mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 04:35:42 -07:00
* Minor improvements * Update .gitignore * Update admin_smilies.php * Update CHANGELOG.md
320 lines
13 KiB
320 lines
13 KiB
* TorrentPier – Bull-powered BitTorrent tracker engine
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2024 TorrentPier (https://torrentpier.com)
* @link https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier for the canonical source repository
* @license https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier/blob/master/LICENSE MIT License
if (!empty($setmodules)) {
$module['GENERAL']['SMILIES'] = basename(__FILE__);
require __DIR__ . '/pagestart.php';
// Check to see what mode we should operate in
if (isset($_POST['mode']) || isset($_GET['mode'])) {
$mode = $_POST['mode'] ?? $_GET['mode'];
$mode = htmlspecialchars($mode);
} else {
$mode = '';
$pathToSmilesDir = BB_ROOT . $bb_cfg['smilies_path'];
$delimeter = '=+:';
$s_hidden_fields = '';
$smiley_paks = $smiley_images = [];
// Read a listing of uploaded smiles
$smilesDirectory = new DirectoryIterator($pathToSmilesDir);
foreach ($smilesDirectory as $files) {
if ($files->isFile()) {
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($files->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if (in_array($extension, ['png', 'gif'], true) && getimagesize($pathToSmilesDir . '/' . $files->getFilename())) {
$smiley_images[] = $files->getFilename();
} else if ($extension === 'pak') {
$smiley_paks[] = $files->getFilename();
// Select main mode
if (isset($_GET['import_pack']) || isset($_POST['import_pack'])) {
$smile_pak = (string)request_var('smile_pak', '');
$clear_current = (int)request_var('clear_current', '');
$replace_existing = (int)request_var('replace', '');
if (!empty($smile_pak)) {
// The user has already selected a smile_pak file.. Import it
if (!empty($clear_current)) {
if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) {
bb_die('Could not delete current smilies');
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT code FROM ' . BB_SMILIES;
if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) {
bb_die('Could not get current smilies');
$cur_smilies = DB()->sql_fetchrowset($result);
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($cur_smilies); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
$k = $cur_smilies[$i]['code'];
$smiles[$k] = 1;
$fcontents = file($pathToSmilesDir . '/' . $smile_pak);
if (empty($fcontents)) {
bb_die('Could not read smiley pak file');
foreach ($fcontents as $i => $iValue) {
$smile_data = explode($delimeter, trim(addslashes($fcontents[$i])));
for ($j = 2, $jMax = count($smile_data); $j < $jMax; $j++) {
// Replace > and < with the proper html_entities for matching
$smile_data[$j] = str_replace('<', '<', $smile_data[$j]);
$smile_data[$j] = str_replace('>', '>', $smile_data[$j]);
$k = $smile_data[$j];
if (isset($smiles[$k])) {
if (!empty($replace_existing)) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . BB_SMILIES . "
SET smile_url = '" . DB()->escape($smile_data[0]) . "', emoticon = '" . DB()->escape($smile_data[1]) . "'
WHERE code = '" . DB()->escape($smile_data[$j]) . "'";
} else {
$sql = '';
} else {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BB_SMILIES . " (code, smile_url, emoticon)
VALUES('" . DB()->escape($smile_data[$j]) . "', '" . DB()->escape($smile_data[0]) . "', '" . DB()->escape($smile_data[1]) . "')";
if ($sql != '') {
$result = DB()->sql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
bb_die('Could not update smilies #1');
bb_die($lang['SMILEY_IMPORT_SUCCESS'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_SMILEADMIN'], '<a href="admin_smilies.php">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_ADMIN_INDEX'], '<a href="index.php?pane=right">', '</a>'));
} else {
// Display the script to get the smile_pak cfg file
$smile_paks_select = '<select name="smile_pak"><option value="">' . $lang['SELECT_PAK'] . '</option>';
foreach ($smiley_paks as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$smile_paks_select .= '<option>' . $value . '</option>';
$smile_paks_select .= '</select>';
$hidden_vars = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="import">';
'S_SMILEY_ACTION' => 'admin_smilies.php',
'S_SMILE_SELECT' => $smile_paks_select,
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $hidden_vars
} elseif (isset($_POST['export_pack']) || isset($_GET['export_pack'])) {
$export_pack = (string)request_var('export_pack', '');
if ($export_pack == 'send') {
if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) {
bb_die('Could not get smiley list');
$resultset = DB()->sql_fetchrowset($result);
$smile_pak = '';
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($resultset); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
$smile_pak .= $resultset[$i]['smile_url'] . $delimeter;
$smile_pak .= $resultset[$i]['emoticon'] . $delimeter;
$smile_pak .= $resultset[$i]['code'] . "\n";
header('Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name="smiles.pak"');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=smiles.pak');
echo $smile_pak;
bb_die(sprintf($lang['EXPORT_SMILES'], '<a href="admin_smilies.php?export_pack=send">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_SMILEADMIN'], '<a href="admin_smilies.php">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_ADMIN_INDEX'], '<a href="index.php?pane=right">', '</a>'));
} elseif (isset($_POST['add']) || isset($_GET['add'])) {
$filename_list = '';
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($smiley_images); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
$filename_list .= '<option value="' . $smiley_images[$i] . '">' . $smiley_images[$i] . '</option>';
$s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="savenew" />';
'TPL_SMILE_EDIT' => true,
'SMILEY_IMG' => $pathToSmilesDir . '/' . $smiley_images[0],
'S_SMILEY_ACTION' => 'admin_smilies.php',
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields,
'S_FILENAME_OPTIONS' => $filename_list,
'S_SMILEY_BASEDIR' => $pathToSmilesDir
} elseif ($mode != '') {
switch ($mode) {
case 'delete':
$smiley_id = (!empty($_POST['id'])) ? $_POST['id'] : $_GET['id'];
$smiley_id = (int)$smiley_id;
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . BB_SMILIES . ' WHERE smilies_id = ' . $smiley_id;
$result = DB()->sql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
bb_die('Could not delete smiley');
bb_die($lang['SMILEY_DEL_SUCCESS'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_SMILEADMIN'], '<a href="admin_smilies.php">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_ADMIN_INDEX'], '<a href="index.php?pane=right">', '</a>'));
case 'edit':
$smiley_id = (!empty($_POST['id'])) ? $_POST['id'] : $_GET['id'];
$smiley_id = (int)$smiley_id;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . BB_SMILIES . ' WHERE smilies_id = ' . $smiley_id;
$result = DB()->sql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
bb_die('Could not obtain emoticon information');
$smile_data = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result);
$filename_list = $smiley_edit_img = '';
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($smiley_images); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
if ($smiley_images[$i] == $smile_data['smile_url']) {
$smiley_selected = 'selected';
$smiley_edit_img = $smiley_images[$i];
} else {
$smiley_selected = '';
$filename_list .= '<option value="' . $smiley_images[$i] . '"' . $smiley_selected . '>' . $smiley_images[$i] . '</option>';
$s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="save" /><input type="hidden" name="smile_id" value="' . $smile_data['smilies_id'] . '" />';
'TPL_SMILE_EDIT' => true,
'SMILEY_CODE' => $smile_data['code'],
'SMILEY_EMOTICON' => $smile_data['emoticon'],
'SMILEY_IMG' => $pathToSmilesDir . '/' . $smiley_edit_img,
'S_SMILEY_ACTION' => 'admin_smilies.php',
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields,
'S_FILENAME_OPTIONS' => $filename_list,
'S_SMILEY_BASEDIR' => $pathToSmilesDir
case 'save':
$smile_code = isset($_POST['smile_code']) ? trim($_POST['smile_code']) : trim($_GET['smile_code']);
$smile_url = isset($_POST['smile_url']) ? trim($_POST['smile_url']) : trim($_GET['smile_url']);
$smile_url = ltrim(basename($smile_url), "'");
$smile_emotion = isset($_POST['smile_emotion']) ? trim($_POST['smile_emotion']) : trim($_GET['smile_emotion']);
$smile_id = isset($_POST['smile_id']) ? (int)$_POST['smile_id'] : (int)$_GET['smile_id'];
// If no code was entered complain
if ($smile_code == '' || $smile_url == '') {
// Convert < and > to proper htmlentities for parsing
$smile_code = str_replace(['<', '>'], ['<', '>'], $smile_code);
// Proceed with updating the smiley table
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . BB_SMILIES . "
SET code = '" . DB()->escape($smile_code) . "', smile_url = '" . DB()->escape($smile_url) . "', emoticon = '" . DB()->escape($smile_emotion) . "'
WHERE smilies_id = $smile_id";
if (!($result = DB()->sql_query($sql))) {
bb_die('Could not update smilies #2');
bb_die($lang['SMILEY_EDIT_SUCCESS'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_SMILEADMIN'], '<a href="admin_smilies.php">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_ADMIN_INDEX'], '<a href="index.php?pane=right">', '</a>'));
case 'savenew':
$smile_code = $_POST['smile_code'] ?? $_GET['smile_code'];
$smile_url = $_POST['smile_url'] ?? $_GET['smile_url'];
$smile_url = ltrim(basename($smile_url), "'");
$smile_emotion = $_POST['smile_emotion'] ?? $_GET['smile_emotion'];
$smile_code = trim($smile_code);
$smile_url = trim($smile_url);
$smile_emotion = trim($smile_emotion);
// If no code was entered complain
if ($smile_code == '' || $smile_url == '') {
// Convert < and > to proper htmlentities for parsing
$smile_code = str_replace(['<', '>'], ['<', '>'], $smile_code);
// Save the data to the smiley table
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BB_SMILIES . " (code, smile_url, emoticon)
VALUES ('" . DB()->escape($smile_code) . "', '" . DB()->escape($smile_url) . "', '" . DB()->escape($smile_emotion) . "')";
$result = DB()->sql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
bb_die('Could not insert new smiley');
bb_die($lang['SMILEY_ADD_SUCCESS'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_SMILEADMIN'], '<a href="admin_smilies.php">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['CLICK_RETURN_ADMIN_INDEX'], '<a href="index.php?pane=right">', '</a>'));
} else {
$result = DB()->sql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
bb_die('Could not obtain smileys from database');
$smilies = DB()->sql_fetchrowset($result);
'TPL_SMILE_MAIN' => true,
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields,
'S_SMILEY_ACTION' => 'admin_smilies.php'
// Loop throuh the rows of smilies setting block vars for the template
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($smilies); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
// Replace htmlentites for < and > with actual character
$smilies[$i]['code'] = str_replace('<', '<', $smilies[$i]['code']);
$smilies[$i]['code'] = str_replace('>', '>', $smilies[$i]['code']);
$row_class = !($i % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2';
$template->assign_block_vars('smiles', [
'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class,
'SMILEY_IMG' => $pathToSmilesDir . '/' . $smilies[$i]['smile_url'],
'CODE' => $smilies[$i]['code'],
'EMOT' => $smilies[$i]['emoticon'],
'U_SMILEY_EDIT' => 'admin_smilies.php?mode=edit&id=' . $smilies[$i]['smilies_id'],
'U_SMILEY_DELETE' => 'admin_smilies.php?mode=delete&id=' . $smilies[$i]['smilies_id'],
print_page('admin_smilies.tpl', 'admin');