bool


  • Known private key K

  • Known working data: { Nonce[55..0] , AuthV[27..0], AuthT²⁰ }

  • ID48 Transponder with Rewritable Key

  • Output bit does not alter any other cryptographic state

  • s₀ depends ONLY on { N, K[40..95] }

  • sₙ depends ONLY on s(N-1) and K(40-N) --> { N, K[(40-N)..95] }

  • s₀ depends ONLY on --> { N, K[40..95] }

  • s₁ --> { N, K[39..95] }

  • s₂ --> { N, K[38..95] }

  • s₃ --> { N, K[37..95] }

  • s₄ --> { N, K[36..95] }

  • s₅ --> { N, K[35..95] }

  • s₆ --> { N, K[34..95] }

  • s₇ Aᵥ₂₇ --> { N, K[33..95] }

  • s₈ Aᵥ₂₆ --> { N, K[32..95] }

  • s₉ Aᵥ₂₅ --> { N, K[31..95] }

  • s₁₀ Aᵥ₂₄ --> { N, K[30..95] }

  • s₁₁ Aᵥ₂₃ --> { N, K[29..95] }

  • s₁₂ Aᵥ₂₂ --> { N, K[28..95] }

  • s₁₃ Aᵥ₂₁ --> { N, K[27..95] }

  • s₁₄ Aᵥ₂₀ --> { N, K[26..95] }

  • s₁₅ Aᵥ₁₉ --> { N, K[25..95] }

  • s₁₆ Aᵥ₁₈ --> { N, K[24..95] }

  • s₁₇ Aᵥ₁₇ --> { N, K[23..95] }

  • s₁₈ Aᵥ₁₆ --> { N, K[22..95] }

  • s₁₉ Aᵥ₁₅ --> { N, K[21..95] }

  • s₂₀ Aᵥ₁₄ --> { N, K[20..95] }

  • s₂₁ Aᵥ₁₃ --> { N, K[19..95] }

  • s₂₂ Aᵥ₁₂ --> { N, K[18..95] }

  • s₂₃ Aᵥ₁₁ --> { N, K[17..95] }

  • s₂₄ Aᵥ₁₀ --> { N, K[16..95] }

  • s₂₅ Aᵥ₉ --> { N, K[15..95] }

  • s₂₆ Aᵥ₈ --> { N, K[14..95] }

  • s₂₇ Aᵥ₇ --> { N, K[13..95] }

  • s₂₈ Aᵥ₆ --> { N, K[12..95] }

  • s₂₉ Aᵥ₅ --> { N, K[11..95] }

  • s₃₀ Aᵥ₄ --> { N, K[10..95] }

  • s₃₁ Aᵥ₃ --> { N, K[ 9..95] }

  • s₃₂ Aᵥ₂ --> { N, K[ 8..95] }

  • s₃₃ Aᵥ₁ --> { N, K[ 7..95] }

  • s₃₄ Aᵥ₀ --> { N, K[ 6..95] }

Therefore, if we write K' to a second transponder, where K' == K ^ 0x20 (flip bit 6) then Aᵥ' == Aᵥ[27..1] + one random bit

Therefore, by carefully selecting derived keys to be written to transponders, it becomes trivial to generate many successful authentication traces.

Example: Known valid trace: [ K, N, Aᵥ ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3480B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB70 ] --> 9B D1 80

[ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3482B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB60 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3482B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB70 ] --> 4E BB D0

[ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3486B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB40 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3486B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB50 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3486B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB60 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3486B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB70 ] --> 39 55 90

[ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3484B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB60 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D3484B, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB70 ] --> E8 60 D0

[ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB70 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB60 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB50 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB40 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB30 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB20 ] --> Fail [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB10 ] --> ED 9C 20 [ K', N, Aᵥ' ] == [ F32AA98CF5BE4ADFA6D348DB, 45F54ADA252AAC, 4866BB00 ] --> Fail

This has been CONFIRMED WORKING using actual hardware.

See https://github.com/dorssel/usbipd-win/wiki/Automation#json

This can avoid having to swap to Windows to re-connect if the device disconnects/reconnects for any reason.

Branching Logic

Function ExpandBy32() takes as input:

  • 96-bit private key K
  • 56-bit nonce N
  • 28-bit valid vehicle auth Aᵥ

Step 1. Write the private key K Step 2. Validate authentication works with N and Aᵥ Step 3. Set lowest 5 bits of K to zero Step 4. For i in (0..31): 4a. Set temporary key K' as K+i (set some of lowest 5 bits) 4b. Write private key K' 4c. Validate authentication works with N and Aᵥ 4d. Verify received 20-bit response, Aₜ 4e. For each success, print the set: { K', N, Aᵥ, Aₜ }

Function Branch() takes as input:

  • 96-bit private key K
  • 56-bit nonce N
  • 28-bit valid vehicle auth Aᵥ (just A in below)


  • Write the private key
  • Validate authentication works with N and Aᵥ

Then (using 2^16) potential authentications as maximum Select a target key K', where K'[95..()]

This is when the private key IS already known, and you have a starting point.

My vehicle

My 2004 Volvo S60 key originally had a pin code of 'AAAAAAAA'.

Updating the pin code:

  1. Get info: In this example, block 1 data == ED08, (0b1110...)

    lf em 4x70 info

  2. Because Lockbit 0 was set, unlock with the PIN:

    lf em 4x70 unlock --pin AAAAAAAA

  3. Verify successful unlock by checking LockBit0: In this example, block 1 data == AD08, (0b1010...) so LockBit1 = 1, LockBit0 = 0 == success.

    lf em 4x70 info

  4. Write the new pin code as DEADBEEF

    lf em 4x70 setpin --pin DEADBEEF

  5. Set lockbit0 to 1 (based on existing data in block1): e.g, AD08 | 4000 == ED08

    lf em 4x70 write --block 1 --data ED08

[=] ------+----------+----------------------------- [=] 3 | xx xx | ID (redacted) [=] 2 | xx xx | ID (redacted) [=] ------+----------+----------------------------- [=] 1 | ED 08 | UM1 [=] 0 | 87 7D | UM1 [=] ------+----------+----------------------------- [=] [=] Tag ID: DB 4F B2 E8 [=] Lockbit 0: 1 [=] Lockbit 1: 1 [=] Tag is LOCKED.

Demodulating the traces

To be written. Generally, save as WAV file, and then use more powerful tools than the data viewer that is built into PM3 client.

fancy characters

Symbols, subscripts, superscripts...
