Labrys of Knossos bfb45c180a Lots of refactoring.
Remove version checks and update logic
Remove nzb2media.utils.processes
Update requirements
Flatten project structure
Keep settings close to code
Refactor NZBget, torrent configs, torrents, transcoder, tools, constants and forks
Refactor `nzbToMedia.main` to ``
Fix flake/lint issues
2023-01-03 16:40:36 -05:00

390 lines
20 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import errno
import json
import logging
import os
import time
import requests
from oauthlib.oauth2 import LegacyApplicationClient
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
import nzb2media
import nzb2media.fork.sickrage
import nzb2media.torrent
import nzb2media.utils.common
from nzb2media import transcoder
from nzb2media.auto_process.common import ProcessResult
from nzb2media.auto_process.common import command_complete
from nzb2media.auto_process.common import completed_download_handling
from nzb2media.managers.sickbeard import InitSickBeard
from nzb2media.nzb import report_nzb
from nzb2media.scene_exceptions import process_all_exceptions
from nzb2media.subtitles import import_subs
from nzb2media.subtitles import rename_subs
from nzb2media.utils.common import flatten
from nzb2media.utils.encoding import convert_to_ascii
from nzb2media.utils.files import extract_files
from nzb2media.utils.files import list_media_files
from import server_responding
from nzb2media.utils.paths import rchmod
from nzb2media.utils.paths import remote_dir
from nzb2media.utils.paths import remove_dir
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def process(*, section: str, dir_name: str, input_name: str = '', status: int = 0, client_agent: str = 'manual', download_id: str = '', input_category: str = '', failure_link: str = '') -> ProcessResult:
# Get configuration
if nzb2media.CFG is None:
raise RuntimeError('Configuration not loaded.')
cfg = nzb2media.CFG[section][input_category]
# Base URL
ssl = int(cfg.get('ssl', 0))
scheme = 'https' if ssl else 'http'
host = cfg['host']
port = cfg['port']
web_root = cfg.get('web_root', '')
# Authentication
apikey = cfg.get('apikey', '')
username = cfg.get('username', '')
password = cfg.get('password', '')
api_version = int(cfg.get('api_version', 2))
sso_username = cfg.get('sso_username', '')
sso_password = cfg.get('sso_password', '')
# Params
delete_failed = int(cfg.get('delete_failed', 0))
remote_path = int(cfg.get('remote_path', 0))
wait_for = int(cfg.get('wait_for', 2))
# Misc
if status > 0 and nzb2media.NOEXTRACTFAILED:
extract = 0
extract = int(cfg.get('extract', 0))
chmod_directory = int(str(cfg.get('chmodDirectory', '0')), 8)
import_mode = cfg.get('importMode', 'Move')
nzb_extraction_by = cfg.get('nzbExtractionBy', 'Downloader')
process_method = cfg.get('process_method')
force = int(cfg.get('force', 0))
delete_on = int(cfg.get('delete_on', 0))
ignore_subs = int(cfg.get('ignore_subs', 0))
# Begin processing
# Refactor into an OO structure.
# For now let's do botch the OO and the serialized code, until everything has been migrated.
init_sickbeard = InitSickBeard(cfg, section, input_category)
url = nzb2media.utils.common.create_url(scheme, host, port, web_root)
if server_responding(url):
# auto-detect correct fork
# During reactor we also return fork, fork_params. But these are also stored in the object.
# Should be changed after refactor.
fork, fork_params = init_sickbeard.auto_fork()
elif not username and not apikey and not sso_username:'No SickBeard / SiCKRAGE username or Sonarr apikey entered. Performing transcoder functions only')
fork, fork_params = 'None', {}
log.error('Server did not respond. Exiting')
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Failed to post-process - {section} did not respond.')
if client_agent == nzb2media.torrent.CLIENT_AGENT and nzb2media.USE_LINK == 'move-sym':
process_method = 'symlink'
if not os.path.isdir(dir_name) and os.path.isfile(dir_name): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name.
dir_name = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dir_name))[0]
specific_path = os.path.join(dir_name, str(input_name))
clean_name = os.path.splitext(specific_path)
if clean_name[1] == '.nzb':
specific_path = clean_name[0]
if os.path.isdir(specific_path):
dir_name = specific_path
# Attempt to create the directory if it doesn't exist and ignore any
# error stating that it already exists. This fixes a bug where SickRage
# won't process the directory because it doesn't exist.
if dir_name:
os.makedirs(dir_name) # Attempt to create the directory
except OSError as error:
# Re-raise the error if it wasn't about the directory not existing
if error.errno != errno.EEXIST:
if 'process_method' not in fork_params or (client_agent in {'nzbget', 'sabnzbd'} and nzb_extraction_by != 'Destination'):
if input_name:
process_all_exceptions(input_name, dir_name)
input_name, dir_name = convert_to_ascii(input_name, dir_name)
# Now check if tv files exist in destination.
if not list_media_files(dir_name, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False):
if list_media_files(dir_name, media=False, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True) and extract:
log.debug(f'Checking for archives to extract in directory: {dir_name}')
input_name, dir_name = convert_to_ascii(input_name, dir_name)
if list_media_files(dir_name, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): # Check that a video exists. if not, assume failed.
# Check video files for corruption
good_files = 0
valid_files = 0
num_files = 0
for video in list_media_files(dir_name, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False):
num_files += 1
if transcoder.is_video_good(video, status):
good_files += 1
if not nzb2media.REQUIRE_LAN or transcoder.is_video_good(video, status, require_lan=nzb2media.REQUIRE_LAN):
valid_files += 1
if num_files > 0:
if valid_files == num_files and status:'Found Valid Videos. Setting status Success')
status = 0
if valid_files < num_files and not status:'Found corrupt videos. Setting status Failed')
status = 1
if 'NZBOP_VERSION' in os.environ and os.environ['NZBOP_VERSION'][0:5] >= '14.0':
print('[NZB] MARK=BAD')
if good_files == num_files:
log.debug(f'Video marked as failed due to missing required language: {nzb2media.REQUIRE_LAN}')
log.debug('Video marked as failed due to missing playable audio or video')
if good_files < num_files and failure_link: # only report corrupt files
failure_link += '&corrupt=true'
elif client_agent == 'manual':
log.warning(f'No media files found in directory {dir_name} to manually process.')
# Success (as far as this script is concerned)
return ProcessResult.success()
elif nzb_extraction_by == 'Destination':'Check for media files ignored because nzbExtractionBy is set to Destination.')
if not status:'Setting Status Success.')
else:'Downloader reported an error during download or verification. Processing this as a failed download.')
status = 1
log.warning(f'No media files found in directory {dir_name}. Processing this as a failed download')
status = 1
if 'NZBOP_VERSION' in os.environ and os.environ['NZBOP_VERSION'][0:5] >= '14.0':
print('[NZB] MARK=BAD')
if not status and transcoder.TRANSCODE == 1:
# only transcode successful downloads
result, new_dir_name = transcoder.transcode_directory(dir_name)
if not result:
log.debug(f'SUCCESS: Transcoding succeeded for files in {dir_name}')
dir_name = new_dir_name
log.debug(f'Config setting \'chmodDirectory\' currently set to {oct(chmod_directory)}')
if chmod_directory:'Attempting to set the octal permission of \'{oct(chmod_directory)}\' on directory \'{dir_name}\'')
rchmod(dir_name, chmod_directory)
log.error(f'FAILED: Transcoding failed for files in {dir_name}')
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Failed to post-process - Transcoding failed')
# Part of the refactor
if init_sickbeard.fork_obj:
init_sickbeard.fork_obj.initialize(dir_name, input_name, status, client_agent='manual')
# configure SB params to pass
# We don't want to remove params, for the Forks that have been refactored.
# As we don't want to duplicate this part of the code.
if not init_sickbeard.fork_obj:
fork_params['quiet'] = 1
fork_params['proc_type'] = 'manual'
if input_name is not None:
fork_params['nzbName'] = input_name
for param in copy.copy(fork_params):
if param == 'failed':
status = min(status, 1)
fork_params[param] = status
if 'proc_type' in fork_params:
del fork_params['proc_type']
if 'type' in fork_params:
del fork_params['type']
if param == 'return_data':
fork_params[param] = 0
if 'quiet' in fork_params:
del fork_params['quiet']
if param == 'type':
if 'type' in fork_params: # only set if we haven't already deleted for 'failed' above.
fork_params[param] = 'manual'
if 'proc_type' in fork_params:
del fork_params['proc_type']
if param in {'dir_name', 'dir', 'proc_dir', 'process_directory', 'path'}:
fork_params[param] = dir_name
if remote_path:
fork_params[param] = remote_dir(dir_name)
if param == 'process_method':
if process_method:
fork_params[param] = process_method
del fork_params[param]
if param in {'force', 'force_replace'}:
if force:
fork_params[param] = force
del fork_params[param]
if param in {'delete_on', 'delete'}:
if delete_on:
fork_params[param] = delete_on
del fork_params[param]
if param == 'ignore_subs':
if ignore_subs:
fork_params[param] = ignore_subs
del fork_params[param]
if param == 'force_next':
fork_params[param] = 1
# delete any unused params so we don't pass them to SB by mistake
for key, val in list(fork_params.items()):
if val is None:
del fork_params[key]
if not status:
if section == 'NzbDrone' and not apikey:'No Sonarr apikey entered. Processing completed.')
return ProcessResult.success(f'{section}: Successfully post-processed {input_name}')
log.debug('SUCCESS: The download succeeded, sending a post-process request')
nzb2media.FAILED = True
if failure_link:
report_nzb(failure_link, client_agent)
if 'failed' in fork_params:
log.debug(f'FAILED: The download failed. Sending \'failed\' process request to {fork} branch')
elif section == 'NzbDrone':
log.debug(f'FAILED: The download failed. Sending failed download to {fork} for CDH processing')
# Return as failed to flag this in the downloader.
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Download Failed. Sending back to {section}')
log.debug(f'FAILED: The download failed. {fork} branch does not handle failed downloads. Nothing to process')
if delete_failed and os.path.isdir(dir_name) and not os.path.dirname(dir_name) == dir_name:
log.debug(f'Deleting failed files and folder {dir_name}')
# Return as failed to flag this in the downloader.
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Failed to post-process. {section} does not support failed downloads')
route = ''
if section == 'SickBeard':
if apikey:
route = f'{web_root}/api/{apikey}/'
if 'cmd' not in fork_params:
prefix = '' if 'SickGear' not in fork else 'sg.'
fork_params['cmd'] = f'{prefix}postprocess'
elif fork == 'Stheno':
route = f'{web_root}/home/postprocess/process_episode'
route = f'{web_root}/home/postprocess/processEpisode'
elif section == 'SiCKRAGE':
if api_version >= 2:
route = f'{web_root}/api/v{api_version}/postprocess'
route = f'{web_root}/api/v{api_version}/{apikey}/'
elif section == 'NzbDrone':
route = f'{web_root}/api/command'
route2 = f'{web_root}/api/config/downloadClient'
headers = {'X-Api-Key': apikey}
# params = {'sortKey': 'series.title', 'page': 1, 'pageSize': 1, 'sortDir': 'asc'}
if remote_path:
log.debug(f'remote_path: {remote_dir(dir_name)}')
data = {'name': 'DownloadedEpisodesScan', 'path': remote_dir(dir_name), 'downloadClientId': download_id, 'importMode': import_mode}
log.debug(f'path: {dir_name}')
data = {'name': 'DownloadedEpisodesScan', 'path': dir_name, 'downloadClientId': download_id, 'importMode': import_mode}
if not download_id:
url = nzb2media.utils.common.create_url(scheme, host, port, route)
if section == 'SickBeard':
if init_sickbeard.fork_obj:
return init_sickbeard.fork_obj.api_call()
session = requests.Session()
log.debug(f'Opening URL: {url} with params: {fork_params}')
if not apikey and username and password:
login = f'{web_root}/login'
login_params = {'username': username, 'password': password}
response = session.get(login, verify=False, timeout=(30, 60))
if response.status_code in {401, 403} and response.cookies.get('_xsrf'):
login_params['_xsrf'] = response.cookies.get('_xsrf'), data=login_params, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=(30, 60))
response = session.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=fork_params, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=(30, 1800))
elif section == 'SiCKRAGE':
session = requests.Session()
if api_version >= 2 and sso_username and sso_password:
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=LegacyApplicationClient(client_id=nzb2media.fork.sickrage.SICKRAGE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID))
oauth_token = oauth.fetch_token(client_id=nzb2media.fork.sickrage.SICKRAGE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, token_url=nzb2media.fork.sickrage.SICKRAGE_OAUTH_TOKEN_URL, username=sso_username, password=sso_password)
session.headers.update({'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + oauth_token['access_token']})
params = {'path': fork_params['path'], 'failed': str(bool(fork_params['failed'])).lower(), 'processMethod': 'move', 'forceReplace': str(bool(fork_params['force_replace'])).lower(), 'returnData': str(bool(fork_params['return_data'])).lower(), 'delete': str(bool(fork_params['delete'])).lower(), 'forceNext': str(bool(fork_params['force_next'])).lower(), 'nzbName': fork_params['nzbName']}
params = fork_params
response = session.get(url, params=params, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=(30, 1800))
elif section == 'NzbDrone':
log.debug(f'Opening URL: {url} with data: {data}')
response =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=(30, 1800))
except requests.ConnectionError:
log.error(f'Unable to open URL: {url}')
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to {section}')
if response.status_code not in [,,]:
log.error(f'Server returned status {response.status_code}')
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Failed to post-process - Server returned status {response.status_code}')
success = False
queued = False
started = False
if section == 'SickBeard':
if apikey:
if response.json()['result'] == 'success':
success = True
for line in response.iter_lines():
if line:
line = line.decode('utf-8')
if 'Moving file from' in line:
input_name = os.path.split(line)[1]
if 'added to the queue' in line:
queued = True
if 'Processing succeeded' in line or 'Successfully processed' in line:
success = True
if queued:
elif section == 'SiCKRAGE':
if api_version >= 2:
success = True
elif response.json()['result'] == 'success':
success = True
elif section == 'NzbDrone':
res = response.json()
scan_id = int(res['id'])
log.debug(f'Scan started with id: {scan_id}')
started = True
except Exception as error:
log.warning(f'No scan id was returned due to: {error}')
scan_id = None
started = False
if status and delete_failed and not os.path.dirname(dir_name) == dir_name:
log.debug(f'Deleting failed files and folder {dir_name}')
if success:
return ProcessResult.success(f'{section}: Successfully post-processed {input_name}')
if section == 'NzbDrone' and started:
num = 0
params = {}
url = f'{url}/{scan_id}'
while num < 6: # set up wait_for minutes to see if command completes..
time.sleep(10 * wait_for)
command_status = command_complete(url, params, headers, section)
if command_status and command_status in {'completed', 'failed'}:
num += 1
if command_status:
log.debug(f'The Scan command return status: {command_status}')
if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
log.debug(f'The directory {dir_name} has been removed. Renaming was successful.')
return ProcessResult.success(f'{section}: Successfully post-processed {input_name}')
if command_status and command_status in {'completed'}:
log.debug('The Scan command has completed successfully. Renaming was successful.')
return ProcessResult.success(f'{section}: Successfully post-processed {input_name}')
if command_status and command_status in {'failed'}:
log.debug('The Scan command has failed. Renaming was not successful.')
# return ProcessResult.failure(f'{SECTION}: Failed to post-process {input_name}')
url2 = nzb2media.utils.common.create_url(scheme, host, port, route2)
if completed_download_handling(url2, headers):
log.debug(f'The Scan command did not return status completed, but complete Download Handling is enabled. Passing back to {section}.')
return ProcessResult(message=f'{section}: Complete DownLoad Handling is enabled. Passing back to {section}', status_code=status)
log.warning('The Scan command did not return a valid status. Renaming was not successful.')
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Failed to post-process {input_name}')
# We did not receive Success confirmation.
return ProcessResult.failure(f'{section}: Failed to post-process - Returned log from {section} was not as expected.')