2025-01-15 15:25:04 +03:00

290 lines
13 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

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* TorrentPier Bull-powered BitTorrent tracker engine
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2025 TorrentPier (https://torrentpier.com)
* @link https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier for the canonical source repository
* @license https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier/blob/master/LICENSE MIT License
if (!defined('IN_AJAX')) {
global $lang, $bb_cfg, $userdata, $wordCensor;
if (!isset($this->request['type'])) {
$this->ajax_die('empty type');
if (isset($this->request['post_id'])) {
$post_id = (int)$this->request['post_id'];
$post = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT t.*, f.*, p.*, pt.post_text
FROM " . BB_TOPICS . " t, " . BB_FORUMS . " f, " . BB_POSTS . " p, " . BB_POSTS_TEXT . " pt
WHERE p.post_id = $post_id
AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id
AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id
AND p.post_id = pt.post_id
LIMIT 1");
if (!$post) {
$this->ajax_die('not post');
$is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $post['forum_id'], $userdata, $post);
if ($post['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) {
} elseif (isset($this->request['topic_id'])) {
$topic_id = (int)$this->request['topic_id'];
$post = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT t.*, f.*
FROM " . BB_TOPICS . " t, " . BB_FORUMS . " f
WHERE t.topic_id = $topic_id
AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id
LIMIT 1");
if (!$post) {
$is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $post['forum_id'], $userdata, $post);
switch ($this->request['type']) {
case 'delete':
if ($post['post_id'] != $post['topic_first_post_id'] && $is_auth['auth_delete'] && ($is_auth['auth_mod'] || ($userdata['user_id'] == $post['poster_id'] && $post['topic_last_post_id'] == $post['post_id'] && $post['post_time'] + 3600 * 3 > TIMENOW))) {
if (empty($this->request['confirmed'])) {
// Update atom feed
update_atom('topic', (int)$this->request['topic_id']);
$this->response['hide'] = true;
$this->response['post_id'] = $post_id;
} else {
$this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_DELETE'], strip_tags($is_auth['auth_delete_type'])));
case 'reply':
if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_post')) {
} elseif (!$is_auth['auth_reply']) {
$this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_REPLY'], strip_tags($is_auth['auth_reply_type'])));
$quote_username = ($post['post_username'] != '') ? $post['post_username'] : get_username($post['poster_id']);
$message = "[quote=\"" . $quote_username . "\"][qpost=" . $post['post_id'] . "]" . $post['post_text'] . "[/quote]\r";
// hide user passkey
$message = preg_replace('#(?<=[\?&;]' . $bb_cfg['passkey_key'] . '=)[a-zA-Z0-9]#', 'passkey', $message);
// hide sid
$message = preg_replace('#(?<=[\?&;]sid=)[a-zA-Z0-9]#', 'sid', $message);
$message = $wordCensor->censorString($message);
if ($post['post_id'] == $post['topic_first_post_id']) {
$message = "[quote]" . $post['topic_title'] . "[/quote]\r";
if (mb_strlen($message, DEFAULT_CHARSET) > 1000) {
$this->response['redirect'] = make_url(POSTING_URL . '?mode=quote&' . POST_POST_URL . '=' . $post_id);
$this->response['quote'] = true;
$this->response['message'] = $message;
case 'view_message':
$message = (string)$this->request['message'];
if (!trim($message)) {
$message = htmlCHR($message, false, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$this->response['message_html'] = bbcode2html($message);
$this->response['res_id'] = @$this->request['res_id'];
case 'edit':
case 'editor':
if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_post_edit')) {
if ($post['poster_id'] != $userdata['user_id'] && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) {
if ((mb_strlen($post['post_text'], DEFAULT_CHARSET) > 1000) || $post['post_attachment'] || ($post['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id)) {
$this->response['redirect'] = make_url(POSTING_URL . '?mode=editpost&' . POST_POST_URL . '=' . $post_id);
} elseif ($this->request['type'] == 'editor') {
$text = (string)$this->request['text'];
$text = prepare_message($text);
if (mb_strlen($text) > 2) {
if ($text != $post['post_text']) {
if ($bb_cfg['max_smilies']) {
$count_smilies = substr_count(bbcode2html($text), '<img class="smile" src="' . $bb_cfg['smilies_path']);
if ($count_smilies > $bb_cfg['max_smilies']) {
$this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['MAX_SMILIES_PER_POST'], $bb_cfg['max_smilies']));
DB()->query("UPDATE " . BB_POSTS_TEXT . " SET post_text = '" . DB()->escape($text) . "' WHERE post_id = $post_id LIMIT 1");
if ($post['topic_last_post_id'] != $post['post_id'] && $userdata['user_id'] == $post['poster_id']) {
DB()->query("UPDATE " . BB_POSTS . " SET post_edit_time = '" . TIMENOW . "', post_edit_count = post_edit_count + 1 WHERE post_id = $post_id LIMIT 1");
$s_text = str_replace('\n', "\n", $text);
$s_topic_title = str_replace('\n', "\n", $post['topic_title']);
add_search_words($post_id, stripslashes($s_text), stripslashes($s_topic_title));
'post_id' => $post_id,
'post_text' => $text
} else {
// Update atom feed
update_atom('topic', (int)$this->request['topic_id']);
$this->response['html'] = bbcode2html($text);
} else {
$is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $post['forum_id'], $userdata, $post);
if ($post['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) {
} elseif (!$is_auth['auth_edit']) {
$this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_EDIT'], strip_tags($is_auth['auth_edit_type'])));
$hidden_form = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="editpost" />';
$hidden_form .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . POST_POST_URL . '" value="' . $post_id . '" />';
$hidden_form .= '<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="' . $post['topic_title'] . '" />';
$this->response['text'] = '
<form action="' . POSTING_URL . '" method="post" name="post">
' . $hidden_form . '
<div class="buttons mrg_4">
<input type="button" value="B" name="codeB" title="' . $lang['BOLD'] . '" style="font-weight: bold;" />
<input type="button" value="i" name="codeI" title="' . $lang['ITALIC'] . '" style="font-style: italic;" />
<input type="button" value="u" name="codeU" title="' . $lang['UNDERLINE'] . '" style="text-decoration: underline;" />
<input type="button" value="s" name="codeS" title="' . $lang['STRIKEOUT'] . '" style="text-decoration: line-through;" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="button" value="' . $lang['QUOTE'] . '" name="codeQuote" title="' . $lang['QUOTE_TITLE'] . '" />
<input type="button" value="Img" name="codeImg" title="' . $lang['IMG_TITLE'] . '" />
<input type="button" value="' . $lang['URL'] . '" name="codeUrl" title="' . $lang['URL_TITLE'] . '" style="text-decoration: underline;" />&nbsp;
<input type="button" value="' . $lang['CODE'] . '" name="codeCode" title="' . $lang['CODE_TITLE'] . '" />
<input type="button" value="' . $lang['LIST'] . '" name="codeList" title="' . $lang['LIST_TITLE'] . '" />
<input type="button" value="1." name="codeOpt" title="' . $lang['LIST_ITEM'] . '" />&nbsp;
<input type="button" value="' . $lang['QUOTE_SEL'] . '" name="quoteselected" title="' . $lang['QUOTE_SELECTED'] . '" onclick="bbcode.onclickQuoteSel();" />&nbsp;
<textarea id="message-' . $post_id . '" class="editor mrg_4" name="message" rows="18" cols="92">' . $post['post_text'] . '</textarea>
<div class="mrg_4 tCenter">
<input title="Alt+Enter" name="preview" type="submit" value="' . $lang['PREVIEW'] . '">
<input type="button" onclick="edit_post(' . $post_id . ');" value="' . $lang['CANCEL'] . '">
<input type="button" onclick="edit_post(' . $post_id . ', \'editor\', $(\'#message-' . $post_id . '\').val()); return false;" class="bold" value="' . $lang['SUBMIT'] . '">
<script type="text/javascript">
var bbcode = new BBCode("message-' . $post_id . '");
var ctrl = "ctrl";
bbcode.addTag("codeB", "b", null, "B", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeI", "i", null, "I", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeU", "u", null, "U", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeS", "s", null, "S", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeQuote", "quote", null, "Q", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeImg", "img", null, "R", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeUrl", "url", "/url", "W", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeCode", "code", null, "K", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeList", "list", null, "L", ctrl);
bbcode.addTag("codeOpt", "*", "", "0", ctrl);
$this->response['post_id'] = $post_id;
case 'add':
if (!isset($this->request['topic_id'])) {
if (bf($userdata['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'dis_post')) {
} elseif (!$is_auth['auth_reply']) {
$this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_REPLY'], strip_tags($is_auth['auth_reply_type'])));
if ($post['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED && !$is_auth['auth_mod']) {
$message = (string)$this->request['message'];
$message = prepare_message($message);
// Flood control
$where_sql = IS_GUEST ? "p.poster_ip = '" . USER_IP . "'" : "p.poster_id = {$userdata['user_id']}";
$sql = "SELECT MAX(p.post_time) AS last_post_time FROM " . BB_POSTS . " p WHERE $where_sql";
if ($row = DB()->fetch_row($sql) and $row['last_post_time']) {
if ($userdata['user_level'] == USER) {
if ((TIMENOW - $row['last_post_time']) < $bb_cfg['flood_interval']) {
// Double Post Control
if (!empty($row['last_post_time']) && !IS_AM) {
$sql = "
SELECT pt.post_text
FROM " . BB_POSTS . " p, " . BB_POSTS_TEXT . " pt
WHERE $where_sql
AND p.post_time = " . (int)$row['last_post_time'] . "
AND pt.post_id = p.post_id
if ($row = DB()->fetch_row($sql)) {
$last_msg = DB()->escape($row['post_text']);
if ($last_msg == $message) {
if ($bb_cfg['max_smilies']) {
$count_smilies = substr_count(bbcode2html($message), '<img class="smile" src="' . $bb_cfg['smilies_path']);
if ($count_smilies > $bb_cfg['max_smilies']) {
$this->ajax_die(sprintf($lang['MAX_SMILIES_PER_POST'], $bb_cfg['max_smilies']));
DB()->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . BB_POSTS . " (topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, poster_ip) VALUES ($topic_id, " . $post['forum_id'] . ", " . $userdata['user_id'] . ", '" . TIMENOW . "', '" . USER_IP . "')");
$post_id = DB()->sql_nextid();
DB()->sql_query("INSERT INTO " . BB_POSTS_TEXT . " (post_id, post_text) VALUES ($post_id, '" . DB()->escape($message) . "')");
\TorrentPier\Legacy\Post::update_post_stats('reply', $post, $post['forum_id'], $topic_id, $post_id, $userdata['user_id']);
$s_message = str_replace('\n', "\n", $message);
$s_topic_title = str_replace('\n', "\n", $post['topic_title']);
add_search_words($post_id, stripslashes($s_message), stripslashes($s_topic_title));
'post_id' => $post_id,
'post_text' => $message
if ($bb_cfg['topic_notify_enabled']) {
$notify = !empty($this->request['notify']);
\TorrentPier\Legacy\Post::user_notification('reply', $post, $post['topic_title'], $post['forum_id'], $topic_id, $notify);
// Update atom feed
update_atom('topic', (int)$this->request['topic_id']);
$this->response['redirect'] = make_url(POST_URL . "$post_id#$post_id");
$this->ajax_die('empty type');