2016-09-22 20:40:13 +02:00

336 lines
13 KiB

* Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom
* For more information see:
* The Greenshot project is hosted on GitHub
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Greenshot.Plugin;
using GreenshotPlugin.Core;
using Greenshot.IniFile;
using log4net;
namespace Greenshot.Helpers {
/// <summary>
/// The PluginHelper takes care of all plugin related functionality
/// </summary>
public class PluginHelper : IGreenshotHost {
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(PluginHelper));
private static readonly CoreConfiguration CoreConfig = IniConfig.GetIniSection<CoreConfiguration>();
private static readonly string PluginPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData),Application.ProductName);
private static readonly string ApplicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
private static readonly string PafPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"App\Greenshot");
private static readonly IDictionary<PluginAttribute, IGreenshotPlugin> plugins = new SortedDictionary<PluginAttribute, IGreenshotPlugin>();
private static readonly PluginHelper instance = new PluginHelper();
public static PluginHelper Instance => instance;
private PluginHelper() {
PluginUtils.Host = this;
public Form GreenshotForm => MainForm.Instance;
public NotifyIcon NotifyIcon => MainForm.Instance.NotifyIcon;
public bool HasPlugins() {
return plugins != null && plugins.Count > 0;
public void Shutdown() {
foreach(var plugin in plugins.Values) {
// Add plugins to the Listview
public void FillListview(ListView listview) {
foreach(var pluginAttribute in plugins.Keys) {
var item = new ListViewItem(pluginAttribute.Name)
Tag = pluginAttribute
public bool IsSelectedItemConfigurable(ListView listview) {
if (listview.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)
return false;
var pluginAttribute = (PluginAttribute)listview.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
return pluginAttribute != null && pluginAttribute.Configurable;
public void ConfigureSelectedItem(ListView listview) {
if (listview.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)
var pluginAttribute = (PluginAttribute)listview.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
if (pluginAttribute == null)
var plugin = plugins[pluginAttribute];
#region Implementation of IGreenshotPluginHost
/// <summary>
/// Create a Thumbnail
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image">Image of which we need a Thumbnail</param>
/// <param name="width">Thumbnail width</param>
/// <param name="height">Thumbnail height</param>
/// <returns>Image with Thumbnail</returns>
public Image GetThumbnail(Image image, int width, int height) {
return image.GetThumbnailImage(width, height, ThumbnailCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
/// <summary>
/// Required for GetThumbnail, but not used
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true</returns>
private bool ThumbnailCallback() {
return true;
public ContextMenuStrip MainMenu => MainForm.Instance.MainMenu;
public IDictionary<PluginAttribute, IGreenshotPlugin> Plugins => plugins;
public IDestination GetDestination(string designation) {
return DestinationHelper.GetDestination(designation);
public List<IDestination> GetAllDestinations() {
return DestinationHelper.GetAllDestinations();
public ExportInformation ExportCapture(bool manuallyInitiated, string designation, ISurface surface, ICaptureDetails captureDetails) {
return DestinationHelper.ExportCapture(manuallyInitiated, designation, surface, captureDetails);
/// <summary>
/// Make Capture with specified Handler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="captureMouseCursor">bool false if the mouse should not be captured, true if the configuration should be checked</param>
/// <param name="destination">IDestination</param>
public void CaptureRegion(bool captureMouseCursor, IDestination destination) {
CaptureHelper.CaptureRegion(captureMouseCursor, destination);
/// <summary>
/// Use the supplied image, and handle it as if it's captured.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="captureToImport">Image to handle</param>
public void ImportCapture(ICapture captureToImport) {
MainForm.Instance.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate {
/// <summary>
/// Get an ICapture object, so the plugin can modify this
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ICapture GetCapture(Image imageToCapture) {
var capture = new Capture(imageToCapture)
CaptureDetails = new CaptureDetails
CaptureMode = CaptureMode.Import,
Title = "Imported"
return capture;
#region Plugin loading
public PluginAttribute FindPlugin(string name) {
foreach(PluginAttribute pluginAttribute in plugins.Keys) {
if (name.Equals(pluginAttribute.Name)) {
return pluginAttribute;
return null;
private bool isNewer(string version1, string version2) {
string [] version1Parts = version1.Split('.');
string [] version2Parts = version2.Split('.');
int parts = Math.Min(version1Parts.Length, version2Parts.Length);
for(int i=0; i < parts; i++) {
int v1 = Convert.ToInt32(version1Parts[i]);
int v2 = Convert.ToInt32(version2Parts[i]);
if (v1 > v2) {
return true;
if (v1 < v2) {
return false;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Private helper to find the plugins in the path
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pluginFiles"></param>
/// <param name="path"></param>
private void findPluginsOnPath(List<string> pluginFiles, string path) {
if (Directory.Exists(path)) {
try {
foreach (string pluginFile in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.gsp", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) {
} catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Error loading plugin: ", ex);
/// <summary>
/// Load the plugins
/// </summary>
public void LoadPlugins() {
List<string> pluginFiles = new List<string>();
if (IniConfig.IsPortable) {
findPluginsOnPath(pluginFiles, PafPath);
} else {
findPluginsOnPath(pluginFiles, PluginPath);
findPluginsOnPath(pluginFiles, ApplicationPath);
Dictionary<string, PluginAttribute> tmpAttributes = new Dictionary<string, PluginAttribute>();
Dictionary<string, Assembly> tmpAssemblies = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();
// Loop over the list of available files and get the Plugin Attributes
foreach (string pluginFile in pluginFiles) {
//LOG.DebugFormat("Checking the following file for plugins: {0}", pluginFile);
try {
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(pluginFile);
PluginAttribute[] pluginAttributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PluginAttribute), false) as PluginAttribute[];
if (pluginAttributes.Length > 0) {
PluginAttribute pluginAttribute = pluginAttributes[0];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginAttribute.Name)) {
AssemblyProductAttribute[] assemblyProductAttributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute), false) as AssemblyProductAttribute[];
if (assemblyProductAttributes.Length > 0) {
pluginAttribute.Name = assemblyProductAttributes[0].Product;
} else {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginAttribute.CreatedBy)) {
AssemblyCompanyAttribute[] assemblyCompanyAttributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute), false) as AssemblyCompanyAttribute[];
if (assemblyCompanyAttributes.Length > 0) {
pluginAttribute.CreatedBy = assemblyCompanyAttributes[0].Company;
} else {
pluginAttribute.Version = assembly.GetName().Version.ToString();
pluginAttribute.DllFile = pluginFile;
// check if this plugin is already available
PluginAttribute checkPluginAttribute = null;
if (tmpAttributes.ContainsKey(pluginAttribute.Name)) {
checkPluginAttribute = tmpAttributes[pluginAttribute.Name];
if (checkPluginAttribute != null) {
Log.WarnFormat("Duplicate plugin {0} found", pluginAttribute.Name);
if (isNewer(pluginAttribute.Version, checkPluginAttribute.Version)) {
// Found is newer
tmpAttributes[pluginAttribute.Name] = pluginAttribute;
tmpAssemblies[pluginAttribute.Name] = assembly;
Log.InfoFormat("Loading the newer plugin {0} with version {1} from {2}", pluginAttribute.Name, pluginAttribute.Version, pluginAttribute.DllFile);
} else {
Log.InfoFormat("Skipping (as the duplicate is newer or same version) the plugin {0} with version {1} from {2}", pluginAttribute.Name, pluginAttribute.Version, pluginAttribute.DllFile);
if (CoreConfig.ExcludePlugins != null && CoreConfig.ExcludePlugins.Contains(pluginAttribute.Name)) {
Log.WarnFormat("Exclude list: {0}", CoreConfig.ExcludePlugins.ToArray());
Log.WarnFormat("Skipping the excluded plugin {0} with version {1} from {2}", pluginAttribute.Name, pluginAttribute.Version, pluginAttribute.DllFile);
if (CoreConfig.IncludePlugins != null && CoreConfig.IncludePlugins.Count > 0 && !CoreConfig.IncludePlugins.Contains(pluginAttribute.Name)) {
// Whitelist is set
Log.WarnFormat("Include list: {0}", CoreConfig.IncludePlugins.ToArray());
Log.WarnFormat("Skipping the not included plugin {0} with version {1} from {2}", pluginAttribute.Name, pluginAttribute.Version, pluginAttribute.DllFile);
Log.InfoFormat("Loading the plugin {0} with version {1} from {2}", pluginAttribute.Name, pluginAttribute.Version, pluginAttribute.DllFile);
tmpAttributes[pluginAttribute.Name] = pluginAttribute;
tmpAssemblies[pluginAttribute.Name] = assembly;
} else {
Log.ErrorFormat("Can't find the needed Plugin Attribute ({0}) in the assembly of the file \"{1}\", skipping this file.", typeof(PluginAttribute), pluginFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Warn("Can't load file: " + pluginFile, e);
foreach(string pluginName in tmpAttributes.Keys) {
try {
PluginAttribute pluginAttribute = tmpAttributes[pluginName];
Assembly assembly = tmpAssemblies[pluginName];
Type entryType = assembly.GetType(pluginAttribute.EntryType);
if (entryType == null) {
Log.ErrorFormat("Can't find the in the PluginAttribute referenced type {0} in \"{1}\"", pluginAttribute.EntryType, pluginAttribute.DllFile);
try {
IGreenshotPlugin plugin = (IGreenshotPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(entryType);
if (plugin != null) {
if (plugin.Initialize(this, pluginAttribute)) {
plugins.Add(pluginAttribute, plugin);
} else {
Log.InfoFormat("Plugin {0} not initialized!", pluginAttribute.Name);
} else {
Log.ErrorFormat("Can't create an instance of the in the PluginAttribute referenced type {0} from \"{1}\"", pluginAttribute.EntryType, pluginAttribute.DllFile);
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.Error("Can't load Plugin: " + pluginAttribute.Name, e);
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.Error("Can't load Plugin: " + pluginName, e);