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* Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom
* For more information see: http://getgreenshot.org/
* The Greenshot project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using Greenshot.IniFile;
using Greenshot.Plugin;
using GreenshotPlugin.Controls;
using log4net;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Encoder = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder;
namespace GreenshotPlugin.Core {
/// <summary>
/// Description of ImageOutput.
/// </summary>
public static class ImageOutput {
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ImageOutput));
private static readonly CoreConfiguration CoreConfig = IniConfig.GetIniSection<CoreConfiguration>();
private static readonly int PROPERTY_TAG_SOFTWARE_USED = 0x0131;
private static readonly Cache<string, string> TmpFileCache = new Cache<string, string>(10 * 60 * 60, RemoveExpiredTmpFile);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a PropertyItem (Metadata) to store with the image.
/// For the possible ID's see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/system.drawing.imaging.propertyitem.id(v=vs.80).aspx
/// This code uses Reflection to create a PropertyItem, although it's not adviced it's not as stupid as having a image in the project so we can read a PropertyItem from that!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">ID</param>
/// <param name="text">Text</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static PropertyItem CreatePropertyItem(int id, string text) {
PropertyItem propertyItem = null;
try {
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(PropertyItem).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[] { }, null);
propertyItem = (PropertyItem)ci.Invoke(null);
// Make sure it's of type string
propertyItem.Type = 2;
// Set the ID
propertyItem.Id = id;
// Set the text
byte[] byteString = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text + " ");
// Set Zero byte for String end.
byteString[byteString.Length - 1] = 0;
propertyItem.Value = byteString;
propertyItem.Len = text.Length + 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.WarnFormat("Error creating a PropertyItem: {0}", e.Message);
return propertyItem;
#region save
/// <summary>
/// Saves ISurface to stream with specified output settings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="surface">ISurface to save</param>
/// <param name="stream">Stream to save to</param>
/// <param name="outputSettings">SurfaceOutputSettings</param>
public static void SaveToStream(ISurface surface, Stream stream, SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings) {
Image imageToSave;
bool disposeImage = CreateImageFromSurface(surface, outputSettings, out imageToSave);
SaveToStream(imageToSave, surface, stream, outputSettings);
// cleanup if needed
if (disposeImage) {
/// <summary>
/// Saves image to stream with specified quality
/// To prevent problems with GDI version of before Windows 7:
/// the stream is checked if it's seekable and if needed a MemoryStream as "cache" is used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="imageToSave">image to save</param>
/// <param name="surface">surface for the elements, needed if the greenshot format is used</param>
/// <param name="stream">Stream to save to</param>
/// <param name="outputSettings">SurfaceOutputSettings</param>
public static void SaveToStream(Image imageToSave, ISurface surface, Stream stream, SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings) {
bool useMemoryStream = false;
MemoryStream memoryStream = null;
if (outputSettings.Format == OutputFormat.greenshot && surface == null) {
throw new ArgumentException("Surface needs to be set when using OutputFormat.Greenshot");
try {
ImageFormat imageFormat;
switch (outputSettings.Format) {
case OutputFormat.bmp:
imageFormat = ImageFormat.Bmp;
case OutputFormat.gif:
imageFormat = ImageFormat.Gif;
case OutputFormat.jpg:
imageFormat = ImageFormat.Jpeg;
case OutputFormat.tiff:
imageFormat = ImageFormat.Tiff;
case OutputFormat.ico:
imageFormat = ImageFormat.Icon;
imageFormat = ImageFormat.Png;
Log.DebugFormat("Saving image to stream with Format {0} and PixelFormat {1}", imageFormat, imageToSave.PixelFormat);
// Check if we want to use a memory stream, to prevent issues with non seakable streams
// The save is made to the targetStream, this is directed to either the MemoryStream or the original
Stream targetStream = stream;
if (!stream.CanSeek)
useMemoryStream = true;
Log.Warn("Using memorystream prevent an issue with saving to a non seekable stream.");
memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
targetStream = memoryStream;
if (Equals(imageFormat, ImageFormat.Jpeg))
bool foundEncoder = false;
foreach (ImageCodecInfo imageCodec in ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders())
if (imageCodec.FormatID == imageFormat.Guid)
EncoderParameters parameters = new EncoderParameters(1)
Param = {[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, outputSettings.JPGQuality)}
// Removing transparency if it's not supported in the output
if (Image.IsAlphaPixelFormat(imageToSave.PixelFormat))
Image nonAlphaImage = ImageHelper.Clone(imageToSave, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
nonAlphaImage.Save(targetStream, imageCodec, parameters);
imageToSave.Save(targetStream, imageCodec, parameters);
foundEncoder = true;
if (!foundEncoder)
throw new ApplicationException("No JPG encoder found, this should not happen.");
} else if (Equals(imageFormat, ImageFormat.Icon)) {
// FEATURE-916: Added Icon support
IList<Image> images = new List<Image>();
WriteIcon(stream, images);
} else {
bool needsDispose = false;
// Removing transparency if it's not supported in the output
if (!Equals(imageFormat, ImageFormat.Png) && Image.IsAlphaPixelFormat(imageToSave.PixelFormat)) {
imageToSave = ImageHelper.Clone(imageToSave, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
needsDispose = true;
// Added for OptiPNG
bool processed = false;
if (Equals(imageFormat, ImageFormat.Png) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CoreConfig.OptimizePNGCommand)) {
processed = ProcessPngImageExternally(imageToSave, targetStream);
if (!processed) {
imageToSave.Save(targetStream, imageFormat);
if (needsDispose) {
// If we used a memory stream, we need to stream the memory stream to the original stream.
if (useMemoryStream) {
// Output the surface elements, size and marker to the stream
if (outputSettings.Format != OutputFormat.greenshot)
using (MemoryStream tmpStream = new MemoryStream()) {
long bytesWritten = surface.SaveElementsToStream(tmpStream);
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tmpStream)) {
Version v = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
byte[] marker = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"Greenshot{v.Major:00}.{v.Minor:00}");
/// <summary>
/// Write the passed Image to a tmp-file and call an external process, than read the file back and write it to the targetStream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="imageToProcess">Image to pass to the external process</param>
/// <param name="targetStream">stream to write the processed image to</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool ProcessPngImageExternally(Image imageToProcess, Stream targetStream) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CoreConfig.OptimizePNGCommand)) {
return false;
if (!File.Exists(CoreConfig.OptimizePNGCommand)) {
Log.WarnFormat("Can't find 'OptimizePNGCommand' {0}", CoreConfig.OptimizePNGCommand);
return false;
string tmpFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(),Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".png");
try {
using (FileStream tmpStream = File.Create(tmpFileName)) {
Log.DebugFormat("Writing png to tmp file: {0}", tmpFileName);
imageToProcess.Save(tmpStream, ImageFormat.Png);
if (Log.IsDebugEnabled) {
Log.DebugFormat("File size before processing {0}", new FileInfo(tmpFileName).Length);
if (Log.IsDebugEnabled) {
Log.DebugFormat("Starting : {0}", CoreConfig.OptimizePNGCommand);
ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(CoreConfig.OptimizePNGCommand)
Arguments = string.Format(CoreConfig.OptimizePNGCommandArguments, tmpFileName),
CreateNoWindow = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
UseShellExecute = false
using (Process process = Process.Start(processStartInfo)) {
if (process != null) {
if (process.ExitCode == 0) {
if (Log.IsDebugEnabled) {
Log.DebugFormat("File size after processing {0}", new FileInfo(tmpFileName).Length);
Log.DebugFormat("Reading back tmp file: {0}", tmpFileName);
byte[] processedImage = File.ReadAllBytes(tmpFileName);
targetStream.Write(processedImage, 0, processedImage.Length);
return true;
Log.ErrorFormat("Error while processing PNG image: {0}", process.ExitCode);
Log.ErrorFormat("Output: {0}", process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd());
Log.ErrorFormat("Error: {0}", process.StandardError.ReadToEnd());
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error("Error while processing PNG image: ", e);
} finally {
if (File.Exists(tmpFileName)) {
Log.DebugFormat("Cleaning up tmp file: {0}", tmpFileName);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Create an image from a surface with the settings from the output settings applied
/// </summary>
/// <param name="surface"></param>
/// <param name="outputSettings"></param>
/// <param name="imageToSave"></param>
/// <returns>true if the image must be disposed</returns>
public static bool CreateImageFromSurface(ISurface surface, SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings, out Image imageToSave) {
bool disposeImage = false;
if (outputSettings.Format == OutputFormat.greenshot || outputSettings.SaveBackgroundOnly) {
// We save the image of the surface, this should not be disposed
imageToSave = surface.Image;
} else {
// We create the export image of the surface to save
imageToSave = surface.GetImageForExport();
disposeImage = true;
// The following block of modifications should be skipped when saving the greenshot format, no effects or otherwise!
if (outputSettings.Format == OutputFormat.greenshot) {
return disposeImage;
Image tmpImage;
if (outputSettings.Effects != null && outputSettings.Effects.Count > 0) {
// apply effects, if there are any
using (Matrix matrix = new Matrix()) {
tmpImage = ImageHelper.ApplyEffects(imageToSave, outputSettings.Effects, matrix);
if (tmpImage != null) {
if (disposeImage) {
imageToSave = tmpImage;
disposeImage = true;
// check for color reduction, forced or automatically, only when the DisableReduceColors is false
if (outputSettings.DisableReduceColors || (!CoreConfig.OutputFileAutoReduceColors && !outputSettings.ReduceColors)) {
return disposeImage;
bool isAlpha = Image.IsAlphaPixelFormat(imageToSave.PixelFormat);
if (outputSettings.ReduceColors || (!isAlpha && CoreConfig.OutputFileAutoReduceColors)) {
using (var quantizer = new WuQuantizer((Bitmap)imageToSave)) {
int colorCount = quantizer.GetColorCount();
Log.InfoFormat("Image with format {0} has {1} colors", imageToSave.PixelFormat, colorCount);
if (!outputSettings.ReduceColors && colorCount >= 256) {
return disposeImage;
try {
Log.Info("Reducing colors on bitmap to 256.");
tmpImage = quantizer.GetQuantizedImage(CoreConfig.OutputFileReduceColorsTo);
if (disposeImage) {
imageToSave = tmpImage;
// Make sure the "new" image is disposed
disposeImage = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Warn("Error occurred while Quantizing the image, ignoring and using original. Error: ", e);
} else if (isAlpha && !outputSettings.ReduceColors) {
Log.Info("Skipping 'optional' color reduction as the image has alpha");
return disposeImage;
/// <summary>
/// Add the greenshot property!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="imageToSave"></param>
private static void AddTag(Image imageToSave) {
// Create meta-data
PropertyItem softwareUsedPropertyItem = CreatePropertyItem(PROPERTY_TAG_SOFTWARE_USED, "Greenshot");
if (softwareUsedPropertyItem != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception) {
Log.WarnFormat("Couldn't set property {0}", softwareUsedPropertyItem.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Load a Greenshot surface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullPath"></param>
/// <param name="returnSurface"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ISurface LoadGreenshotSurface(string fullPath, ISurface returnSurface) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath)) {
return null;
Log.InfoFormat("Loading image from file {0}", fullPath);
// Fixed lock problem Bug #3431881
using (Stream surfaceFileStream = File.OpenRead(fullPath)) {
returnSurface = ImageHelper.LoadGreenshotSurface(surfaceFileStream, returnSurface);
if (returnSurface != null) {
Log.InfoFormat("Information about file {0}: {1}x{2}-{3} Resolution {4}x{5}", fullPath, returnSurface.Image.Width, returnSurface.Image.Height, returnSurface.Image.PixelFormat, returnSurface.Image.HorizontalResolution, returnSurface.Image.VerticalResolution);
return returnSurface;
/// <summary>
/// Saves image to specific path with specified quality
/// </summary>
public static void Save(ISurface surface, string fullPath, bool allowOverwrite, SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings, bool copyPathToClipboard) {
fullPath = FilenameHelper.MakeFqFilenameSafe(fullPath);
string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath);
// check whether path exists - if not create it
if (path != null) {
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
if (!di.Exists) {
if (!allowOverwrite && File.Exists(fullPath)) {
ArgumentException throwingException = new ArgumentException("File '" + fullPath + "' already exists.");
throwingException.Data.Add("fullPath", fullPath);
throw throwingException;
Log.DebugFormat("Saving surface to {0}", fullPath);
// Create the stream and call SaveToStream
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
SaveToStream(surface, stream, outputSettings);
if (copyPathToClipboard) {
/// <summary>
/// Get the OutputFormat for a filename
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullPath">filename (can be a complete path)</param>
/// <returns>OutputFormat</returns>
public static OutputFormat FormatForFilename(string fullPath) {
// Fix for bug 2912959
string extension = fullPath.Substring(fullPath.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.png;
try {
format = (OutputFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputFormat), extension.ToLower());
} catch (ArgumentException ae) {
Log.Warn("Couldn't parse extension: " + extension, ae);
return format;
#region save-as
/// <summary>
/// Save with showing a dialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name="surface"></param>
/// <param name="captureDetails"></param>
/// <returns>Path to filename</returns>
public static string SaveWithDialog(ISurface surface, ICaptureDetails captureDetails) {
string returnValue = null;
using (SaveImageFileDialog saveImageFileDialog = new SaveImageFileDialog(captureDetails)) {
DialogResult dialogResult = saveImageFileDialog.ShowDialog();
if (dialogResult.Equals(DialogResult.OK)) {
try {
string fileNameWithExtension = saveImageFileDialog.FileNameWithExtension;
SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(FormatForFilename(fileNameWithExtension));
if (CoreConfig.OutputFilePromptQuality) {
QualityDialog qualityDialog = new QualityDialog(outputSettings);
// TODO: For now we always overwrite, should be changed
Save(surface, fileNameWithExtension, true, outputSettings, CoreConfig.OutputFileCopyPathToClipboard);
returnValue = fileNameWithExtension;
} catch (ExternalException) {
MessageBox.Show(Language.GetFormattedString("error_nowriteaccess", saveImageFileDialog.FileName).Replace(@"\\", @"\"), Language.GetString("error"));
return returnValue;
/// <summary>
/// Create a tmpfile which has the name like in the configured pattern.
/// Used e.g. by the email export
/// </summary>
/// <param name="surface"></param>
/// <param name="captureDetails"></param>
/// <param name="outputSettings"></param>
/// <returns>Path to image file</returns>
public static string SaveNamedTmpFile(ISurface surface, ICaptureDetails captureDetails, SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings) {
string pattern = CoreConfig.OutputFileFilenamePattern;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern?.Trim())) {
pattern = "greenshot ${capturetime}";
string filename = FilenameHelper.GetFilenameFromPattern(pattern, outputSettings.Format, captureDetails);
// Prevent problems with "other characters", which causes a problem in e.g. Outlook 2007 or break our HTML
filename = Regex.Replace(filename, @"[^\d\w\.]", "_");
// Remove multiple "_"
filename = Regex.Replace(filename, @"_+", "_");
string tmpFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), filename);
Log.Debug("Creating TMP File: " + tmpFile);
// Catching any exception to prevent that the user can't write in the directory.
// This is done for e.g. bugs #2974608, #2963943, #2816163, #2795317, #2789218
try {
Save(surface, tmpFile, true, outputSettings, false);
TmpFileCache.Add(tmpFile, tmpFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Show the problem
MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error");
// when save failed we present a SaveWithDialog
tmpFile = SaveWithDialog(surface, captureDetails);
return tmpFile;
/// <summary>
/// Remove a tmpfile which was created by SaveNamedTmpFile
/// Used e.g. by the email export
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tmpfile"></param>
/// <returns>true if it worked</returns>
public static bool DeleteNamedTmpFile(string tmpfile) {
Log.Debug("Deleting TMP File: " + tmpfile);
try {
if (File.Exists(tmpfile)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Warn("Error deleting tmp file: ", ex);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to create a temp image file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="surface"></param>
/// <param name="outputSettings"></param>
/// <param name="destinationPath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string SaveToTmpFile(ISurface surface, SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings, string destinationPath) {
string tmpFile = Path.GetRandomFileName() + "." + outputSettings.Format;
// Prevent problems with "other characters", which could cause problems
tmpFile = Regex.Replace(tmpFile, @"[^\d\w\.]", "");
if (destinationPath == null) {
destinationPath = Path.GetTempPath();
string tmpPath = Path.Combine(destinationPath, tmpFile);
Log.Debug("Creating TMP File : " + tmpPath);
try {
Save(surface, tmpPath, true, outputSettings, false);
TmpFileCache.Add(tmpPath, tmpPath);
} catch (Exception) {
return null;
return tmpPath;
/// <summary>
/// Cleanup all created tmpfiles
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveTmpFiles() {
foreach (string tmpFile in TmpFileCache.Elements) {
if (File.Exists(tmpFile)) {
Log.DebugFormat("Removing old temp file {0}", tmpFile);
/// <summary>
/// Cleanup handler for expired tempfiles
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filekey"></param>
/// <param name="filename"></param>
private static void RemoveExpiredTmpFile(string filekey, object filename) {
string path = filename as string;
if (path != null && File.Exists(path)) {
Log.DebugFormat("Removing expired file {0}", path);
#region Icon
/// <summary>
/// Write the images to the stream as icon
/// Every image is resized to 256x256 (but the content maintains the aspect ratio)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Stream to write to</param>
/// <param name="images">List of images</param>
public static void WriteIcon(Stream stream, IList<Image> images)
var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream);
// ICONDIR structure
binaryWriter.Write((short)0); // reserved
binaryWriter.Write((short)1); // image type (icon)
binaryWriter.Write((short)images.Count); // number of images
IList<Size> imageSizes = new List<Size>();
IList<MemoryStream> encodedImages = new List<MemoryStream>();
foreach (var image in images)
// Pick the best fit
var sizes = new[] { 16, 32, 48 };
int size = 256;
foreach (var possibleSize in sizes)
if (image.Width <= possibleSize && image.Height <= possibleSize)
size = possibleSize;
var imageStream = new MemoryStream();
if (image.Width == size && image.Height == size)
using (var clonedImage = ImageHelper.Clone(image, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
clonedImage.Save(imageStream, ImageFormat.Png);
imageSizes.Add(new Size(size, size));
// Resize to the specified size, first make sure the image is 32bpp
using (var clonedImage = ImageHelper.Clone(image, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
using (var resizedImage = ImageHelper.ResizeImage(clonedImage, true, true, Color.Empty, size, size, null))
resizedImage.Save(imageStream, ImageFormat.Png);
imageStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// ICONDIRENTRY structure
const int iconDirSize = 6;
const int iconDirEntrySize = 16;
var offset = iconDirSize + (images.Count * iconDirEntrySize);
for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; i++)
var imageSize = imageSizes[i];
// Write the width / height, 0 means 256
binaryWriter.Write(imageSize.Width == 256 ? (byte)0 : (byte)imageSize.Width);
binaryWriter.Write(imageSize.Height == 256 ? (byte)0 : (byte)imageSize.Height);
binaryWriter.Write((byte)0); // no pallete
binaryWriter.Write((byte)0); // reserved
binaryWriter.Write((short)0); // no color planes
binaryWriter.Write((short)32); // 32 bpp
binaryWriter.Write((int)encodedImages[i].Length); // image data length
offset += (int)encodedImages[i].Length;
// Write image data
foreach (var encodedImage in encodedImages)