mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 04:35:42 -07:00
* Some cleanup...😣
* Update main.php
* Update CHANGELOG.md
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update main.php
* Update config.php
* Update Common.php
* Updated
* Update filelist.php
* Update filelist.php
* Update viewtopic_attach.tpl
* Updated
156 lines
5.6 KiB
156 lines
5.6 KiB
* TorrentPier – Bull-powered BitTorrent tracker engine
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2024 TorrentPier (https://torrentpier.com)
* @link https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier for the canonical source repository
* @license https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier/blob/master/LICENSE MIT License
if (!defined('IN_AJAX')) {
global $userdata, $bb_cfg, $lang, $datastore, $log_action;
if (!$mode = (string)$this->request['mode']) {
$this->ajax_die('invalid mode (empty)');
switch ($mode) {
case 'tor_status':
$topics = (string)$this->request['topic_ids'];
$status = (int)$this->request['status'];
// Валидность статуса
if (!isset($lang['TOR_STATUS_NAME'][$status])) {
$topic_ids = DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT attach_id FROM " . BB_BT_TORRENTS . " WHERE topic_id IN($topics)", 'attach_id');
foreach ($topic_ids as $attach_id) {
\TorrentPier\Legacy\Torrent::change_tor_status($attach_id, $status);
$this->response['status'] = $bb_cfg['tor_icons'][$status];
$this->response['topics'] = explode(',', $topics);
case 'edit_topic_title':
$topic_id = (int)$this->request['topic_id'];
$old_title = get_topic_title($topic_id);
$new_title = clean_title((string)$this->request['topic_title']);
if (!$topic_id) {
if ($new_title == '') {
if (!$t_data = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT forum_id FROM " . BB_TOPICS . " WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1")) {
$topic_title_sql = DB()->escape($new_title);
DB()->query("UPDATE " . BB_TOPICS . " SET topic_title = '$topic_title_sql' WHERE topic_id = $topic_id LIMIT 1");
// Обновление кеша новостей на главной
$news_forums = array_flip(explode(',', $bb_cfg['latest_news_forum_id']));
if (isset($news_forums[$t_data['forum_id']]) && $bb_cfg['show_latest_news']) {
$net_forums = array_flip(explode(',', $bb_cfg['network_news_forum_id']));
if (isset($net_forums[$t_data['forum_id']]) && $bb_cfg['show_network_news']) {
// Log action
$log_action->mod('mod_topic_renamed', [
'forum_id' => $t_data['forum_id'],
'topic_id' => $topic_id,
'topic_title' => $old_title,
'topic_title_new' => $new_title
$this->response['topic_id'] = $topic_id;
$this->response['topic_title'] = $new_title;
case 'profile_ip':
$user_id = (int)$this->request['user_id'];
$profiledata = get_userdata($user_id);
if (!$user_id) {
$reg_ip = DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT username, user_id, user_rank FROM " . BB_USERS . "
WHERE user_reg_ip = '{$profiledata['user_reg_ip']}'
AND user_reg_ip != 0
AND user_id != {$profiledata['user_id']}
ORDER BY username ASC");
$last_ip = DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT username, user_id, user_rank FROM " . BB_USERS . "
WHERE user_last_ip = '{$profiledata['user_last_ip']}'
AND user_last_ip != 0
AND user_id != {$profiledata['user_id']}");
$link_reg_ip = $link_last_ip = '';
if (!empty($reg_ip)) {
$link_reg_ip .= $lang['OTHER_IP'] . ' ';
foreach ($reg_ip as $row) {
$link_reg_ip .= profile_url($row) . ', ';
$link_reg_ip = rtrim($link_reg_ip, ', ');
if (!empty($last_ip)) {
$link_last_ip .= $lang['OTHER_IP'] . ' ';
foreach ($last_ip as $row) {
$link_last_ip .= profile_url($row) . ', ';
$link_last_ip = rtrim($link_last_ip, ', ');
if ($profiledata['user_level'] == ADMIN && !IS_ADMIN) {
$reg_ip = $last_ip = $lang['HIDDEN'];
} elseif ($profiledata['user_level'] == MOD && !IS_AM) {
$reg_ip = $last_ip = $lang['HIDDEN'];
} else {
$user_reg_ip = \TorrentPier\Helpers\IPHelper::long2ip_extended($profiledata['user_reg_ip']);
$user_last_ip = \TorrentPier\Helpers\IPHelper::long2ip_extended($profiledata['user_last_ip']);
$reg_ip = '<a href="' . $bb_cfg['whois_info'] . $user_reg_ip . '" class="gen" target="_blank">' . $user_reg_ip . '</a>';
$last_ip = '<a href="' . $bb_cfg['whois_info'] . $user_last_ip . '" class="gen" target="_blank">' . $user_last_ip . '</a>';
$this->response['ip_list_html'] = '
<br /><table class="mod_ip bCenter borderless" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="row5" >
<td>' . $lang['REG_IP'] . '</td>
<td class="tCenter">' . $reg_ip . '</td>
<td><div>' . $link_reg_ip . '</div></td>
<tr class="row4">
<td>' . $lang['LAST_IP'] . '</td>
<td class="tCenter">' . $last_ip . '</td>
<td><div>' . $link_last_ip . '</div></td>
</table><br />
$this->ajax_die('Invalid mode');