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synced 2025-02-24 10:47:26 -08:00
* FPGA Hi-Simulate: Formatted code * FPGA Hi-Simulate: Fixed documantation * FPGA Hi-Simulate: Freed up 4 LUTs * FPGA Hi-Simulate: Added 212kHz SSP-Clock option * Legic: Moved card simulator into separate file & cleaned interface. Reader and card simulation have almost no common code. Moreover the sim uses an SSP Clock at 212kHz for all timings to prevent any drifting from the PRNG. This clock speed is not available in reader simulation mode (SSP runs at up to 3.4MHz, and changes speed between TX and RX). For these reasons having the code in separate files makes it significantly cleaner. * Legic: Implemented RX and TX for card simulation * Legic: Implemented setup phase for card simulation * Legic: Implemented read command for card simulation * Legic: Implemented write command for card simulation
130 lines
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130 lines
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// Pretend to be an ISO 14443 tag. We will do this by alternately short-
// circuiting and open-circuiting the antenna coil, with the tri-state
// pins.
// We communicate over the SSP, as a bitstream (i.e., might as well be
// unframed, though we still generate the word sync signal). The output
// (ARM -> FPGA) tells us whether to modulate or not. The input (FPGA
// -> ARM) is us using the A/D as a fancy comparator; this is with
// (software-added) hysteresis, to undo the high-pass filter.
// At this point only Type A is implemented. This means that we are using a
// bit rate of 106 kbit/s, or fc/128. Oversample by 4, which ought to make
// things practical for the ARM (fc/32, 423.8 kbits/s, ~50 kbytes/s)
// Jonathan Westhues, October 2006
module hi_simulate(
pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4,
adc_d, adc_clk,
ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_dout, ssp_clk,
cross_hi, cross_lo,
input pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb;
output pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4;
input [7:0] adc_d;
output adc_clk;
input ssp_dout;
output ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_clk;
input cross_hi, cross_lo;
output dbg;
input [2:0] mod_type;
// Power amp goes between LOW and tri-state, so pwr_hi (and pwr_lo) can
// always be low.
assign pwr_hi = 1'b0;
assign pwr_lo = 1'b0;
// The comparator with hysteresis on the output from the peak detector.
reg after_hysteresis;
assign adc_clk = ck_1356meg;
always @(negedge adc_clk)
if(& adc_d[7:5]) after_hysteresis = 1'b1;
else if(~(| adc_d[7:5])) after_hysteresis = 1'b0;
// Divide 13.56 MHz to produce various frequencies for SSP_CLK
// and modulation. 11 bits allow for factors of up to /128.
reg [10:0] ssp_clk_divider;
always @(posedge adc_clk)
ssp_clk_divider <= (ssp_clk_divider + 1);
reg ssp_clk;
always @(negedge adc_clk)
if(mod_type == 3'b101)
// Get bit every at 53KHz (every 8th carrier bit of 424kHz)
ssp_clk <= ssp_clk_divider[7];
else if(mod_type == 3'b010)
// Get next bit at 212kHz
ssp_clk <= ssp_clk_divider[5];
// Get next bit at 424Khz
ssp_clk <= ssp_clk_divider[4];
// Divide SSP_CLK by 8 to produce the byte framing signal; the phase of
// this is arbitrary, because it's just a bitstream.
// One nasty issue, though: I can't make it work with both rx and tx at
// once. The phase wrt ssp_clk must be changed. TODO to find out why
// that is and make a better fix.
reg [2:0] ssp_frame_divider_to_arm;
always @(posedge ssp_clk)
ssp_frame_divider_to_arm <= (ssp_frame_divider_to_arm + 1);
reg [2:0] ssp_frame_divider_from_arm;
always @(negedge ssp_clk)
ssp_frame_divider_from_arm <= (ssp_frame_divider_from_arm + 1);
reg ssp_frame;
always @(ssp_frame_divider_to_arm or ssp_frame_divider_from_arm or mod_type)
if(mod_type == 3'b000) // not modulating, so listening, to ARM
ssp_frame = (ssp_frame_divider_to_arm == 3'b000);
ssp_frame = (ssp_frame_divider_from_arm == 3'b000);
// Synchronize up the after-hysteresis signal, to produce DIN.
reg ssp_din;
always @(posedge ssp_clk)
ssp_din = after_hysteresis;
// Modulating carrier frequency is fc/64 (212kHz) to fc/16 (848kHz). Reuse ssp_clk divider for that.
reg modulating_carrier;
always @(mod_type or ssp_clk or ssp_dout)
if(mod_type == 3'b000)
modulating_carrier <= 1'b0; // no modulation
else if(mod_type == 3'b001)
modulating_carrier <= ssp_dout ^ ssp_clk_divider[3]; // XOR means BPSK
else if(mod_type == 3'b010)
modulating_carrier <= ssp_dout & ssp_clk_divider[5]; // switch 212kHz subcarrier on/off
else if(mod_type == 3'b100 || mod_type == 3'b101)
modulating_carrier <= ssp_dout & ssp_clk_divider[4]; // switch 424kHz modulation on/off
modulating_carrier <= 1'b0; // yet unused
// This one is all LF, so doesn't matter
assign pwr_oe2 = modulating_carrier;
// Toggle only one of these, since we are already producing much deeper
// modulation than a real tag would.
assign pwr_oe1 = modulating_carrier;
assign pwr_oe4 = modulating_carrier;
// This one is always on, so that we can watch the carrier.
assign pwr_oe3 = 1'b0;
assign dbg = ssp_din;