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* Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool
* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom
* For more information see: http://getgreenshot.org/
* The Greenshot project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using Windows.Foundation.Collections;
using Windows.Foundation.Metadata;
using Windows.UI.Notifications;
using GreenshotPlugin.Core;
using GreenshotPlugin.IniFile;
using GreenshotPlugin.Interfaces;
using log4net;
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications;
namespace GreenshotWin10Plugin
/// <summary>
/// This service provides a way to inform (notify) the user.
/// </summary>
public class ToastNotificationService : INotificationService
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ToastNotificationService));
private static readonly CoreConfiguration CoreConfiguration = IniConfig.GetIniSection<CoreConfiguration>();
private readonly string _imageFilePath;
public ToastNotificationService()
if (ToastNotificationManagerCompat.WasCurrentProcessToastActivated())
Log.Info("Greenshot was activated due to a toast.");
// Listen to notification activation
ToastNotificationManagerCompat.OnActivated += toastArgs =>
// Obtain the arguments from the notification
ToastArguments args = ToastArguments.Parse(toastArgs.Argument);
// Obtain any user input (text boxes, menu selections) from the notification
ValueSet userInput = toastArgs.UserInput;
Log.Info("Toast activated. Args: " + toastArgs.Argument);
var localAppData = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Greenshot");
if (!Directory.Exists(localAppData))
_imageFilePath = Path.Combine(localAppData, "greenshot.png");
if (File.Exists(_imageFilePath))
using var greenshotImage = GreenshotResources.GetGreenshotIcon().ToBitmap();
greenshotImage.Save(_imageFilePath, ImageFormat.Png);
/// <summary>
/// This creates the actual toast
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">string</param>
/// <param name="timeout">TimeSpan until the toast timeouts</param>
/// <param name="onClickAction">Action called when clicked</param>
/// <param name="onClosedAction">Action called when the toast is closed</param>
private void ShowMessage(string message, TimeSpan? timeout = default, Action onClickAction = null, Action onClosedAction = null)
// Do not inform the user if this is disabled
if (!CoreConfiguration.ShowTrayNotification)
// Prepare the toast notifier. Be sure to specify the AppUserModelId on your application's shortcut!
var toastNotifier = ToastNotificationManagerCompat.CreateToastNotifier();
// Here is an interesting article on reading the settings: https://www.rudyhuyn.com/blog/2018/02/10/toastnotifier-and-settings-careful-with-non-uwp-applications/
if (toastNotifier.Setting != NotificationSetting.Enabled)
Log.DebugFormat("Ignored toast due to {0}", toastNotifier.Setting);
catch (Exception)
Log.Info("Ignoring exception as this means that there was no stored settings.");
// Generate the toast and send it off
new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddArgument("ToastID", 100)
// Inline image
// Profile (app logo override) image
//.AddAppLogoOverride(new Uri($@"file://{_imageFilePath}"), ToastGenericAppLogoCrop.None)
.Show(toast =>
// Windows 10 first with 1903: ExpiresOnReboot = true
toast.ExpirationTime = timeout.HasValue ? DateTimeOffset.Now.Add(timeout.Value) : (DateTimeOffset?) null;
void ToastActivatedHandler(ToastNotification toastNotification, object sender)
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Warn("Exception while handling the onclick action: ", ex);
toast.Activated -= ToastActivatedHandler;
if (onClickAction != null)
toast.Activated += ToastActivatedHandler;
void ToastDismissedHandler(ToastNotification toastNotification, ToastDismissedEventArgs eventArgs)
Log.Debug($"Toast closed with reason {eventArgs.Reason}");
if (eventArgs.Reason != ToastDismissalReason.UserCanceled)
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Warn("Exception while handling the onClosed action: ", ex);
toast.Dismissed -= ToastDismissedHandler;
// Remove the other handler too
toast.Activated -= ToastActivatedHandler;
toast.Failed -= ToastOnFailed;
toast.Dismissed += ToastDismissedHandler;
toast.Failed += ToastOnFailed;
private void ToastOnFailed(ToastNotification sender, ToastFailedEventArgs args)
Log.WarnFormat("Failed to display a toast due to {0}", args.ErrorCode);
public void ShowWarningMessage(string message, TimeSpan? timeout = null, Action onClickAction = null, Action onClosedAction = null)
ShowMessage(message, timeout, onClickAction, onClosedAction);
public void ShowErrorMessage(string message, TimeSpan? timeout = null, Action onClickAction = null, Action onClosedAction = null)
ShowMessage(message, timeout, onClickAction, onClosedAction);
public void ShowInfoMessage(string message, TimeSpan? timeout = null, Action onClickAction = null, Action onClosedAction = null)
ShowMessage(message, timeout, onClickAction, onClosedAction);
/// <summary>
/// Factory method, helping with checking if the notification service is even available
/// </summary>
/// <returns>ToastNotificationService</returns>
public static ToastNotificationService Create()
if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.ToastNotificationActionTrigger"))
return new ToastNotificationService();
Log.Warn("ToastNotificationActionTrigger not available.");
return null;