mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 03:32:58 -08:00
Dependencies: * PyYAML 3.11 * Unidecode 0.4.19 * beets 1.3.18 * colorama 0.3.7 * enum34 1.1.6 * jellyfish 0.5.4 * munkres 1.0.7 * musicbrainzngs 0.6 * mutagen 1.32
363 lines
12 KiB
363 lines
12 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 Joe Wreschnig
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""MPEG audio stream information and tags."""
import os
import struct
from ._compat import endswith, xrange
from ._mp3util import XingHeader, XingHeaderError, VBRIHeader, VBRIHeaderError
from mutagen import StreamInfo
from mutagen._util import MutagenError, enum
from mutagen.id3 import ID3FileType, BitPaddedInt, delete
__all__ = ["MP3", "Open", "delete", "MP3"]
class error(RuntimeError, MutagenError):
class HeaderNotFoundError(error, IOError):
class InvalidMPEGHeader(error, IOError):
class BitrateMode(object):
"""Probably a CBR file, but not sure"""
CBR = 1
"""Constant Bitrate"""
VBR = 2
"""Variable Bitrate"""
ABR = 3
"""Average Bitrate (a variant of VBR)"""
def _guess_xing_bitrate_mode(xing):
if xing.lame_header:
lame = xing.lame_header
if lame.vbr_method in (1, 8):
return BitrateMode.CBR
elif lame.vbr_method in (2, 9):
return BitrateMode.ABR
elif lame.vbr_method in (3, 4, 5, 6):
return BitrateMode.VBR
# everything else undefined, continue guessing
# info tags get only written by lame for cbr files
if xing.is_info:
return BitrateMode.CBR
# older lame and non-lame with some variant of vbr
if xing.vbr_scale != -1 or xing.lame_version:
return BitrateMode.VBR
return BitrateMode.UNKNOWN
# Mode values.
class MPEGInfo(StreamInfo):
"""MPEG audio stream information
Parse information about an MPEG audio file. This also reads the
Xing VBR header format.
This code was implemented based on the format documentation at
Useful attributes:
* length -- audio length, in seconds
* channels -- number of audio channels
* bitrate -- audio bitrate, in bits per second
* sketchy -- if true, the file may not be valid MPEG audio
* encoder_info -- a string containing encoder name and possibly version.
In case a lame tag is present this will start with
``"LAME "``, if unknown it is empty, otherwise the
text format is undefined.
* bitrate_mode -- a :class:`BitrateMode`
* track_gain -- replaygain track gain (89db) or None
* track_peak -- replaygain track peak or None
* album_gain -- replaygain album gain (89db) or None
Useless attributes:
* version -- MPEG version (1, 2, 2.5)
* layer -- 1, 2, or 3
* protected -- whether or not the file is "protected"
* padding -- whether or not audio frames are padded
* sample_rate -- audio sample rate, in Hz
# Map (version, layer) tuples to bitrates.
(1, 1): [0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224,
256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448],
(1, 2): [0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128,
160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384],
(1, 3): [0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112,
128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320],
(2, 1): [0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128,
144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256],
(2, 2): [0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160],
__BITRATE[(2, 3)] = __BITRATE[(2, 2)]
for i in xrange(1, 4):
__BITRATE[(2.5, i)] = __BITRATE[(2, i)]
# Map version to sample rates.
__RATES = {
1: [44100, 48000, 32000],
2: [22050, 24000, 16000],
2.5: [11025, 12000, 8000]
sketchy = False
encoder_info = u""
bitrate_mode = BitrateMode.UNKNOWN
track_gain = track_peak = album_gain = album_peak = None
def __init__(self, fileobj, offset=None):
"""Parse MPEG stream information from a file-like object.
If an offset argument is given, it is used to start looking
for stream information and Xing headers; otherwise, ID3v2 tags
will be skipped automatically. A correct offset can make
loading files significantly faster.
size = os.path.getsize(fileobj.name)
except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError):
fileobj.seek(0, 2)
size = fileobj.tell()
# If we don't get an offset, try to skip an ID3v2 tag.
if offset is None:
fileobj.seek(0, 0)
idata = fileobj.read(10)
id3, insize = struct.unpack('>3sxxx4s', idata)
except struct.error:
id3, insize = b'', 0
insize = BitPaddedInt(insize)
if id3 == b'ID3' and insize > 0:
offset = insize + 10
offset = 0
# Try to find two valid headers (meaning, very likely MPEG data)
# at the given offset, 30% through the file, 60% through the file,
# and 90% through the file.
for i in [offset, 0.3 * size, 0.6 * size, 0.9 * size]:
self.__try(fileobj, int(i), size - offset)
except error:
# If we can't find any two consecutive frames, try to find just
# one frame back at the original offset given.
self.__try(fileobj, offset, size - offset, False)
self.sketchy = True
def __try(self, fileobj, offset, real_size, check_second=True):
# This is going to be one really long function; bear with it,
# because there's not really a sane point to cut it up.
fileobj.seek(offset, 0)
# We "know" we have an MPEG file if we find two frames that look like
# valid MPEG data. If we can't find them in 32k of reads, something
# is horribly wrong (the longest frame can only be about 4k). This
# is assuming the offset didn't lie.
data = fileobj.read(32768)
frame_1 = data.find(b"\xff")
while 0 <= frame_1 <= (len(data) - 4):
frame_data = struct.unpack(">I", data[frame_1:frame_1 + 4])[0]
if ((frame_data >> 16) & 0xE0) != 0xE0:
frame_1 = data.find(b"\xff", frame_1 + 2)
version = (frame_data >> 19) & 0x3
layer = (frame_data >> 17) & 0x3
protection = (frame_data >> 16) & 0x1
bitrate = (frame_data >> 12) & 0xF
sample_rate = (frame_data >> 10) & 0x3
padding = (frame_data >> 9) & 0x1
# private = (frame_data >> 8) & 0x1
self.mode = (frame_data >> 6) & 0x3
# mode_extension = (frame_data >> 4) & 0x3
# copyright = (frame_data >> 3) & 0x1
# original = (frame_data >> 2) & 0x1
# emphasis = (frame_data >> 0) & 0x3
if (version == 1 or layer == 0 or sample_rate == 0x3 or
bitrate == 0 or bitrate == 0xF):
frame_1 = data.find(b"\xff", frame_1 + 2)
raise HeaderNotFoundError("can't sync to an MPEG frame")
self.channels = 1 if self.mode == MONO else 2
# There is a serious problem here, which is that many flags
# in an MPEG header are backwards.
self.version = [2.5, None, 2, 1][version]
self.layer = 4 - layer
self.protected = not protection
self.padding = bool(padding)
self.bitrate = self.__BITRATE[(self.version, self.layer)][bitrate]
self.bitrate *= 1000
self.sample_rate = self.__RATES[self.version][sample_rate]
if self.layer == 1:
frame_length = (
(12 * self.bitrate // self.sample_rate) + padding) * 4
frame_size = 384
elif self.version >= 2 and self.layer == 3:
frame_length = (72 * self.bitrate // self.sample_rate) + padding
frame_size = 576
frame_length = (144 * self.bitrate // self.sample_rate) + padding
frame_size = 1152
if check_second:
possible = int(frame_1 + frame_length)
if possible > len(data) + 4:
raise HeaderNotFoundError("can't sync to second MPEG frame")
frame_data = struct.unpack(
">H", data[possible:possible + 2])[0]
except struct.error:
raise HeaderNotFoundError("can't sync to second MPEG frame")
if (frame_data & 0xFFE0) != 0xFFE0:
raise HeaderNotFoundError("can't sync to second MPEG frame")
self.length = 8 * real_size / float(self.bitrate)
# Try to find/parse the Xing header, which trumps the above length
# and bitrate calculation.
if self.layer != 3:
# Xing
xing_offset = XingHeader.get_offset(self)
fileobj.seek(offset + frame_1 + xing_offset, 0)
xing = XingHeader(fileobj)
except XingHeaderError:
lame = xing.lame_header
self.sketchy = False
self.bitrate_mode = _guess_xing_bitrate_mode(xing)
if xing.frames != -1:
samples = frame_size * xing.frames
if lame is not None:
samples -= lame.encoder_delay_start
samples -= lame.encoder_padding_end
self.length = float(samples) / self.sample_rate
if xing.bytes != -1 and self.length:
self.bitrate = int((xing.bytes * 8) / self.length)
if xing.lame_version:
self.encoder_info = u"LAME %s" % xing.lame_version
if lame is not None:
self.track_gain = lame.track_gain_adjustment
self.track_peak = lame.track_peak
self.album_gain = lame.album_gain_adjustment
vbri_offset = VBRIHeader.get_offset(self)
fileobj.seek(offset + frame_1 + vbri_offset, 0)
vbri = VBRIHeader(fileobj)
except VBRIHeaderError:
self.bitrate_mode = BitrateMode.VBR
self.encoder_info = u"FhG"
self.sketchy = False
self.length = float(frame_size * vbri.frames) / self.sample_rate
if self.length:
self.bitrate = int((vbri.bytes * 8) / self.length)
def pprint(self):
info = str(self.bitrate_mode).split(".", 1)[-1]
if self.bitrate_mode == BitrateMode.UNKNOWN:
info = u"CBR?"
if self.encoder_info:
info += ", %s" % self.encoder_info
s = u"MPEG %s layer %d, %d bps (%s), %s Hz, %d chn, %.2f seconds" % (
self.version, self.layer, self.bitrate, info,
self.sample_rate, self.channels, self.length)
if self.sketchy:
s += u" (sketchy)"
return s
class MP3(ID3FileType):
"""An MPEG audio (usually MPEG-1 Layer 3) file.
:ivar info: :class:`MPEGInfo`
:ivar tags: :class:`ID3 <mutagen.id3.ID3>`
_Info = MPEGInfo
_mimes = ["audio/mpeg", "audio/mpg", "audio/x-mpeg"]
def mime(self):
l = self.info.layer
return ["audio/mp%d" % l, "audio/x-mp%d" % l] + super(MP3, self).mime
def score(filename, fileobj, header_data):
filename = filename.lower()
return (header_data.startswith(b"ID3") * 2 +
endswith(filename, b".mp3") +
endswith(filename, b".mp2") + endswith(filename, b".mpg") +
endswith(filename, b".mpeg"))
Open = MP3
class EasyMP3(MP3):
"""Like MP3, but uses EasyID3 for tags.
:ivar info: :class:`MPEGInfo`
:ivar tags: :class:`EasyID3 <mutagen.easyid3.EasyID3>`
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 as ID3
ID3 = ID3