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* Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom
* For more information see: http://getgreenshot.org/
* The Greenshot project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Greenshot.Configuration;
using Greenshot.Helpers.IEInterop;
using Greenshot.Interop;
using Greenshot.Interop.IE;
using Greenshot.Plugin;
using GreenshotPlugin.UnmanagedHelpers;
using GreenshotPlugin.Controls;
using GreenshotPlugin.Core;
using Greenshot.IniFile;
using log4net;
namespace Greenshot.Helpers {
/// <summary>
/// The code for this helper comes from: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/IECapture.aspx
/// The code is modified with some of the suggestions in different comments and there still were leaks which I fixed.
/// On top I modified it to use the already available code in Greenshot.
/// Many thanks to all the people who contributed here!
/// </summary>
public static class IeCaptureHelper {
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(IeCaptureHelper));
private static readonly CoreConfiguration CoreConfig = IniConfig.GetIniSection<CoreConfiguration>();
// Helper method to activate a certain IE Tab
public static void ActivateIeTab(WindowDetails ieWindowDetails, int tabIndex) {
WindowDetails directUiWindowDetails = IEHelper.GetDirectUI(ieWindowDetails);
if(directUiWindowDetails != null) {
// Bring window to the front
// Get accessible
Accessible ieAccessible = new Accessible(directUiWindowDetails.Handle);
// Activate Tab
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the supplied window has a sub-window which covers more than the supplied percentage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="someWindow">WindowDetails to check</param>
/// <param name="minimumPercentage">min percentage</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsMostlyIeWindow(WindowDetails someWindow, int minimumPercentage) {
WindowDetails ieWindow = someWindow.GetChild("Internet Explorer_Server");
if (ieWindow != null) {
Rectangle wholeClient = someWindow.ClientRectangle;
Rectangle partClient = ieWindow.ClientRectangle;
int percentage = (int)(100*(float)(partClient.Width * partClient.Height) / (wholeClient.Width * wholeClient.Height));
Log.InfoFormat("Window {0}, ie part {1}, percentage {2}", wholeClient, partClient, percentage);
if (percentage > minimumPercentage) {
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Does the supplied window have a IE part?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="someWindow"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsIeWindow(WindowDetails someWindow) {
if ("IEFrame".Equals(someWindow.ClassName)) {
return true;
if (CoreConfig.WindowClassesToCheckForIE != null && CoreConfig.WindowClassesToCheckForIE.Contains(someWindow.ClassName)) {
return someWindow.GetChild("Internet Explorer_Server") != null;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get Windows displaying an IE
/// </summary>
/// <returns>IEnumerable WindowDetails</returns>
public static IEnumerable<WindowDetails> GetIeWindows() {
foreach (var possibleIeWindow in WindowDetails.GetAllWindows()) {
if (possibleIeWindow.Text.Length == 0) {
if (possibleIeWindow.ClientRectangle.IsEmpty) {
if (IsIeWindow(possibleIeWindow)) {
yield return possibleIeWindow;
/// <summary>
/// Simple check if IE is running
/// </summary>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public static bool IsIeRunning()
return GetIeWindows().Any();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of all IE Windows & tabs with the captions of the instances
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List with KeyValuePair of WindowDetails and string</returns>
public static List<KeyValuePair<WindowDetails, string>> GetBrowserTabs() {
var ieHandleList = new List<IntPtr>();
var browserWindows = new Dictionary<WindowDetails, List<string>>();
// Find the IE windows
foreach (var ieWindow in GetIeWindows()) {
try {
if (ieHandleList.Contains(ieWindow.Handle))
if ("IEFrame".Equals(ieWindow.ClassName)) {
var directUiwd = IEHelper.GetDirectUI(ieWindow);
if (directUiwd != null) {
var accessible = new Accessible(directUiwd.Handle);
browserWindows.Add(ieWindow, accessible.IETabCaptions);
} else if (CoreConfig.WindowClassesToCheckForIE != null && CoreConfig.WindowClassesToCheckForIE.Contains(ieWindow.ClassName)) {
var singleWindowText = new List<string>();
try {
var document2 = GetHtmlDocument(ieWindow);
string title = document2.title;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) {
} else {
singleWindowText.Add(ieWindow.Text + " - " + title);
} catch {
browserWindows.Add(ieWindow, singleWindowText);
} catch (Exception) {
Log.Warn("Can't get Info from " + ieWindow.ClassName);
var returnList = new List<KeyValuePair<WindowDetails, string>>();
foreach(var windowDetails in browserWindows.Keys) {
foreach(string tab in browserWindows[windowDetails]) {
returnList.Add(new KeyValuePair<WindowDetails, string>(windowDetails, tab));
return returnList;
/// <summary>
/// Helper Method to get the IHTMLDocument2
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mainWindow"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static IHTMLDocument2 GetHtmlDocument(WindowDetails mainWindow) {
var ieServer = "Internet Explorer_Server".Equals(mainWindow.ClassName) ? mainWindow : mainWindow.GetChild("Internet Explorer_Server");
if (ieServer == null) {
Log.WarnFormat("No Internet Explorer_Server for {0}", mainWindow.Text);
return null;
uint windowMessage = User32.RegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT");
if (windowMessage == 0) {
Log.WarnFormat("Couldn't register WM_HTML_GETOBJECT");
return null;
Log.DebugFormat("Trying WM_HTML_GETOBJECT on {0}", ieServer.ClassName);
UIntPtr response;
User32.SendMessageTimeout(ieServer.Handle, windowMessage, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, SendMessageTimeoutFlags.SMTO_NORMAL, 5000, out response);
IHTMLDocument2 document2;
if (response != UIntPtr.Zero) {
document2 = (IHTMLDocument2)Accessible.ObjectFromLresult(response, typeof(IHTMLDocument).GUID, IntPtr.Zero);
if (document2 == null) {
Log.Error("No IHTMLDocument2 found");
return null;
} else {
Log.Error("No answer on WM_HTML_GETOBJECT.");
return null;
return document2;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method which will retrieve the IHTMLDocument2 for the supplied window,
/// or return the first if none is supplied.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="browserWindow">The WindowDetails to get the IHTMLDocument2 for</param>
/// <returns>The WindowDetails to which the IHTMLDocument2 belongs</returns>
private static DocumentContainer CreateDocumentContainer(WindowDetails browserWindow) {
DocumentContainer returnDocumentContainer = null;
WindowDetails returnWindow = null;
IHTMLDocument2 returnDocument2 = null;
// alternative if no match
WindowDetails alternativeReturnWindow = null;
IHTMLDocument2 alternativeReturnDocument2 = null;
// Find the IE windows
foreach (WindowDetails ieWindow in GetIeWindows()) {
Log.DebugFormat("Processing {0} - {1}", ieWindow.ClassName, ieWindow.Text);
Accessible ieAccessible = null;
WindowDetails directUiwd = IEHelper.GetDirectUI(ieWindow);
if (directUiwd != null) {
ieAccessible = new Accessible(directUiwd.Handle);
if (ieAccessible == null) {
if (browserWindow != null) {
Log.InfoFormat("Active Window is {0}", browserWindow.Text);
if (!ieWindow.Equals(browserWindow)) {
Log.WarnFormat("No ieAccessible for {0}", ieWindow.Text);
Log.DebugFormat("No ieAccessible, but the active window is an IE window: {0}, ", ieWindow.Text);
try {
// Get the Document
IHTMLDocument2 document2 = GetHtmlDocument(ieWindow);
if (document2 == null) {
// Get the content window handle for the shellWindow.Document
IOleWindow oleWindow = (IOleWindow)document2;
IntPtr contentWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
oleWindow?.GetWindow(out contentWindowHandle);
if (contentWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
// Get the HTMLDocument to check the hasFocus
// See: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vbgeneral/thread/60c6c95d-377c-4bf4-860d-390840fce31c/
IHTMLDocument4 document4 = (IHTMLDocument4)document2;
if (document4.hasFocus()) {
Log.DebugFormat("Matched focused document: {0}", document2.title);
// Look no further, we got what we wanted!
returnDocument2 = document2;
returnWindow = new WindowDetails(contentWindowHandle);
try {
if (ieWindow.Equals(browserWindow)) {
returnDocument2 = document2;
returnWindow = new WindowDetails(contentWindowHandle);
if (ieAccessible != null && returnWindow == null && document2.title.Equals(ieAccessible.IEActiveTabCaption) ) {
Log.DebugFormat("Title: {0}", document2.title);
returnDocument2 = document2;
returnWindow = new WindowDetails(contentWindowHandle);
} else {
alternativeReturnDocument2 = document2;
alternativeReturnWindow = new WindowDetails(contentWindowHandle);
} catch (Exception) {
alternativeReturnDocument2 = document2;
alternativeReturnWindow = new WindowDetails(contentWindowHandle);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.ErrorFormat("Major problem: Problem retrieving Document from {0}", ieWindow.Text);
// check if we have something to return
if (returnWindow != null) {
// As it doesn't have focus, make sure it's active
// Create the container
try {
returnDocumentContainer = new DocumentContainer(returnDocument2, returnWindow);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error("Major problem: Problem retrieving Document.");
if (returnDocumentContainer == null && alternativeReturnDocument2 != null) {
// As it doesn't have focus, make sure it's active
// Create the container
try {
returnDocumentContainer = new DocumentContainer(alternativeReturnDocument2, alternativeReturnWindow);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error("Major problem: Problem retrieving Document.");
return returnDocumentContainer;
/// <summary>
/// Here the logic for capturing the IE Content is located
/// </summary>
/// <param name="capture">ICapture where the capture needs to be stored</param>
/// <returns>ICapture with the content (if any)</returns>
public static ICapture CaptureIe(ICapture capture) {
return CaptureIe(capture, WindowDetails.GetActiveWindow());
/// <summary>
/// Here the logic for capturing the IE Content is located
/// </summary>
/// <param name="capture">ICapture where the capture needs to be stored</param>
/// <param name="windowToCapture">window to use</param>
/// <returns>ICapture with the content (if any)</returns>
public static ICapture CaptureIe(ICapture capture, WindowDetails windowToCapture) {
if (windowToCapture == null) {
windowToCapture = WindowDetails.GetActiveWindow();
// Show backgroundform after retrieving the active window..
BackgroundForm backgroundForm = new BackgroundForm(Language.GetString(LangKey.contextmenu_captureie), Language.GetString(LangKey.wait_ie_capture));
//BackgroundForm backgroundForm = BackgroundForm.ShowAndWait(language.GetString(LangKey.contextmenu_captureie), language.GetString(LangKey.wait_ie_capture));
try {
//Get IHTMLDocument2 for the current active window
DocumentContainer documentContainer = CreateDocumentContainer(windowToCapture);
// Nothing found
if (documentContainer == null) {
Log.Debug("Nothing to capture found");
return null;
try {
Log.DebugFormat("Window class {0}", documentContainer.ContentWindow.ClassName);
Log.DebugFormat("Window location {0}", documentContainer.ContentWindow.Location);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Warn("Error while logging information.", ex);
// bitmap to return
Bitmap returnBitmap = null;
try {
Size pageSize = PrepareCapture(documentContainer, capture);
returnBitmap = CapturePage(documentContainer, pageSize);
} catch (Exception captureException) {
Log.Error("Exception found, ignoring and returning nothing! Error was: ", captureException);
// TODO: Enable when the elements are usable again.
// Capture the element on the page
//try {
// if (CoreConfig.IEFieldCapture && capture.CaptureDetails.HasDestination("Editor")) {
// // clear the current elements, as they are for the window itself
// capture.Elements.Clear();
// CaptureElement documentCaptureElement = documentContainer.CreateCaptureElements(pageSize);
// foreach(DocumentContainer frameDocument in documentContainer.Frames) {
// try {
// CaptureElement frameCaptureElement = frameDocument.CreateCaptureElements(Size.Empty);
// if (frameCaptureElement != null) {
// documentCaptureElement.Children.Add(frameCaptureElement);
// }
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// LOG.Warn("An error occurred while creating the capture elements: ", ex);
// }
// }
// capture.AddElement(documentCaptureElement);
// // Offset the elements, as they are "back offseted" later...
// Point windowLocation = documentContainer.ContentWindow.WindowRectangle.Location;
// capture.MoveElements(-(capture.ScreenBounds.Location.X-windowLocation.X), -(capture.ScreenBounds.Location.Y-windowLocation.Y));
// }
//} catch (Exception elementsException) {
// LOG.Warn("An error occurred while creating the capture elements: ", elementsException);
if (returnBitmap == null) {
return null;
// Store the bitmap for further processing
capture.Image = returnBitmap;
try {
// Store the location of the window
capture.Location = documentContainer.ContentWindow.Location;
// The URL is available unter "document2.url" and can be used to enhance the meta-data etc.
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("url", documentContainer.Url);
// Store the title of the page
capture.CaptureDetails.Title = documentContainer.Name ?? windowToCapture.Text;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Warn("Problems getting some attributes...", ex);
// Store the URL of the page
if (documentContainer.Url != null) {
try {
Uri uri = new Uri(documentContainer.Url);
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("URL", uri.OriginalString);
// As the URL can hardly be used in a filename, the following can be used
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Scheme)) {
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("URL_SCHEME", uri.Scheme);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.DnsSafeHost)) {
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("URL_HOSTNAME", uri.DnsSafeHost);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.AbsolutePath)) {
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("URL_PATH", uri.AbsolutePath);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Query)) {
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("URL_QUERY", uri.Query);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.UserInfo)) {
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("URL_USER", uri.UserInfo);
capture.CaptureDetails.AddMetaData("URL_PORT", uri.Port.ToString());
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.Warn("Exception when trying to use url in metadata "+documentContainer.Url,e);
try {
// Only move the mouse to correct for the capture offset
capture.MoveMouseLocation(-documentContainer.ViewportRectangle.X, -documentContainer.ViewportRectangle.Y);
// Used to be: capture.MoveMouseLocation(-(capture.Location.X + documentContainer.CaptureOffset.X), -(capture.Location.Y + documentContainer.CaptureOffset.Y));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Warn("Error while correcting the mouse offset.", ex);
} finally {
// Always close the background form
return capture;
/// <summary>
/// Prepare the calculates for all the frames, move and fit...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="documentContainer"></param>
/// <param name="capture"></param>
/// <returns>Size of the complete page</returns>
private static Size PrepareCapture(DocumentContainer documentContainer, ICapture capture) {
// Calculate the page size
int pageWidth = documentContainer.ScrollWidth;
int pageHeight = documentContainer.ScrollHeight;
// Here we loop over all the frames and try to make sure they don't overlap
bool movedFrame;
do {
movedFrame = false;
foreach(DocumentContainer currentFrame in documentContainer.Frames) {
foreach(DocumentContainer otherFrame in documentContainer.Frames) {
if (otherFrame.Id == currentFrame.Id) {
// check if we need to move
if (otherFrame.DestinationRectangle.IntersectsWith(currentFrame.DestinationRectangle) && !otherFrame.SourceRectangle.IntersectsWith(currentFrame.SourceRectangle)) {
bool horizalResize = currentFrame.SourceSize.Width < currentFrame.DestinationSize.Width;
bool verticalResize = currentFrame.SourceSize.Width < currentFrame.DestinationSize.Width;
bool horizalMove = currentFrame.SourceLeft < currentFrame.DestinationLeft;
bool verticalMove = currentFrame.SourceTop < currentFrame.DestinationTop;
bool leftOf = currentFrame.SourceRight <= otherFrame.SourceLeft;
bool belowOf = currentFrame.SourceBottom <= otherFrame.SourceTop;
if ((horizalResize || horizalMove) && leftOf) {
// Current frame resized horizontally, so move other horizontally
Log.DebugFormat("Moving Frame {0} horizontally to the right of {1}", otherFrame.Name, currentFrame.Name);
otherFrame.DestinationLeft = currentFrame.DestinationRight;
movedFrame = true;
} else if ((verticalResize || verticalMove) && belowOf){
// Current frame resized vertically, so move other vertically
Log.DebugFormat("Moving Frame {0} vertically to the bottom of {1}", otherFrame.Name, currentFrame.Name);
otherFrame.DestinationTop = currentFrame.DestinationBottom;
movedFrame = true;
} else {
Log.DebugFormat("Frame {0} intersects with {1}", otherFrame.Name, currentFrame.Name);
} while(movedFrame);
bool movedMouse = false;
// Correct cursor location to be inside the window
capture.MoveMouseLocation(-documentContainer.ContentWindow.Location.X, -documentContainer.ContentWindow.Location.Y);
// See if the page has the correct size, as we capture the full frame content AND might have moved them
// the normal pagesize will no longer be enough
foreach(DocumentContainer frameData in documentContainer.Frames) {
if (!movedMouse && frameData.SourceRectangle.Contains(capture.CursorLocation)) {
// Correct mouse cursor location for scrolled position (so it shows on the capture where it really was)
capture.MoveMouseLocation(frameData.ScrollLeft, frameData.ScrollTop);
movedMouse = true;
// Apply any other offset changes
int offsetX = frameData.DestinationLocation.X - frameData.SourceLocation.X;
int offsetY = frameData.DestinationLocation.Y - frameData.SourceLocation.Y;
capture.MoveMouseLocation(offsetX, offsetY);
//Get Frame Width & Height
pageWidth = Math.Max(pageWidth, frameData.DestinationRight);
pageHeight = Math.Max(pageHeight, frameData.DestinationBottom);
// If the mouse hasn't been moved, it wasn't on a frame. So correct the mouse according to the scroll position of the document
if (!movedMouse) {
// Correct mouse cursor location
capture.MoveMouseLocation(documentContainer.ScrollLeft, documentContainer.ScrollTop);
// Limit the size as the editor currently can't work with sizes > short.MaxValue
if (pageWidth > short.MaxValue) {
Log.WarnFormat("Capture has a width of {0} which bigger than the maximum supported {1}, cutting width to the maxium.", pageWidth, short.MaxValue);
pageWidth = Math.Min(pageWidth, short.MaxValue);
if (pageHeight > short.MaxValue) {
Log.WarnFormat("Capture has a height of {0} which bigger than the maximum supported {1}, cutting height to the maxium", pageHeight, short.MaxValue);
pageHeight = Math.Min(pageHeight, short.MaxValue);
return new Size(pageWidth, pageHeight);
/// <summary>
/// Capture the actual page (document)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="documentContainer">The document wrapped in a container</param>
/// <param name="pageSize"></param>
/// <returns>Bitmap with the page content as an image</returns>
private static Bitmap CapturePage(DocumentContainer documentContainer, Size pageSize) {
WindowDetails contentWindowDetails = documentContainer.ContentWindow;
//Create a target bitmap to draw into with the calculated page size
Bitmap returnBitmap = new Bitmap(pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
using (Graphics graphicsTarget = Graphics.FromImage(returnBitmap)) {
// Clear the target with the backgroundcolor
Color clearColor = documentContainer.BackgroundColor;
Log.DebugFormat("Clear color: {0}", clearColor);
// Get the base document & draw it
DrawDocument(documentContainer, contentWindowDetails, graphicsTarget);
// Loop over the frames and clear their source area so we don't see any artefacts
foreach(DocumentContainer frameDocument in documentContainer.Frames) {
using(Brush brush = new SolidBrush(clearColor)) {
graphicsTarget.FillRectangle(brush, frameDocument.SourceRectangle);
// Loop over the frames and capture their content
foreach(DocumentContainer frameDocument in documentContainer.Frames) {
DrawDocument(frameDocument, contentWindowDetails, graphicsTarget);
return returnBitmap;
/// <summary>
/// This method takes the actual capture of the document (frame)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="documentContainer">DocumentContainer</param>
/// <param name="contentWindowDetails">Needed for referencing the location of the frame</param>
/// <param name="graphicsTarget">Graphics</param>
/// <returns>Bitmap with the capture</returns>
private static void DrawDocument(DocumentContainer documentContainer, WindowDetails contentWindowDetails, Graphics graphicsTarget) {
documentContainer.SetAttribute("scroll", 1);
//Get Browser Window Width & Height
int pageWidth = documentContainer.ScrollWidth;
int pageHeight = documentContainer.ScrollHeight;
if (pageWidth * pageHeight == 0) {
Log.WarnFormat("Empty page for DocumentContainer {0}: {1}", documentContainer.Name, documentContainer.Url);
//Get Screen Width & Height (this is better as the WindowDetails.ClientRectangle as the real visible parts are there!
int viewportWidth = documentContainer.ClientWidth;
int viewportHeight = documentContainer.ClientHeight;
if (viewportWidth * viewportHeight == 0) {
Log.WarnFormat("Empty viewport for DocumentContainer {0}: {1}", documentContainer.Name, documentContainer.Url);
// Store the current location so we can set the browser back and use it for the mouse cursor
int startLeft = documentContainer.ScrollLeft;
int startTop = documentContainer.ScrollTop;
Log.DebugFormat("Capturing {4} with total size {0},{1} displayed with size {2},{3}", pageWidth, pageHeight, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, documentContainer.Name);
// Variable used for looping horizontally
int horizontalPage = 0;
// The location of the browser, used as the destination into the bitmap target
Point targetOffset = new Point();
// Loop of the pages and make a copy of the visible viewport
while (horizontalPage * viewportWidth < pageWidth) {
// Scroll to location
documentContainer.ScrollLeft = viewportWidth * horizontalPage;
targetOffset.X = documentContainer.ScrollLeft;
// Variable used for looping vertically
int verticalPage = 0;
while (verticalPage * viewportHeight < pageHeight) {
// Scroll to location
documentContainer.ScrollTop = viewportHeight * verticalPage;
//Shoot visible window
targetOffset.Y = documentContainer.ScrollTop;
// Draw the captured fragment to the target, but "crop" the scrollbars etc while capturing
Size viewPortSize = new Size(viewportWidth, viewportHeight);
Rectangle clientRectangle = new Rectangle(documentContainer.SourceLocation, viewPortSize);
Image fragment = contentWindowDetails.PrintWindow();
if (fragment != null) {
Log.DebugFormat("Captured fragment size: {0}x{1}", fragment.Width, fragment.Height);
try {
// cut all junk, due to IE "border" we need to remove some parts
Rectangle viewportRect = documentContainer.ViewportRectangle;
if (!viewportRect.IsEmpty) {
Log.DebugFormat("Cropping to viewport: {0}", viewportRect);
ImageHelper.Crop(ref fragment, ref viewportRect);
Log.DebugFormat("Cropping to clientRectangle: {0}", clientRectangle);
// Crop to clientRectangle
if (ImageHelper.Crop(ref fragment, ref clientRectangle)) {
Point targetLocation = new Point(documentContainer.DestinationLocation.X, documentContainer.DestinationLocation.Y);
Log.DebugFormat("Fragment targetLocation is {0}", targetLocation);
Log.DebugFormat("After offsetting the fragment targetLocation is {0}", targetLocation);
Log.DebugFormat("Drawing fragment of size {0} to {1}", fragment.Size, targetLocation);
graphicsTarget.DrawImage(fragment, targetLocation);
} else {
// somehow we are capturing nothing!?
Log.WarnFormat("Crop of {0} failed?", documentContainer.Name);
} finally {
} else {
Log.WarnFormat("Capture of {0} failed!", documentContainer.Name);
// Return to where we were
documentContainer.ScrollLeft = startLeft;
documentContainer.ScrollTop = startTop;