mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 15:52:45 -08:00
Удаляем eaccelerator из поддерживаемых движков кеширования - поддержка прекращена в 2007 году, последняя совместимая версия 5.4.
2129 lines
47 KiB
2129 lines
47 KiB
if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS'])) die();
define('TIMESTART', utime());
define('TIMENOW', time());
if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = '';
if (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = '';
if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) define('BB_ROOT', './');
if (!defined('IN_FORUM') && !defined('IN_TRACKER')) define('IN_FORUM', true);
header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN');
// Get initial config
require(BB_ROOT .'config.php');
$server_protocol = ($bb_cfg['cookie_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$server_port = ($bb_cfg['server_port'] != 80) ? ':'. $bb_cfg['server_port'] : '';
define('FORUM_PATH', $bb_cfg['script_path']);
define('FULL_URL', $server_protocol . $bb_cfg['server_name'] . $server_port . $bb_cfg['script_path']);
unset($server_protocol, $server_port);
// Debug options
define('DBG_USER', (isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_DBG])));
// Board/Tracker shared constants and functions
define('BB_BT_TORRENTS', 'bb_bt_torrents');
define('BB_BT_TRACKER', 'bb_bt_tracker');
define('BB_BT_TRACKER_SNAP', 'bb_bt_tracker_snap');
define('BB_BT_USERS', 'bb_bt_users');
define('BT_AUTH_KEY_LENGTH', 10);
define('DL_STATUS_RELEASER', -1);
define('DL_STATUS_DOWN', 0);
define('DL_STATUS_COMPLETE', 1);
define('DL_STATUS_CANCEL', 3);
define('DL_STATUS_WILL', 4);
define('TOR_TYPE_GOLD', 1);
define('TOR_TYPE_SILVER', 2);
define('GUEST_UID', -1);
define('BOT_UID', -746);
// DBS
class DBS
var $cfg = array(); // $srv_name => $srv_cfg
var $srv = array(); // $srv_name => $db_obj
var $alias = array(); // $srv_alias => $srv_name
var $log_file = 'sql_queries';
var $log_counter = 0;
var $num_queries = 0;
var $sql_inittime = 0;
var $sql_timetotal = 0;
function DBS ($cfg)
$this->cfg = $cfg['db'];
$this->alias = $cfg['db_alias'];
foreach ($this->cfg as $srv_name => $srv_cfg)
$this->srv[$srv_name] = null;
// получение/инициализация класса для сервера $srv_name
function get_db_obj ($srv_name_or_alias = 'db1')
$srv_name = $this->get_srv_name($srv_name_or_alias);
if (!is_object($this->srv[$srv_name]))
$this->srv[$srv_name] = new sql_db($this->cfg[$srv_name]);
$this->srv[$srv_name]->db_server = $srv_name;
return $this->srv[$srv_name];
// определение имени сервера
function get_srv_name ($name)
if (isset($this->alias[$name]))
$srv_name = $this->alias[$name];
else if (isset($this->cfg[$name]))
$srv_name = $name;
$srv_name = 'db1';
return $srv_name;
$DBS = new DBS($bb_cfg);
function DB ($db_alias = 'db1')
global $DBS;
return $DBS->get_db_obj($db_alias);
// Cache
define('PEER_HASH_PREFIX', 'peer_');
define('PEERS_LIST_PREFIX', 'peers_list_');
define('PEER_HASH_EXPIRE', round($bb_cfg['announce_interval'] * (0.85*$tr_cfg['expire_factor']))); // sec
define('PEERS_LIST_EXPIRE', round($bb_cfg['announce_interval'] * 0.7)); // sec
if (!function_exists('sqlite_escape_string'))
function sqlite_escape_string($string)
return SQLite3::escapeString($string);
class CACHES
var $cfg = array(); // конфиг
var $obj = array(); // кеш-объекты
var $ref = array(); // ссылки на $obj (имя_кеша => кеш_объект)
function CACHES ($cfg)
$this->cfg = $cfg['cache'];
$this->obj['__stub'] = new cache_common();
function get_cache_obj ($cache_name)
if (!isset($this->ref[$cache_name]))
if (!$engine_cfg =& $this->cfg['engines'][$cache_name])
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj['__stub'];
$cache_type =& $engine_cfg[0];
$cache_cfg =& $engine_cfg[1];
switch ($cache_type)
case 'memcache':
if (!isset($this->obj[$cache_name]))
$this->obj[$cache_name] = new cache_memcache($this->cfg['memcache'], $this->cfg['prefix']);
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj[$cache_name];
case 'sqlite':
if (!isset($this->obj[$cache_name]))
$cache_cfg['pconnect'] = $this->cfg['pconnect'];
$cache_cfg['db_file_path'] = $this->get_db_path($cache_name, $cache_cfg, '.sqlite.db');
$this->obj[$cache_name] = new cache_sqlite($cache_cfg, $this->cfg['prefix']);
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj[$cache_name];
case 'db_sqlite':
if (!isset($this->obj[$cache_name]))
$cache_cfg['pconnect'] = $this->cfg['pconnect'];
$cache_cfg['db_file_path'] = $this->get_db_path($cache_name, $cache_cfg, '.sqlite.db');
$cache_cfg['table_name'] = $cache_name;
$cache_cfg['table_schema'] = $this->get_table_schema($cache_cfg);
$this->obj[$cache_name] = new sqlite_common($cache_cfg);
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj[$cache_name];
case 'redis':
if (!isset($this->obj[$cache_name]))
$this->obj[$cache_name] = new cache_redis($this->cfg['redis'], $this->cfg['prefix']);
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj[$cache_name];
case 'apc':
if (!isset($this->obj[$cache_name]))
$this->obj[$cache_name] = new cache_apc($this->cfg['prefix']);
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj[$cache_name];
case 'xcache':
if (!isset($this->obj[$cache_name]))
$this->obj[$cache_name] = new cache_xcache($this->cfg['prefix']);
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj[$cache_name];
default: //filecache
if (!isset($this->obj[$cache_name]))
$this->obj[$cache_name] = new cache_file($this->cfg['db_dir'] . $cache_name .'/', $this->cfg['prefix']);
$this->ref[$cache_name] =& $this->obj[$cache_name];
return $this->ref[$cache_name];
function get_db_path ($name, $cfg, $ext)
if (!empty($cfg['shard_type']) && $cfg['shard_type'] != 'none')
return $this->cfg['db_dir'] . $name .'_*'. $ext;
return $this->cfg['db_dir'] . $name . $ext;
function get_table_schema ($cfg)
return "CREATE TABLE {$cfg['table_name']} ( {$cfg['columns']} )";
$CACHES = new CACHES($bb_cfg);
function CACHE ($cache_name)
global $CACHES;
return $CACHES->get_cache_obj($cache_name);
class cache_common
var $used = false;
* Returns value of variable
function get ($name, $get_miss_key_callback = '', $ttl = 604800)
if ($get_miss_key_callback) return $get_miss_key_callback($name);
return is_array($name) ? array() : false;
* Store value of variable
function set ($name, $value, $ttl = 604800)
return false;
* Remove variable
function rm ($name = '')
return false;
var $num_queries = 0;
var $sql_starttime = 0;
var $sql_inittime = 0;
var $sql_timetotal = 0;
var $cur_query_time = 0;
var $dbg = array();
var $dbg_id = 0;
var $dbg_enabled = false;
var $cur_query = null;
function debug ($mode, $cur_query = null)
if (!$this->dbg_enabled) return;
$id =& $this->dbg_id;
$dbg =& $this->dbg[$id];
if ($mode == 'start')
$this->sql_starttime = utime();
$dbg['sql'] = isset($cur_query) ? short_query($cur_query) : short_query($this->cur_query);
$dbg['src'] = $this->debug_find_source();
$dbg['file'] = $this->debug_find_source('file');
$dbg['line'] = $this->debug_find_source('line');
$dbg['time'] = '';
else if ($mode == 'stop')
$this->cur_query_time = utime() - $this->sql_starttime;
$this->sql_timetotal += $this->cur_query_time;
$dbg['time'] = $this->cur_query_time;
function debug_find_source ($mode = '')
foreach (debug_backtrace() as $trace)
if ($trace['file'] !== __FILE__)
switch ($mode)
case 'file': return $trace['file'];
case 'line': return $trace['line'];
default: return hide_bb_path($trace['file']) .'('. $trace['line'] .')';
return 'src not found';
class cache_memcache extends cache_common
var $used = true;
var $engine = 'Memcache';
var $cfg = null;
var $prefix = null;
var $memcache = null;
var $connected = false;
function cache_memcache ($cfg, $prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: Memcached extension not installed');
$this->cfg = $cfg;
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->memcache = new Memcache;
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
function connect ()
$connect_type = ($this->cfg['pconnect']) ? 'pconnect' : 'connect';
$this->cur_query = $connect_type .' '. $this->cfg['host'] .':'. $this->cfg['port'];
if (@$this->memcache->$connect_type($this->cfg['host'], $this->cfg['port']))
$this->connected = true;
if (DBG_LOG) dbg_log(' ', 'CACHE-connect'. ($this->connected ? '' : '-FAIL'));
if (!$this->connected && $this->cfg['con_required'])
die('Could not connect to memcached server');
$this->cur_query = null;
function get ($name, $get_miss_key_callback = '', $ttl = 0)
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return ($this->connected) ? $this->memcache->get($this->prefix . $name) : false;
function set ($name, $value, $ttl = 0)
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return ($this->connected) ? $this->memcache->set($this->prefix . $name, $value, false, $ttl) : false;
function rm ($name = '')
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
if ($name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return ($this->connected) ? $this->memcache->delete($this->prefix . $name, 0) : false;
return ($this->connected) ? $this->memcache->flush() : false;
function is_installed ()
return class_exists('Memcache');
class cache_sqlite extends cache_common
var $used = true;
var $db = null;
var $prefix = null;
var $cfg = array(
'db_file_path' => '/path/to/cache.db.sqlite',
'table_name' => 'cache',
'table_schema' => 'CREATE TABLE cache (
cache_name VARCHAR(255),
cache_expire_time INT,
cache_value TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (cache_name)
'pconnect' => true,
'con_required' => true,
'log_name' => 'CACHE',
function cache_sqlite ($cfg, $prefix = null)
$this->cfg = array_merge($this->cfg, $cfg);
$this->db = new sqlite_common($this->cfg);
$this->prefix = $prefix;
function get ($name, $get_miss_key_callback = '', $ttl = 604800)
if (empty($name))
return is_array($name) ? array() : false;
$cached_items = array();
$this->prefix_len = strlen($this->prefix);
$this->prefix_sql = sqlite_escape_string($this->prefix);
$name_ary = $name_sql = (array) $name;
array_deep($name_sql, 'sqlite_escape_string');
// get available items
$rowset = $this->db->fetch_rowset("
SELECT cache_name, cache_value
FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ."
WHERE cache_name IN('$this->prefix_sql". join("','$this->prefix_sql", $name_sql) ."') AND cache_expire_time > ". TIMENOW ."
LIMIT ". count($name) ."
$this->db->debug('start', 'unserialize()');
foreach ($rowset as $row)
$cached_items[substr($row['cache_name'], $this->prefix_len)] = unserialize($row['cache_value']);
// get miss items
if ($get_miss_key_callback AND $miss_key = array_diff($name_ary, array_keys($cached_items)))
foreach ($get_miss_key_callback($miss_key) as $k => $v)
$this->set($this->prefix . $k, $v, $ttl);
$cached_items[$k] = $v;
// return
if (is_array($this->prefix . $name))
return $cached_items;
return isset($cached_items[$name]) ? $cached_items[$name] : false;
function set ($name, $value, $ttl = 604800)
$this->db->shard($this->prefix . $name);
$name_sql = sqlite_escape_string($this->prefix . $name);
$expire = TIMENOW + $ttl;
$value_sql = sqlite_escape_string(serialize($value));
$result = $this->db->query("REPLACE INTO ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ." (cache_name, cache_expire_time, cache_value) VALUES ('$name_sql', $expire, '$value_sql')");
return (bool) $result;
function rm ($name = '')
if ($name)
$this->db->shard($this->prefix . $name);
$result = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ." WHERE cache_name = '". sqlite_escape_string($this->prefix . $name) ."'");
$result = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name']);
return (bool) $result;
function gc ($expire_time = TIMENOW)
$result = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ." WHERE cache_expire_time < $expire_time");
return ($result) ? $this->db->changes() : 0;
class sqlite_common extends cache_common
var $cfg = array(
'db_file_path' => 'sqlite.db',
'table_name' => 'table_name',
'table_schema' => 'CREATE TABLE table_name (...)',
'pconnect' => true,
'con_required' => true,
'log_name' => 'SQLite',
'shard_type' => 'none', # none, string, int (тип перевичного ключа для шардинга)
'shard_val' => 0, # для string - кол. начальных символов, для int - делитель (будет использован остаток от деления)
var $engine = 'SQLite';
var $dbh = null;
var $connected = false;
var $shard_val = false;
var $table_create_attempts = 0;
function sqlite_common ($cfg)
$this->cfg = array_merge($this->cfg, $cfg);
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
function connect ()
$this->cur_query = ($this->dbg_enabled) ? 'connect to: '. $this->cfg['db_file_path'] : 'connect';
if (@$this->dbh = new SQLite3($this->cfg['db_file_path']))
$this->connected = true;
if (DBG_LOG) dbg_log(' ', $this->cfg['log_name'] .'-connect'. ($this->connected ? '' : '-FAIL'));
if (!$this->connected && $this->cfg['con_required'])
trigger_error('SQLite not connected', E_USER_ERROR);
$this->cur_query = null;
function create_table ()
return $this->dbh->query($this->cfg['table_schema']);
function shard ($name)
$type = $this->cfg['shard_type'];
if ($type == 'none') return;
if (is_array($name)) trigger_error('cannot shard: $name is array', E_USER_ERROR);
// define shard_val
if ($type == 'string')
$shard_val = substr($name, 0, $this->cfg['shard_val']);
$shard_val = $name % $this->cfg['shard_val'];
// все запросы должны быть к одному и тому же шарду
if ($this->shard_val !== false)
if ($shard_val != $this->shard_val)
trigger_error("shard cannot be reassigned. [{$this->shard_val}, $shard_val, $name]", E_USER_ERROR);
$this->shard_val = $shard_val;
$this->cfg['db_file_path'] = str_replace('*', $shard_val, $this->cfg['db_file_path']);
function query ($query)
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
$this->cur_query = $query;
if (!$result = @$this->dbh->query($query))
$rowsresult = $this->dbh->query("PRAGMA table_info({$this->cfg['table_name']})");
$rowscount = 0;
while ($row = $rowsresult->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))
if (!$this->table_create_attempts && !$rowscount)
if ($this->create_table())
$result = $this->dbh->query($query);
if (!$result)
$this->cur_query = null;
return $result;
function fetch_row ($query)
$result = $this->query($query);
return is_resource($result) ? $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC) : false;
function fetch_rowset ($query)
$result = $this->query($query);
$rowset = array();
while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))
$rowset[] = $row;
return $rowset;
function changes ()
return is_resource($this->dbh) ? $this->dbh->changes() : 0;
function escape ($str)
return sqlite_escape_string($str);
function get_error_msg ()
return 'SQLite error #'. ($err_code = $this->dbh->lastErrorCode()) .': '. $this->dbh->lastErrorMsg();
function rm ($name = '')
if ($name)
$this->db->shard($this->prefix . $name);
$result = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ." WHERE cache_name = '". sqlite_escape_string($this->prefix . $name) ."'");
$result = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name']);
return (bool) $result;
function gc ($expire_time = TIMENOW)
$result = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ." WHERE cache_expire_time < $expire_time");
return ($result) ? sqlite_changes($this->db->dbh) : 0;
function trigger_error ($msg = 'DB Error')
if (error_reporting()) trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
class cache_redis extends cache_common
var $used = true;
var $engine = 'Redis';
var $cfg = null;
var $redis = null;
var $prefix = null;
var $connected = false;
function cache_redis ($cfg, $prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: Redis extension not installed');
$this->cfg = $cfg;
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->redis = new Redis();
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
function connect ()
$this->cur_query = 'connect '. $this->cfg['host'] .':'. $this->cfg['port'];
if (@$this->redis->connect($this->cfg['host'], $this->cfg['port']))
$this->connected = true;
if (!$this->connected && $this->cfg['con_required'])
die('Could not connect to redis server');
$this->cur_query = null;
function get ($name, $get_miss_key_callback = '', $ttl = 0)
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return ($this->connected) ? unserialize($this->redis->get($this->prefix . $name)) : false;
function set ($name, $value, $ttl = 0)
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$name')";
if ($this->redis->set($this->prefix . $name, serialize($value)))
if ($ttl > 0)
$this->redis->expire($this->prefix . $name, $ttl);
$this->cur_query = null;
return true;
return false;
function rm ($name = '')
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
if ($name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return ($this->connected) ? $this->redis->del($this->prefix . $name) : false;
return ($this->connected) ? $this->redis->flushdb() : false;
function is_installed ()
return class_exists('Redis');
class cache_apc extends cache_common
var $used = true;
var $engine = 'APC';
var $prefix = null;
function cache_apc ($prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: APC extension not installed');
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
$this->prefix = $prefix;
function get ($name, $get_miss_key_callback = '', $ttl = 0)
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return apc_fetch($this->prefix . $name);
function set ($name, $value, $ttl = 0)
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return apc_store($this->prefix . $name, $value, $ttl);
function rm ($name = '')
if ($name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return apc_delete($this->prefix . $name);
return apc_clear_cache();
function is_installed ()
return function_exists('apc_fetch');
class cache_xcache extends cache_common
var $used = true;
var $engine = 'XCache';
var $prefix = null;
function cache_xcache ($prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: XCache extension not installed');
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
$this->prefix = $prefix;
function get ($name, $get_miss_key_callback = '', $ttl = 0)
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return xcache_get($this->prefix . $name);
function set ($name, $value, $ttl = 0)
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return xcache_set($this->prefix . $name, $value, $ttl);
function rm ($name = '')
if ($name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$name')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return xcache_unset($this->prefix . $name);
xcache_clear_cache(XC_TYPE_PHP, 0);
xcache_clear_cache(XC_TYPE_VAR, 0);
function is_installed ()
return function_exists('xcache_get');
class cache_file extends cache_common
var $used = true;
var $engine = 'Filecache';
var $dir = null;
var $prefix = null;
function cache_file ($dir, $prefix = null)
$this->dir = $dir;
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
function get ($name, $get_miss_key_callback = '', $ttl = 0)
$filename = $this->dir . clean_filename($this->prefix . $name) . '.php';
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$name')";
if (file_exists($filename))
$this->cur_query = null;
return (!empty($filecache['value'])) ? $filecache['value'] : false;
function set ($name, $value, $ttl = 86400)
if (!function_exists('var_export'))
return false;
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$name')";
$filename = $this->dir . clean_filename($this->prefix . $name) . '.php';
$expire = TIMENOW + $ttl;
$cache_data = array(
'expire' => $expire,
'value' => $value,
$filecache = "<?php\n";
$filecache .= "if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) die(basename(__FILE__));\n";
$filecache .= '$filecache = ' . var_export($cache_data, true) . ";\n";
$filecache .= '?>';
$this->cur_query = null;
return (bool) file_write($filecache, $filename, false, true, true);
function rm ($name = '')
$clear = false;
if ($name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$name')";
$filename = $this->dir . clean_filename($this->prefix . $name) . '.php';
if (file_exists($filename))
$clear = (bool) unlink($filename);
$this->cur_query = null;
if (is_dir($this->dir))
if ($dh = opendir($this->dir))
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
$filename = $this->dir . $file;
$clear = true;
return $clear;
function gc ($expire_time = TIMENOW)
$clear = false;
if (is_dir($this->dir))
if ($dh = opendir($this->dir))
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
$filename = $this->dir . $file;
if(!empty($filecache['expire']) && ($filecache['expire'] < $expire_time))
$clear = true;
return $clear;
* Datastore
class datastore_common
* Директория с builder-скриптами (внутри INC_DIR)
var $ds_dir = 'datastore/';
* Готовая к употреблению data
* array('title' => data)
var $data = array();
* Список элементов, которые будут извлечены из хранилища при первом же запросе get()
* до этого момента они ставятся в очередь $queued_items для дальнейшего извлечения _fetch()'ем
* всех элементов одним запросом
* array('title1', 'title2'...)
var $queued_items = array();
* 'title' => 'builder script name' inside "includes/datastore" dir
var $known_items = array(
'cat_forums' => 'build_cat_forums.php',
'jumpbox' => 'build_cat_forums.php',
'viewtopic_forum_select' => 'build_cat_forums.php',
'latest_news' => 'build_cat_forums.php',
'network_news' => 'build_cat_forums.php',
'ads' => 'build_cat_forums.php',
'moderators' => 'build_moderators.php',
'stats' => 'build_stats.php',
'ranks' => 'build_ranks.php',
'attach_extensions' => 'build_attach_extensions.php',
'smile_replacements' => 'build_smilies.php',
* Constructor
function datastore_common () {}
* @param array(item1_title, item2_title...) or single item's title
function enqueue ($items)
foreach ((array) $items as $item)
// игнор уже поставленного в очередь либо уже извлеченного
if (!in_array($item, $this->queued_items) && !isset($this->data[$item]))
$this->queued_items[] = $item;
function &get ($title)
if (!isset($this->data[$title]))
return $this->data[$title];
function store ($item_name, $item_data) {}
function rm ($items)
foreach ((array) $items as $item)
function update ($items)
if ($items == 'all')
$items = array_keys(array_unique($this->known_items));
foreach ((array) $items as $item)
function _fetch ()
foreach ($this->queued_items as $title)
if (!isset($this->data[$title]) || $this->data[$title] === false)
$this->queued_items = array();
function _fetch_from_store () {}
function _build_item ($title)
if (!empty($this->known_items[$title]))
require(INC_DIR . $this->ds_dir . $this->known_items[$title]);
trigger_error("Unknown datastore item: $title", E_USER_ERROR);
var $num_queries = 0;
var $sql_starttime = 0;
var $sql_inittime = 0;
var $sql_timetotal = 0;
var $cur_query_time = 0;
var $dbg = array();
var $dbg_id = 0;
var $dbg_enabled = false;
var $cur_query = null;
function debug ($mode, $cur_query = null)
if (!$this->dbg_enabled) return;
$id =& $this->dbg_id;
$dbg =& $this->dbg[$id];
if ($mode == 'start')
$this->sql_starttime = utime();
$dbg['sql'] = isset($cur_query) ? short_query($cur_query) : short_query($this->cur_query);
$dbg['src'] = $this->debug_find_source();
$dbg['file'] = $this->debug_find_source('file');
$dbg['line'] = $this->debug_find_source('line');
$dbg['time'] = '';
else if ($mode == 'stop')
$this->cur_query_time = utime() - $this->sql_starttime;
$this->sql_timetotal += $this->cur_query_time;
$dbg['time'] = $this->cur_query_time;
function debug_find_source ($mode = '')
foreach (debug_backtrace() as $trace)
if ($trace['file'] !== __FILE__)
switch ($mode)
case 'file': return $trace['file'];
case 'line': return $trace['line'];
default: return hide_bb_path($trace['file']) .'('. $trace['line'] .')';
return 'src not found';
class datastore_memcache extends datastore_common
var $cfg = null;
var $memcache = null;
var $connected = false;
var $engine = 'Memcache';
var $prefix = null;
function datastore_memcache ($cfg, $prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: Memcached extension not installed');
$this->cfg = $cfg;
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->memcache = new Memcache;
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
function connect ()
$connect_type = ($this->cfg['pconnect']) ? 'pconnect' : 'connect';
$this->cur_query = $connect_type .' '. $this->cfg['host'] .':'. $this->cfg['port'];
if (@$this->memcache->$connect_type($this->cfg['host'], $this->cfg['port']))
$this->connected = true;
if (DBG_LOG) dbg_log(' ', 'CACHE-connect'. ($this->connected ? '' : '-FAIL'));
if (!$this->connected && $this->cfg['con_required'])
die('Could not connect to memcached server');
$this->cur_query = null;
function store ($title, $var)
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
$this->data[$title] = $var;
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return (bool) $this->memcache->set($this->prefix . $title, $var);
function clean ()
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
foreach ($this->known_items as $title => $script_name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
$this->memcache->delete($this->prefix . $title, 0);
function _fetch_from_store ()
if (!$items = $this->queued_items)
$src = $this->_debug_find_caller('enqueue');
trigger_error("Datastore: item '$item' already enqueued [$src]", E_USER_ERROR);
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
foreach ($items as $item)
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$item')";
$this->cur_query = null;
$this->data[$item] = $this->memcache->get($this->prefix . $item);
function is_installed ()
return class_exists('Memcache');
class datastore_sqlite extends datastore_common
var $engine = 'SQLite';
var $db = null;
var $prefix = null;
var $cfg = array(
'db_file_path' => '/path/to/datastore.db.sqlite',
'table_name' => 'datastore',
'table_schema' => 'CREATE TABLE datastore (
ds_title VARCHAR(255),
ds_data TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (ds_title)
'pconnect' => true,
'con_required' => true,
'log_name' => 'DATASTORE',
function datastore_sqlite ($cfg, $prefix = null)
$this->cfg = array_merge($this->cfg, $cfg);
$this->db = new sqlite_common($this->cfg);
$this->prefix = $prefix;
function store ($item_name, $item_data)
$this->data[$item_name] = $item_data;
$ds_title = sqlite_escape_string($this->prefix . $item_name);
$ds_data = sqlite_escape_string(serialize($item_data));
$result = $this->db->query("REPLACE INTO ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ." (ds_title, ds_data) VALUES ('$ds_title', '$ds_data')");
return (bool) $result;
function clean ()
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name']);
function _fetch_from_store ()
if (!$items = $this->queued_items) return;
$prefix_len = strlen($this->prefix);
$prefix_sql = sqlite_escape_string($this->prefix);
array_deep($items, 'sqlite_escape_string');
$items_list = $prefix_sql . join("','$prefix_sql", $items);
$rowset = $this->db->fetch_rowset("SELECT ds_title, ds_data FROM ". $this->cfg['table_name'] ." WHERE ds_title IN ('$items_list')");
$this->db->debug('start', "unserialize()");
foreach ($rowset as $row)
$this->data[substr($row['ds_title'], $prefix_len)] = unserialize($row['ds_data']);
class datastore_redis extends datastore_common
var $cfg = null;
var $redis = null;
var $prefix = null;
var $connected = false;
var $engine = 'Redis';
function datastore_redis ($cfg, $prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: Redis extension not installed');
$this->cfg = $cfg;
$this->redis = new Redis();
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
$this->prefix = $prefix;
function connect ()
$this->cur_query = 'connect '. $this->cfg['host'] .':'. $this->cfg['port'];
if (@$this->redis->connect($this->cfg['host'],$this->cfg['port']))
$this->connected = true;
if (!$this->connected && $this->cfg['con_required'])
die('Could not connect to redis server');
$this->cur_query = null;
function store ($title, $var)
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
$this->data[$title] = $var;
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return (bool) $this->redis->set($this->prefix . $title, serialize($var));
function clean ()
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
foreach ($this->known_items as $title => $script_name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
$this->redis->del($this->prefix . $title);
function _fetch_from_store ()
if (!$items = $this->queued_items)
$src = $this->_debug_find_caller('enqueue');
trigger_error("Datastore: item '$item' already enqueued [$src]", E_USER_ERROR);
if (!$this->connected) $this->connect();
foreach ($items as $item)
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$item')";
$this->cur_query = null;
$this->data[$item] = unserialize($this->redis->get($this->prefix . $item));
function is_installed ()
return class_exists('Redis');
class datastore_xcache extends datastore_common
var $prefix = null;
var $engine = 'XCache';
function datastore_xcache ($prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: XCache extension not installed');
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
$this->prefix = $prefix;
function store ($title, $var)
$this->data[$title] = $var;
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return (bool) xcache_set($this->prefix . $title, $var);
function clean ()
foreach ($this->known_items as $title => $script_name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
xcache_unset($this->prefix . $title);
function _fetch_from_store ()
if (!$items = $this->queued_items)
$src = $this->_debug_find_caller('enqueue');
trigger_error("Datastore: item '$item' already enqueued [$src]", E_USER_ERROR);
foreach ($items as $item)
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$item')";
$this->cur_query = null;
$this->data[$item] = xcache_get($this->prefix . $item);
function is_installed ()
return function_exists('xcache_get');
class datastore_apc extends datastore_common
var $engine = 'APC';
var $prefix = null;
function datastore_apc ($prefix = null)
if (!$this->is_installed())
die('Error: APC extension not installed');
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
$this->prefix = $prefix;
function store ($title, $var)
$this->data[$title] = $var;
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
return (bool) apc_store($this->prefix . $title, $var);
function clean ()
foreach ($this->known_items as $title => $script_name)
$this->cur_query = "cache->rm('$title')";
$this->cur_query = null;
apc_delete($this->prefix . $title);
function _fetch_from_store ()
if (!$items = $this->queued_items)
$src = $this->_debug_find_caller('enqueue');
trigger_error("Datastore: item '$item' already enqueued [$src]", E_USER_ERROR);
foreach ($items as $item)
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$item')";
$this->cur_query = null;
$this->data[$item] = apc_fetch($this->prefix . $item);
function is_installed ()
return function_exists('apc_fetch');
class datastore_file extends datastore_common
var $dir = null;
var $prefix = null;
var $engine = 'Filecache';
function datastore_file ($dir, $prefix = null)
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->dir = $dir;
$this->dbg_enabled = sql_dbg_enabled();
function store ($title, $var)
$this->cur_query = "cache->set('$title')";
$this->data[$title] = $var;
$filename = $this->dir . clean_filename($this->prefix . $title) . '.php';
$filecache = "<?php\n";
$filecache .= "if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) die(basename(__FILE__));\n";
$filecache .= '$filecache = ' . var_export($var, true) . ";\n";
$filecache .= '?>';
$this->cur_query = null;
return (bool) file_write($filecache, $filename, false, true, true);
function clean ()
$dir = $this->dir;
if (is_dir($dir))
if ($dh = opendir($dir))
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
$filename = $dir . $file;
function _fetch_from_store ()
if (!$items = $this->queued_items)
$src = $this->_debug_find_caller('enqueue');
trigger_error("Datastore: item '$item' already enqueued [$src]", E_USER_ERROR);
foreach($items as $item)
$filename = $this->dir . $this->prefix . $item . '.php';
$this->cur_query = "cache->get('$item')";
$this->cur_query = null;
$this->data[$item] = $filecache;
// Initialize Datastore
switch ($bb_cfg['datastore_type'])
case 'memcache':
$datastore = new datastore_memcache($bb_cfg['cache']['memcache'], $bb_cfg['cache']['prefix']);
case 'sqlite':
$default_cfg = array(
'db_file_path' => $bb_cfg['cache']['db_dir'] .'datastore.sqlite.db',
'pconnect' => true,
'con_required' => true,
$datastore = new datastore_sqlite($default_cfg, $bb_cfg['cache']['prefix']);
case 'redis':
$datastore = new datastore_redis($bb_cfg['cache']['redis'], $bb_cfg['cache']['prefix']);
case 'xcache':
$datastore = new datastore_xcache($bb_cfg['cache']['prefix']);
case 'apc':
$datastore = new datastore_apc($bb_cfg['cache']['prefix']);
case 'filecache':
default: $datastore = new datastore_file($bb_cfg['cache']['db_dir'] . 'datastore/', $bb_cfg['cache']['prefix']);
function sql_dbg_enabled ()
return (SQL_DEBUG && DBG_USER && !empty($_COOKIE['sql_log']));
function short_query ($sql, $esc_html = false)
$max_len = 100;
$sql = str_compact($sql);
if (!empty($_COOKIE['sql_log_full']))
if (mb_strlen($sql, 'UTF-8') > $max_len)
$sql = mb_substr($sql, 0, 50) .' [...cut...] '. mb_substr($sql, -50);
return ($esc_html) ? htmlCHR($sql, true) : $sql;
// Functions
function utime ()
return array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()));
function bb_log ($msg, $file_name)
if (is_array($msg))
$msg = join(LOG_LF, $msg);
$file_name .= (LOG_EXT) ? '.'. LOG_EXT : '';
return file_write($msg, LOG_DIR . $file_name);
function file_write ($str, $file, $max_size = LOG_MAX_SIZE, $lock = true, $replace_content = false)
$bytes_written = false;
if ($max_size && @filesize($file) >= $max_size)
$old_name = $file; $ext = '';
if (preg_match('#^(.+)(\.[^\\/]+)$#', $file, $matches))
$old_name = $matches[1]; $ext = $matches[2];
$new_name = $old_name .'_[old]_'. date('Y-m-d_H-i-s_') . getmypid() . $ext;
if (@file_exists($file) && @filesize($file) >= $max_size && !@file_exists($new_name))
@rename($file, $new_name);
if (!$fp = @fopen($file, 'ab'))
if ($dir_created = bb_mkdir(dirname($file)))
$fp = @fopen($file, 'ab');
if ($fp)
if ($lock)
@flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
if ($replace_content)
@ftruncate($fp, 0);
@fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
$bytes_written = @fwrite($fp, $str);
return $bytes_written;
function bb_mkdir ($path, $mode = 0777)
$old_um = umask(0);
$dir = mkdir_rec($path, $mode);
return $dir;
function mkdir_rec ($path, $mode)
if (is_dir($path))
return ($path !== '.' && $path !== '..') ? is_writable($path) : false;
return (mkdir_rec(dirname($path), $mode)) ? @mkdir($path, $mode) : false;
function verify_id ($id, $length)
return (is_string($id) && preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9]{'. $length .'}$#', $id));
function clean_filename ($fname)
static $s = array('\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|', ' ');
return str_replace($s, '_', str_compact($fname));
function encode_ip ($ip)
$d = explode('.', $ip);
return sprintf('%02x%02x%02x%02x', $d[0], $d[1], $d[2], $d[3]);
function decode_ip ($ip)
return long2ip("0x{$ip}");
function ip2int ($ip)
return (float) sprintf('%u', ip2long($ip)); // для совместимости с 32 битными системами
// long2ip( mask_ip_int(ip2int(''), 24) ) = ''
function mask_ip_int ($ip, $mask)
$ip_int = is_numeric($ip) ? $ip : ip2int($ip);
$ip_masked = $ip_int | ((1 << (32 - $mask)) - 1);
return (float) sprintf('%u', $ip_masked);
function bb_crc32 ($str)
return (float) sprintf('%u', crc32($str));
function hexhex ($value)
return dechex(hexdec($value));
function verify_ip ($ip)
return preg_match('#^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$#', $ip);
function str_compact ($str)
return preg_replace('#\s+#u', ' ', trim($str));
function make_rand_str ($len = 10)
$str = '';
while (strlen($str) < $len)
$str .= str_shuffle(preg_replace('#[^0-9a-zA-Z]#', '', crypt(uniqid(mt_rand(), true))));
return substr($str, 0, $len);
// bencode: based on OpenTracker
function bencode ($var)
if (is_string($var))
return strlen($var) .':'. $var;
else if (is_int($var))
return 'i'. $var .'e';
else if (is_float($var))
return 'i'. sprintf('%.0f', $var) .'e';
else if (is_array($var))
if (count($var) == 0)
return 'de';
$assoc = false;
foreach ($var as $key => $val)
if (!is_int($key))
$assoc = true;
if ($assoc)
ksort($var, SORT_REGULAR);
$ret = 'd';
foreach ($var as $key => $val)
$ret .= bencode($key) . bencode($val);
return $ret .'e';
$ret = 'l';
foreach ($var as $val)
$ret .= bencode($val);
return $ret .'e';
trigger_error('bencode error: wrong data type', E_USER_ERROR);
function array_deep (&$var, $fn, $one_dimensional = false, $array_only = false)
if (is_array($var))
foreach ($var as $k => $v)
if (is_array($v))
if ($one_dimensional)
else if ($array_only)
$var[$k] = $fn($v);
array_deep($var[$k], $fn);
else if (!$array_only)
$var[$k] = $fn($v);
else if (!$array_only)
$var = $fn($var);
function hide_bb_path ($path)
return ltrim(str_replace(BB_PATH, '', $path), '/\\');
function tr_drop_request ($drop_type)
if (DBG_LOG) dbg_log(' ', "request-dropped-$drop_type");
dummy_exit(mt_rand(60, 600));
function sys ($param)
switch ($param)
case 'la':
return function_exists('sys_getloadavg') ? join(' ', sys_getloadavg()) : 0;
case 'mem':
return function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? memory_get_usage() : 0;
case 'mem_peak':
return function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage') ? memory_get_peak_usage() : 0;
trigger_error("invalid param: $param", E_USER_ERROR);
function ver_compare ($version1, $operator, $version2)
return version_compare($version1, $version2, $operator);
function dbg_log ($str, $file)
$dir = LOG_DIR . (defined('IN_TRACKER') ? 'dbg_tr/' : 'dbg_bb/') . date('m-d_H') .'/';
return file_write($str, $dir . $file, false, false);
function log_get ($file = '', $prepend_str = false)
log_request($file, $prepend_str, false);
function log_post ($file = '', $prepend_str = false)
log_request($file, $prepend_str, true);
function log_request ($file = '', $prepend_str = false, $add_post = true)
global $user;
$file = ($file) ? $file : 'req/'. date('m-d');
$str = array();
$str[] = date('m-d H:i:s');
if ($prepend_str !== false) $str[] = $prepend_str;
if (!empty($user->data)) $str[] = $user->id ."\t". html_entity_decode($user->name);
$str[] = sprintf('%-15s', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$str[] = @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$str[] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$str[] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
if (!empty($_POST) && $add_post) $str[] = "post: ". str_compact(urldecode(http_build_query($_POST)));
$str = join("\t", $str) . "\n";
bb_log($str, $file);
// Board init
if (defined('IN_FORUM'))
require(INC_DIR .'init_bb.php');
// Tracker init
else if (defined('IN_TRACKER'))
define('DUMMY_PEER', pack('Nn', ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), !empty($_GET['port']) ? intval($_GET['port']) : mt_rand(1000, 65000)));
function dummy_exit ($interval = 1800)
$output = bencode(array(
'interval' => (int) $interval,
'min interval' => (int) $interval,
'peers' => (string) DUMMY_PEER,
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
if (!defined('IN_ADMIN'))
// Exit if tracker is disabled via ON/OFF trigger
if (file_exists(BB_DISABLED))
dummy_exit(mt_rand(60, 2400)); # die('d14:failure reason20:temporarily disablede');
} |