mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 18:37:23 -08:00
1388 lines
78 KiB
1388 lines
78 KiB
"about": {
"about": "حول",
"about-mealie": "حول Mealie",
"api-docs": "مستندات API",
"api-port": "منفذ API",
"application-mode": "وضع التطبيق",
"database-type": "نوع قاعدة البيانات",
"database-url": "رابط قاعدة البيانات",
"default-group": "المجموعة الافتراضية",
"default-household": "العائلة الافتراضية",
"demo": "عرض تجريبي",
"demo-status": "حالة العرض تجريبي",
"development": "تطوير",
"docs": "المستندات",
"download-log": "تحميل السجل",
"download-recipe-json": "أخر إصدار بصيغة JSON",
"github": "Github",
"log-lines": "تفاصيل السجلات",
"not-demo": "ليس عرض تجريبي",
"portfolio": "المِلَفّ الشخصي",
"production": "الإنتاج",
"support": "الدعم",
"version": "الإصدار",
"unknown-version": "غير معروف",
"sponsor": "الممول"
"asset": {
"assets": "الأصول",
"code": "الكود",
"file": "ملف",
"image": "صورة",
"new-asset": "أصول جديدة",
"pdf": "PDF",
"recipe": "وصفة",
"show-assets": "إظهار الأصول",
"error-submitting-form": "خطأ في تقديم النموذج"
"category": {
"categories": "الفئات",
"category-created": "تم انشاء الفئة",
"category-creation-failed": "فشل إنشاء الفئة",
"category-deleted": "تم حذف الفئة",
"category-deletion-failed": "فشل حذف الفئة",
"category-filter": "مرشح الفئات",
"category-update-failed": "فشل تحديث الفئة",
"category-updated": "تم تحديث الفئة",
"uncategorized-count": "غير مُصّنْف {count}",
"create-a-category": "إنشاء فئة",
"category-name": "اسم الفئة",
"category": "الفئة"
"events": {
"apprise-url": "رابط Apprise",
"database": "قاعدة البيانات",
"delete-event": "حذف الحدث",
"event-delete-confirmation": "هل أنت متيقِّن من رغبتك بحذف هذه الوصفة؟",
"event-deleted": "تم حذف الحدث",
"event-updated": "تم تحديث الحدث",
"new-notification-form-description": "يستخدم Mealie مكتبة Apprise لإرسال الإشعارات. وهي تقدم العديد من الخيارات و للخدمات لاستخدامها في إرسال الإشعارات. يرجى الرجوع إلى التعليمات الخاصة بهم للحصول على دليل شامل حول كيفية إنشاء عنوان URL لمخدمك المفضل. قد يتضمن تحديد نوع الإشعار الخاص بك ميزات إضافية، إذا كان متاحا.",
"new-version": "يُوجَدُ إصدارٌ جَدِيدٌ مُتَاح!",
"notification": "الإشعارات",
"refresh": "تحديث",
"scheduled": "مجدولة",
"something-went-wrong": "حدث خطأ ما!",
"subscribed-events": "الأحداث التي تم الاشتراك فيها",
"test-message-sent": "تم إرسال رسالة تجريبية",
"message-sent": "تم إرسال الرسالة",
"new-notification": "إشعار جديد",
"event-notifiers": "إشعار الحدث",
"apprise-url-skipped-if-blank": "الرابط Apprise (يتم تجاهله إذا ما كان فارغً)",
"enable-notifier": "تفعيل الإشعارات",
"what-events": "ما هي الأحداث التي يجب على هذا المخدم أن يستجيب لها؟",
"user-events": "أحداث المستخدمين",
"mealplan-events": "أحداث مخطط الوجبات",
"when-a-user-in-your-group-creates-a-new-mealplan": "عندما يقوم مستخدم في مجموعتك بإنشاء خطة وجبة جديدة",
"shopping-list-events": "أحداث قائمة التسوق",
"cookbook-events": "أحداث كتاب الطبخ",
"tag-events": "أحداث الوسم",
"category-events": "أحداث الفئة",
"when-a-new-user-joins-your-group": "عندما ينضم مستخدم جديد إلى مجموعتك",
"recipe-events": "وصفات المناسبات"
"general": {
"add": "أضف",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"clear": "مسح",
"close": "إغلاق",
"confirm": "تأكيد",
"confirm-how-does-everything-look": "كيف تبدو كل شيء؟",
"confirm-delete-generic": "هل انت متأكد من حذف هذا؟",
"copied_message": "تم النسخ!",
"create": "إنشاء",
"created": "تم الإنشاء",
"custom": "مخصص",
"dashboard": "لوحة المعلومات",
"delete": "حذف",
"disabled": "معطَّل",
"download": "تحميل",
"duplicate": "استنساخ",
"edit": "تعديل",
"enabled": "مفعّل",
"exception": "الإستثناء",
"failed-count": "فشل: {count}",
"failure-uploading-file": "فشل رفع الملف",
"favorites": "المفضلة",
"field-required": "الحقل مطلوب",
"file-folder-not-found": "لم يتم العثور على الملف/المجلد",
"file-uploaded": "تم رفع الملف",
"filter": "فلتر",
"friday": "الجمعة",
"general": "عام",
"get": "الحصول على",
"home": "الصفحة الرئيسية",
"image": "صورة",
"image-upload-failed": "فشلت عملية تحميل الصورة",
"import": "استيراد",
"json": "JSON",
"keyword": "كلمة مفتاحية",
"link-copied": "تمّ نسْخ الرّابط",
"loading": "جار التحميل",
"loading-events": "جاري تحميل الأحداث",
"loading-recipe": "جار تحميل الوصفات...",
"loading-ocr-data": "جاري تحميل بيانات OCR...",
"loading-recipes": "جار تحميل الوصفات",
"message": "الرسائل النصية Sms",
"monday": "الإثنين",
"name": "الإسم",
"new": "جديد",
"never": "أبداً",
"no": "لا",
"no-recipe-found": "لم يتم العثور على وصفة",
"ok": "موافق",
"options": "الخيارات:",
"plural-name": "إسم المعدود",
"print": "طباعة",
"print-preferences": "إعدادات الطباعة",
"random": "عشوائي",
"rating": "التقييم",
"recent": "مؤخراً",
"recipe": "الوصفة",
"recipes": "الوصفات",
"rename-object": "إعادة تسمية {0}",
"reset": "إعادة التعيين",
"saturday": "السبت",
"save": "حفظ",
"settings": "الإعدادات",
"share": "مشاركة",
"show-all": "عرض الكل",
"shuffle": "ترتيب عشوائي",
"sort": "ترتيب",
"sort-ascending": "ترتيب تصاعدي",
"sort-descending": "ترتيب تنازلي",
"sort-alphabetically": "ترتيب حَسَبَ الحروف الأبجدية",
"status": "الحالة",
"subject": "الموضوع",
"submit": "إرسال",
"success-count": "نجحت: {count}",
"sunday": "الأحد",
"system": "النظام",
"templates": "القوالب:",
"test": "تجربة",
"themes": "السمات",
"thursday": "الخميس",
"title": "العنوان",
"token": "الرمز التعريفي",
"tuesday": "الثلاثاء",
"type": "النوع",
"update": "تحديث",
"updated": "محدث",
"upload": "تحميل",
"url": "الرابط",
"view": "عرض",
"wednesday": "الأربعاء",
"yes": "نعم",
"foods": "الأطعمة",
"units": "الوحدات",
"back": "عودة",
"next": "التالي",
"start": "إبدأ",
"toggle-view": "تبديل طريقة العرض",
"date": "التاريخ",
"id": "المعرف",
"owner": "المالك",
"change-owner": "تغير المالك",
"date-added": "تاريخ الإضافة",
"none": "لا شيء",
"run": "شغّل",
"menu": "القائمة",
"a-name-is-required": "الاسم مطلوب",
"delete-with-name": "حذف {name}",
"confirm-delete-generic-with-name": "هل انت متأكد من حذفك ل {name}؟",
"confirm-delete-own-admin-account": "يرجى ملاحظة أنك تحاول حذف حساب المشرف الخاص بك! لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء وسوف تحذف حسابك نهائيًا؟",
"organizer": "المنظم",
"transfer": "تحويل",
"copy": "نسخ",
"color": "اللون",
"timestamp": "الطوابع الزمنية",
"last-made": "آخر ما صُنع",
"learn-more": "إعرف المزيد",
"this-feature-is-currently-inactive": "هذه المِيزة ما زالت في مرحلة الاختبار",
"clipboard-not-supported": "الحافظة غير مدعومة",
"copied-to-clipboard": "نُسِخَ إلى الحافظة",
"your-browser-does-not-support-clipboard": "المتصفح الخاص بك لا يدعم الحافظة",
"copied-items-to-clipboard": "لم يتم نسخ أي عنصر إلى الحافظة<unk> عنصر واحد تم نسخه إلى الحافظة<unk> تم نسخه إلى الحافظة {count}",
"actions": "الإجراءت",
"selected-count": "تم اختيار: {count}",
"export-all": "تصدير الكل",
"refresh": "تحديث",
"upload-file": "تحميل الملف",
"created-on-date": "تم الإنشاء في {0}",
"unsaved-changes": "لديك تغييرات غير محفوظة. هل تريد الحفظ قبل المغادرة؟ حسنًا للحفظ، قم بإلغاء تجاهل التغييرات.",
"clipboard-copy-failure": "فشل في النسخ إلى الحافظة.",
"confirm-delete-generic-items": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف المجموعات التالية؟",
"organizers": "المنظمون",
"caution": "تحذير",
"show-advanced": "إظهار متقدمة",
"add-field": "إضافة حقل",
"date-created": "تاريخ الإنشاء",
"date-updated": "تاريخ التحديث"
"group": {
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-group": "هل انت متأكد من رغبتك في حذف <b>{groupName}<b/>؟",
"cannot-delete-default-group": "لا يمكنك حذف المجموعة الإفتراضية",
"cannot-delete-group-with-users": "لا يمكنك حذف المجموعات التي تحتوي على مستخدمين",
"confirm-group-deletion": "أكد رغبتك في حذف المجموعة",
"create-group": "انشئ مجموعة",
"error-updating-group": "حدث خطأ في تحديث المجموعة",
"group": "المجموعة",
"group-deleted": "تم حذف المجموعة",
"group-deletion-failed": "فشل حذف المجموعة",
"group-id-with-value": "رقم تعريف المجموعة: {groupID}",
"group-name": "اسم المجموعة",
"group-not-found": "لم يتم العثور على المجموعة",
"group-token": "رمز المجموعة",
"group-with-value": "المجموعة: {groupID}",
"groups": "المجموعات",
"manage-groups": "إدارة المجموعات",
"user-group": "مَجموعة المستخدم",
"user-group-created": "تم إنشاء مجموعة المستخدم",
"user-group-creation-failed": "فشل إنشاء مجموعة المستخدم",
"settings": {
"keep-my-recipes-private": "ابقي وصفاتي خاصة",
"keep-my-recipes-private-description": "تعيين مجموعتك وجميع الوصفات الافتراضية إلى النمط الخاص. يمكنك دائماً تغييرها لاحقاً."
"manage-members": "إدارة الأعضاء",
"manage-members-description": ".",
"manage": "إدارة الحساب",
"manage-household": "إدارة العائلة",
"invite": "دعوة",
"looking-to-update-your-profile": "هل ترغب في تحديث ملفك الشخصي؟",
"default-recipe-preferences-description": "هذه هي الإعدادات الافتراضية عند إنشاء وصفة جديدة في مجموعتك. يمكن تغيير هذه الوصفات الفردية في قائمة إعدادات الوصفات.",
"default-recipe-preferences": "تفضيلات الوصفة الافتراضية",
"group-preferences": "إعدادات المجموعة",
"private-group": "مجموعة خاصة",
"private-group-description": "سيؤدي تعيين مجموعتك إلى الخاص إلى تعطيل جميع خيارات العرض العام. وهذا يلغي أي إعدادات عرض عام فردية",
"enable-public-access": "تمكين الوصول للعموم",
"enable-public-access-description": "جعل وصفات المجموعة عامة بشكل افتراضي، والسماح للزوار بعرض الوصفات دون تسجيل الدخول",
"allow-users-outside-of-your-group-to-see-your-recipes": "السماح للمستخدمين خارج مجموعتك لمشاهدة وصفاتك",
"allow-users-outside-of-your-group-to-see-your-recipes-description": "عند التمكين يمكنك استخدام رابط المشاركة العامة لمشاركة وصفات محددة دون تفويض المستخدم. عند التعطيل، يمكنك مشاركة الوصفات فقط مع المستخدمين الموجودين في مجموعتك أو مع رابط خاص تم إنشاؤه مسبقاً",
"show-nutrition-information": "عرض معلومات التغذية",
"show-nutrition-information-description": "عندما يتم تمكين المعلومات الغذائية ستظهر على الوصفة إذا كانت متاحة. وفي حالة عدم توافر معلومات عن التغذية، لن تظهر المعلومات المتعلقة بالتغذية",
"show-recipe-assets": "إظهار أصول الوصفة",
"show-recipe-assets-description": "عند تمكين الوصفة، سيتم عرض أصول الوصفة على الوصفة إذا كانت متوفرة",
"default-to-landscape-view": "الافتراضي للعرض الأفقي",
"default-to-landscape-view-description": "عند تمكين قسم رأس الوصفة سوف يظهر في العرض الأفقي",
"disable-users-from-commenting-on-recipes": "إيقاف المستخدمين من التعليق على الوصفات",
"disable-users-from-commenting-on-recipes-description": "يخفي قسم التعليق على صفحة الوصفة ويعطل التعليق",
"disable-organizing-recipe-ingredients-by-units-and-food": "تعطيل تنظيم عناصر الوصفة حسب الوحدات والطعام",
"disable-organizing-recipe-ingredients-by-units-and-food-description": "يخفي حقول الطعام والوحدة والكمية للمكونات ويعامل المكونات كحقول نصية عادية",
"general-preferences": "الإعدادات العامة",
"group-recipe-preferences": "تفضيلات الوصفة للمجموعة",
"report": "تقرير",
"report-with-id": "معرف التقرير: {id}",
"group-management": "إدارة المجموعة",
"admin-group-management": "إدارة مجموعة المشرف",
"admin-group-management-text": "التغييرات التي ستطرأ على هذه المجموعة ستنعكس على الفور.",
"group-id-value": "معرف المجموعة: {0}",
"total-households": "مجموع المنزل",
"you-must-select-a-group-before-selecting-a-household": "يجب عليك تحديد مجموعة قبل تحديد المنزل"
"household": {
"household": "المنزل",
"households": "المنازل",
"user-household": "منزل المستخدم",
"create-household": "إنشاء منزل",
"household-name": "اسم المنزل",
"household-group": "مجموعة المنزل",
"household-management": "إدارة المنزل",
"manage-households": "إدارة المنازل",
"admin-household-management": "إدارة مشرف المنزل",
"admin-household-management-text": "التغييرات التي ستطرأ على هذا المنزل ستنعكس على الفور.",
"household-id-value": "معرف المنزل: {0}",
"private-household": "منزل خاص",
"private-household-description": "سيؤدي تعيين المنزل إلى خاص إلى تعطيل جميع خيارات العرض العام. وهذا يلغي أي إعدادات عرض عام فردية",
"lock-recipe-edits-from-other-households": "إقفال تحرير الوصفة من المنازل الأخرى",
"lock-recipe-edits-from-other-households-description": "عند التمكين, المستخدمين فقط في أسرتك المعيشية يمكنهم تعديل الوصفات التي أنشأتها أسرتك",
"household-recipe-preferences": "تفضيلات الوصفة المنزلية",
"default-recipe-preferences-description": "هذه هي الإعدادات الافتراضية عند إنشاء وصفة جديدة في منزلك. يمكن تغيير الوصفات الفردية في قائمة إعدادات الوصفة.",
"allow-users-outside-of-your-household-to-see-your-recipes": "السماح للمستخدمين خارج منزلك بمشاهدة وصفاتك",
"allow-users-outside-of-your-household-to-see-your-recipes-description": "عند التمكين يمكنك استخدام رابط المشاركة العامة لمشاركة وصفات محددة دون تفويض المستخدم. عند التعطيل، يمكنك مشاركة الوصفات فقط مع المستخدمين الموجودين في منزلك أو مع رابط خاص تم إنشاؤه مسبقاً",
"household-preferences": "تفضيلات المنزل"
"meal-plan": {
"create-a-new-meal-plan": "إنشاء خطة وجبة جديدة",
"update-this-meal-plan": "تحديث خِطَّة الوجبة الغذائية هذه",
"dinner-this-week": "العشاء لهذا الأسبوع",
"dinner-today": "العشاء اليوم",
"dinner-tonight": "العشاء الليلة",
"edit-meal-plan": "تعديل خطة الوجبة",
"end-date": "تاريخ الإنتهاء",
"group": "جمّع (نسخة تجريبية)",
"main": "الوجبة الرئيسية",
"meal-planner": "مخطط الوجبات",
"meal-plans": "خطط الوجبات",
"mealplan-categories": "تصنيفات خطط الوجبات",
"mealplan-created": "تم إنشاء خطة الوجبات",
"mealplan-creation-failed": "فشل انشاء خطة الوجبات",
"mealplan-deleted": "تم حذف خطة الوجبات",
"mealplan-deletion-failed": "فشل حذف خطة الوجبات",
"mealplan-settings": "اعدادات خطة الوجبات",
"mealplan-update-failed": "فشل تحديث خطة الوجبات",
"mealplan-updated": "تم تحديث خطة الوجبات",
"mealplan-households-description": "إذا لم يتم اختيار منزل، يمكن إضافة وصفات من أي منزل",
"any-category": "أي فئة",
"any-tag": "أي وسم",
"any-household": "أي منزل",
"no-meal-plan-defined-yet": "لم يتم تحديد خطة بعد",
"no-meal-planned-for-today": "لم يتم تخطيط وجبة لهذا اليوم",
"numberOfDays-hint": "عدد الأيام عند تحميل الصفحة",
"numberOfDays-label": "الأيام الافتراضية",
"only-recipes-with-these-categories-will-be-used-in-meal-plans": "فقط الوجبات التي تحتوي على التصنيفات التالية سوف تستخدم لإنشاء خطتك",
"planner": "المخطط",
"quick-week": "أسبوع سريع",
"side": "وجبة جانبية",
"sides": "الوجبات الجانبية",
"start-date": "تاريخ البدء",
"rule-day": "يوم القاعدة",
"meal-type": "نوع الوجبة",
"breakfast": "الإفطار",
"lunch": "الغداء",
"dinner": "العشاء",
"type-any": "أي",
"day-any": "أي",
"editor": "المحرر",
"meal-recipe": "وصفة الوجبة",
"meal-title": "عنوان الوجبة",
"meal-note": "ملاحظة الوجبة",
"note-only": "ملاحظة فقط",
"random-meal": "وجبة عشوائية",
"random-dinner": "عشاء عشوائي",
"random-side": "جانب عشوائي",
"this-rule-will-apply": "هذه القاعدة سوف تطبق على {dayCriteria} {mealTypeCriteria}.",
"to-all-days": "إلى جميع الأيام",
"on-days": "على أيام {0}",
"for-all-meal-types": "لجميع أنواع الوجبات",
"for-type-meal-types": "لأنواع الوجبات {0}",
"meal-plan-rules": "قواعد خِطَّة وجبة الطعام",
"new-rule": "قاعدة جديدة",
"meal-plan-rules-description": "يمكنك إنشاء قواعد لاختيار الوصفات التلقائية لخطط وجبتك الغذائية. وتستخدم هذه القواعد من قبل الخادم لتحديد مجموعة عشوائية من الوصفات التي يتم اختيارها من خلال إنشاء خطط الوجبات. لاحظ أنه إذا كانت القواعد تحتوي على نفس قيود اليوم/النوع فسيتم دمج عوامل تصفية القاعدة. من الناحية العملية، ليس من الضروري إنشاء قواعد مكررة، ولكن من الممكن فعل ذلك.",
"new-rule-description": "عند إنشاء قاعدة جديدة لخطة وجبة غذائية، يمكنك تقييد القاعدة لتكون قابلة للتطبيق ليوم محدد من الأسبوع و/أو نوع محدد من الوجبات. لتطبيق قاعدة على جميع الأيام أو جميع أنواع الوجبات الغذائية يمكنك تعيين القاعدة إلى \"أي كان\" التي ستطبقها على جميع القيم الممكنة لليوم و/أو نوع الوجبة.",
"recipe-rules": "قواعد الوصفات",
"applies-to-all-days": "ينطبق على جميع الأيام",
"applies-on-days": "يطبق على أيام {0}",
"meal-plan-settings": "إعدادات خِطَّة الوجبات الغذائية"
"migration": {
"migration-data-removed": "حذف بيانات الهجرة",
"new-migration": "هجرة جديدة",
"no-file-selected": "لم يتمّ اختيار أيّ ملفّ",
"no-migration-data-available": "لا توجد بيانات هجرة متوفرة",
"previous-migrations": "الهجرة السابقة",
"recipe-migration": "نقل الوصفة",
"chowdown": {
"description": "نقل البيانات من \"Chowdown\"",
"description-long": "ميلي يدعم بشكل محلي تنسيق مستودع طعام. يجب تنزيل مستودع التعليمات البرمجية CODE REPOSITORY كملف مضغوط ZIP وتحميله أدناه.",
"title": "\"Chowdown\""
"nextcloud": {
"description": "نقل البيانات من نموذج كتاب طبخ NEXTCLOUD",
"description-long": "يمكن استيراد الوصفات السحابية من مِلَفّ مضغوط ZIP يحتوي على البيانات المخزنة في Nextcloud. راجع بنية مجلد المثال أدناه للتأكد من أن وصفاتك قابلة للاستيراد.",
"title": "كتاب طبخ <Nextcloud>"
"copymethat": {
"description-long": "يمكن لميلي استيراد الوصفات من نسخ لي. يجب تصدير وصفاتك بتنسيق HTML، ثم تحميل ZIP أدناه.",
"title": "انسخ لي مدير الوصفة"
"paprika": {
"description-long": "يمكن لميلي استيراد الوصفات من تطبيق PAPRIKA. يجب تصدير وصفاتك من PAPRIKA، وإعادة تسمية امتداد التصدير إلى .ZIP وتحميله أدناه.",
"title": "مدير وصفة بابريكا"
"mealie-pre-v1": {
"description-long": "يمكن لميلي استيراد الوصفات من تطبيق ميلي من إصدار قبل 1.0. يجب تصدير وصفاتك من نموذجك القديم، وتحميل المِلَفّ المضغوط أدناه. لاحظ أنه يمكن استيراد الوصفات فقط من التصدير.",
"title": "ميلي إصدار قبل 1.0"
"tandoor": {
"description-long": "يمكن لميلي استيراد الوصفات من تندور. يجب تصدير بياناتك بالتنسيق \"الافتراضي\"، ثم يجب تحميل المِلَفّ المضغوط أدناه.",
"title": "وصفات تاندور"
"recipe-data-migrations": "وصفة 2",
"recipe-data-migrations-explanation": "يمكن نقل الوصفات من تطبيق آخر مدعوم إلى ميلي. هذه طريقة رائعة للبدء مع ميلي.",
"coming-from-another-application-or-an-even-older-version-of-mealie": "هل تأتي من تطبيق آخر أو حتى إصدار قديم من ميلي؟ يجب التحقق من عمليات الترحيل لمعرفة ما إذا كان يمكن استيراد بياناتك.",
"choose-migration-type": "اختر نوع الترحيل",
"tag-all-recipes": "وسم جميع الوصفات باستخدام علامة {tag-name}",
"nextcloud-text": "يمكن استيراد الوصفات السحابية من مِلَفّ مضغوط Zip يحتوي على البيانات المخزنة في Nextcloud. راجع بنية مجلد المثال أدناه للتأكد من أن وصفاتك قابلة للاستيراد.",
"chowdown-text": "Mealie natively supports the chowdown repository format. Download the code repository as a .zip file and upload it below.",
"recipe-1": "وصفة 1",
"recipe-2": "وصفة 2",
"paprika-text": "Mealie can import recipes from the Paprika application. Export your recipes from paprika, rename the export extension to .zip and upload it below.",
"mealie-text": "Mealie can import recipes from the Mealie application from a pre v1.0 release. Export your recipes from your old instance, and upload the zip file below. Note that only recipes can be imported from the export.",
"plantoeat": {
"title": "خِطَّة تناول الطعام",
"description-long": "Mealie can import recipies from Plan to Eat."
"myrecipebox": {
"title": "My Recipe Box",
"description-long": "Mealie can import recipes from My Recipe Box. Export your recipes in CSV format, then upload the .csv file below."
"recipekeeper": {
"title": "مدير الوصفة",
"description-long": "Mealie can import recipes from Recipe Keeper. Export your recipes in zip format, then upload the .zip file below."
"new-recipe": {
"bulk-add": "إضافة مجموعة",
"error-details": "Only websites containing ld+json or microdata can be imported by Mealie. Most major recipe websites support this data structure. If your site cannot be imported but there is json data in the log, please submit a github issue with the URL and data.",
"error-title": "Looks Like We Couldn't Find Anything",
"from-url": "استيراد وصفة",
"github-issues": "مشاكل GitHub",
"google-ld-json-info": "معرف Google + معلومات json",
"must-be-a-valid-url": "يجب أن يكون عنوان URL صالحًا",
"paste-in-your-recipe-data-each-line-will-be-treated-as-an-item-in-a-list": "Paste in your recipe data. Each line will be treated as an item in a list",
"recipe-markup-specification": "Recipe Markup Specification",
"recipe-url": "رابط الوصفة",
"recipe-html-or-json": "وصفة HTML أو JSON",
"upload-a-recipe": "تحميل وصفة",
"upload-individual-zip-file": "تحميل مِلَفّ zip فردي تم تصديره من مثيل Malie آخر.",
"url-form-hint": "نسخ ولصق رابط من موقعك المفضل للوصفة",
"view-scraped-data": "عرض البيانات المكشوفة",
"trim-whitespace-description": "قص المسافات البيضاء البادئة واللاحقة وكذلك الأسطر الفارغة",
"trim-prefix-description": "قص الحرف الأول من كل سطر",
"split-by-numbered-line-description": "Attempts to split a paragraph by matching '1)' or '1.' patterns",
"import-by-url": "استيراد وصفة عن طريق عنوان URL",
"create-manually": "إنشاء وصفة يدوياً",
"make-recipe-image": "اجعل هذه صورة الوصفة"
"page": {
"404-page-not-found": "404: لم يتم العثور على الصفحة",
"all-recipes": "جميع الوصفات",
"new-page-created": "تم إنشاء الصفحة الجديدة",
"page": "الصفحة",
"page-creation-failed": "فشل إنشاء الصفحة",
"page-deleted": "تم حذف الصفحة",
"page-deletion-failed": "حذف الصفحة فشل",
"page-update-failed": "تحديث الصفحة فشل",
"page-updated": "تم تحديث صفحة",
"pages-update-failed": "فشل تحديث الصفحات",
"pages-updated": "Pages updated",
"404-not-found": "لم يتم العثور على الصفحة. خطأ 404",
"an-error-occurred": "حصل خطأ ما"
"recipe": {
"add-key": "اضف مفتاح",
"add-to-favorites": "Add to Favorites",
"api-extras": "API Extras",
"calories": "كيلو كالوري",
"calories-suffix": "سعرة",
"carbohydrate-content": "الكربوهيدرات",
"categories": "التصنيفات",
"cholesterol-content": "Cholesterol",
"comment-action": "تعليق",
"comment": "Comment",
"comments": "التعليقات",
"delete-confirmation": "هل انت متأكد من رغبتك بحذف هذه الوصفة؟",
"delete-recipe": "حذف الوصفة",
"description": "الوصف",
"disable-amount": "Disable Ingredient Amounts",
"disable-comments": "Disable Comments",
"duplicate": "Duplicate recipe",
"duplicate-name": "Name of the new recipe",
"edit-scale": "تعديل المقياس",
"fat-content": "الدهون",
"fiber-content": "الألياف",
"grams": "جرامات",
"ingredient": "المكون",
"ingredients": "المكونات",
"insert-ingredient": "Insert Ingredient",
"insert-section": "ادراج قسم",
"insert-above": "Insert Above",
"insert-below": "Insert Below",
"instructions": "التعليمات",
"key-name-required": "Key Name Required",
"landscape-view-coming-soon": "Landscape View (Coming Soon)",
"milligrams": "milligrams",
"new-key-name": "New Key Name",
"no-white-space-allowed": "No White Space Allowed",
"note": "Note",
"nutrition": "Nutrition",
"object-key": "Object Key",
"object-value": "Object Value",
"original-url": "Original URL",
"perform-time": "Cook Time",
"prep-time": "وقت التحضير",
"protein-content": "البروتين",
"public-recipe": "وصفة عامة",
"recipe-created": "تم إنشاء الوصفة",
"recipe-creation-failed": "فشل إنشاء الوصفة",
"recipe-deleted": "تم حذف الوصفة",
"recipe-image": "صورة الوصفة",
"recipe-image-updated": "تم تحديث صورة الوصفة",
"recipe-name": "اسم الوصفة",
"recipe-settings": "إعدادات الوصفة",
"recipe-update-failed": "فشل تحديث الوصفة",
"recipe-updated": "تم تحديث الوصفة",
"remove-from-favorites": "إزالة من المفضلات",
"remove-section": "إزالة القسم",
"saturated-fat-content": "الدهون المشبعة",
"save-recipe-before-use": "حفظ الوصفة قبل الاستخدام",
"section-title": "عنوان القسم",
"servings": "حصص الطعام",
"serves-amount": "{amount} حصص",
"share-recipe-message": "أردت أن أشارككم وصفة {0} الخاصة بي.",
"show-nutrition-values": "Show Nutrition Values",
"sodium-content": "صوديوم",
"step-index": "الخطوة: {step}",
"sugar-content": "سكر",
"title": "العنوان",
"total-time": "الوقت الإجمالي",
"trans-fat-content": "الدهون المتحولة",
"unable-to-delete-recipe": "تعذر حذف الوصفة",
"unsaturated-fat-content": "دهون غير مشبعة",
"no-recipe": "لا يوجد وصفة",
"locked-by-owner": "مقفلة من قبل المالك",
"join-the-conversation": "انضم للمحادثة",
"add-recipe-to-mealplan": "إضافة الوصفة إلى خِطَّة الوجبة",
"entry-type": "نوع الإدخال",
"date-format-hint": "صيغة MM/DD/YYYYY",
"date-format-hint-yyyy-mm-dd": "صيغة YYY-MM-DD",
"add-to-list": "Add to List",
"add-to-plan": "Add to Plan",
"add-to-timeline": "Add to Timeline",
"recipe-added-to-list": "Recipe added to list",
"recipes-added-to-list": "Recipes added to list",
"successfully-added-to-list": "Successfully added to list",
"recipe-added-to-mealplan": "Recipe added to mealplan",
"failed-to-add-recipes-to-list": "Failed to add recipe to list",
"failed-to-add-recipe-to-mealplan": "Failed to add recipe to mealplan",
"failed-to-add-to-list": "Failed to add to list",
"yield": "Yield",
"yields-amount-with-text": "Yields {amount} {text}",
"yield-text": "Yield Text",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"choose-unit": "Choose Unit",
"press-enter-to-create": "Press Enter to Create",
"choose-food": "Choose Food",
"notes": "Notes",
"toggle-section": "Toggle Section",
"see-original-text": "See Original Text",
"original-text-with-value": "Original Text: {originalText}",
"ingredient-linker": "Ingredient Linker",
"linked-to-other-step": "Linked to other step",
"auto": "Auto",
"cook-mode": "Cook Mode",
"link-ingredients": "Link Ingredients",
"merge-above": "Merge Above",
"move-to-bottom": "Move To Bottom",
"move-to-top": "Move To Top",
"reset-scale": "Reset Scale",
"decrease-scale-label": "Decrease Scale by 1",
"increase-scale-label": "Increase Scale by 1",
"locked": "Locked",
"public-link": "Public Link",
"edit-timeline-event": "Edit Timeline Event",
"timeline": "Timeline",
"timeline-is-empty": "Nothing on the timeline yet. Try making this recipe!",
"timeline-no-events-found-try-adjusting-filters": "No events found. Try adjusting your search filters.",
"group-global-timeline": "{groupName} Global Timeline",
"open-timeline": "Open Timeline",
"made-this": "I Made This",
"how-did-it-turn-out": "How did it turn out?",
"user-made-this": "{user} made this",
"last-made-date": "Last Made {date}",
"api-extras-description": "Recipes extras are a key feature of the Mealie API. They allow you to create custom JSON key/value pairs within a recipe, to reference from 3rd party applications. You can use these keys to provide information, for example to trigger automations or custom messages to relay to your desired device.",
"message-key": "Message Key",
"parse": "Parse",
"attach-images-hint": "Attach images by dragging & dropping them into the editor",
"drop-image": "Drop image",
"enable-ingredient-amounts-to-use-this-feature": "Enable ingredient amounts to use this feature",
"recipes-with-units-or-foods-defined-cannot-be-parsed": "Recipes with units or foods defined cannot be parsed.",
"parse-ingredients": "Parse ingredients",
"edit-markdown": "Edit Markdown",
"recipe-creation": "Recipe Creation",
"select-one-of-the-various-ways-to-create-a-recipe": "Select one of the various ways to create a recipe",
"looking-for-migrations": "Looking For Migrations?",
"import-with-url": "Import with URL",
"create-recipe": "Create Recipe",
"create-recipe-description": "Create a new recipe from scratch.",
"create-recipes": "Create Recipes",
"import-with-zip": "Import with .zip",
"create-recipe-from-an-image": "Create Recipe from an Image",
"create-recipe-from-an-image-description": "Create a recipe by uploading an image of it. Mealie will attempt to extract the text from the image using AI and create a recipe from it.",
"crop-and-rotate-the-image": "Crop and rotate the image so that only the text is visible, and it's in the correct orientation.",
"create-from-image": "Create from Image",
"should-translate-description": "Translate the recipe into my language",
"please-wait-image-procesing": "Please wait, the image is processing. This may take some time.",
"bulk-url-import": "Bulk URL Import",
"debug-scraper": "Debug Scraper",
"create-a-recipe-by-providing-the-name-all-recipes-must-have-unique-names": "Create a recipe by providing the name. All recipes must have unique names.",
"new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique",
"scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe",
"scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.",
"scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?",
"scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer",
"scrape-recipe-have-raw-html-or-json-data": "Have raw HTML or JSON data?",
"scrape-recipe-you-can-import-from-raw-data-directly": "You can import from raw data directly",
"import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags",
"stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode",
"import-from-zip": "Import from Zip",
"import-from-zip-description": "Import a single recipe that was exported from another Mealie instance.",
"import-from-html-or-json": "Import from HTML or JSON",
"import-from-html-or-json-description": "Import a single recipe from raw HTML or JSON. This is useful if you have a recipe from a site that Mealie can't scrape normally, or from some other external source.",
"json-import-format-description-colon": "To import via JSON, it must be in valid format:",
"json-editor": "JSON Editor",
"zip-files-must-have-been-exported-from-mealie": ".zip files must have been exported from Mealie",
"create-a-recipe-by-uploading-a-scan": "Create a recipe by uploading a scan.",
"upload-a-png-image-from-a-recipe-book": "Upload a png image from a recipe book",
"recipe-bulk-importer": "Recipe Bulk Importer",
"recipe-bulk-importer-description": "The Bulk recipe importer allows you to import multiple recipes at once by queueing the sites on the backend and running the task in the background. This can be useful when initially migrating to Mealie, or when you want to import a large number of recipes.",
"set-categories-and-tags": "Set Categories and Tags",
"bulk-imports": "Bulk Imports",
"bulk-import-process-has-started": "Bulk Import process has started",
"bulk-import-process-has-failed": "Bulk import process has failed",
"report-deletion-failed": "Report deletion failed",
"recipe-debugger": "Recipe Debugger",
"recipe-debugger-description": "Grab the URL of the recipe you want to debug and paste it here. The URL will be scraped by the recipe scraper and the results will be displayed. If you don't see any data returned, the site you are trying to scrape is not supported by Mealie or its scraper library.",
"use-openai": "Use OpenAI",
"recipe-debugger-use-openai-description": "Use OpenAI to parse the results instead of relying on the scraper library. When creating a recipe via URL, this is done automatically if the scraper library fails, but you may test it manually here.",
"debug": "Debug",
"tree-view": "Tree View",
"recipe-servings": "Recipe Servings",
"recipe-yield": "Recipe Yield",
"recipe-yield-text": "Recipe Yield Text",
"unit": "Unit",
"upload-image": "Upload image",
"screen-awake": "Keep Screen Awake",
"remove-image": "Remove image",
"nextStep": "Next step",
"recipe-actions": "Recipe Actions",
"parser": {
"experimental-alert-text": "Mealie uses natural language processing to parse and create units and food items for your recipe ingredients. This feature is experimental and may not always work as expected. If you prefer not to use the parsed results, you can select 'Cancel' and your changes will not be saved.",
"ingredient-parser": "Ingredient Parser",
"explanation": "To use the ingredient parser, click the 'Parse All' button to start the process. Once the processed ingredients are available, you can review the items and verify that they were parsed correctly. The model's confidence score is displayed on the right of the item title. This score is an average of all the individual scores and may not always be completely accurate.",
"alerts-explainer": "Alerts will be displayed if a matching foods or unit is found but does not exists in the database.",
"select-parser": "Select Parser",
"natural-language-processor": "Natural Language Processor",
"brute-parser": "Brute Parser",
"openai-parser": "OpenAI Parser",
"parse-all": "Parse All",
"no-unit": "No unit",
"missing-unit": "Create missing unit: {unit}",
"missing-food": "Create missing food: {food}",
"no-food": "No Food"
"reset-servings-count": "Reset Servings Count",
"not-linked-ingredients": "Additional Ingredients"
"recipe-finder": {
"recipe-finder": "Recipe Finder",
"recipe-finder-description": "Search for recipes based on ingredients you have on hand. You can also filter by tools you have available, and set a maximum number of missing ingredients or tools.",
"selected-ingredients": "Selected Ingredients",
"no-ingredients-selected": "No ingredients selected",
"missing": "Missing",
"no-recipes-found": "No recipes found",
"no-recipes-found-description": "Try adding more ingredients to your search or adjusting your filters",
"include-ingredients-on-hand": "Include Ingredients On Hand",
"include-tools-on-hand": "Include Tools On Hand",
"max-missing-ingredients": "Max Missing Ingredients",
"max-missing-tools": "Max Missing Tools",
"selected-tools": "Selected Tools",
"other-filters": "Other Filters",
"ready-to-make": "Ready to Make",
"almost-ready-to-make": "Almost Ready to Make"
"search": {
"advanced-search": "Advanced Search",
"and": "and",
"exclude": "Exclude",
"include": "Include",
"max-results": "Max Results",
"or": "Or",
"has-any": "Has Any",
"has-all": "Has All",
"clear-selection": "Clear Selection",
"results": "Results",
"search": "Search",
"search-mealie": "Search Mealie (press /)",
"search-placeholder": "Search...",
"tag-filter": "Tag Filter",
"search-hint": "Press '/'",
"advanced": "Advanced",
"auto-search": "Auto Search",
"no-results": "No results found"
"settings": {
"add-a-new-theme": "Add a New Theme",
"admin-settings": "Admin Settings",
"backup": {
"backup-created": "Backup created successfully",
"backup-created-at-response-export_path": "Backup Created at {path}",
"backup-deleted": "Backup deleted",
"restore-success": "Restore successful",
"restore-fail": "Restore failed. Check your server logs for more details",
"backup-tag": "Backup Tag",
"create-heading": "Create a Backup",
"delete-backup": "Delete Backup",
"error-creating-backup-see-log-file": "Error Creating Backup. See Log File",
"full-backup": "Full Backup",
"import-summary": "Import Summary",
"partial-backup": "Partial Backup",
"unable-to-delete-backup": "Unable to Delete Backup.",
"experimental-description": "Backups are total snapshots of the database and data directory of the site. This includes all data and cannot be set to exclude subsets of data. You can think of this as a snapshot of Mealie at a specific time. These serve as a database agnostic way to export and import data, or back up the site to an external location.",
"backup-restore": "Backup Restore",
"back-restore-description": "Restoring this backup will overwrite all the current data in your database and in the data directory and replace them with the contents of this backup. {cannot-be-undone} If the restoration is successful, you will be logged out.",
"cannot-be-undone": "This action cannot be undone - use with caution.",
"postgresql-note": "If you are using PostGreSQL, please review the {backup-restore-process} prior to restoring.",
"backup-restore-process-in-the-documentation": "backup/restore process in the documentation",
"irreversible-acknowledgment": "I understand that this action is irreversible, destructive and may cause data loss",
"restore-backup": "Restore Backup"
"backup-and-exports": "Backups",
"change-password": "Change Password",
"current": "Version:",
"custom-pages": "Custom Pages",
"edit-page": "Edit Page",
"events": "Events",
"first-day-of-week": "First day of the week",
"group-settings-updated": "Group Settings Updated",
"homepage": {
"all-categories": "All Categories",
"card-per-section": "Card Per Section",
"home-page": "Home Page",
"home-page-sections": "Home Page Sections",
"show-recent": "Show Recent"
"language": "Language",
"latest": "Latest",
"local-api": "Local API",
"locale-settings": "Locale settings",
"migrations": "Migrations",
"new-page": "New Page",
"notify": "Notify",
"organize": "Organize",
"page-name": "Page Name",
"pages": "Pages",
"profile": "Profile",
"remove-existing-entries-matching-imported-entries": "Remove existing entries matching imported entries",
"set-new-time": "Set New Time",
"settings-update-failed": "Settings update failed",
"settings-updated": "Settings updated",
"site-settings": "Site Settings",
"theme": {
"accent": "Accent",
"dark": "Dark",
"default-to-system": "Default to system",
"error": "Error",
"error-creating-theme-see-log-file": "Error creating theme. See log file.",
"error-deleting-theme": "Error deleting theme",
"error-updating-theme": "Error updating theme",
"info": "Info",
"light": "Light",
"primary": "Primary",
"secondary": "Secondary",
"success": "Success",
"switch-to-dark-mode": "Switch to dark mode",
"switch-to-light-mode": "Switch to light mode",
"theme-deleted": "Theme deleted",
"theme-name": "Theme Name",
"theme-name-is-required": "Theme Name is required.",
"theme-saved": "Theme Saved",
"theme-updated": "Theme updated",
"warning": "Warning",
"light-mode": "Light Mode",
"dark-mode": "Dark Mode"
"token": {
"active-tokens": "ACTIVE TOKENS",
"api-token": "API Token",
"api-tokens": "API Tokens",
"copy-this-token-for-use-with-an-external-application-this-token-will-not-be-viewable-again": "Copy this token for use with an external application. This token will not be viewable again.",
"create-an-api-token": "Create an API Token",
"token-name": "Token Name",
"generate": "Generate",
"you-have-token-count": "You have no active tokens.|You have one active token.|You have {count} active tokens."
"toolbox": {
"assign-all": "Assign All",
"bulk-assign": "Bulk Assign",
"new-name": "New Name",
"no-unused-items": "No Unused Items",
"recipes-affected": "No Recipes Affected|One Recipe Affected|{count} Recipes Affected",
"remove-unused": "Remove Unused",
"title-case-all": "Title Case All",
"toolbox": "Toolbox",
"unorganized": "Unorganized"
"webhooks": {
"test-webhooks": "Test Webhooks",
"the-urls-listed-below-will-recieve-webhooks-containing-the-recipe-data-for-the-meal-plan-on-its-scheduled-day-currently-webhooks-will-execute-at": "The URLs listed below will receive webhooks containing the recipe data for the meal plan on it's scheduled day. Currently Webhooks will execute at",
"webhook-url": "Webhook URL",
"webhooks-caps": "WEBHOOKS",
"webhooks": "Webhooks",
"webhook-name": "Webhook Name",
"description": "The webhooks defined below will be executed when a meal is defined for the day. At the scheduled time the webhooks will be sent with the data from the recipe that is scheduled for the day. Note that webhook execution is not exact. The webhooks are executed on a 5 minutes interval so the webhooks will be executed within 5 +/- minutes of the scheduled."
"bug-report": "Bug Report",
"bug-report-information": "Use this information to report a bug. Providing details of your instance to developers is the best way to get your issues resolved quickly.",
"tracker": "Tracker",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"docker-volume": "Docker Volume",
"docker-volume-help": "Mealie requires that the frontend container and the backend share the same docker volume or storage. This ensures that the frontend container can properly access the images and assets stored on disk.",
"volumes-are-misconfigured": "Volumes are misconfigured.",
"volumes-are-configured-correctly": "Volumes are configured correctly.",
"status-unknown-try-running-a-validation": "Status Unknown. Try running a validation.",
"validate": "Validate",
"email-configuration-status": "Email Configuration Status",
"email-configured": "Email Configured",
"email-test-results": "Email Test Results",
"ready": "Ready",
"not-ready": "Not Ready - Check Environmental Variables",
"succeeded": "Succeeded",
"failed": "Failed",
"general-about": "General About",
"application-version": "Application Version",
"application-version-error-text": "Your current version ({0}) does not match the latest release. Considering updating to the latest version ({1}).",
"mealie-is-up-to-date": "Mealie is up to date",
"secure-site": "Secure Site",
"secure-site-error-text": "Serve via localhost or secure with https. Clipboard and additional browser APIs may not work.",
"secure-site-success-text": "Site is accessed by localhost or https",
"server-side-base-url": "Server Side Base URL",
"server-side-base-url-error-text": "`BASE_URL` is still the default value on API Server. This will cause issues with notifications links generated on the server for emails, etc.",
"server-side-base-url-success-text": "Server Side URL does not match the default",
"ldap-ready": "LDAP Ready",
"ldap-ready-error-text": "Not all LDAP Values are configured. This can be ignored if you are not using LDAP Authentication.",
"ldap-ready-success-text": "Required LDAP variables are all set.",
"build": "Build",
"recipe-scraper-version": "Recipe Scraper Version",
"oidc-ready": "OIDC Ready",
"oidc-ready-error-text": "Not all OIDC Values are configured. This can be ignored if you are not using OIDC Authentication.",
"oidc-ready-success-text": "Required OIDC variables are all set.",
"openai-ready": "OpenAI Ready",
"openai-ready-error-text": "Not all OpenAI Values are configured. This can be ignored if you are not using OpenAI features.",
"openai-ready-success-text": "Required OpenAI variables are all set."
"shopping-list": {
"all-lists": "All Lists",
"create-shopping-list": "Create Shopping List",
"from-recipe": "From Recipe",
"list-name": "List Name",
"new-list": "New List",
"quantity": "Quantity: {0}",
"shopping-list": "Shopping List",
"shopping-lists": "Shopping Lists",
"food": "Food",
"note": "Note",
"label": "Label",
"save-label": "Save Label",
"linked-item-warning": "This item is linked to one or more recipe. Adjusting the units or foods will yield unexpected results when adding or removing the recipe from this list.",
"toggle-food": "Toggle Food",
"manage-labels": "Manage Labels",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-item": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
"copy-as-text": "Copy as Text",
"copy-as-markdown": "Copy as Markdown",
"delete-checked": "Delete Checked",
"toggle-label-sort": "Toggle Label Sort",
"reorder-labels": "Reorder Labels",
"uncheck-all-items": "Uncheck All Items",
"check-all-items": "Check All Items",
"linked-recipes-count": "No Linked Recipes|One Linked Recipe|{count} Linked Recipes",
"items-checked-count": "No items checked|One item checked|{count} items checked",
"no-label": "No Label",
"completed-on": "Completed on {date}",
"you-are-offline": "You are offline",
"you-are-offline-description": "Not all features are available while offline. You can still add, modify, and remove items, but you will not be able to sync your changes to the server until you are back online.",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-check-all-items": "Are you sure you want to check all items?",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-uncheck-all-items": "Are you sure you want to uncheck all items?",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-checked-items": "Are you sure you want to delete all checked items?",
"no-shopping-lists-found": "No Shopping Lists Found"
"sidebar": {
"all-recipes": "All Recipes",
"backups": "Backups",
"categories": "Categories",
"cookbooks": "Cookbooks",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"home-page": "Home Page",
"manage-users": "Manage Users",
"migrations": "Migrations",
"profile": "Profile",
"search": "Search",
"site-settings": "Site Settings",
"tags": "Tags",
"toolbox": "Toolbox",
"language": "Language",
"maintenance": "Maintenance",
"background-tasks": "Background Tasks",
"parser": "Parser",
"developer": "Developer",
"cookbook": "Cookbook",
"create-cookbook": "Create a new cookbook"
"signup": {
"error-signing-up": "Error Signing Up",
"sign-up": "Sign Up",
"sign-up-link-created": "Sign up link created",
"sign-up-link-creation-failed": "Sign up link creation failed",
"sign-up-links": "Sign Up Links",
"sign-up-token-deleted": "Sign Up Token Deleted",
"sign-up-token-deletion-failed": "Sign up token deletion failed",
"welcome-to-mealie": "Welcome to Mealie! To become a user of this instance you are required to have a valid invitation link. If you haven't recieved an invitation you are unable to sign-up. To recieve a link, contact the sites administrator."
"tag": {
"tag-created": "Tag created",
"tag-creation-failed": "Tag creation failed",
"tag-deleted": "Tag deleted",
"tag-deletion-failed": "Tag deletion failed",
"tag-update-failed": "Tag update failed",
"tag-updated": "Tag updated",
"tags": "Tags",
"untagged-count": "Untagged {count}",
"create-a-tag": "Create a Tag",
"tag-name": "Tag Name",
"tag": "Tag"
"tool": {
"tools": "Tools",
"on-hand": "On Hand",
"create-a-tool": "Create a Tool",
"tool-name": "Tool Name",
"create-new-tool": "Create New Tool",
"on-hand-checkbox-label": "Show as On Hand (Checked)",
"required-tools": "Required Tools",
"tool": "Tool"
"user": {
"admin": "Admin",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-link": "Are you sure you want to delete the link <b>{link}<b/>?",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-user": "Are you sure you want to delete the user <b>{activeName} ID: {activeId}<b/>?",
"auth-method": "Auth Method",
"confirm-link-deletion": "Confirm Link Deletion",
"confirm-password": "Confirm Password",
"confirm-user-deletion": "Confirm User Deletion",
"could-not-validate-credentials": "Could Not Validate Credentials",
"create-link": "Create Link",
"create-user": "Create User",
"current-password": "Current Password",
"e-mail-must-be-valid": "E-mail must be valid",
"edit-user": "Edit User",
"email": "Email",
"error-cannot-delete-super-user": "Error! Cannot Delete Super User",
"existing-password-does-not-match": "Existing password does not match",
"full-name": "Full Name",
"generate-password-reset-link": "Generate Password Reset Link",
"invite-only": "Invite Only",
"link-id": "Link ID",
"link-name": "Link Name",
"login": "Login",
"login-oidc": "Login with",
"or": "or",
"logout": "Logout",
"manage-users": "Manage Users",
"manage-users-description": "Create and manage users.",
"new-password": "New Password",
"new-user": "New User",
"password-has-been-reset-to-the-default-password": "Password has been reset to the default password",
"password-must-match": "Password must match",
"password-reset-failed": "Password reset failed",
"password-updated": "Password updated",
"password": "Password",
"password-strength": "Password is {strength}",
"please-enter-password": "Please enter your new password.",
"register": "Register",
"reset-password": "Reset Password",
"sign-in": "Sign in",
"total-mealplans": "Total MealPlans",
"total-users": "Total Users",
"upload-photo": "Upload Photo",
"use-8-characters-or-more-for-your-password": "Use 8 characters or more for your password",
"user-created": "User created",
"user-creation-failed": "User creation failed",
"user-deleted": "User deleted",
"user-id-with-value": "User ID: {id}",
"user-id": "User ID",
"user-password": "User Password",
"user-successfully-logged-in": "User Successfully Logged In",
"user-update-failed": "User update failed",
"user-updated": "User updated",
"user": "User",
"username": "Username",
"users-header": "USERS",
"users": "Users",
"user-not-found": "User not found",
"webhook-time": "Webhook Time",
"webhooks-enabled": "Webhooks Enabled",
"you-are-not-allowed-to-create-a-user": "You are not allowed to create a user",
"you-are-not-allowed-to-delete-this-user": "You are not allowed to delete this user",
"enable-advanced-content": "Enable Advanced Content",
"enable-advanced-content-description": "Enables advanced features like Recipe Scaling, API keys, Webhooks, and Data Management. Don't worry, you can always change this later",
"favorite-recipes": "Favorite Recipes",
"email-or-username": "Email or Username",
"remember-me": "Remember Me",
"please-enter-your-email-and-password": "Please enter your email and password",
"invalid-credentials": "Invalid Credentials",
"account-locked-please-try-again-later": "Account Locked. Please try again later",
"user-favorites": "User Favorites",
"password-strength-values": {
"weak": "Weak",
"good": "Good",
"strong": "Strong",
"very-strong": "Very Strong"
"user-management": "User Management",
"reset-locked-users": "Reset Locked Users",
"admin-user-creation": "Admin User Creation",
"admin-user-management": "Admin User Management",
"user-details": "User Details",
"user-name": "User Name",
"authentication-method": "Authentication Method",
"authentication-method-hint": "This specifies how a user will authenticate with Mealie. If you're not sure, choose 'Mealie",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"user-can-invite-other-to-group": "User can invite others to group",
"user-can-manage-group": "User can manage group",
"user-can-manage-household": "User can manage household",
"user-can-organize-group-data": "User can organize group data",
"enable-advanced-features": "Enable advanced features",
"it-looks-like-this-is-your-first-time-logging-in": "It looks like this is your first time logging in.",
"dont-want-to-see-this-anymore-be-sure-to-change-your-email": "Don't want to see this anymore? Be sure to change your email in your user settings!",
"forgot-password": "Forgot Password",
"forgot-password-text": "Please enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password.",
"changes-reflected-immediately": "Changes to this user will be reflected immediately."
"language-dialog": {
"translated": "translated",
"choose-language": "Choose Language",
"select-description": "Choose the language for the Mealie UI. The setting only applies to you, not other users.",
"how-to-contribute-description": "Is something not translated yet, mistranslated, or your language missing from the list? {read-the-docs-link} on how to contribute!",
"read-the-docs": "Read the docs"
"data-pages": {
"foods": {
"merge-dialog-text": "Combining the selected foods will merge the source food and target food into a single food. The source food will be deleted and all of the references to the source food will be updated to point to the target food.",
"merge-food-example": "Merging {food1} into {food2}",
"seed-dialog-text": "Seed the database with foods based on your local language. This will create 200+ common foods that can be used to organize your database. Foods are translated via a community effort.",
"seed-dialog-warning": "You have already have some items in your database. This action will not reconcile duplicates, you will have to manage them manually.",
"combine-food": "Combine Food",
"source-food": "Source Food",
"target-food": "Target Food",
"create-food": "Create Food",
"food-label": "Food Label",
"edit-food": "Edit Food",
"food-data": "Food Data",
"example-food-singular": "ex: Onion",
"example-food-plural": "ex: Onions",
"label-overwrite-warning": "This will assign the chosen label to all selected foods and potentially overwrite your existing labels.",
"on-hand-checkbox-label": "Setting this flag will make this food unchecked by default when adding a recipe to a shopping list."
"units": {
"seed-dialog-text": "Seed the database with common units based on your local language.",
"combine-unit-description": "Combining the selected units will merge the Source Unit and Target Unit into a single unit. The {source-unit-will-be-deleted} and all of the references to the Source Unit will be updated to point to the Target Unit.",
"combine-unit": "Combine Unit",
"source-unit": "Source Unit",
"target-unit": "Target Unit",
"merging-unit-into-unit": "Merging {0} into {1}",
"create-unit": "Create Unit",
"abbreviation": "Abbreviation",
"plural-abbreviation": "Plural Abbreviation",
"description": "Description",
"display-as-fraction": "Display as Fraction",
"use-abbreviation": "Use Abbreviation",
"edit-unit": "Edit Unit",
"unit-data": "Unit Data",
"use-abbv": "Use Abbv.",
"fraction": "Fraction",
"example-unit-singular": "ex: Tablespoon",
"example-unit-plural": "ex: Tablespoons",
"example-unit-abbreviation-singular": "ex: Tbsp",
"example-unit-abbreviation-plural": "ex: Tbsps"
"labels": {
"seed-dialog-text": "Seed the database with common labels based on your local language.",
"edit-label": "Edit Label",
"new-label": "New Label",
"labels": "Labels",
"assign-label": "Assign Label"
"recipes": {
"purge-exports": "Purge Exports",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-export-data": "Are you sure you want to delete all export data?",
"confirm-delete-recipes": "Are you sure you want to delete the following recipes? This action cannot be undone.",
"the-following-recipes-selected-length-will-be-exported": "The following recipes ({0}) will be exported.",
"settings-chosen-explanation": "Settings chosen here, excluding the locked option, will be applied to all selected recipes.",
"selected-length-recipe-s-settings-will-be-updated": "{count} recipe(s) settings will be updated.",
"recipe-data": "Recipe Data",
"recipe-data-description": "Use this section to manage the data associated with your recipes. You can perform several bulk actions on your recipes including exporting, deleting, tagging, and assigning categories.",
"recipe-columns": "Recipe Columns",
"data-exports-description": "This section provides links to available exports that are ready to download. These exports do expire, so be sure to grab them while they're still available.",
"data-exports": "Data Exports",
"tag": "Tag",
"categorize": "Categorize",
"update-settings": "Update Settings",
"tag-recipes": "Tag Recipes",
"categorize-recipes": "Categorize Recipes",
"export-recipes": "Export Recipes",
"delete-recipes": "Delete Recipes",
"source-unit-will-be-deleted": "Source Unit will be deleted"
"recipe-actions": {
"recipe-actions-data": "Recipe Actions Data",
"new-recipe-action": "New Recipe Action",
"edit-recipe-action": "Edit Recipe Action",
"action-type": "Action Type"
"create-alias": "Create Alias",
"manage-aliases": "Manage Aliases",
"seed-data": "Seed Data",
"seed": "Seed",
"data-management": "Data Management",
"data-management-description": "Select which data set you want to make changes to.",
"select-data": "Select Data",
"select-language": "Select Language",
"columns": "Columns",
"combine": "Combine",
"categories": {
"edit-category": "Edit Category",
"new-category": "New Category",
"category-data": "Category Data"
"tags": {
"new-tag": "New Tag",
"edit-tag": "Edit Tag",
"tag-data": "Tag Data"
"tools": {
"new-tool": "New Tool",
"edit-tool": "Edit Tool",
"tool-data": "Tool Data"
"user-registration": {
"user-registration": "User Registration",
"registration-success": "Registration Success",
"join-a-group": "Join a Group",
"create-a-new-group": "Create a New Group",
"provide-registration-token-description": "Please provide the registration token associated with the group that you'd like to join. You'll need to obtain this from an existing group member.",
"group-details": "Group Details",
"group-details-description": "Before you create an account you'll need to create a group. Your group will only contain you, but you'll be able to invite others later. Members in your group can share meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, and more!",
"use-seed-data": "Use Seed Data",
"use-seed-data-description": "Mealie ships with a collection of Foods, Units, and Labels that can be used to populate your group with helpful data for organizing your recipes.",
"account-details": "Account Details"
"validation": {
"group-name-is-taken": "Group name is taken",
"username-is-taken": "Username is taken",
"email-is-taken": "Email is taken",
"this-field-is-required": "This Field is Required"
"export": {
"export": "Export",
"file-name": "File Name",
"size": "Size",
"link-expires": "Link Expires"
"recipe-share": {
"expiration-date": "Expiration Date",
"share-recipe": "Share Recipe",
"default-30-days": "Default 30 Days",
"expires-at": "Expires At",
"recipe-link-copied-message": "Recipe link copied to clipboard"
"banner-experimental": {
"title": "Experimental Feature",
"description": "This page contains experimental or still-baking features. Please excuse the mess.",
"issue-link-text": "Track our progress here"
"form": {
"quantity-label-abbreviated": "Qty"
"markdown-editor": {
"preview-markdown-button-label": "Preview Markdown"
"demo": {
"info_message_with_version": "This is a Demo for version: {version}",
"demo_username": "Username: {username}",
"demo_password": "Password: {password}"
"ocr-editor": {
"ocr-editor": "Ocr editor",
"toolbar": "Toolbar",
"selection-mode": "Selection mode",
"pan-and-zoom-picture": "Pan and zoom picture",
"split-text": "Split text",
"preserve-line-breaks": "Preserve original line breaks",
"split-by-block": "Split by text block",
"flatten": "Flatten regardless of original formating",
"help": {
"help": "Help",
"mouse-modes": "Mouse modes",
"selection-mode": "Selection Mode (default)",
"selection-mode-desc": "The selection mode is the main mode that can be used to enter data:",
"selection-mode-steps": {
"draw": "Draw a rectangle on the text you want to select.",
"click": "Click on any field on the right and then click back on the rectangle above the image.",
"result": "The selected text will appear inside the previously selected field."
"pan-and-zoom-mode": "Pan and Zoom Mode",
"pan-and-zoom-desc": "Select pan and zoom by clicking the icon. This mode allows to zoom inside the image and move around to make using big images easier.",
"split-text-mode": "Split Text modes",
"split-modes": {
"line-mode": "Line mode (default)",
"line-mode-desc": "In line mode, the text will be propagated by keeping the original line breaks. This mode is useful when using bulk add on a list of ingredients where one ingredient is one line.",
"block-mode": "Block mode",
"block-mode-desc": "In block mode, the text will be split in blocks. This mode is useful when bulk adding instructions that are usually written in paragraphs.",
"flat-mode": "Flat mode",
"flat-mode-desc": "In flat mode, the text will be added to the selected recipe field with no line breaks."
"admin": {
"maintenance": {
"storage-details": "Storage Details",
"page-title": "Site Maintenance",
"summary-title": "Summary",
"button-label-get-summary": "Get Summary",
"button-label-open-details": "Details",
"info-description-data-dir-size": "Data Directory Size",
"info-description-log-file-size": "Log File Size",
"info-description-cleanable-directories": "Cleanable Directories",
"info-description-cleanable-images": "Cleanable Images",
"storage": {
"title-temporary-directory": "Temporary Directory (.temp)",
"title-backups-directory": "Backups Directory (backups)",
"title-groups-directory": "Groups Directory (groups)",
"title-recipes-directory": "Recipes Directory (recipes)",
"title-user-directory": "User Directory (user)"
"action-delete-log-files-name": "Delete Log Files",
"action-delete-log-files-description": "Deletes all the log files",
"action-clean-directories-name": "Clean Directories",
"action-clean-directories-description": "Removes all the recipe folders that are not valid UUIDs",
"action-clean-temporary-files-name": "Clean Temporary Files",
"action-clean-temporary-files-description": "Removes all files and folders in the .temp directory",
"action-clean-images-name": "Clean Images",
"action-clean-images-description": "Removes all the images that don't end with .webp",
"actions-description": "Maintenance actions are {destructive_in_bold} and should be used with caution. Performing any of these actions is {irreversible_in_bold}.",
"actions-description-destructive": "destructive",
"actions-description-irreversible": "irreversible",
"logs-action-refresh": "Refresh Logs",
"logs-page-title": "Mealie Logs",
"logs-tail-lines-label": "Tail Lines"
"mainentance": {
"actions-title": "Actions"
"ingredients-natural-language-processor": "Ingredients Natural Language Processor",
"ingredients-natural-language-processor-explanation": "Mealie uses Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) for parsing and processing ingredients. The model used for ingredients is based off a data set of over 100,000 ingredients from a dataset compiled by the New York Times. Note that as the model is trained in English only, you may have varied results when using the model in other languages. This page is a playground for testing the model.",
"ingredients-natural-language-processor-explanation-2": "It's not perfect, but it yields great results in general and is a good starting point for manually parsing ingredients into individual fields. Alternatively, you can also use the \"Brute\" processor that uses a pattern matching technique to identify ingredients.",
"nlp": "NLP",
"brute": "Brute",
"openai": "OpenAI",
"show-individual-confidence": "Show individual confidence",
"ingredient-text": "Ingredient Text",
"average-confident": "{0} Confident",
"try-an-example": "Try an example",
"parser": "Parser",
"background-tasks": "Background Tasks",
"background-tasks-description": "Here you can view all the running background tasks and their status",
"no-logs-found": "No Logs Found",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"setup": {
"first-time-setup": "First Time Setup",
"welcome-to-mealie-get-started": "Welcome to Mealie! Let's get started",
"already-set-up-bring-to-homepage": "I'm already set up, just bring me to the homepage",
"common-settings-for-new-sites": "Here are some common settings for new sites",
"setup-complete": "Setup Complete!",
"here-are-a-few-things-to-help-you-get-started": "Here are a few things to help you get started with Mealie",
"restore-from-v1-backup": "Have a backup from a previous instance of Mealie v1? You can restore it here.",
"manage-profile-or-get-invite-link": "Manage your own profile, or grab an invite link to share with others."
"debug-openai-services": "Debug OpenAI Services",
"debug-openai-services-description": "Use this page to debug OpenAI services. You can test your OpenAI connection and see the results here. If you have image services enabled, you can also provide an image.",
"run-test": "Run Test",
"test-results": "Test Results",
"group-delete-note": "Groups with users or households cannot be deleted",
"household-delete-note": "Households with users cannot be deleted"
"profile": {
"welcome-user": "👋 Welcome, {0}!",
"description": "Manage your profile, recipes, and group settings.",
"invite-link": "Invite Link",
"get-invite-link": "Get Invite Link",
"get-public-link": "Get Public Link",
"account-summary": "Account Summary",
"account-summary-description": "Here's a summary of your group's information.",
"group-statistics": "Group Statistics",
"group-statistics-description": "Your Group Statistics provide some insight how you're using Mealie.",
"household-statistics": "Household Statistics",
"household-statistics-description": "Your Household Statistics provide some insight how you're using Mealie.",
"storage-capacity": "Storage Capacity",
"storage-capacity-description": "Your storage capacity is a calculation of the images and assets you have uploaded.",
"personal": "Personal",
"personal-description": "These are settings that are personal to you. Changes here won't affect other users.",
"user-settings": "User Settings",
"user-settings-description": "Manage your preferences, change your password, and update your email.",
"api-tokens-description": "Manage your API Tokens for access from external applications.",
"group-description": "These items are shared within your group. Editing one of them will change it for the whole group!",
"group-settings": "Group Settings",
"group-settings-description": "Manage your common group settings, like privacy settings.",
"household-description": "These items are shared within your household. Editing one of them will change it for the whole household!",
"household-settings": "Household Settings",
"household-settings-description": "Manage your household settings, like mealplan and privacy settings.",
"cookbooks-description": "Manage a collection of recipe categories and generate pages for them.",
"members": "Members",
"members-description": "See who's in your household and manage their permissions.",
"webhooks-description": "Setup webhooks that trigger on days that you have have mealplan scheduled.",
"notifiers": "Notifiers",
"notifiers-description": "Setup email and push notifications that trigger on specific events.",
"manage-data": "Manage Data",
"manage-data-description": "Manage your Mealie data; Foods, Units, Categories, Tags and more.",
"data-migrations": "Data Migrations",
"data-migrations-description": "Migrate your existing data from other applications like Nextcloud Recipes and Chowdown.",
"email-sent": "Email Sent",
"error-sending-email": "Error Sending Email",
"personal-information": "Personal Information",
"preferences": "Preferences",
"show-advanced-description": "Show advanced features (API Keys, Webhooks, and Data Management)",
"back-to-profile": "Back to Profile",
"looking-for-privacy-settings": "Looking for Privacy Settings?",
"manage-your-api-tokens": "Manage Your API Tokens",
"manage-user-profile": "Manage User Profile",
"manage-cookbooks": "Manage Cookbooks",
"manage-members": "Manage Members",
"manage-webhooks": "Manage Webhooks",
"manage-notifiers": "Manage Notifiers",
"manage-data-migrations": "Manage Data Migrations"
"cookbook": {
"cookbooks": "Cookbooks",
"description": "Cookbooks are another way to organize recipes by creating cross sections of recipes, organizers, and other filters. Creating a cookbook will add an entry to the side-bar and all the recipes with the filters chosen will be displayed in the cookbook.",
"hide-cookbooks-from-other-households": "Hide Cookbooks from Other Households",
"hide-cookbooks-from-other-households-description": "When enabled, only cookbooks from your household will appear on the sidebar",
"public-cookbook": "Public Cookbook",
"public-cookbook-description": "Public Cookbooks can be shared with non-mealie users and will be displayed on your groups page.",
"filter-options": "Filter Options",
"filter-options-description": "When require all is selected the cookbook will only include recipes that have all of the items selected. This applies to each subset of selectors and not a cross section of the selected items.",
"require-all-categories": "Require All Categories",
"require-all-tags": "Require All Tags",
"require-all-tools": "Require All Tools",
"cookbook-name": "Cookbook Name",
"cookbook-with-name": "Cookbook {0}",
"household-cookbook-name": "{0} Cookbook {1}",
"create-a-cookbook": "Create a Cookbook",
"cookbook": "Cookbook"
"query-filter": {
"logical-operators": {
"and": "AND",
"or": "OR"
"relational-operators": {
"equals": "equals",
"does-not-equal": "does not equal",
"is-greater-than": "is greater than",
"is-greater-than-or-equal-to": "is greater than or equal to",
"is-less-than": "is less than",
"is-less-than-or-equal-to": "is less than or equal to"
"relational-keywords": {
"is": "is",
"is-not": "is not",
"is-one-of": "is one of",
"is-not-one-of": "is not one of",
"contains-all-of": "contains all of",
"is-like": "is like",
"is-not-like": "is not like"