mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 03:32:58 -08:00
Added in code to place single files or groups of files that are not contained in a folder into there own folder or grouped folder based on parsing of the filenames to extract details required to determin correcting folder naming.
259 lines
4.9 KiB
259 lines
4.9 KiB
data = (
'jjwaels', # 0x00
'jjwaelt', # 0x01
'jjwaelp', # 0x02
'jjwaelh', # 0x03
'jjwaem', # 0x04
'jjwaeb', # 0x05
'jjwaebs', # 0x06
'jjwaes', # 0x07
'jjwaess', # 0x08
'jjwaeng', # 0x09
'jjwaej', # 0x0a
'jjwaec', # 0x0b
'jjwaek', # 0x0c
'jjwaet', # 0x0d
'jjwaep', # 0x0e
'jjwaeh', # 0x0f
'jjoe', # 0x10
'jjoeg', # 0x11
'jjoegg', # 0x12
'jjoegs', # 0x13
'jjoen', # 0x14
'jjoenj', # 0x15
'jjoenh', # 0x16
'jjoed', # 0x17
'jjoel', # 0x18
'jjoelg', # 0x19
'jjoelm', # 0x1a
'jjoelb', # 0x1b
'jjoels', # 0x1c
'jjoelt', # 0x1d
'jjoelp', # 0x1e
'jjoelh', # 0x1f
'jjoem', # 0x20
'jjoeb', # 0x21
'jjoebs', # 0x22
'jjoes', # 0x23
'jjoess', # 0x24
'jjoeng', # 0x25
'jjoej', # 0x26
'jjoec', # 0x27
'jjoek', # 0x28
'jjoet', # 0x29
'jjoep', # 0x2a
'jjoeh', # 0x2b
'jjyo', # 0x2c
'jjyog', # 0x2d
'jjyogg', # 0x2e
'jjyogs', # 0x2f
'jjyon', # 0x30
'jjyonj', # 0x31
'jjyonh', # 0x32
'jjyod', # 0x33
'jjyol', # 0x34
'jjyolg', # 0x35
'jjyolm', # 0x36
'jjyolb', # 0x37
'jjyols', # 0x38
'jjyolt', # 0x39
'jjyolp', # 0x3a
'jjyolh', # 0x3b
'jjyom', # 0x3c
'jjyob', # 0x3d
'jjyobs', # 0x3e
'jjyos', # 0x3f
'jjyoss', # 0x40
'jjyong', # 0x41
'jjyoj', # 0x42
'jjyoc', # 0x43
'jjyok', # 0x44
'jjyot', # 0x45
'jjyop', # 0x46
'jjyoh', # 0x47
'jju', # 0x48
'jjug', # 0x49
'jjugg', # 0x4a
'jjugs', # 0x4b
'jjun', # 0x4c
'jjunj', # 0x4d
'jjunh', # 0x4e
'jjud', # 0x4f
'jjul', # 0x50
'jjulg', # 0x51
'jjulm', # 0x52
'jjulb', # 0x53
'jjuls', # 0x54
'jjult', # 0x55
'jjulp', # 0x56
'jjulh', # 0x57
'jjum', # 0x58
'jjub', # 0x59
'jjubs', # 0x5a
'jjus', # 0x5b
'jjuss', # 0x5c
'jjung', # 0x5d
'jjuj', # 0x5e
'jjuc', # 0x5f
'jjuk', # 0x60
'jjut', # 0x61
'jjup', # 0x62
'jjuh', # 0x63
'jjweo', # 0x64
'jjweog', # 0x65
'jjweogg', # 0x66
'jjweogs', # 0x67
'jjweon', # 0x68
'jjweonj', # 0x69
'jjweonh', # 0x6a
'jjweod', # 0x6b
'jjweol', # 0x6c
'jjweolg', # 0x6d
'jjweolm', # 0x6e
'jjweolb', # 0x6f
'jjweols', # 0x70
'jjweolt', # 0x71
'jjweolp', # 0x72
'jjweolh', # 0x73
'jjweom', # 0x74
'jjweob', # 0x75
'jjweobs', # 0x76
'jjweos', # 0x77
'jjweoss', # 0x78
'jjweong', # 0x79
'jjweoj', # 0x7a
'jjweoc', # 0x7b
'jjweok', # 0x7c
'jjweot', # 0x7d
'jjweop', # 0x7e
'jjweoh', # 0x7f
'jjwe', # 0x80
'jjweg', # 0x81
'jjwegg', # 0x82
'jjwegs', # 0x83
'jjwen', # 0x84
'jjwenj', # 0x85
'jjwenh', # 0x86
'jjwed', # 0x87
'jjwel', # 0x88
'jjwelg', # 0x89
'jjwelm', # 0x8a
'jjwelb', # 0x8b
'jjwels', # 0x8c
'jjwelt', # 0x8d
'jjwelp', # 0x8e
'jjwelh', # 0x8f
'jjwem', # 0x90
'jjweb', # 0x91
'jjwebs', # 0x92
'jjwes', # 0x93
'jjwess', # 0x94
'jjweng', # 0x95
'jjwej', # 0x96
'jjwec', # 0x97
'jjwek', # 0x98
'jjwet', # 0x99
'jjwep', # 0x9a
'jjweh', # 0x9b
'jjwi', # 0x9c
'jjwig', # 0x9d
'jjwigg', # 0x9e
'jjwigs', # 0x9f
'jjwin', # 0xa0
'jjwinj', # 0xa1
'jjwinh', # 0xa2
'jjwid', # 0xa3
'jjwil', # 0xa4
'jjwilg', # 0xa5
'jjwilm', # 0xa6
'jjwilb', # 0xa7
'jjwils', # 0xa8
'jjwilt', # 0xa9
'jjwilp', # 0xaa
'jjwilh', # 0xab
'jjwim', # 0xac
'jjwib', # 0xad
'jjwibs', # 0xae
'jjwis', # 0xaf
'jjwiss', # 0xb0
'jjwing', # 0xb1
'jjwij', # 0xb2
'jjwic', # 0xb3
'jjwik', # 0xb4
'jjwit', # 0xb5
'jjwip', # 0xb6
'jjwih', # 0xb7
'jjyu', # 0xb8
'jjyug', # 0xb9
'jjyugg', # 0xba
'jjyugs', # 0xbb
'jjyun', # 0xbc
'jjyunj', # 0xbd
'jjyunh', # 0xbe
'jjyud', # 0xbf
'jjyul', # 0xc0
'jjyulg', # 0xc1
'jjyulm', # 0xc2
'jjyulb', # 0xc3
'jjyuls', # 0xc4
'jjyult', # 0xc5
'jjyulp', # 0xc6
'jjyulh', # 0xc7
'jjyum', # 0xc8
'jjyub', # 0xc9
'jjyubs', # 0xca
'jjyus', # 0xcb
'jjyuss', # 0xcc
'jjyung', # 0xcd
'jjyuj', # 0xce
'jjyuc', # 0xcf
'jjyuk', # 0xd0
'jjyut', # 0xd1
'jjyup', # 0xd2
'jjyuh', # 0xd3
'jjeu', # 0xd4
'jjeug', # 0xd5
'jjeugg', # 0xd6
'jjeugs', # 0xd7
'jjeun', # 0xd8
'jjeunj', # 0xd9
'jjeunh', # 0xda
'jjeud', # 0xdb
'jjeul', # 0xdc
'jjeulg', # 0xdd
'jjeulm', # 0xde
'jjeulb', # 0xdf
'jjeuls', # 0xe0
'jjeult', # 0xe1
'jjeulp', # 0xe2
'jjeulh', # 0xe3
'jjeum', # 0xe4
'jjeub', # 0xe5
'jjeubs', # 0xe6
'jjeus', # 0xe7
'jjeuss', # 0xe8
'jjeung', # 0xe9
'jjeuj', # 0xea
'jjeuc', # 0xeb
'jjeuk', # 0xec
'jjeut', # 0xed
'jjeup', # 0xee
'jjeuh', # 0xef
'jjyi', # 0xf0
'jjyig', # 0xf1
'jjyigg', # 0xf2
'jjyigs', # 0xf3
'jjyin', # 0xf4
'jjyinj', # 0xf5
'jjyinh', # 0xf6
'jjyid', # 0xf7
'jjyil', # 0xf8
'jjyilg', # 0xf9
'jjyilm', # 0xfa
'jjyilb', # 0xfb
'jjyils', # 0xfc
'jjyilt', # 0xfd
'jjyilp', # 0xfe
'jjyilh', # 0xff