mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 16:11:16 -08:00
* Minor improvements * Update torrent_announce_urls.php * Updated * Update CHANGELOG.md * Update CHANGELOG.md * Update functions.php
462 lines
15 KiB
462 lines
15 KiB
* TorrentPier – Bull-powered BitTorrent tracker engine
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2024 TorrentPier (https://torrentpier.com)
* @link https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier for the canonical source repository
* @license https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier/blob/master/LICENSE MIT License
// BBCode control
function BBCode(obj) {
var textarea = document.getElementById(obj);
BBCode.prototype = {
VK_TAB: 9,
BRK_OP: '[',
BRK_CL: ']',
textarea: null,
stext: '',
quoter: null,
qouted_pid: null,
collapseAfterInsert: false,
replaceOnInsert: false,
// Create new BBCode control
construct: function (textarea) {
this.textarea = textarea;
this.tags = {};
// Tag for quoting
this.addTag('_quoter', function () {
return '[quote="' + th.quoter + '"][qpost=' + th.qouted_pid + ']'
}, '[/quote]\n', null, null, function () {
th.collapseAfterInsert = true;
return th._prepareMultiline(th.quoterText)
// Init events
var th = this;
addEvent(textarea, 'keydown', function (e) {
return th.onKeyPress(e, window.HTMLElement ? 'down' : 'press')
addEvent(textarea, 'keypress', function (e) {
return th.onKeyPress(e, 'press')
// Insert poster name or poster quotes to the text
onclickPoster: function (name, post_id) {
var sel = this.getSelection()[0];
if (sel) {
this.quoter = name;
this.qouted_pid = post_id;
this.quoterText = sel;
} else {
this.insertAtCursor("[b]" + name + '[/b], ');
return false;
// Quote selected text
onclickQuoteSel: function () {
var sel = this.getSelection()[0];
if (sel) {
this.insertAtCursor('[quote]' + sel + '[/quote]\n');
} else {
alert('Вы не выбрали текст');
return false;
// Quote selected text
emoticon: function (em) {
if (em) {
this.insertAtCursor(' ' + em + ' ');
} else {
return false;
return false;
// Return current selection and range (if exists)
getSelection: function () {
var w = window;
var text = '', range;
if (w.getSelection) {
text = w.getSelection();
} else {
return [null, null];
if (text === '') text = this.stext;
text = "" + text;
text = text.replace("/^\s+|\s+$/g", "");
return [text, range];
// Insert string at cursor position of textarea
insertAtCursor: function (text) {
// Focus is placed to textarea
var t = this.textarea;
// Insert the string
if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
var r = document.selection.createRange();
if (!this.replaceOnInsert) r.collapse();
r.text = text;
} else if (t.setSelectionRange) {
var start = this.replaceOnInsert ? t.selectionStart : t.selectionEnd;
var end = t.selectionEnd;
var sel1 = t.value.substr(0, start);
var sel2 = t.value.substr(end);
t.value = sel1 + text + sel2;
t.setSelectionRange(start + text.length, start + text.length);
} else {
t.value += text;
// For IE
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
// Surround piece of textarea text with tags
surround: function (open, close, fTrans) {
var t = this.textarea;
if (!fTrans) fTrans = function (t) {
return t;
var rt = this.getSelection();
var text = rt[0];
var range = rt[1];
if (text === null) return false;
var notEmpty = text !== null && text !== '';
// Surround
if (range) {
var newText = open + fTrans(text) + (close ? close : '');
range.text = newText;
if (text !== '') {
// Correction for stupid IE: \r for moveStart is 0 character
var delta = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < newText.length; i++) if (newText.charAt(i) === '\r') delta++;
range.moveStart("character", -close.length - text.length - open.length + delta);
range.moveEnd("character", -0);
} else {
range.moveEnd("character", -close.length);
if (!this.collapseAfterInsert) range.select();
} else if (t.setSelectionRange) {
var start = t.selectionStart;
var end = t.selectionEnd;
var top = t.scrollTop;
var sel1 = t.value.substr(0, start);
var sel2 = t.value.substr(end);
var sel = fTrans(t.value.substr(start, end - start));
var inner = open + sel + close;
t.value = sel1 + inner + sel2;
if (sel !== '') {
t.setSelectionRange(start, start + inner.length);
notEmpty = true;
} else {
t.setSelectionRange(start + open.length, start + open.length);
notEmpty = false;
t.scrollTop = top;
if (this.collapseAfterInsert) t.setSelectionRange(start + inner.length, start + inner.length);
} else {
t.value += open + text + close;
this.collapseAfterInsert = false;
return notEmpty;
// Internal function for cross-browser event cancellation.
_cancelEvent: function (e) {
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
return e.returnValue = false;
// Available key combinations and these interpretaions for BB are
// TAB - Insert TAB char
// CTRL-TAB - Next form field (usual TAB)
// SHIFT-ALT-PAGEUP - Add an Attachment
// ALT-ENTER - Preview
// CTRL-ENTER - Submit
onKeyPress: function (e, type) {
// Try to match all the hot keys.
var key = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode);
for (var id in this.tags) {
var tag = this.tags[id];
// Pressed control key?
if (tag.ctrlKey && !e[tag.ctrlKey + "Key"]) continue;
// Pressed needed key?
if (!tag.key || key.toUpperCase() !== tag.key.toUpperCase()) continue;
// Insert
if (e.type === "keydown") this.insertTag(id);
// Reset event
return this._cancelEvent(e);
// Tab
if (type === 'press' && e.keyCode === this.VK_TAB && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
return this._cancelEvent(e);
// Ctrl+Tab
if (e.keyCode === this.VK_TAB && !e.shiftKey && e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
return this._cancelEvent(e);
// Hot keys
var form = this.textarea.form;
var submitter = null;
if (e.keyCode === this.VK_PAGE_UP && e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) submitter = form.add_attachment_box;
if (e.keyCode === this.VK_ENTER && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) submitter = form.preview;
if (e.keyCode === this.VK_ENTER && !e.shiftKey && e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) submitter = form.post;
if (submitter) {
return this._cancelEvent(e);
return true;
// Adds a BB tag to the list
addTag: function (id, open, close, key, ctrlKey, multiline) {
if (!ctrlKey) ctrlKey = "ctrl";
var tag = {};
tag.id = id;
tag.open = open;
tag.close = close;
tag.key = key;
tag.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
tag.multiline = multiline;
tag.elt = this.textarea.form[id];
this.tags[id] = tag;
// Setup events
var elt = tag.elt;
if (elt) {
var th = this;
if (elt.type && elt.type.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON") {
addEvent(elt, 'click', function () {
return false;
if (elt.tagName && elt.tagName.toUpperCase() === "SELECT") {
addEvent(elt, 'change', function () {
return false;
} else {
if (id && id.indexOf('_') !== 0) return alert("addTag('" + id + "'): no such element in the form");
// Inserts the tag with specified ID
insertTag: function (id) {
// Find tag
var tag = this.tags[id];
if (!tag) return alert("Unknown tag ID: " + id);
// Open tag is generated by callback?
var op = tag.open;
if (typeof (tag.open) === "function") op = tag.open(tag.elt);
var cl = tag.close !== null ? tag.close : "/" + op;
// Use "[" if needed
if (op.charAt(0) !== this.BRK_OP) op = this.BRK_OP + op + this.BRK_CL;
if (cl && cl.charAt(0) !== this.BRK_OP) cl = this.BRK_OP + cl + this.BRK_CL;
this.surround(op, cl, !tag.multiline ? null : tag.multiline === true ? this._prepareMultiline : tag.multiline);
_prepareMultiline: function (text) {
text = text.replace(/\s+$/, '');
text = text.replace(/^([ \t]*\r?\n)+/, '');
if (text.indexOf("\n") >= 0) text = "\n" + text + "\n";
return text;
// Emulation of innerText for Mozilla.
if (window.HTMLElement && window.HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__) {
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("innerText", function (sText) {
this.innerHTML = sText.replace(/\&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">");
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("innerText", function () {
var r = this.ownerDocument.createRange();
return r.toString();
function AddSelectedText(BBOpen, BBClose) {
if (document.post.message.caretPos) document.post.message.caretPos.text = BBOpen + document.post.message.caretPos.text + BBClose; else document.post.message.value += BBOpen + BBClose;
function InsertBBCode(BBcode) {
AddSelectedText('[' + BBcode + ']', '[/' + BBcode + ']');
function storeCaret(textEl) {
if (textEl.createTextRange) textEl.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
function initPostBBCode(context) {
$('span.post-hr', context).html('<hr align="left" />');
function initCodes(context) {
$('div.c-body', context).each(function () {
var $c = $(this);
$c.before('<div class="c-head"><b>' + bbl['code'] + ':</b></div>');
function initQuotes(context) {
$('div.q', context).each(function () {
var $q = $(this);
var name = $(this).attr('head');
var q_title = (name ? '<b>' + name + '</b> ' + bbl['wrote'] + ':' : '<b>' + bbl['quote'] + '</b>');
if (quoted_pid = $q.children('u.q-post:first').text()) {
var on_this_page = $('#post_' + quoted_pid).length;
var href = (on_this_page) ? '#' + quoted_pid : './viewtopic.php?p=' + quoted_pid + '#' + quoted_pid;
q_title += ' <a href="' + href + '" title="' + bbl['quoted_post'] + '"><img src="' + bb_url + 'styles/templates/default/images/icon_latest_reply.gif" class="icon2" alt="" /></a>';
$q.before('<div class="q-head">' + q_title + '</div>');
function initPostImages(context) {
if (hidePostImg) return;
var $in_spoilers = $('div.sp-body var.postImg', context);
$('var.postImg', context).not($in_spoilers).each(function () {
var $v = $(this);
var src = $v.attr('title');
var $img = $('<img src="' + src + '" class="' + $v.attr('class') + '" alt="pic" />');
$img = fixPostImage($img);
var maxW = ($v.hasClass('postImgAligned')) ? postImgAligned_MaxWidth : postImg_MaxWidth;
$img.bind('click', function () {
return imgFit(this, maxW);
if (user.opt_js.i_aft_l) {
var loading_icon = '<a href="' + src + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + bb_url + 'styles/images/pic_loading.gif" alt="" /></a>';
$img.one('load', function () {
imgFit(this, maxW);
} else {
$img.one('load', function () {
imgFit(this, maxW)
function initSpoilers(context) {
$('div.sp-body', context).each(function () {
var $sp_body = $(this);
var name = $.trim(this.title) || '' + bbl['spoiler_head'] + '';
var no_sp_open = ($.trim($sp_body.data('no-sp-open')) === "true") ? ' ignore-sp-open' : '';
this.title = '';
var $sp_head = $('<div class="sp-head folded clickable' + no_sp_open + '">' + name + '</div>');
$sp_head.insertBefore($sp_body).click(function (e) {
if (!$sp_body.hasClass('inited')) {
var $sp_fold_btn = $('<div class="sp-fold clickable">[' + bbl['spoiler_close'] + ']</div>').click(function () {
$.scrollTo($sp_head, {duration: 200, axis: 'y', offset: -200});
$sp_head.click().animate({opacity: 0.1}, 500).animate({opacity: 1}, 700);
$sp_body.prepend('<div class="clear"></div>').append('<div class="clear"></div>').append($sp_fold_btn).addClass('inited');
if (e.shiftKey) {
e.shiftKey = false;
var fold = $(this).hasClass('unfolded');
$('div.sp-head', $($sp_body.parents('td')[0])).filter(function () {
return $(this).hasClass('unfolded') ? fold : !fold
} else {
function initExternalLinks(context) {
var context = context || 'body';
if (ExternalLinks_InNewWindow) {
$("a.postLink:not([href*='" + window.location.hostname + "/'])", context).attr({target: '_blank'});
function fixPostImage($img) {
var banned_image_hosts = /imagebanana|hidebehind/i;
var src = $img[0].src;
if (src.match(banned_image_hosts)) {
$img.wrap('<a href="' + this.src + '" target="_blank"></a>').attr({
src: "" + bb_url + "styles/images/smiles/tr_oops.gif", title: "" + bbl['scr_rules'] + ""
return $img;
function initMedia(context) {
var apostLink = $('a.postLink', context);
for (var i = 0; i < apostLink.length; i++) {
var link = apostLink[i];
if (typeof link.href !== 'string') {
if (/^http(?:s|):\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?(.*)?(&?v=([a-z0-9\-_]+))(.*)?|http:\/\/youtu.be\/.+/i.test(link.href)) {
var a = document.createElement('span');
a.className = 'YTLink';
a.innerHTML = '<span title="' + bbl['play_on'] + '" class="YTLinkButton">►</span>';
window.addEvent(a, 'click', function (e) {
var vhref = e.target.nextSibling.href.replace(/^http(?:s|):\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?(.*)?(&?v=([a-z0-9\-_]+))(.*)?|http:\/\/youtu.be\//ig, "http://www.youtube.com/embed/$3");
var text = e.target.nextSibling.innerText !== "" ? e.target.nextSibling.innerText : e.target.nextSibling.href;
ypanel('youtube', {
title: '<b>' + text + '</b>',
resizing: 0,
width: 862,
height: 550,
content: '<iframe width="853" height="493" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="' + vhref + '?wmode=opaque"></iframe>'
link.parentNode.insertBefore(a, link);
$(document).ready(function () {
$('div.post_wrap, div.signature').each(function () {