Labrys of Knossos f05b09f349 Updates vendored subliminal to 2.1.0
Updates rarfile to 3.1
Updates stevedore to 3.5.0
Updates appdirs to 1.4.4
Updates click to 8.1.3
Updates decorator to 5.1.1
Updates dogpile.cache to 1.1.8
Updates pbr to 5.11.0
Updates pysrt to 1.1.2
Updates pytz to 2022.6
Adds importlib-metadata version 3.1.1
Adds typing-extensions version 4.1.1
Adds zipp version 3.11.0
2022-11-29 00:44:49 -05:00

515 lines
19 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from babelfish import Language, language_converters
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dogpile.cache.api import NO_VALUE
from guessit import guessit
import pytz
import rarfile
from rarfile import RarFile, is_rarfile
from rebulk.loose import ensure_list
from requests import Session
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile
from . import ParserBeautifulSoup, Provider
from ..cache import SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME, region
from ..exceptions import AuthenticationError, ConfigurationError, ProviderError, ServiceUnavailable
from ..matches import guess_matches
from ..subtitle import SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, Subtitle, fix_line_ending
from ..utils import sanitize
from import Episode, Movie
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
language_converters.register('legendastv = subliminal.converters.legendastv:LegendasTVConverter')
# Configure :mod:`rarfile` to use the same path separator as :mod:`zipfile`
rarfile.PATH_SEP = '/'
#: Conversion map for types
type_map = {'M': 'movie', 'S': 'episode', 'C': 'episode'}
#: BR title season parsing regex
season_re = re.compile(r' - (?P<season>\d+)(\xaa|a|st|nd|rd|th) (temporada|season)', re.IGNORECASE)
#: Downloads parsing regex
downloads_re = re.compile(r'(?P<downloads>\d+) downloads')
#: Rating parsing regex
rating_re = re.compile(r'nota (?P<rating>\d+)')
#: Timestamp parsing regex
timestamp_re = re.compile(r'(?P<day>\d+)/(?P<month>\d+)/(?P<year>\d+) - (?P<hour>\d+):(?P<minute>\d+)')
#: Title with year/country regex
title_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<series>.*?)(?: \((?:(?P<year>\d{4})|(?P<country>[A-Z]{2}))\))?$')
#: Cache key for releases
releases_key = __name__ + ':releases|{archive_id}|{archive_name}'
class LegendasTVArchive(object):
"""LegendasTV Archive.
:param str id: identifier.
:param str name: name.
:param bool pack: contains subtitles for multiple episodes.
:param bool pack: featured.
:param str link: link.
:param int downloads: download count.
:param int rating: rating (0-10).
:param timestamp: timestamp.
:type timestamp: datetime.datetime
def __init__(self, id, name, pack, featured, link, downloads=0, rating=0, timestamp=None):
#: Identifier = id
#: Name = name
#: Pack
self.pack = pack
#: Featured
self.featured = featured
#: Link = link
#: Download count
self.downloads = downloads
#: Rating (0-10)
self.rating = rating
#: Timestamp
self.timestamp = timestamp
#: Compressed content as :class:`rarfile.RarFile` or :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`
self.content = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s [%s] %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__,,
class LegendasTVSubtitle(Subtitle):
"""LegendasTV Subtitle."""
provider_name = 'legendastv'
def __init__(self, language, type, title, year, imdb_id, season, archive, name):
super(LegendasTVSubtitle, self).__init__(language,
self.type = type
self.title = title
self.year = year
self.imdb_id = imdb_id
self.season = season
self.archive = archive = name
def id(self):
return '%s-%s' % (,
def info(self):
def get_matches(self, video, hearing_impaired=False):
matches = guess_matches(video, {
'title': self.title,
'year': self.year
# episode
if isinstance(video, Episode) and self.type == 'episode':
# imdb_id
if video.series_imdb_id and self.imdb_id == video.series_imdb_id:
# movie
elif isinstance(video, Movie) and self.type == 'movie':
# imdb_id
if video.imdb_id and self.imdb_id == video.imdb_id:
# name
matches |= guess_matches(video, guessit(, {'type': self.type}))
return matches
class LegendasTVProvider(Provider):
"""LegendasTV Provider.
:param str username: username.
:param str password: password.
languages = {Language.fromlegendastv(l) for l in language_converters['legendastv'].codes}
server_url = ''
subtitle_class = LegendasTVSubtitle
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None):
# Provider needs UNRAR installed. If not available raise ConfigurationError
rarfile.custom_check([rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL], True)
except rarfile.RarExecError:
raise ConfigurationError('UNRAR tool not available')
if any((username, password)) and not all((username, password)):
raise ConfigurationError('Username and password must be specified')
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.logged_in = False
self.session = None
def initialize(self):
self.session = Session()
self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
# login
if self.username and self.password:'Logging in')
data = {'_method': 'POST', 'data[User][username]': self.username, 'data[User][password]': self.password}
r = + 'login', data, allow_redirects=False, timeout=10)
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['html.parser'])
if soup.find('div', {'class': 'alert-error'}, string=re.compile(u'Usuário ou senha inválidos')):
raise AuthenticationError(self.username)
logger.debug('Logged in')
self.logged_in = True
def terminate(self):
# logout
if self.logged_in:'Logging out')
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'users/logout', allow_redirects=False, timeout=10)
logger.debug('Logged out')
self.logged_in = False
def is_valid_title(title, title_id, sanitized_title, season, year):
"""Check if is a valid title."""
sanitized_result = sanitize(title['title'])
if sanitized_result != sanitized_title:
logger.debug("Mismatched title, discarding title %d (%s)",
title_id, sanitized_result)
# episode type
if season:
# discard mismatches on type
if title['type'] != 'episode':
logger.debug("Mismatched 'episode' type, discarding title %d (%s)", title_id, sanitized_result)
# discard mismatches on season
if 'season' not in title or title['season'] != season:
logger.debug('Mismatched season %s, discarding title %d (%s)',
title.get('season'), title_id, sanitized_result)
# movie type
# discard mismatches on type
if title['type'] != 'movie':
logger.debug("Mismatched 'movie' type, discarding title %d (%s)", title_id, sanitized_result)
# discard mismatches on year
if year is not None and 'year' in title and title['year'] != year:
logger.debug("Mismatched movie year, discarding title %d (%s)", title_id, sanitized_result)
return True
@region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME, should_cache_fn=lambda value: value)
def search_titles(self, title, season, title_year):
"""Search for titles matching the `title`.
For episodes, each season has it own title
:param str title: the title to search for.
:param int season: season of the title
:param int title_year: year of the title
:return: found titles.
:rtype: dict
titles = {}
sanitized_titles = [sanitize(title)]
ignore_characters = {'\'', '.'}
if any(c in title for c in ignore_characters):
sanitized_titles.append(sanitize(title, ignore_characters=ignore_characters))
for sanitized_title in sanitized_titles:
# make the query
if season:'Searching episode title %r for season %r', sanitized_title, season)
else:'Searching movie title %r', sanitized_title)
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'legenda/sugestao/{}'.format(sanitized_title), timeout=10)
results = json.loads(r.text)
# loop over results
for result in results:
source = result['_source']
# extract id
title_id = int(source['id_filme'])
# extract type
title = {'type': type_map[source['tipo']]}
# extract title, year and country
name, year, country = title_re.match(source['dsc_nome']).groups()
title['title'] = name
# extract imdb_id
if source['id_imdb'] != '0':
if not source['id_imdb'].startswith('tt'):
title['imdb_id'] = 'tt' + source['id_imdb'].zfill(7)
title['imdb_id'] = source['id_imdb']
# extract season
if title['type'] == 'episode':
if source['temporada'] and source['temporada'].isdigit():
title['season'] = int(source['temporada'])
match =['dsc_nome_br'])
if match:
title['season'] = int('season'))
logger.debug('No season detected for title %d (%s)', title_id, name)
# extract year
if year:
title['year'] = int(year)
elif source['dsc_data_lancamento'] and source['dsc_data_lancamento'].isdigit():
# year is based on season air date hence the adjustment
title['year'] = int(source['dsc_data_lancamento']) - title.get('season', 1) + 1
# add title only if is valid
# Check against title without ignored chars
if self.is_valid_title(title, title_id, sanitized_titles[0], season, title_year):
titles[title_id] = title
logger.debug('Found %d titles', len(titles))
return titles
def get_archives(self, title_id, language_code, title_type, season, episodes):
"""Get the archive list from a given `title_id`, `language_code`, `title_type`, `season` and `episode`.
:param int title_id: title id.
:param int language_code: language code.
:param str title_type: episode or movie
:param int season: season
:param list episodes: episodes
:return: the archives.
:rtype: list of :class:`LegendasTVArchive`
archives = []
page = 0
while True:
# get the archive page
url = self.server_url + 'legenda/busca/-/{language}/-/{page}/{title}'.format(
language=language_code, page=page, title=title_id)
r = self.session.get(url)
# parse the results
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['lxml', 'html.parser'])
for archive_soup in'div.list_element > article > div > div.f_left'):
# create archive
archive = LegendasTVArchive(archive_soup.a['href'].split('/')[2],
'pack' in archive_soup.parent['class'],
'destaque' in archive_soup.parent['class'],
self.server_url + archive_soup.a['href'][1:])
# clean name of path separators and pack flags
clean_name ='/', '-')
if archive.pack and clean_name.startswith('(p)'):
clean_name = clean_name[3:]
# guess from name
guess = guessit(clean_name, {'type': title_type})
# episode
if season and episodes:
# discard mismatches on episode in non-pack archives
# Guessit may return int for single episode or list for multi-episode
# Check if archive name has multiple episodes releases on it
if not archive.pack and 'episode' in guess:
wanted_episode = set(episodes)
archive_episode = set(ensure_list(guess['episode']))
if not wanted_episode.intersection(archive_episode):
logger.debug('Mismatched episode %s, discarding archive: %s', guess['episode'], clean_name)
# extract text containing downloads, rating and timestamp
data_text = archive_soup.find('p', class_='data').text
# match downloads
archive.downloads = int('downloads'))
# match rating
match =
if match:
archive.rating = int('rating'))
# match timestamp and validate it
time_data = {k: int(v) for k, v in}
archive.timestamp = pytz.timezone('America/Sao_Paulo').localize(datetime(**time_data))
if archive.timestamp > datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc):
raise ProviderError('Archive timestamp is in the future')
# add archive'Found archive for title %d and language %d at page %s: %s',
title_id, language_code, page, archive)
# stop on last page
if soup.find('a', attrs={'class': 'load_more'}, string='carregar mais') is None:
# increment page count
page += 1
logger.debug('Found %d archives', len(archives))
return archives
def download_archive(self, archive):
"""Download an archive's :attr:`~LegendasTVArchive.content`.
:param archive: the archive to download :attr:`~LegendasTVArchive.content` of.
:type archive: :class:`LegendasTVArchive`
"""'Downloading archive %s',
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'downloadarquivo/{}'.format(
# open the archive
archive_stream = io.BytesIO(r.content)
if is_rarfile(archive_stream):
logger.debug('Identified rar archive')
archive.content = RarFile(archive_stream)
elif is_zipfile(archive_stream):
logger.debug('Identified zip archive')
archive.content = ZipFile(archive_stream)
raise ValueError('Not a valid archive')
def query(self, language, title, season=None, episodes=None, year=None):
# search for titles
titles = self.search_titles(title, season, year)
subtitles = []
# iterate over titles
for title_id, t in titles.items():'Getting archives for title %d and language %d', title_id, language.legendastv)
archives = self.get_archives(title_id, language.legendastv, t['type'], season, episodes or [])
if not archives:'No archives found for title %d and language %d', title_id, language.legendastv)
# iterate over title's archives
for a in archives:
# compute an expiration time based on the archive timestamp
expiration_time = (datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) - a.timestamp).total_seconds()
# attempt to get the releases from the cache
cache_key = releases_key.format(,
releases = region.get(cache_key, expiration_time=expiration_time)
# the releases are not in cache or cache is expired
if releases == NO_VALUE:'Releases not found in cache')
# download archive
# extract the releases
releases = []
for name in a.content.namelist():
# discard the legendastv file
if name.startswith(''):
# discard hidden files
if os.path.split(name)[-1].startswith('.'):
# discard non-subtitle files
if not name.lower().endswith(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS):
# cache the releases
region.set(cache_key, releases)
# iterate over releases
for r in releases:
subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, t['type'], t['title'], t.get('year'), t.get('imdb_id'),
t.get('season'), a, r)
logger.debug('Found subtitle %r', subtitle)
return subtitles
def list_subtitles(self, video, languages):
season = None
episodes = []
if isinstance(video, Episode):
titles = [video.series] + video.alternative_series
season = video.season
episodes = video.episodes
titles = [video.title] + video.alternative_titles
for title in titles:
subtitles = [s for l in languages for s in
self.query(l, title, season=season, episodes=episodes, year=video.year)]
if subtitles:
return subtitles
return []
def download_subtitle(self, subtitle):
# download archive in case we previously hit the releases cache and didn't download it
if subtitle.archive.content is None:
# extract subtitle's content
subtitle.content = fix_line_ending(
def raise_for_status(r):
# When site is under maintaince and http status code 200.
if 'Em breve estaremos de volta' in r.text:
raise ServiceUnavailable