* fix new position calculataion
* ensure consistent list item ordering
* fix recipe ref overflow on small screens
* added recipe ref elevation
* tweaked line height (for long notes)
* removed unused user dependency
* remove old shopping list items when there's >100
* 🤷
* cleaned up function generator
* fixed test
* fix potential type error
* made max position calc more efficient
Components Folder Guide
Domain Components
Domain Components are specific to the domain or section of a website. For example if you have an admin page and a user page that have specific, unshared elements. These can be placed in the Domain/Admin folder.
- Components should be prefixed with their domain name
- Examples: AdminDashboard, AdminSettings, UserProfile
Global Components
This folder is for widely reused components that provide little functionality and are primarily used for styling or consistency. Primary examples are Card and Button components.
- Global components cannot container a subfolder to be globally imported
- All elements should start with the 'Base' Prefix
- Examples: BaseButton, BaseCard, BaseTitleSection
Layout Components
The layout folder is for reusable components that are specifically only used in the layouts for the Nuxt Application. They may take props or may not. They should be larger layout style components that don't have wide the ability to be widely reused in the application.
- Layout folder should not have a subfolder
- If they take props they should start with a 'App' Prefix.
- Examples: AppSidebar, AppHeader, AppFooter.
- If they do not they should begin with the 'The' prefix
- Examples: TheSidebar, TheHeader, TheFooter.
Page Components
The Page folder is dedicated to 'single-use' component to break up large amounts on content in the pages themselves. A good examples of this is breaking your landing page into separate sections to make it more readable and less monolithic. Page components typically consume other components.
- These are last resort components. Only to be used when the page becomes unmanageable.
- Page components should be prefixed with their page name
- Examples: HomeAbout, HomeContact, ClientProfile