
512 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Gernoth <michael at>
// Copyright (C) 2010 iZsh <izsh at>
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// Code for communicating with the proxmark3 hardware.
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L // need clock_gettime()
#include "comms.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "uart.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "util_darwin.h"
#include "util_posix.h"
// Serial port that we are communicating with the PM3 on.
static serial_port sp = NULL;
static char *serial_port_name = NULL;
// If TRUE, then there is no active connection to the PM3, and we will drop commands sent.
static bool offline;
typedef struct {
bool run; // If TRUE, continue running the uart_communication thread
} communication_arg_t;
static communication_arg_t conn;
static pthread_t USB_communication_thread;
// Transmit buffer.
static UsbCommand txBuffer;
static bool txBuffer_pending = false;
static pthread_mutex_t txBufferMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t txBufferSig = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
// Used by UsbReceiveCommand as a ring buffer for messages that are yet to be
// processed by a command handler (WaitForResponse{,Timeout})
#define CMD_BUFFER_SIZE 50
#define CMD_BUFFER_CHECK_TIME 10 // maximum time (in ms) to wait in getCommand()
static UsbCommand rxBuffer[CMD_BUFFER_SIZE];
// Points to the next empty position to write to
static int cmd_head = 0;
// Points to the position of the last unread command
static int cmd_tail = 0;
// to lock rxBuffer operations from different threads
static pthread_mutex_t rxBufferMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t rxBufferSig = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
// These wrappers are required because it is not possible to access a static
// global variable outside of the context of a single file.
void SetOffline(bool new_offline) {
offline = new_offline;
bool IsOffline() {
return offline;
void SendCommand(UsbCommand *c) {
printf("Sending %04" PRIx64 " cmd\n", c->cmd);
if (offline) {
PrintAndLog("Sending bytes to proxmark failed - offline");
This causes hangups at times, when the pm3 unit is unresponsive or disconnected. The main console thread is alive,
but comm thread just spins here. Not good.../holiman
while (txBuffer_pending) {
pthread_cond_wait(&txBufferSig, &txBufferMutex); // wait for communication thread to complete sending a previous commmand
txBuffer = *c;
txBuffer_pending = true;
pthread_cond_signal(&txBufferSig); // tell communication thread that a new command can be send
* @brief This method should be called when sending a new command to the pm3. In case any old
* responses from previous commands are stored in the buffer, a call to this method should clear them.
* A better method could have been to have explicit command-ACKS, so we can know which ACK goes to which
* operation. Right now we'll just have to live with this.
void clearCommandBuffer() {
//This is a very simple operation
cmd_tail = cmd_head;
* @brief storeCommand stores a USB command in a circular buffer
* @param UC
static void storeCommand(UsbCommand *command) {
if ((cmd_head + 1) % CMD_BUFFER_SIZE == cmd_tail) {
// If these two are equal, we're about to overwrite in the
// circular buffer.
PrintAndLog("WARNING: Command buffer about to overwrite command! This needs to be fixed!");
// Store the command at the 'head' location
UsbCommand* destination = &rxBuffer[cmd_head];
memcpy(destination, command, sizeof(UsbCommand));
cmd_head = (cmd_head + 1) % CMD_BUFFER_SIZE; //increment head and wrap
pthread_cond_signal(&rxBufferSig); // tell main thread that a new command can be retreived
* @brief getCommand gets a command from an internal circular buffer.
* @param response location to write command
* @return 1 if response was returned, 0 if nothing has been received in time
static int getCommand(UsbCommand* response, uint32_t ms_timeout) {
struct timespec end_time;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end_time);
end_time.tv_sec += ms_timeout / 1000;
end_time.tv_nsec += (ms_timeout % 1000) * 1000000;
if (end_time.tv_nsec > 1000000000) {
end_time.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
end_time.tv_sec += 1;
int res = 0;
while (cmd_head == cmd_tail && !res) {
res = pthread_cond_timedwait(&rxBufferSig, &rxBufferMutex, &end_time);
if (res) { // timeout
return 0;
// Pick out the next unread command
UsbCommand* last_unread = &rxBuffer[cmd_tail];
memcpy(response, last_unread, sizeof(UsbCommand));
// Increment tail - this is a circular buffer, so modulo buffer size
cmd_tail = (cmd_tail + 1) % CMD_BUFFER_SIZE;
return 1;
// Entry point into our code: called whenever we received a packet over USB.
// Handle debug commands directly, store all other commands in circular buffer.
static void UsbCommandReceived(UsbCommand *UC) {
switch (UC->cmd) {
// First check if we are handling a debug message
char s[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE+1];
memset(s, 0x00, sizeof(s));
size_t len = MIN(UC->arg[0], USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE);
memcpy(s, UC->d.asBytes,len);
PrintAndLog("#db# %s", s);
} break;
PrintAndLog("#db# %08x, %08x, %08x \r\n", UC->arg[0], UC->arg[1], UC->arg[2]);
} break;
static bool receive_from_serial(serial_port sp, uint8_t *rx_buf, size_t len, size_t *received_len) {
size_t bytes_read = 0;
*received_len = 0;
// we eventually need to call uart_receive several times because it may timeout in the middle of a transfer
while (uart_receive(sp, rx_buf + *received_len, len - *received_len, &bytes_read) && bytes_read && *received_len < len) {
if (bytes_read != len - *received_len) {
printf("uart_receive() returned true but not enough bytes could be received. received: %zd, wanted to receive: %zd, already received before: %zd\n",
bytes_read, len - *received_len, *received_len);
*received_len += bytes_read;
bytes_read = 0;
return (*received_len == len);
static void
#ifdef __has_attribute
#if __has_attribute(force_align_arg_pointer)
*uart_communication(void *targ) {
communication_arg_t *conn = (communication_arg_t*)targ;
uint8_t rx[sizeof(UsbCommand)];
size_t rxlen = 0;
uint8_t *prx = rx;
UsbCommand *command = (UsbCommand*)rx;
UsbResponse *response = (UsbResponse*)rx;
#if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
disableAppNap("Proxmark3 polling UART");
while (conn->run) {
bool ACK_received = false;
prx = rx;
size_t bytes_to_read = offsetof(UsbResponse, d); // the fixed part of a new style UsbResponse. Otherwise this will be cmd and arg[0] (64 bit each)
if (receive_from_serial(sp, prx, bytes_to_read, &rxlen)) {
prx += rxlen;
if (response->cmd & CMD_VARIABLE_SIZE_FLAG) { // new style response with variable size
PrintAndLog("received new style response %04" PRIx16 ", datalen = %zd, arg[0] = %08" PRIx32 ", arg[1] = %08" PRIx32 ", arg[2] = %08" PRIx32,
response->cmd, response->datalen, response->arg[0], response->arg[1], response->arg[2]);
bytes_to_read = response->datalen;
if (receive_from_serial(sp, prx, bytes_to_read, &rxlen)) {
UsbCommand resp;
resp.cmd = response->cmd & ~CMD_VARIABLE_SIZE_FLAG; // remove the flag
resp.arg[0] = response->arg[0];
resp.arg[1] = response->arg[1];
resp.arg[2] = response->arg[2];
memcpy(&resp.d.asBytes, &response->d.asBytes, response->datalen);
if (resp.cmd == CMD_ACK) {
ACK_received = true;
} else { // old style response uses same data structure as commands. Fixed size.
PrintAndLog("received old style response %016" PRIx64 ", arg[0] = %016" PRIx64, command->cmd, command->arg[0]);
bytes_to_read = sizeof(UsbCommand) - bytes_to_read;
if (receive_from_serial(sp, prx, bytes_to_read, &rxlen)) {
if (command->cmd == CMD_ACK) {
ACK_received = true;
// if we received an ACK the PM has done its job and waits for another command.
// We therefore can wait here as well until a new command is to be transmitted.
// The advantage is that the next command will be transmitted immediately without the need to wait for a receive timeout
if (ACK_received) {
while (!txBuffer_pending) {
pthread_cond_wait(&txBufferSig, &txBufferMutex);
if (txBuffer_pending) {
if (!uart_send(sp, (uint8_t*) &txBuffer, sizeof(UsbCommand))) {
PrintAndLog("Sending bytes to proxmark failed");
txBuffer_pending = false;
pthread_cond_signal(&txBufferSig); // tell main thread that txBuffer is empty
#if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
return NULL;
* Data transfer from Proxmark to client. This method times out after
* ms_timeout milliseconds.
* @brief GetFromBigBuf
* @param dest Destination address for transfer
* @param bytes number of bytes to be transferred
* @param start_index offset into Proxmark3 BigBuf[]
* @param response struct to copy last command (CMD_ACK) into
* @param ms_timeout timeout in milliseconds
* @param show_warning display message after 2 seconds
* @return true if command was returned, otherwise false
bool GetFromBigBuf(uint8_t *dest, int bytes, int start_index, UsbCommand *response, size_t ms_timeout, bool show_warning) {
uint64_t start_time = msclock();
UsbCommand c = {CMD_DOWNLOAD_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_125K, {start_index, bytes, 0}};
UsbCommand resp;
if (response == NULL) {
response = &resp;
int bytes_completed = 0;
while (true) {
if (msclock() - start_time > ms_timeout) {
break; // timeout
if (msclock() - start_time > 2000 && show_warning) {
// 2 seconds elapsed (but this doesn't mean the timeout was exceeded)
PrintAndLog("Waiting for a response from the proxmark...");
PrintAndLog("You can cancel this operation by pressing the pm3 button");
show_warning = false;
if (getCommand(response, CMD_BUFFER_CHECK_TIME)) {
if (response->cmd == CMD_DOWNLOADED_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_125K) {
int copy_bytes = MIN(bytes - bytes_completed, response->arg[1]);
memcpy(dest + response->arg[0], response->d.asBytes, copy_bytes);
bytes_completed += copy_bytes;
} else if (response->cmd == CMD_ACK) {
return true;
return false;
bool GetFromFpgaRAM(uint8_t *dest, int bytes) {
uint64_t start_time = msclock();
UsbCommand c = {CMD_HF_PLOT, {0, 0, 0}};
UsbCommand response;
int bytes_completed = 0;
bool show_warning = true;
while (true) {
if (msclock() - start_time > 2000 && show_warning) {
PrintAndLog("Waiting for a response from the proxmark...");
PrintAndLog("You can cancel this operation by pressing the pm3 button");
show_warning = false;
if (getCommand(&response, CMD_BUFFER_CHECK_TIME)) {
if (response.cmd == CMD_DOWNLOADED_RAW_ADC_SAMPLES_125K) {
int copy_bytes = MIN(bytes - bytes_completed, response.arg[1]);
memcpy(dest + response.arg[0], response.d.asBytes, copy_bytes);
bytes_completed += copy_bytes;
} else if (response.cmd == CMD_ACK) {
return true;
return false;
bool OpenProxmark(void *port, bool wait_for_port, int timeout) {
char *portname = (char *)port;
if (!wait_for_port) {
sp = uart_open(portname);
} else {
printf("Waiting for Proxmark to appear on %s ", portname);
int openCount = 0;
do {
sp = uart_open(portname);
} while (++openCount < timeout && (sp == INVALID_SERIAL_PORT || sp == CLAIMED_SERIAL_PORT));
// check result of uart opening
printf("ERROR: invalid serial port\n");
sp = NULL;
serial_port_name = NULL;
return false;
} else if (sp == CLAIMED_SERIAL_PORT) {
printf("ERROR: serial port is claimed by another process\n");
sp = NULL;
serial_port_name = NULL;
return false;
} else {
// start the USB communication thread
serial_port_name = portname; = true;
pthread_create(&USB_communication_thread, NULL, &uart_communication, &conn);
return true;
void CloseProxmark(void) { = false;
#ifdef __BIONIC__
// In Android O and later, if an invalid pthread_t is passed to pthread_join, it calls fatal().
// In Bionic libc, pthread_t is an integer.
if (USB_communication_thread != 0) {
pthread_join(USB_communication_thread, NULL);
// pthread_t is a struct on other libc, treat as an opaque memory reference
pthread_join(USB_communication_thread, NULL);
if (sp) {
// Clean up our state
sp = NULL;
serial_port_name = NULL;
#ifdef __BIONIC__
memset(&USB_communication_thread, 0, sizeof(pthread_t));
* Waits for a certain response type. This method waits for a maximum of
* ms_timeout milliseconds for a specified response command.
*@brief WaitForResponseTimeout
* @param cmd command to wait for, or CMD_UNKNOWN to take any command.
* @param response struct to copy received command into.
* @param ms_timeout
* @param show_warning display message after 2 seconds
* @return true if command was returned, otherwise false
bool WaitForResponseTimeoutW(uint32_t cmd, UsbCommand* response, size_t ms_timeout, bool show_warning) {
UsbCommand resp;
printf("Waiting for %04x cmd\n", cmd);
uint64_t start_time = msclock();
if (response == NULL) {
response = &resp;
// Wait until the command is received
while (true) {
if (ms_timeout != -1 && msclock() > start_time + ms_timeout) {
break; // timeout
if (msclock() - start_time > 2000 && show_warning) {
// 2 seconds elapsed (but this doesn't mean the timeout was exceeded)
PrintAndLog("Waiting for a response from the proxmark...");
PrintAndLog("You can cancel this operation by pressing the pm3 button");
show_warning = false;
if (getCommand(response, CMD_BUFFER_CHECK_TIME)) {
if (cmd == CMD_UNKNOWN || response->cmd == cmd) {
return true;
return false;
bool WaitForResponseTimeout(uint32_t cmd, UsbCommand* response, size_t ms_timeout) {
return WaitForResponseTimeoutW(cmd, response, ms_timeout, true);
bool WaitForResponse(uint32_t cmd, UsbCommand* response) {
return WaitForResponseTimeoutW(cmd, response, -1, true);