mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 03:07:28 -08:00
357 lines
10 KiB
357 lines
10 KiB
local cmds = require('commands')
local getopt = require('getopt')
local bin = require('bin')
local lib14a = require('read14a')
local utils = require('utils')
local md5 = require('md5')
local toyNames = require('default_toys')
example =[[
1. script run tnp3sim
2. script run tnp3sim -m
3. script run tnp3sim -m -i myfile
author = "Iceman"
usage = "script run tnp3sim -h -m -i <filename>"
desc =[[
This script will try to load a binary datadump of a Mifare TNP3xxx card.
It vill try to validate all checksums and view some information stored in the dump
For an experimental mode, it tries to manipulate some data.
At last it sends all data to the PM3 device memory where it can be used in the command "hf mf sim"
-h : this help
-m : Maxed out items (experimental)
-i : filename for the datadump to read (bin)
local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds
local DEBUG = true -- the debug flag
-- A debug printout-function
function dbg(args)
if not DEBUG then
if type(args) == "table" then
local i = 1
while result[i] do
i = i+1
print("###", args)
-- This is only meant to be used when errors occur
function oops(err)
print("ERROR: ",err)
-- Usage help
function help()
print("Example usage")
-- Exit message
function ExitMsg(msg)
print( string.rep('--',20) )
print( string.rep('--',20) )
local function writedumpfile(infile)
t = infile:read("*all")
len = string.len(t)
local len,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(len),t)
return hex
-- blocks with data
-- there are two dataareas, in block 8 or block 36, ( 1==8 ,
-- checksum type = 0, 1, 2, 3
local function GetCheckSum(blocks, dataarea, chksumtype)
local crc
local area = 36
if dataarea == 1 then
area = 8
if chksumtype == 0 then
crc = blocks[1]:sub(29,32)
elseif chksumtype == 1 then
crc = blocks[area]:sub(29,32)
elseif chksumtype == 2 then
crc = blocks[area]:sub(25,28)
elseif chksumtype == 3 then
crc = blocks[area]:sub(21,24)
return utils.SwapEndianness(crc,16)
local function SetCheckSum(blocks, chksumtype)
if blocks == nil then return nil, 'Argument \"blocks\" nil' end
local newcrc
local area1 = 8
local area2 = 36
if chksumtype == 0 then
newcrc = ('%04X'):format(CalcCheckSum(blocks,1,0))
blocks[1] = blocks[1]:sub(1,28)..newcrc:sub(3,4)..newcrc:sub(1,2)
elseif chksumtype == 1 then
newcrc = ('%04X'):format(CalcCheckSum(blocks,1,1))
blocks[area1] = blocks[area1]:sub(1,28)..newcrc:sub(3,4)..newcrc:sub(1,2)
newcrc = ('%04X'):format(CalcCheckSum(blocks,2,1))
blocks[area2] = blocks[area2]:sub(1,28)..newcrc:sub(3,4)..newcrc:sub(1,2)
elseif chksumtype == 2 then
newcrc = ('%04X'):format(CalcCheckSum(blocks,1,2))
blocks[area1] = blocks[area1]:sub(1,24)..newcrc:sub(3,4)..newcrc:sub(1,2)..blocks[area1]:sub(29,32)
newcrc = ('%04X'):format(CalcCheckSum(blocks,2,2))
blocks[area2] = blocks[area2]:sub(1,24)..newcrc:sub(3,4)..newcrc:sub(1,2)..blocks[area2]:sub(29,32)
elseif chksumtype == 3 then
newcrc = ('%04X'):format(CalcCheckSum(blocks,1,3))
blocks[area1] = blocks[area1]:sub(1,20)..newcrc:sub(3,4)..newcrc:sub(1,2)..blocks[area1]:sub(25,32)
newcrc = ('%04X'):format(CalcCheckSum(blocks,2,3))
blocks[area2] = blocks[area2]:sub(1,20)..newcrc:sub(3,4)..newcrc:sub(1,2)..blocks[area2]:sub(25,32)
function CalcCheckSum(blocks, dataarea, chksumtype)
local area = 36
if dataarea == 1 then
area = 8
if chksumtype == 0 then
data = blocks[0]..blocks[1]:sub(1,28)
elseif chksumtype == 1 then
data = blocks[area]:sub(1,28)..'0500'
elseif chksumtype == 2 then
data = blocks[area+1]..blocks[area+2]..blocks[area+4]
elseif chksumtype == 3 then
data = blocks[area+5]..blocks[area+6]..blocks[area+8]..string.rep('00',0xe0)
return utils.Crc16(data)
local function ValidateCheckSums(blocks)
local isOk, crc, calc
-- Checksum Type 0
crc = GetCheckSum(blocks,1,0)
calc = CalcCheckSum(blocks, 1, 0)
if crc == calc then isOk='Ok' else isOk = 'Error' end
io.write( ('TYPE 0 : %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
-- Checksum Type 1 (DATAAREAHEADER 1)
crc = GetCheckSum(blocks,1,1)
calc = CalcCheckSum(blocks,1,1)
if crc == calc then isOk='Ok' else isOk = 'Error' end
io.write( ('TYPE 1 area 1: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
-- Checksum Type 1 (DATAAREAHEADER 2)
crc = GetCheckSum(blocks,2,1)
calc = CalcCheckSum(blocks,2,1)
if crc == calc then isOk='Ok' else isOk = 'Error' end
io.write( ('TYPE 1 area 2: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
-- Checksum Type 2 (DATAAREA 1)
crc = GetCheckSum(blocks,1,2)
calc = CalcCheckSum(blocks,1,2)
if crc == calc then isOk='Ok' else isOk = 'Error' end
io.write( ('TYPE 2 area 1: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
-- Checksum Type 2 (DATAAREA 2)
crc = GetCheckSum(blocks,2,2)
calc = CalcCheckSum(blocks,2,2)
if crc == calc then isOk='Ok' else isOk = 'Error' end
io.write( ('TYPE 2 area 2: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
-- Checksum Type 3 (DATAAREA 1)
crc = GetCheckSum(blocks,1,3)
calc = CalcCheckSum(blocks,1,3)
if crc == calc then isOk='Ok' else isOk = 'Error' end
io.write( ('TYPE 3 area 1: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
-- Checksum Type 3 (DATAAREA 2)
crc = GetCheckSum(blocks,2,3)
calc = CalcCheckSum(blocks,2,3)
if crc == calc then isOk='Ok' else isOk = 'Error' end
io.write( ('TYPE 3 area 2: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
local function LoadEmulator(blocks)
local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
local cmd
local blockdata
for _,b in pairs(blocks) do
blockdata = b
if _%4 ~= 3 then
if (_ >= 8 and _<=21) or (_ >= 36 and _<=49) then
local base = ('%s%s%02x%s'):format(blocks[0], blocks[1], _ , HASHCONSTANT)
local baseStr = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(base)
local key = md5.sumhexa(baseStr)
local enc = core.aes(key, blockdata)
local hex = utils.ConvertAsciiToBytes(enc)
hex = utils.ConvertBytesToHex(hex)
blockdata = hex
io.write( _..',')
cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_EML_MEMSET, arg1 = _ ,arg2 = 1,arg3 = 0, data = blockdata}
local err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
if err then
return err
local function main(args)
print( string.rep('--',20) )
print( string.rep('--',20) )
local result, err, hex
local maxed = false
local inputTemplate = "dumpdata.bin"
local outputTemplate = os.date("toydump_%Y-%m-%d_%H%M");
-- Arguments for the script
for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hmi:o:') do
if o == "h" then return help() end
if o == "m" then maxed = true end
if o == "o" then outputTemplate = a end
if o == "i" then inputTemplate = a end
-- Turn off Debug
local cmdSetDbgOff = "hf mf dbg 0"
core.console( cmdSetDbgOff)
-- if not loadFromDump then
-- -- Look for tag present on reader,
-- result, err = lib14a.read1443a(false)
-- if not result then return oops(err) end
-- core.clearCommandBuffer()
-- if 0x01 ~= result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE TNP3xxx
-- return oops('This is not a TNP3xxx tag. aborting.')
-- end
-- -- Show tag info
-- print((' Found tag : %s'):format(result.name))
-- end
-- Load dump.bin file
print( (' Load data from %s'):format(inputTemplate))
hex, err = utils.ReadDumpFile(inputTemplate)
if not hex then return oops(err) end
local blocks = {}
local blockindex = 0
for i = 1, #hex, 32 do
blocks[blockindex] = hex:sub(i,i+31)
blockindex = blockindex + 1
if DEBUG then
print('Validating checksums in the loaded datadump')
print( string.rep('--',20) )
print(' Gathering info')
local uid = blocks[0]:sub(1,8)
local itemtype = blocks[1]:sub(1,4)
local cardid = blocks[1]:sub(9,24)
-- Show info
print( string.rep('--',20) )
print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s - %s'):format(itemtype, toyNames[itemtype]) )
print( (' UID : 0x%s'):format(uid) )
print( (' CARDID : 0x%s'):format(cardid ) )
print( string.rep('--',20) )
-- lets do something.
local experience = blocks[8]:sub(1,6)
print(('Experience : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(experience,24)))
local money = blocks[8]:sub(7,10)
print(('Money : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(money,16)))
local fairy = blocks[9]:sub(1,8)
--FD0F = Left, FF0F = Right
local path = 'not choosen'
if fairy:sub(2,2) == 'D' then
path = 'Left'
elseif fairy:sub(2,2) == 'F' then
path = 'Right'
print(('Fairy : %d [Path: %s] '):format(utils.SwapEndianness(fairy,24),path))
local hat = blocks[9]:sub(8,11)
print(('Hat : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(hat,16)))
--0x0D 0x29 0x0A 0x02 16-bit hero points value. Maximum 100.
local heropoints = blocks[13]:sub(20,23)
print(('Hero points : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(heropoints,16)))
--0x10 0x2C 0x0C 0x04 32 bit flag value indicating heroic challenges completed.
local challenges = blocks[16]:sub(25,32)
print(('Finished hero challenges : %d'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(challenges,32)))
if maxed then
print('Lets try to max out some values')
-- max out money, experience
--print (blocks[8])
blocks[8] = 'FFFFFF'..'FFFF'..blocks[8]:sub(11,32)
blocks[36] = 'FFFFFF'..'FFFF'..blocks[36]:sub(11,32)
--print (blocks[8])
-- max out hero challenges
--print (blocks[16])
blocks[16] = blocks[16]:sub(1,24)..'FFFFFFFF'
blocks[44] = blocks[44]:sub(1,24)..'FFFFFFFF'
--print (blocks[16])
-- max out heropoints
--print (blocks[13])
blocks[13] = blocks[13]:sub(1,19)..'0064'..blocks[13]:sub(24,32)
blocks[41] = blocks[41]:sub(1,19)..'0064'..blocks[41]:sub(24,32)
--print (blocks[13])
-- Update Checksums
print('Updating all checksums')
SetCheckSum(blocks, 3)
SetCheckSum(blocks, 2)
SetCheckSum(blocks, 1)
SetCheckSum(blocks, 0)
print('Validating all checksums')
--Load dumpdata to emulator memory
if DEBUG then
print('Sending dumpdata to emulator memory')
err = LoadEmulator(blocks)
if err then return oops(err) end
print('The simulation is now prepared.\n --> run \"hf mf sim u '..uid..' x\" <--')
main(args) |