215 lines
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215 lines
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* Clock app for Project One
* Clock.h header file
* Date: 2022/03/16
* Author: Cody Cook
#pragma once // only read this file once
#include "Main.h" // grab clearScreen function
#include <iostream> // use of cin, cout
#include <string> // use of string
#include <cstring> // use of string functions
using namespace std;
unsigned int hour; // the clock's hour
unsigned int minute; // the clock's minute
unsigned int second; // the clock's second
string twoDigitString(unsigned int n)
/// Convert an unsigned integer to a two character string equivalent.
// the result of the conversion from int to string
string value;
// when n is less than 10, add a leading zero
if (n < 10 && n >= 0)
value = "0" + to_string(n);
else if (n >= 10 && n < 60)
value = to_string(n);
value = "00";
// return the new string
return value;
string nCharString(unsigned int n, char c)
/// return the c character n times.
return string(n, c);
string formatTime24(unsigned int h, unsigned int m, unsigned int s)
/// return the concatenation
return twoDigitString(h) + ":" + twoDigitString(m) + ":" + twoDigitString(s);
string formatTime12(unsigned int h, unsigned int m, unsigned int s)
/// set A M to default and change to P M when it is appropriate
string ampm = "A M";
if (h >= 12)
h -= 12;
ampm = "P M";
if (h == 0)
h = 12;
/// return the concat of thes values
return twoDigitString(h) + ":" + twoDigitString(m) + ":" + twoDigitString(s) + " " + ampm;
void displayClocks(unsigned int h, unsigned int m, unsigned int s)
/// display the clocks in a table
// clear the screen
// output the table, 12 hour on left, 24 hour on right.
cout << nCharString(27, '*') << nCharString(3, ' ') << nCharString(27, '*') << endl;
cout << "*" << nCharString(6, ' ') << "12-Hour Clock" << nCharString(6, ' ') << "*" << nCharString(3, ' ');
cout << "*" << nCharString(6, ' ') << "24-Hour Clock" << nCharString(6, ' ') << "*" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "*" << nCharString(6, ' ') << formatTime12(h, m, s) << nCharString(7, ' ') << "*" << nCharString(3, ' ');
cout << "*" << nCharString(8, ' ') << formatTime24(h, m, s) << nCharString(9, ' ') << "*" << endl;
cout << nCharString(27, '*') << nCharString(3, ' ') << nCharString(27, '*') << endl;
unsigned int getHour()
/// return the hour value
return hour;
void setHour(unsigned int h)
/// set the hour value
hour = h;
void addOneHour()
/// add one hour to the clock; if the hour is 23, set it to 0
if (getHour() >= 0 && getHour() <= 22)
setHour(getHour() + 1);
else if (getHour() == 23)
unsigned int getMinute()
/// return the minute value
return minute;
void setMinute(unsigned int m)
/// set the minute value
minute = m;
void addOneMinute()
/// add one minute to the clock; if the minute is 59, add one hour
if (getMinute() >= 0 && getMinute() <= 58)
setMinute(getMinute() + 1);
else if (getMinute() == 59)
unsigned int getSecond()
/// return the second value
return second;
void setSecond(unsigned int s)
/// set the second value
second = s;
void addOneSecond()
/// add one second to the clock; if the second is 59, add one minute
if (getSecond() >= 0 && getSecond() <= 58)
setSecond(getSecond() + 1);
else if (getSecond() == 59)
void setTime()
/// Allow the user to set the time. Required 24-hour time format.
int userHour, userMinute, userSecond = -1; // use regular integers to handle exception
bool validTime = false; // flag to determine if the time is valid
while (!validTime)
// ask user for the current time; then parse and configure.
cout << "Please enter the current time in 24-hour format (HH:MM:SS): ";
// set the hour and ignore the :
cin >> userHour;
// set the minutes and ignore the :
cin >> userMinute;
// set the seconds
cin >> userSecond;
// validate the input
if ((userHour >= 0 && userHour <= 23) && (userMinute >= 0 && userMinute <= 59) && (userSecond >= 0 && userSecond <= 59))
validTime = true;
userHour, userMinute, userSecond = -1;
cout << "Invalid time entered. Please try again." << endl;
// now that time is set, clear the screen and show the clocks
displayClocks(hour, minute, second);
} |