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* Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool
* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom
* For more information see: http://getgreenshot.org/
* The Greenshot project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using GreenshotPlugin.Core;
using GreenshotPlugin.IniFile;
using GreenshotPlugin.Interfaces;
using GreenshotPlugin.Interfaces.Plugin;
namespace GreenshotImgurPlugin {
/// <summary>
/// A collection of Imgur helper methods
/// </summary>
public static class ImgurUtils {
private static readonly log4net.ILog Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ImgurUtils));
private const string SmallUrlPattern = "http://i.imgur.com/{0}s.jpg";
private static readonly ImgurConfiguration Config = IniConfig.GetIniSection<ImgurConfiguration>();
private const string AuthUrlPattern = "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id={ClientId}&state={State}";
private const string TokenUrl = "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/token";
/// <summary>
/// Check if we need to load the history
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsHistoryLoadingNeeded()
Log.InfoFormat("Checking if imgur cache loading needed, configuration has {0} imgur hashes, loaded are {1} hashes.", Config.ImgurUploadHistory.Count, Config.runtimeImgurHistory.Count);
return Config.runtimeImgurHistory.Count != Config.ImgurUploadHistory.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Load the complete history of the imgur uploads, with the corresponding information
/// </summary>
public static void LoadHistory() {
if (!IsHistoryLoadingNeeded())
bool saveNeeded = false;
// Load the ImUr history
foreach (string hash in Config.ImgurUploadHistory.Keys.ToList()) {
if (Config.runtimeImgurHistory.ContainsKey(hash)) {
// Already loaded
var deleteHash = Config.ImgurUploadHistory[hash];
ImgurInfo imgurInfo = RetrieveImgurInfo(hash, deleteHash);
if (imgurInfo != null) {
Config.runtimeImgurHistory[hash] = imgurInfo;
} else {
Log.InfoFormat("Deleting unknown ImgUr {0} from config, delete hash was {1}.", hash, deleteHash);
saveNeeded = true;
} catch (WebException wE) {
bool redirected = false;
if (wE.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) {
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)wE.Response;
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
Log.Error("Imgur loading forbidden", wE);
// Image no longer available?
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect) {
Log.InfoFormat("ImgUr image for hash {0} is no longer available, removing it from the history", hash);
redirected = true;
if (!redirected) {
Log.Error("Problem loading ImgUr history for hash " + hash, wE);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error("Problem loading ImgUr history for hash " + hash, e);
if (saveNeeded) {
// Save needed changes
/// <summary>
/// Use this to make sure Imgur knows from where the upload comes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="webRequest"></param>
private static void SetClientId(HttpWebRequest webRequest) {
webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Client-ID " + ImgurCredentials.CONSUMER_KEY);
/// <summary>
/// Do the actual upload to Imgur
/// For more details on the available parameters, see: http://api.imgur.com/resources_anon
/// </summary>
/// <param name="surfaceToUpload">ISurface to upload</param>
/// <param name="outputSettings">OutputSettings for the image file format</param>
/// <param name="title">Title</param>
/// <param name="filename">Filename</param>
/// <returns>ImgurInfo with details</returns>
public static ImgurInfo UploadToImgur(ISurface surfaceToUpload, SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings, string title, string filename) {
IDictionary<string, object> otherParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// add title
if (title != null && Config.AddTitle) {
otherParameters["title"]= title;
// add filename
if (filename != null && Config.AddFilename) {
otherParameters["name"] = filename;
string responseString = null;
if (Config.AnonymousAccess) {
// add key, we only use the other parameters for the AnonymousAccess
//otherParameters.Add("key", IMGUR_ANONYMOUS_API_KEY);
HttpWebRequest webRequest = NetworkHelper.CreateWebRequest(Config.ImgurApi3Url + "/upload.xml?" + NetworkHelper.GenerateQueryParameters(otherParameters), HTTPMethod.POST);
webRequest.ContentType = "image/" + outputSettings.Format;
webRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
try {
using (var requestStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream()) {
ImageOutput.SaveToStream(surfaceToUpload, requestStream, outputSettings);
using WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse();
var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
if (responseStream != null)
using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, true);
responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Upload to imgur gave an exeption: ", ex);
} else {
var oauth2Settings = new OAuth2Settings
AuthUrlPattern = AuthUrlPattern,
TokenUrl = TokenUrl,
RedirectUrl = "https://getgreenshot.org/oauth/imgur",
CloudServiceName = "Imgur",
ClientId = ImgurCredentials.CONSUMER_KEY,
ClientSecret = ImgurCredentials.CONSUMER_SECRET,
AuthorizeMode = OAuth2AuthorizeMode.OutOfBoundAuto,
RefreshToken = Config.RefreshToken,
AccessToken = Config.AccessToken,
AccessTokenExpires = Config.AccessTokenExpires
// Copy the settings from the config, which is kept in memory and on the disk
var webRequest = OAuth2Helper.CreateOAuth2WebRequest(HTTPMethod.POST, Config.ImgurApi3Url + "/upload.xml", oauth2Settings);
otherParameters["image"] = new SurfaceContainer(surfaceToUpload, outputSettings, filename);
NetworkHelper.WriteMultipartFormData(webRequest, otherParameters);
responseString = NetworkHelper.GetResponseAsString(webRequest);
// Copy the settings back to the config, so they are stored.
Config.RefreshToken = oauth2Settings.RefreshToken;
Config.AccessToken = oauth2Settings.AccessToken;
Config.AccessTokenExpires = oauth2Settings.AccessTokenExpires;
Config.IsDirty = true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseString))
return null;
return ImgurInfo.ParseResponse(responseString);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the thumbnail of an imgur image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="imgurInfo"></param>
public static void RetrieveImgurThumbnail(ImgurInfo imgurInfo) {
if (imgurInfo.SmallSquare == null) {
Log.Warn("Imgur URL was null, not retrieving thumbnail.");
Log.InfoFormat("Retrieving Imgur image for {0} with url {1}", imgurInfo.Hash, imgurInfo.SmallSquare);
HttpWebRequest webRequest = NetworkHelper.CreateWebRequest(string.Format(SmallUrlPattern, imgurInfo.Hash), HTTPMethod.GET);
webRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
// Not for getting the thumbnail, in anonymous modus
using WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse();
Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
if (responseStream != null)
imgurInfo.Image = ImageHelper.FromStream(responseStream);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve information on an imgur image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hash"></param>
/// <param name="deleteHash"></param>
/// <returns>ImgurInfo</returns>
public static ImgurInfo RetrieveImgurInfo(string hash, string deleteHash) {
string url = Config.ImgurApi3Url + "/image/" + hash + ".xml";
Log.InfoFormat("Retrieving Imgur info for {0} with url {1}", hash, url);
HttpWebRequest webRequest = NetworkHelper.CreateWebRequest(url, HTTPMethod.GET);
webRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
string responseString = null;
using WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse();
var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
if (responseStream != null)
using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, true);
responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();
} catch (WebException wE) {
if (wE.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) {
if (((HttpWebResponse)wE.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) {
return null;
ImgurInfo imgurInfo = null;
if (responseString != null)
imgurInfo = ImgurInfo.ParseResponse(responseString);
imgurInfo.DeleteHash = deleteHash;
return imgurInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Delete an imgur image, this is done by specifying the delete hash
/// </summary>
/// <param name="imgurInfo"></param>
public static void DeleteImgurImage(ImgurInfo imgurInfo) {
Log.InfoFormat("Deleting Imgur image for {0}", imgurInfo.DeleteHash);
try {
string url = Config.ImgurApi3Url + "/image/" + imgurInfo.DeleteHash + ".xml";
HttpWebRequest webRequest = NetworkHelper.CreateWebRequest(url, HTTPMethod.DELETE);
webRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
string responseString = null;
using (WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse()) {
var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
if (responseStream != null)
using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, true);
responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();
Log.InfoFormat("Delete result: {0}", responseString);
} catch (WebException wE) {
// Allow "Bad request" this means we already deleted it
if (wE.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) {
if (((HttpWebResponse)wE.Response).StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) {
throw ;
// Make sure we remove it from the history, if no error occured
imgurInfo.Image = null;
/// <summary>
/// Helper for logging
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nameValues"></param>
/// <param name="key"></param>
private static void LogHeader(IDictionary<string, string> nameValues, string key) {
if (nameValues.ContainsKey(key)) {
Log.InfoFormat("{0}={1}", key, nameValues[key]);
/// <summary>
/// Log the current rate-limit information
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response"></param>
private static void LogRateLimitInfo(WebResponse response) {
IDictionary<string, string> nameValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string key in response.Headers.AllKeys) {
if (!nameValues.ContainsKey(key)) {
nameValues.Add(key, response.Headers[key]);
LogHeader(nameValues, "X-RateLimit-Limit");
LogHeader(nameValues, "X-RateLimit-Remaining");
LogHeader(nameValues, "X-RateLimit-UserLimit");
LogHeader(nameValues, "X-RateLimit-UserRemaining");
LogHeader(nameValues, "X-RateLimit-UserReset");
LogHeader(nameValues, "X-RateLimit-ClientLimit");
LogHeader(nameValues, "X-RateLimit-ClientRemaining");
// Update the credits in the config, this is shown in a form
if (nameValues.ContainsKey("X-RateLimit-Remaining") && int.TryParse(nameValues["X-RateLimit-Remaining"], out var credits)) {
Config.Credits = credits;