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For Mako templating syntax documentation please visit: http://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/
Filename: home_stats.html
Version: 0.1
Variable names: data [array]
data[array_index] :: Usable parameters
data['stat_id'] Returns the name of the stat. Either 'top_tv', 'top_movies', 'popular_tv', 'popular_movies', 'top_user' or 'top_platform'
data['stat_type'] Returns the type of the stat. Either 'total_plays' or 'total_duration'
data['rows'] Returns an array containing stat data
data[array_index]['rows'] :: Usable parameters
row_id Return the db row id for a metadata item if one exists
== Only if 'stat_id' is 'top_tv' or 'popular_tv' or 'top_movies' or 'popular_movies' or 'top_music' or 'popular_music' or 'last_watched' ==
thumb Return the thumb for the media item.
== Only if 'stat_id' is 'top_tv' or 'popular_tv' or 'top_music' or 'popular_music' ==
grandparent_thumb Returns location of the item's thumbnail. Use with pms_image_proxy.
rating_key Returns the unique identifier for the media item.
title Returns the title for the associated stat.
== Only if 'stat_id' is 'top_tv' or 'top_movies' or 'top_music' or 'top_user' or 'top_platform' or 'top_libraries' ==
total_plays Returns the count for the associated stat.
total_duration Returns the total duration for the associated stat.
== Only of 'stat_id' is 'popular_tv' or 'popular_movies' or 'popular_music' ==
users_watched Returns the count for the associated stat.
== Only if 'stat_id' is 'top_user' or 'last_watched' ==
user_thumb Returns url of the user's gravatar. Returns '' if none exists.
user Returns the username for the associated stat.
user_id Returns the user id for the associated stat.
friendly_name Returns the friendly name of the user for the associated stat.
== Only if 'stat_id' is 'top_platform' or 'last_watched' ==
player Returns the player name for the associated stat.
== Only if 'stat_id' is 'last_watched' ==
last_watch Returns the time the media item was last watched.
== Only if 'stat_id' is 'most_concurrent' ==
count Returns the count of the most concurrent streams.
started Returns the start time of the most concurrent streams.
stopped Returns the stop time of the most concurrent streams.
from plexpy.helpers import cast_to_int, page
# Human readable duration
def hd(seconds):
m, s = divmod(cast_to_int(seconds), 60)
if s > 30:
m += 1
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return str(h).zfill(1) + ':' + str(m).zfill(2)
% if data and any(top_stat['rows'] for top_stat in data):
% for top_stat in data:
% if top_stat['rows']:
stat_id = top_stat['stat_id']
row0 = top_stat['rows'][0]
<div class="dashboard-stats-instance" id="stats-instance-${stat_id}" data-stat_id="${stat_id}">
<div class="dashboard-stats-container">
% if stat_id in ('top_movies', 'popular_movies', 'top_tv', 'popular_tv', 'top_music', 'popular_music', 'last_watched'):
<% fallback = 'art-live' if row0['live'] else 'art' %>
<div id="stats-background-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-background" style="background-image: url(${page('pms_image_proxy', row0['art'], row0['rating_key'], 500, 280, 40, '282828', 3, fallback=fallback)});">
% elif stat_id == 'top_libraries':
<% fallback = 'art-live' if row0['live'] else row0['library_art'] %>
<div id="stats-background-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-background" style="background-image: url(${page('pms_image_proxy', row0['art'] or row0['library_art'], None, 500, 280, 40, '282828', 3, fallback=fallback)});" data-library_art="${row0['library_art']}">
% elif stat_id == 'top_users':
<div id="stats-background-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-background" data-blurhash="${page('pms_image_proxy', row0['user_thumb'] or 'interfaces/default/images/gravatar-default.png', None, 100, 100, 40, '282828', 0, fallback='user')}">
% elif stat_id == 'top_platforms':
<div id="stats-background-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-background platform-${row0['platform_name']}-rgba no-image">
% else:
<div id="stats-background-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-background flat">
% endif
% if stat_id in ('top_movies', 'popular_movies', 'top_tv', 'popular_tv', 'top_music', 'popular_music', 'last_watched'):
<div class="dashboard-stats-poster-container hidden-xs">
% if stat_id in ('top_music', 'popular_music'):
<div id="stats-thumb-${stat_id}-bg" class="dashboard-stats-poster" style="background-image: url(${page('pms_image_proxy', row0['thumb'], row0['rating_key'], 300, 300, 60, '282828', 3, fallback='cover')});"></div>
% endif
height, fallback = ('450', 'poster')
if stat_id in ('top_music', 'popular_music'):
height, fallback = ('300', 'cover')
elif row0['live']:
height, fallback = ('450', 'poster-live')
href = '#'
if row0['rating_key']:
if row0['live']:
href = page('info', row0['rating_key'], row0['guid'], history=True, live=row0['live'])
href = page('info', row0['rating_key'], history=True)
<a id="stats-thumb-url-${stat_id}" href="${href}" title="${row0['title']}">
<div id="stats-thumb-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-${fallback.split('-')[0]}" style="background-image: url(${page('pms_image_proxy', row0['thumb'], row0['grandparent_rating_key'] or row0['rating_key'], 300, height, fallback=fallback)});"></div>
% elif stat_id == 'top_libraries':
% if row0['library_thumb'].startswith('http'):
<div id="stats-thumb-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-flat hidden-xs" style="background-image: url(${page('pms_image_proxy', row0['library_thumb'], None, 100, 100, fallback='cover')});"></div>
% else:
<div id="stats-thumb-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-flat svg-icon library-${row0['section_type']} hidden-xs"></div>
% endif
% elif stat_id == 'top_users':
<% user_href = page('user', row0['user_id']) if row0['user_id'] else '#' %>
<a id="stats-thumb-url-${stat_id}" href="${user_href}" title="${row0['user']}" class="hidden-xs">
<div id="stats-thumb-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-circle" style="background-image: url(${page('pms_image_proxy', row0['user_thumb'] or 'interfaces/default/images/gravatar-default.png', None, 100, 100, fallback='user')})"></div>
% elif stat_id == 'top_platforms':
<div id="stats-thumb-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-flat svg-icon platform-${row0['platform_name']} transparent hidden-xs"></div>
% elif stat_id == 'most_concurrent':
<div id="stats-thumb-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-flat svg-icon stats-${stat_id} transparent hidden-xs"></div>
% endif
<div class="dashboard-stats-info-container">
<div id="stats-title-${stat_id}" class="dashboard-stats-info-title">
% if stat_id.startswith('top') and top_stat.get('stat_type') == 'total_plays':
<span class="dashboard-stats-stats-units">plays</span>
% elif stat_id.startswith('top') and top_stat.get('stat_type') == 'total_duration':
<span class="dashboard-stats-stats-units">hh:mm</span>
% elif stat_id.startswith('popular'):
<span class="dashboard-stats-stats-units">users</span>
% elif stat_id == 'last_watched':
<span class="dashboard-stats-stats-units" id="last-watched-header-info" title="${row0['user']}">${row0['friendly_name']}</span>
% elif stat_id == 'most_concurrent':
<span class="dashboard-stats-stats-units" id="most-concurrent-header-info">streams</span>
% endif
<div class="dashboard-stats-info-scroller scrollbar-macosx">
<div class="dashboard-stats-info scoller-content">
<ul class="list-unstyled dashboard-stats-info-list">
% for row in top_stat['rows']:
<li class="dashboard-stats-info-item ${'expanded' if loop.index == 0 else ''}" data-stat_id="${stat_id}"
data-rating_key="${row.get('rating_key')}" data-grandparent_rating_key="${row.get('grandparent_rating_key')}" data-guid="${row.get('guid')}" data-title="${row.get('title')}"
data-art="${row.get('art')}" data-thumb="${row.get('thumb')}" data-platform="${row.get('platform_name')}" data-library-type="${row.get('section_type')}"
data-user_id="${row.get('user_id')}" data-user="${row.get('user')}" data-friendly_name="${row.get('friendly_name')}" data-user_thumb="${row.get('user_thumb')}"
data-last_watch="${row.get('last_watch')}" data-started="${row.get('started')}" data-live="${row.get('live')}"
data-library_art="${row.get('library_art', '')}" data-library_thumb="${row.get('library_thumb', '')}">
<div class="sub-list">${loop.index + 1}</div>
<div class="sub-value">
% if stat_id in ('top_movies', 'popular_movies', 'top_tv', 'popular_tv', 'top_music', 'popular_music', 'last_watched'):
href = '#'
if row['rating_key']:
if row['live']:
href = page('info', row['rating_key'], row['guid'], history=True, live=row['live'])
href = page('info', row['rating_key'], history=True)
<a href="${href}" title="${row['title']}">
% elif stat_id == 'top_libraries':
<% library_href = page('library', row['section_id']) %>
<a href="${library_href}" title="${row['section_name']}">
% elif stat_id == 'top_users':
<% user_href = page('user', row['user_id']) if row['user_id'] else '#' %>
<a href="${user_href}" title="${row['user']}">
% elif stat_id == 'top_platforms':
% elif stat_id == 'most_concurrent':
<a href="graphs#concurrent-graph" title="${row['title']}">
% endif
<div class="sub-count">
% if stat_id.startswith('top') and top_stat.get('stat_type') == 'total_plays':
% elif stat_id.startswith('top') and top_stat.get('stat_type') == 'total_duration':
${row['total_duration'] | hd}
% elif stat_id.startswith('popular'):
% elif stat_id == 'most_concurrent':
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
% else:
<div class="text-muted">No stats to show for the selected period.</div><br>
% endif |