mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 04:00:03 -08:00
320 lines
13 KiB
320 lines
13 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import typing
from subprocess import call, DEVNULL, Popen
from time import sleep
import nzb2media
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FFMPEG: pathlib.Path | None = None
FFPROBE: pathlib.Path | None = None
PAR2CMD: pathlib.Path | None = None
SEVENZIP: pathlib.Path | None = None
def in_path(name: str) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Find tool if its on the system loc."""
log.debug(f'Searching for {name} on system path')
path = shutil.which(name)
if not path:
return None
return pathlib.Path(path)
def at_location(root: pathlib.Path, name: str) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Return tool if its at given loc."""
log.debug(f'Searching for {name} at {root}')
if not name:
raise ValueError('name is required')
path = root / name
if path.exists() or os.access(path, os.X_OK):
return path
return None
def find(root: pathlib.Path | None, *names) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Try to find a tool.
Look in target location first, then system path,
and finally check the current working directory.
if not names:
raise ValueError('At least one name is required.')
# look in target location first
if root:
found_at_location: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path | None] = (at_location(root, name) for name in names)
found_at_location = []
# look on system path second
found_on_path = (in_path(name) for name in names)
found = itertools.chain(found_at_location, found_on_path)
for path in found:
if path is not None:
log.info(f'Found at {path}')
return path
# finally check current working directory
cwd = pathlib.Path.cwd()
log.debug(f'Falling back on current working directory: {cwd}')
found_in_working_directory = (at_location(cwd, name) for name in names)
for path in found_in_working_directory:
if path is not None:
log.info(f'Found {path}')
return path
return None
def find_transcoder(root: pathlib.Path | None = None) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Find a tool for transcoding."""
log.info('Searching for transcoding tool.')
names = ('ffmpeg', 'avconv')
found = find(root, *names)
if not found:
log.debug(f'Failed to locate any of the following: {names}')
log.warning('Transcoding disabled!')
log.warning('Install ffmpeg with x264 support to enable this feature.')
return found
def find_video_corruption_detector(root: pathlib.Path | None = None) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Find a tool for detecting video corruption."""
log.info('Searching for video corruption detection tool.')
names = ('ffprobe', 'avprobe')
found = find(root, *names)
if not found:
log.debug(f'Failed to locate any of the following: {names}')
log.warning('Video corruption detection disabled!')
log.warning('Install ffmpeg with x264 support to enable this feature.')
return found
def find_archive_repairer(root: pathlib.Path | None = None) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Find a tool for repairing and renaming archives."""
log.info('Searching for file repair and renaming tool.')
names = ('par2',)
found = find(root, *names)
if not found:
log.debug(f'Failed to locate any of the following: {names}')
log.warning('Archive repair and renaming disabled!')
log.warning('Install a parity archive repair tool to enable this feature.')
return found
def find_unzip(root: pathlib.Path | None = None) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Find a tool for unzipping archives."""
log.info('Searching for an unzipping tool.')
names = ('7z', '7zr', '7za')
found = find(root, *names)
if not found:
log.debug(f'Failed to locate any of the following: {names}')
log.warning('Transcoding of disk images and extraction zip files will not be possible!')
return found
def configure_utility_locations():
# Setup FFMPEG, FFPROBE and SEVENZIP locations
global FFMPEG
global FFPROBE
global PAR2CMD
FFMPEG = find_transcoder(FFMPEG_PATH)
FFPROBE = find_video_corruption_detector(FFMPEG_PATH)
PAR2CMD = find_archive_repairer()
SEVENZIP = find_unzip()
def extract(file_path, output_destination):
success = 0
# Using Windows
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
if not os.path.exists(nzb2media.tool.SEVENZIP):
log.error('EXTRACTOR: Could not find 7-zip, Exiting')
return False
wscriptlocation = os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'], 'system32', 'wscript.exe')
invislocation = os.path.join(nzb2media.APP_ROOT, 'nzb2media', 'extractor', 'bin', 'invisible.vbs')
cmd_7zip = [wscriptlocation, invislocation, str(nzb2media.tool.SHOWEXTRACT), nzb2media.tool.SEVENZIP, 'x', '-y']
ext_7zip = ['.rar', '.zip', '.tar.gz', 'tgz', '.tar.bz2', '.tbz', '.tar.lzma', '.tlz', '.7z', '.xz', '.gz']
extract_commands = dict.fromkeys(ext_7zip, cmd_7zip)
# Using unix
required_cmds = ['unrar', 'unzip', 'tar', 'unxz', 'unlzma', '7zr', 'bunzip2', 'gunzip']
# ## Possible future suport:
# gunzip: gz (cmd will delete original archive)
# ## the following do not extract to destination dir
# '.xz': ['xz', '-d --keep'],
# '.lzma': ['xz', '-d --format=lzma --keep'],
# '.bz2': ['bzip2', '-d --keep']
extract_commands = {'.rar': ['unrar', 'x', '-o+', '-y'], '.tar': ['tar', '-xf'], '.zip': ['unzip'], '.tar.gz': ['tar', '-xzf'], '.tgz': ['tar', '-xzf'], '.tar.bz2': ['tar', '-xjf'], '.tbz': ['tar', '-xjf'], '.tar.lzma': ['tar', '--lzma', '-xf'], '.tlz': ['tar', '--lzma', '-xf'], '.tar.xz': ['tar', '--xz', '-xf'], '.txz': ['tar', '--xz', '-xf'], '.7z': ['7zr', 'x'], '.gz': ['gunzip']}
# Test command exists and if not, remove
if not os.getenv('TR_TORRENT_DIR'):
for cmd in required_cmds:
if call(['which', cmd], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL):
# note, returns 0 if exists, or 1 if doesn't exist.
for key, val in extract_commands.items():
if cmd in val[0]:
if not call(['which', '7zr'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL):
# we do have '7zr'
extract_commands[key] = ['7zr', 'x', '-y']
elif not call(['which', '7z'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL):
# we do have '7z'
extract_commands[key] = ['7z', 'x', '-y']
elif not call(['which', '7za'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL):
# we do have '7za'
extract_commands[key] = ['7za', 'x', '-y']
log.error(f'EXTRACTOR: {cmd} not found, disabling support for {key}')
del extract_commands[key]
log.warning('EXTRACTOR: Cannot determine which tool to use when called from Transmission')
if not extract_commands:
log.warning('EXTRACTOR: No archive extracting programs found, plugin will be disabled')
ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)
cmd = []
if ext[1] in {'.gz', '.bz2', '.lzma'}:
# Check if this is a tar
if os.path.splitext(ext[0])[1] == '.tar':
cmd = extract_commands[f'.tar{ext[1]}']
else: # Try gunzip
cmd = extract_commands[ext[1]]
elif ext[1] in {'.1', '.01', '.001'} and os.path.splitext(ext[0])[1] in {'.rar', '.zip', '.7z'}:
cmd = extract_commands[os.path.splitext(ext[0])[1]]
elif ext[1] in {'.cb7', '.cba', '.cbr', '.cbt', '.cbz'}:
# don't extract these comic book archives.
return False
if ext[1] in extract_commands:
cmd = extract_commands[ext[1]]
log.debug(f'EXTRACTOR: Unknown file type: {ext[1]}')
return False
# Create outputDestination folder
if nzb2media.PASSWORDS_FILE and os.path.isfile(os.path.normpath(nzb2media.PASSWORDS_FILE)):
with open(os.path.normpath(nzb2media.PASSWORDS_FILE), encoding='utf-8') as fin:
passwords = [line.strip() for line in fin]
passwords = []
log.info(f'Extracting {file_path} to {output_destination}')
log.debug(f'Extracting {cmd} {file_path} {output_destination}')
orig_files = []
orig_dirs = []
for directory, subdirs, files in os.walk(output_destination):
for subdir in subdirs:
orig_dirs.append(os.path.join(directory, subdir))
for file in files:
orig_files.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
pwd = os.getcwd() # Get our Present Working Directory
# Not all unpack commands accept full paths, so just extract into this directory
try: # now works same for nt and *nix
info = None
cmd.append(file_path) # add filePath to final cmd arg.
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
info.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
cmd = NICENESS + cmd
cmd2 = cmd
if 'gunzip' not in cmd: # gunzip doesn't support password
cmd2.append('-p-') # don't prompt for password.
with Popen(cmd2, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, startupinfo=info) as proc:
res = proc.wait() # should extract files fine.
if not res: # Both Linux and Windows return 0 for successful.
log.info(f'EXTRACTOR: Extraction was successful for {file_path} to {output_destination}')
success = 1
elif len(passwords) > 0 and 'gunzip' not in cmd:
log.info('EXTRACTOR: Attempting to extract with passwords')
for password in passwords:
if not password:
continue # if edited in windows or otherwise if blank lines.
cmd2 = cmd
# append password here.
passcmd = f'-p{password}'
with Popen(cmd2, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, startupinfo=info) as proc:
res = proc.wait() # should extract files fine.
if not res or (res >= 0 and platform == 'Windows'):
log.info(f'EXTRACTOR: Extraction was successful for {file_path} to {output_destination} using password: {password}')
success = 1
except Exception:
log.error(f'EXTRACTOR: Extraction failed for {file_path}. Could not call command {cmd}')
return False
os.chdir(pwd) # Go back to our Original Working Directory
if success:
# sleep to let files finish writing to disk
perms = stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(os.path.split(file_path)[0]).st_mode)
for directory, subdirs, files in os.walk(output_destination):
for subdir in subdirs:
if not os.path.join(directory, subdir) in orig_files:
os.chmod(os.path.join(directory, subdir), perms)
except Exception:
for file in files:
if not os.path.join(directory, file) in orig_files:
shutil.copymode(file_path, os.path.join(directory, file))
except Exception:
return True
log.error(f'EXTRACTOR: Extraction failed for {file_path}. Result was {res}')
return False
def configure_niceness():
with subprocess.Popen(['nice'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) as proc:
niceness = nzb2media.CFG['Posix']['niceness']
if len(niceness.split(',')) > 1: # Allow passing of absolute command, not just value.
NICENESS.extend(['nice', f'-n{int(niceness)}'])
except Exception:
with subprocess.Popen(['ionice'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) as proc:
ionice = nzb2media.CFG['Posix']['ionice_class']
NICENESS.extend(['ionice', f'-c{int(ionice)}'])
except Exception:
if 'ionice' in NICENESS:
ionice = nzb2media.CFG['Posix']['ionice_classdata']
NICENESS.extend(['ionice', f'-n{int(ionice)}'])
except Exception:
except Exception:
NICENESS: list[str] = []
FFMPEG_PATH: pathlib.Path | None = None