mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 10:39:55 -08:00
Закончили править поиск по постам git-svn-id: https://torrentpier2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@477 a8ac35ab-4ca4-ca47-4c2d-a49a94f06293
532 lines
19 KiB
532 lines
19 KiB
* Database
* Cache
- Tracker Cache
- Forum Cache
- Session Cache
- Datastore
* Tracker
* Torrents
- Ratio limits
- Seeding torrents limit
- DL-Status (days to keep)
- Tor-Stats (days to keep)
- Tor-Help
* Path
* Language
* Templates
* Cookie
* Server
- Server load
- Backup
- GZip
* Sessions
* Registration
* Email
* Debug
* Special users (dbg_users, unlimited_users, super_admins)
* Error reporting
* Subforums
* Forums
* Topics
* Posts
* Search
* Actions log
* Users
* GroupCP
* Ads
* Misc
* Captcha
if (!defined('BB_ROOT')) die(basename(__FILE__));
$bb_cfg = $tr_cfg = $page_cfg = array();
// Primary domain name
$domain_name = 'torrentpier.me'; // Enter here your primary domain name of your site
$domain_name = (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $domain_name;
// Increase number of revision after update
$bb_cfg['tp_version'] = '2.5 Beta';
$bb_cfg['tp_release_date'] = '14-11-2012';
$bb_cfg['tp_release_state'] = 'R477';
// Database
$charset = 'utf8';
$pconnect = false;
// Настройка баз данных ['db']['srv_name'] => (array) srv_cfg;
// порядок параметров srv_cfg (хост, название базы, пользователь, пароль, charset, pconnect);
$bb_cfg['db']['db1'] = array('localhost', 'dbase', 'user', 'pass', $charset, $pconnect);
//$bb_cfg['db']['db2'] = array('localhost2', 'dbase2', 'user2', 'pass2', $charset, $pconnect);
//$bb_cfg['db']['db3'] = array('localhost3', 'dbase3', 'user2', 'pass3', $charset, $pconnect);
$bb_cfg['db_alias'] = array(
// 'alias' => 'srv_name'
'cap' => 'db1', // BB_CAPTCHA
// Cache
$bb_cfg['cache']['pconnect'] = true;
$bb_cfg['cache']['db_dir'] = realpath(BB_ROOT) .'/cache/filecache/';
$bb_cfg['cache']['memcache'] = array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 11211,
'pconnect' => true,
'con_required' => true,
$bb_cfg['cache']['redis'] = array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
'con_required' => true,
// Available cache types: memcache, sqlite, redis, eaccelerator, apc, xcache (default of filecache)
# name => array( (string) type, (array) cfg )
$bb_cfg['cache']['engines'] = array(
'bb_cache' => array('filecache', array()),
'tr_cache' => array('filecache', array()),
'session_cache' => array('filecache', array()),
'bb_cap_sid' => array('filecache', array()),
'bb_login_err' => array('filecache', array()),
// Datastore
// Available datastore types: memcache, sqlite, redis, eaccelerator, apc, xcache (default filecache)
$bb_cfg['datastore_type'] = 'filecache';
// Server
$bb_cfg['server_name'] = $domain_name; // The domain name from which this board runs
$bb_cfg['server_port'] = (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : 80; // The port your server is running on
$bb_cfg['script_path'] = '/'; // The path where FORUM is located relative to the domain name
// Server load
$bb_cfg['max_srv_load'] = 0; // 0 - disable
$bb_cfg['tr_working_second'] = 0; // 0 - disable
// Increase number after changing js or css
$bb_cfg['js_ver'] = 1;
$bb_cfg['css_ver'] = 1;
// Information messages
$bb_cfg['board_disabled_msg'] = 'форум временно отключен'; // 'forums temporarily disabled'; // show this msg if board has been disabled via ON/OFF trigger
$bb_cfg['srv_overloaded_msg'] = "Извините, в данный момент сервер перегружен\nПопробуйте повторить запрос через несколько минут";
// Backup
$bb_cfg['db_backup_shell_cmd'] = ''; // '/path/to/db_backup.sh 2>&1'
$bb_cfg['site_backup_shell_cmd'] = '';
// GZip
$bb_cfg['gzip_compress'] = true; // compress output
// Tracker
$bb_cfg['announce_type'] = 'php'; // Тип анонсера, xbt или php
$bb_cfg['announce_xbt'] = "http://{$domain_name}:2710";
$bb_cfg['announce_interval'] = 2400; // Announce interval (default: 1800)
$bb_cfg['passkey_key'] = 'uk'; // Passkey key name in GET request
$bb_cfg['ignore_reported_ip'] = false; // Ignore IP reported by client
$bb_cfg['verify_reported_ip'] = true; // Verify IP reported by client against $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
$bb_cfg['allow_internal_ip'] = false; // Allow internal IP (10.xx.. etc.)
// FAQ URL help link
$bb_cfg['how_to_download_url_help'] = 'viewtopic.php?t=1'; // Как скачивать?
$bb_cfg['what_is_torrent_url_help'] = 'viewtopic.php?t=2'; // Что такое торрент?
$bb_cfg['ratio_url_help'] = 'viewtopic.php?t=3'; // Рейтинг и ограничения
$bb_cfg['search_help_url'] = 'viewtopic.php?t=4'; // Помощь по поиску
$bb_cfg['bt_min_ratio_allow_dl_tor'] = 0; // 0 - disable
$bb_cfg['bt_min_ratio_warning'] = 0; // 0 - disable
$bb_cfg['bt_min_ratio_dl_button'] = 0; // 0 - disable
$tr_cfg = array(
'autoclean' => true,
'off' => false,
'off_reason' => 'temporarily disabled',
'numwant' => 50,
'update_dlstat' => true,
'expire_factor' => 2.5,
'compact_mode' => true,
'upd_user_up_down_stat' => true,
'browser_redirect_url' => '',
'scrape' => true,
'limit_active_tor' => true,
'limit_seed_count' => 0,
'limit_leech_count' => 8,
'leech_expire_factor' => 60,
'limit_concurrent_ips' => false,
'limit_seed_ips' => 0,
'limit_leech_ips' => 0,
'tor_topic_up' => true,
'gold_silver_enabled' => true,
$bb_cfg['show_dl_status_in_search'] = true;
$bb_cfg['show_dl_status_in_forum'] = true;
$bb_cfg['show_tor_info_in_dl_list'] = true;
$bb_cfg['allow_dl_list_names_mode'] = true;
// Torrents
$bb_cfg['torrent_sign'] = ''; // e.g. "[yoursite.com]"
$bb_cfg['tor_help_links'] = '';
// Сколько дней сохранять торрент зарегистрированным / Days to keep torrent registered, if:
$bb_cfg['seeder_last_seen_days_keep'] = 0; // сколько дней назад был сид последний раз
$bb_cfg['seeder_never_seen_days_keep'] = 0; // сколько дней имеется статус "Сида не было никогда"
// Ratio limits
define('TR_RATING_LIMITS', true); // ON/OFF
define('MIN_DL_FOR_RATIO', 10737418240); // 10 GB in bytes, 0 - disable
// Don't change the order of ratios (from 0 to 1)
// rating < 0.4 -- allow only 1 torrent for leeching
// rating < 0.5 -- only 2
// rating < 0.6 -- only 3
// rating > 0.6 -- depend on your tracker config limits (in "ACP - Tracker Config - Limits")
$rating_limits = array(
'0.4' => 1,
'0.5' => 2,
'0.6' => 3,
// Seeding torrents limit
$bb_cfg['max_seeding_torrents'] = 0; // 0 - unlimited
$bb_cfg['min_up_speed_per_torrent'] = 500; // bytes
$bb_cfg['too_many_seeding_redirect_url'] = 'viewtopic.php?t=TOPIC_ID';
// DL-Status
$bb_cfg['dl_will_days_keep'] = 60; // days to keep user's dlstatus records
$bb_cfg['dl_down_days_keep'] = 30;
$bb_cfg['dl_complete_days_keep'] = 180;
$bb_cfg['dl_cancel_days_keep'] = 30;
// Tor-Stats
$bb_cfg['torstat_days_keep'] = 60; // days to keep user's per-torrent stats
// Tor-Help
$bb_cfg['torhelp_enabled'] = true; // find dead torrents (without seeder) that user might help seeding
$page_cfg['show_torhelp'] = array(
# BB_SCRIPT => true
'index' => true,
'tracker' => true,
// Path (trailing slash '/' at the end: XX_PATH - without, XX_DIR - with)
define('BB_PATH', realpath(BB_ROOT) ); // absolute pathname to the forum root
define('ADMIN_DIR', BB_PATH .'/admin/' );
define('CACHE_DIR', BB_PATH .'/cache/' );
define('DEV_DIR', BB_PATH .'/develop/' );
define('INC_DIR', BB_PATH .'/includes/' );
define('LANG_ROOT_DIR', BB_PATH .'/language/' );
define('LOG_DIR', BB_PATH .'/log/' );
define('TEMPLATES_DIR', BB_PATH .'/templates/');
define('TRIGGERS_DIR', BB_PATH .'/triggers/' );
// Language
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ru_RU.UTF-8');
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
$bb_cfg['auto_language'] = true;
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) && $bb_cfg['auto_language'])
if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2) == 'ru')
$bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_russian/';
$bb_cfg['default_lang'] = 'russian';
$bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_english/';
$bb_cfg['default_lang'] = 'english';
if (isset($bb_cfg['default_lang']) && $bb_cfg['default_lang'] == 'russian') $bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_russian/';
else $bb_cfg['default_lang_dir'] = LANG_ROOT_DIR .'lang_english/';
// Templates
define('ADMIN_TPL_DIR', TEMPLATES_DIR .'/admin/');
$bb_cfg['tpl_name'] = 'default';
$bb_cfg['stylesheet'] = 'main.css';
$bb_cfg['show_sidebar1_on_every_page'] = false;
$bb_cfg['show_sidebar2_on_every_page'] = false;
$bb_cfg['sidebar1_static_content_path'] = BB_PATH .'/misc/html/sidebar1.html';
$bb_cfg['sidebar2_static_content_path'] = BB_PATH .'/misc/html/sidebar2.html';
$page_cfg['show_sidebar1'] = array(
# BB_SCRIPT => true
'index' => true,
$page_cfg['show_sidebar2'] = array(
# BB_SCRIPT => true
'index' => false,
$bb_cfg['topic_tpl']['overall_header'] = TEMPLATES_DIR .'topic_tpl_overall_header.html';
$bb_cfg['topic_tpl']['rules_video'] = TEMPLATES_DIR .'topic_tpl_rules_video.html';
// Cookie
$bb_cfg['cookie_domain'] = '.'. $domain_name; # '.yourdomain.com'
$bb_cfg['cookie_path'] = '/'; # '/forum/'
$bb_cfg['cookie_secure'] = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 1 : 0); # 0
$bb_cfg['cookie_prefix'] = 'bb_'; # 'bb_'
define('COOKIE_DBG', 'bb_dbg'); // debug cookie name
// Sessions
$bb_cfg['session_update_intrv'] = 180; // sec
$bb_cfg['user_session_duration'] = 1800; // sec
$bb_cfg['admin_session_duration'] = 6*3600; // sec
$bb_cfg['user_session_gc_ttl'] = 1800; // number of seconds that a staled session entry may remain in sessions table
$bb_cfg['session_cache_gc_ttl'] = 1200; // sec
$bb_cfg['max_reg_users_online'] = 0; // 0 - unlimited
$bb_cfg['max_last_visit_days'] = 14; // days
$bb_cfg['last_visit_update_intrv'] = 3600; // sec
// Registration
$bb_cfg['invalid_logins'] = 5; // Кол-во неверных попыток ввода пароля, перед выводом проверки капчи
$bb_cfg['new_user_reg_disabled'] = false; // Disable new user registrations
$bb_cfg['unique_ip'] = false; // Deny registration of several accounts by one ip
$bb_cfg['new_user_reg_restricted'] = false;
// Email
$bb_cfg['emailer_disabled'] = false;
$bb_cfg['topic_notify_enabled'] = true;
$bb_cfg['pm_notify_enabled'] = true;
$bb_cfg['groupcp_send_email'] = true;
$bb_cfg['tech_admin_email'] = 'admin@' . $domain_name; // email for sending error reports
$bb_cfg['abuse_email'] = 'abuse@' . $domain_name;
$bb_cfg['adv_email'] = 'adv@' . $domain_name;
define('AJAX_HTML_DIR', BB_ROOT .'ajax/html/');
define('AJAX_DIR', BB_ROOT .'ajax/');
// Debug
define('DEBUG', false); // !!! "DEBUG" should be ALWAYS DISABLED on production environment !!!
define('DBG_LOG', false);
define('DBG_TIME', true); // false, true или рабочая секудна (при 3 - запись в лог будет только если текущее время кратно 3)
define('DBG_LOG_GENTIME', true);
define('DBG_LOG_ERRORS', true);
define('PROFILER', false); // Profiler extension name, or FALSE to disable (supported: 'dbg')
define('SQL_DEBUG', true);
define('SQL_LOG_ERRORS', true); // all SQL_xxx options enabled only if SQL_DEBUG == TRUE
define('SQL_CALC_QUERY_TIME', true); // for stats
define('SQL_LOG_SLOW_QUERIES', true);
define('SQL_SLOW_QUERY_TIME', 10); // sec
define('SQL_PREPEND_SRC_COMM', false); // prepend source file(line) comment to sql query
// Special users
$bb_cfg['dbg_users'] = array(
# user_id => 'name',
2 => 'admin',
$bb_cfg['unlimited_users'] = array(
# user_id => 'name',
2 => 'admin',
$bb_cfg['super_admins'] = array(
# user_id => 'name',
2 => 'admin',
// Log options
define('LOG_EXT', 'log');
define('LOG_SEPR', ' | ');
define('LOG_LF', "\n");
define('LOG_MAX_SIZE', 1048576); // bytes
// Log request
$log_ip_req = array(
# '' => 'user1', // CLIENT_IP => 'name'
# '7f000001' => 'user2', // USER_IP => 'name'
$log_passkey = array(
# 'passkey' => 'log_filename',
// Log response
$log_ip_resp = array(
# '' => 'user1', // CLIENT_IP => 'name'
# '7f000001' => 'user2', // USER_IP => 'name'
// Error reporting
if (DEBUG)
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('log_errors', 0);
error_reporting(E_ALL); # E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', LOG_DIR .'php_err.log');
// magic quotes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) die('set magic_quotes off');
// json
if (!function_exists('json_encode')) die('not json_encode');
// Triggers
define('BB_ENABLED', TRIGGERS_DIR .'$on');
define('BB_DISABLED', TRIGGERS_DIR .'$off');
define('CRON_ALLOWED', TRIGGERS_DIR .'cron_allowed');
define('CRON_RUNNING', TRIGGERS_DIR .'cron_running');
// Subforums
$bb_cfg['sf_on_first_page_only'] = true;
// Forums
$bb_cfg['allowed_topics_per_page'] = array(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300);
// Topics
$bb_cfg['show_quick_reply'] = true;
$bb_cfg['show_rank_text'] = false;
$bb_cfg['show_rank_image'] = true;
$bb_cfg['show_poster_joined'] = true;
$bb_cfg['show_poster_posts'] = true;
$bb_cfg['show_poster_from'] = true;
$bb_cfg['show_bot_nick'] = false;
$bb_cfg['text_buttons'] = false; // replace EDIT, QUOTE... images with text links
$bb_cfg['parse_ed2k_links'] = true; // make ed2k links clickable
$bb_cfg['post_date_format'] = 'd-M-Y H:i';
$bb_cfg['ext_link_new_win'] = true; // open external links in new window
$bb_cfg['topic_moved_days_keep'] = 7; // remove topic moved links after xx days (or FALSE to disable)
$bb_cfg['allowed_posts_per_page'] = array(15, 30, 50, 100);
$bb_cfg['user_signature_start'] = '<div class="signature"><br />_________________<br />';
$bb_cfg['user_signature_end'] = '</div>'; //Это позволит использовать html теги, которые требуют закрытия. Например <table> или <font color>
// Posts
$bb_cfg['use_posts_cache'] = true; // if you switch from ON to OFF, you need to TRUNCATE `bb_posts_html` table
$bb_cfg['posts_cache_days_keep'] = 14;
$bb_cfg['max_post_length'] = 120000; // bytes
$bb_cfg['use_ajax_posts'] = true;
// Search
$bb_cfg['search_engine_type'] = 'mysql'; // none, mysql, sphinx
$bb_cfg['sphinx_topic_titles_host'] = '';
$bb_cfg['sphinx_topic_titles_port'] = 3312;
$bb_cfg['sphinx_config_path'] = realpath("../install/sphinx/sphinx.conf");
$bb_cfg['disable_ft_search_in_posts'] = false; // disable searching in post bodies
$bb_cfg['disable_search_for_guest'] = true;
$bb_cfg['allow_search_in_bool_mode'] = true;
$bb_cfg['max_search_words_per_post'] = 200;
$bb_cfg['search_min_word_len'] = 3;
$bb_cfg['search_max_word_len'] = 35;
$bb_cfg['limit_max_search_results'] = false;
$bb_cfg['tidy_post'] = true;
$bb_cfg['spam_filter_file_path'] = ''; //BB_PATH .'/misc/spam_filter_words.txt';
// Posting
$bb_cfg['prevent_multiposting'] = true; // replace "reply" with "edit last msg" if user (not admin or mod) is last topic poster
$bb_cfg['max_smilies'] = 10; // Максимальное число смайлов в посте (0 - без ограничения)
// Actions log
$bb_cfg['log_days_keep'] = 90;
// Users
$bb_cfg['color_nick'] = true; // Окраска ников пользователей по user_rank
$bb_cfg['user_not_activated_days_keep'] = 7; // "not activated" == "not finished registration"
$bb_cfg['user_not_active_days_keep'] = 180; // inactive users but only with no posts
// GroupCP
$bb_cfg['groupcp_members_per_page'] = 300;
// Ads
$bb_cfg['show_ads'] = false;
$bb_cfg['show_ads_users'] = array(
# user_id => 'name',
2 => 'admin',
// block_type => [block_id => block_desc]
$bb_cfg['ad_blocks'] = array(
'trans' => array(
100 => 'сквозная сверху',
'index' => array(
200 => 'главная, под новостями',
// Misc
define('LOADAVG', function_exists('get_loadavg') ? get_loadavg() : 0);
define('MEM_USAGE', function_exists('memory_get_usage'));
$bb_cfg['mem_on_start'] = (MEM_USAGE) ? memory_get_usage() : 0;
$bb_cfg['translate_dates'] = true; // in displaying time
$bb_cfg['use_word_censor'] = true;
$bb_cfg['last_visit_date_format'] = 'd-M H:i';
$bb_cfg['last_post_date_format'] = 'd-M-y H:i';
$bb_cfg['allow_change'] = array(
'language' => true,
'dateformat' => true,
define('GZIP_OUTPUT_ALLOWED', (extension_loaded('zlib') && !ini_get('zlib.output_compression')));
$banned_user_agents = array(
// Download Master
# 'download',
# 'master',
// Others
# 'wget',
$bb_cfg['porno_forums_screenshots_topic_id'] = 52267;
$bb_cfg['trash_forum_id'] = 0; // (int) 27
$bb_cfg['first_logon_redirect_url'] = 'index.php';
$bb_cfg['faq_url'] = 'faq.php';
$bb_cfg['terms_and_conditions_url'] = 'index.php';
$bb_cfg['user_agreement_url'] = 'misc.php?do=info&show=user_agreement';
$bb_cfg['copyright_holders_url'] = 'misc.php?do=info&show=copyright_holders';
$bb_cfg['advert_url'] = 'misc.php?do=info&show=advert';
$bb_cfg['html_path'] = BB_PATH .'/misc/html/'; #
$bb_cfg['user_agreement_html_path'] = $bb_cfg['html_path'] .'user_agreement.html'; #
$bb_cfg['copyright_holders_html_path'] = $bb_cfg['html_path'] .'copyright_holders.html'; #
$bb_cfg['advert_html_path'] = $bb_cfg['html_path'] .'advert.html'; #
// Captcha
$bb_cfg['captcha'] = array(
'disabled' => false,
'secret_key' => 'secret_key',
'img_url' => './images/captcha/', # without '/'
'img_path' => BB_PATH .'/images/captcha/', # without '/'
// SEO
$bb_cfg['seo_link_home_page'] = false; |