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synced 2025-02-04 11:32:49 -08:00
543 lines
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543 lines
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* Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom
* For more information see: http://getgreenshot.org/
* The Greenshot project is hosted on GitHub https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using Greenshot.IniFile;
using Greenshot.Plugin;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace GreenshotPlugin.Core {
public enum ClipboardFormat {
public enum OutputFormat {
bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff, greenshot, ico
public enum WindowCaptureMode {
Screen, GDI, Aero, AeroTransparent, Auto
public enum BuildStates {
public enum ClickActions {
/// <summary>
/// Description of CoreConfiguration.
/// </summary>
[IniSection("Core", Description="Greenshot core configuration")]
public class CoreConfiguration : IniSection, INotifyPropertyChanged {
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
[IniProperty("Language", Description = "The language in IETF format (e.g. en-US)")]
public string Language { get; set; }
[IniProperty("RegionHotkey", Description="Hotkey for starting the region capture", DefaultValue="PrintScreen")]
public string RegionHotkey { get; set; }
[IniProperty("WindowHotkey", Description="Hotkey for starting the window capture", DefaultValue="Alt + PrintScreen")]
public string WindowHotkey { get; set; }
[IniProperty("FullscreenHotkey", Description="Hotkey for starting the fullscreen capture", DefaultValue="Ctrl + PrintScreen")]
public string FullscreenHotkey { get; set; }
[IniProperty("LastregionHotkey", Description="Hotkey for starting the last region capture", DefaultValue="Shift + PrintScreen")]
public string LastregionHotkey { get; set; }
[IniProperty("IEHotkey", Description="Hotkey for starting the IE capture", DefaultValue="Shift + Ctrl + PrintScreen")]
public string IEHotkey { get; set; }
[IniProperty("IsFirstLaunch", Description="Is this the first time launch?", DefaultValue="true")]
public bool IsFirstLaunch { get; set; }
[IniProperty("Destinations", Separator=",", Description="Which destinations? Possible options (more might be added by plugins) are: Editor, FileDefault, FileWithDialog, Clipboard, Printer, EMail, Picker", DefaultValue="Picker")]
public List<string> OutputDestinations { get; set; } = new List<string>();
[IniProperty("ClipboardFormats", Separator=",", Description="Specify which formats we copy on the clipboard? Options are: PNG, HTML, HTMLDATAURL and DIB", DefaultValue="PNG,DIB")]
public List<ClipboardFormat> ClipboardFormats { get; set; } = new List<ClipboardFormat>();
[IniProperty("CaptureMousepointer", Description="Should the mouse be captured?", DefaultValue="true")]
public bool CaptureMousepointer { get; set; }
[IniProperty("CaptureWindowsInteractive", Description="Use interactive window selection to capture? (false=Capture active window)", DefaultValue="false")]
public bool CaptureWindowsInteractive { get; set; }
[IniProperty("CaptureDelay", Description="Capture delay in millseconds.", DefaultValue="100")]
public int CaptureDelay { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ScreenCaptureMode", Description = "The capture mode used to capture a screen. (Auto, FullScreen, Fixed)", DefaultValue = "Auto")]
public ScreenCaptureMode ScreenCaptureMode { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ScreenToCapture", Description = "The screen number to capture when using ScreenCaptureMode Fixed.", DefaultValue = "1")]
public int ScreenToCapture { get; set; }
[IniProperty("WindowCaptureMode", Description = "The capture mode used to capture a Window (Screen, GDI, Aero, AeroTransparent, Auto).", DefaultValue = "Auto")]
public WindowCaptureMode WindowCaptureMode { get; set; }
[IniProperty("WindowCaptureAllChildLocations", Description="Enable/disable capture all children, very slow but will make it possible to use this information in the editor.", DefaultValue="False")]
public bool WindowCaptureAllChildLocations { get; set; }
[IniProperty("DWMBackgroundColor", Description="The background color for a DWM window capture.")]
public Color DWMBackgroundColor { get; set; }
[IniProperty("PlayCameraSound", LanguageKey="settings_playsound",Description="Play a camera sound after taking a capture.", DefaultValue="false")]
public bool PlayCameraSound { get; set; } = false;
[IniProperty("ShowTrayNotification", LanguageKey="settings_shownotify",Description="Show a notification from the systray when a capture is taken.", DefaultValue="true")]
public bool ShowTrayNotification { get; set; } = true;
[IniProperty("OutputFilePath", Description="Output file path.")]
public string OutputFilePath { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileAllowOverwrite", Description = "If the target file already exists True will make Greenshot always overwrite and False will display a 'Save-As' dialog.", DefaultValue = "true")]
public bool OutputFileAllowOverwrite { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileFilenamePattern", Description = "Filename pattern for screenshot.", DefaultValue = "${capturetime:d\"yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss\"}-${title}")]
public string OutputFileFilenamePattern { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileFormat", Description="Default file type for writing screenshots. (bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff)", DefaultValue="png")]
public OutputFormat OutputFileFormat { get; set; } = OutputFormat.png;
[IniProperty("OutputFileReduceColors", Description="If set to true, than the colors of the output file are reduced to 256 (8-bit) colors", DefaultValue="false")]
public bool OutputFileReduceColors { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileAutoReduceColors", Description = "If set to true the amount of colors is counted and if smaller than 256 the color reduction is automatically used.", DefaultValue = "false")]
public bool OutputFileAutoReduceColors { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileReduceColorsTo", Description = "Amount of colors to reduce to, when reducing", DefaultValue = "256")]
public int OutputFileReduceColorsTo { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileCopyPathToClipboard", Description="When saving a screenshot, copy the path to the clipboard?", DefaultValue="true")]
public bool OutputFileCopyPathToClipboard { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileAsFullpath", Description="SaveAs Full path?")]
public string OutputFileAsFullpath { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileJpegQuality", Description="JPEG file save quality in %.", DefaultValue="80")]
public int OutputFileJpegQuality { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFilePromptQuality", Description="Ask for the quality before saving?", DefaultValue="false")]
public bool OutputFilePromptQuality { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputFileIncrementingNumber", Description="The number for the ${NUM} in the filename pattern, is increased automatically after each save.", DefaultValue="1")]
public uint OutputFileIncrementingNumber { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintPromptOptions", LanguageKey="settings_alwaysshowprintoptionsdialog", Description="Ask for print options when printing?", DefaultValue="true")]
public bool OutputPrintPromptOptions { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintAllowRotate", LanguageKey="printoptions_allowrotate", Description="Allow rotating the picture for fitting on paper?", DefaultValue="false")]
public bool OutputPrintAllowRotate { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintAllowEnlarge", LanguageKey="printoptions_allowenlarge", Description="Allow growing the picture for fitting on paper?", DefaultValue="false")]
public bool OutputPrintAllowEnlarge { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintAllowShrink", LanguageKey="printoptions_allowshrink", Description="Allow shrinking the picture for fitting on paper?", DefaultValue="true")]
public bool OutputPrintAllowShrink { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintCenter", LanguageKey="printoptions_allowcenter", Description="Center image when printing?", DefaultValue="true")]
public bool OutputPrintCenter { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintInverted", LanguageKey="printoptions_inverted", Description="Print image inverted (use e.g. for console captures)", DefaultValue="false")]
public bool OutputPrintInverted { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintGrayscale", LanguageKey = "printoptions_printgrayscale", Description = "Force grayscale printing", DefaultValue = "false")]
public bool OutputPrintGrayscale { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintMonochrome", LanguageKey = "printoptions_printmonochrome", Description = "Force monorchrome printing", DefaultValue = "false")]
public bool OutputPrintMonochrome { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintMonochromeThreshold", Description = "Threshold for monochrome filter (0 - 255), lower value means less black", DefaultValue = "127")]
public byte OutputPrintMonochromeThreshold { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintFooter", LanguageKey = "printoptions_timestamp", Description = "Print footer on print?", DefaultValue = "true")]
public bool OutputPrintFooter { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OutputPrintFooterPattern", Description = "Footer pattern", DefaultValue = "${capturetime:d\"D\"} ${capturetime:d\"T\"} - ${title}")]
public string OutputPrintFooterPattern { get; set; }
[IniProperty("NotificationSound", Description = "The wav-file to play when a capture is taken, loaded only once at the Greenshot startup", DefaultValue="default")]
public string NotificationSound { get; set; }
[IniProperty("UseProxy", Description="Use your global proxy?", DefaultValue="True")]
public bool UseProxy { get; set; }
[IniProperty("IECapture", Description="Enable/disable IE capture", DefaultValue="True")]
public bool IECapture { get; set; }
[IniProperty("IEFieldCapture", Description="Enable/disable IE field capture, very slow but will make it possible to annotate the fields of a capture in the editor.", DefaultValue="False")]
public bool IEFieldCapture { get; set; }
[IniProperty("WindowClassesToCheckForIE", Description = "Comma separated list of Window-Classes which need to be checked for a IE instance!", DefaultValue = "AfxFrameOrView70,IMWindowClass")]
public List<string> WindowClassesToCheckForIE { get; set; }
[IniProperty("AutoCropDifference", Description="Sets how to compare the colors for the autocrop detection, the higher the more is 'selected'. Possible values are from 0 to 255, where everything above ~150 doesn't make much sense!", DefaultValue="10")]
public int AutoCropDifference { get; set; }
[IniProperty("IncludePlugins", Description="Comma separated list of Plugins which are allowed. If something in the list, than every plugin not in the list will not be loaded!")]
public List<string> IncludePlugins { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ExcludePlugins", Description="Comma separated list of Plugins which are NOT allowed.")]
public List<string> ExcludePlugins { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ExcludeDestinations", Description = "Comma separated list of destinations which should be disabled.")]
public List<string> ExcludeDestinations { get; set; }
[IniProperty("UpdateCheckInterval", Description="How many days between every update check? (0=no checks)", DefaultValue="14")]
public int UpdateCheckInterval { get; set; }
[IniProperty("LastUpdateCheck", Description="Last update check")]
public DateTime LastUpdateCheck { get; set; }
[IniProperty("DisableSettings", Description = "Enable/disable the access to the settings, can only be changed manually in this .ini", DefaultValue = "False")]
public bool DisableSettings { get; set; }
[IniProperty("DisableQuickSettings", Description = "Enable/disable the access to the quick settings, can only be changed manually in this .ini", DefaultValue = "False")]
public bool DisableQuickSettings { get; set; }
[IniProperty("DisableTrayicon", Description = "Disable the trayicon, can only be changed manually in this .ini", DefaultValue = "False")]
public bool HideTrayicon { get; set; }
[IniProperty("HideExpertSettings", Description = "Hide expert tab in the settings, can only be changed manually in this .ini", DefaultValue = "False")]
public bool HideExpertSettings { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ThumnailPreview", Description="Enable/disable thumbnail previews", DefaultValue="True")]
public bool ThumnailPreview { get; set; }
[IniProperty("NoGDICaptureForProduct", Description = "List of productnames for which GDI capturing is skipped (using fallback).", DefaultValue = "IntelliJ IDEA")]
public List<string> NoGDICaptureForProduct { get; set; }
[IniProperty("NoDWMCaptureForProduct", Description = "List of productnames for which DWM capturing is skipped (using fallback).", DefaultValue = "Citrix ICA Client")]
public List<string> NoDWMCaptureForProduct { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OptimizeForRDP", Description="Make some optimizations for usage with remote desktop", DefaultValue="False")]
public bool OptimizeForRDP { get; set; }
[IniProperty("DisableRDPOptimizing", Description = "Disable all optimizations for usage with remote desktop", DefaultValue = "False")]
public bool DisableRDPOptimizing { get; set; }
[IniProperty("MinimizeWorkingSetSize", Description="Optimize memory footprint, but with a performance penalty!", DefaultValue="False")]
public bool MinimizeWorkingSetSize { get; set; }
[IniProperty("WindowCaptureRemoveCorners", Description = "Remove the corners from a window capture", DefaultValue = "True")]
public bool WindowCaptureRemoveCorners { get; set; }
[IniProperty("CheckForUnstable", Description = "Also check for unstable version updates", DefaultValue = "False")]
public bool CheckForUnstable { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ActiveTitleFixes", Description="The fixes that are active.")]
public List<string> ActiveTitleFixes { get; set; }
[IniProperty("TitleFixMatcher", Description="The regular expressions to match the title with.")]
public Dictionary<string, string> TitleFixMatcher { get; set; }
[IniProperty("TitleFixReplacer", Description="The replacements for the matchers.")]
public Dictionary<string, string> TitleFixReplacer { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ExperimentalFeatures", Description="A list of experimental features, this allows us to test certain features before releasing them.", ExcludeIfNull=true)]
public List<string> ExperimentalFeatures { get; set; }
[IniProperty("EnableSpecialDIBClipboardReader", Description = "Enable a special DIB clipboard reader", DefaultValue="True")]
public bool EnableSpecialDIBClipboardReader { get; set; }
[IniProperty("WindowCornerCutShape", Description = "The cutshape which is used to remove the window corners, is mirrorred for all corners", DefaultValue = "5,3,2,1,1")]
public List<int> WindowCornerCutShape { get; set; }
[IniProperty("LeftClickAction", Description = "Specify what action is made if the tray icon is left clicked, if a double-click action is specified this action is initiated after a delay (configurable via the windows double-click speed)", DefaultValue = "SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU")]
public ClickActions LeftClickAction { get; set; }
[IniProperty("DoubleClickAction", Description = "Specify what action is made if the tray icon is double clicked", DefaultValue = "OPEN_LAST_IN_EXPLORER")]
public ClickActions DoubleClickAction { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ZoomerEnabled", Description = "Sets if the zoomer is enabled", DefaultValue = "True")]
public bool ZoomerEnabled { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ZoomerOpacity", Description = "Specify the transparency for the zoomer, from 0-1 (where 1 is no transparency and 0 is complete transparent. An usefull setting would be 0.7)", DefaultValue = "1")]
public float ZoomerOpacity { get; set; }
[IniProperty("MaxMenuItemLength", Description = "Maximum length of submenu items in the context menu, making this longer might cause context menu issues on dual screen systems.", DefaultValue = "25")]
public int MaxMenuItemLength { get; set; }
[IniProperty("MailApiTo", Description = "The 'to' field for the email destination (settings for Outlook can be found under the Office section)", DefaultValue = "")]
public string MailApiTo { get; set; }
[IniProperty("MailApiCC", Description = "The 'CC' field for the email destination (settings for Outlook can be found under the Office section)", DefaultValue = "")]
public string MailApiCC { get; set; }
[IniProperty("MailApiBCC", Description = "The 'BCC' field for the email destination (settings for Outlook can be found under the Office section)", DefaultValue = "")]
public string MailApiBCC { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OptimizePNGCommand", Description = "Optional command to execute on a temporary PNG file, the command should overwrite the file and Greenshot will read it back. Note: this command is also executed when uploading PNG's!", DefaultValue = "")]
public string OptimizePNGCommand { get; set; }
[IniProperty("OptimizePNGCommandArguments", Description = "Arguments for the optional command to execute on a PNG, {0} is replaced by the temp-filename from Greenshot. Note: Temp-file is deleted afterwards by Greenshot.", DefaultValue = "\"{0}\"")]
public string OptimizePNGCommandArguments { get; set; }
[IniProperty("LastSaveWithVersion", Description = "Version of Greenshot which created this .ini")]
public string LastSaveWithVersion { get; set; }
[IniProperty("ProcessEXIFOrientation", Description = "When reading images from files or clipboard, use the EXIF information to correct the orientation", DefaultValue = "True")]
public bool ProcessEXIFOrientation { get; set; }
[IniProperty("LastCapturedRegion", Description = "The last used region, for reuse in the capture last region")]
public Rectangle LastCapturedRegion { get; set; }
[IniProperty("Win10BorderCrop", Description = "The capture is cropped with these settings, e.g. when you don't want to color around it -1,-1"), DefaultValue("0,0")]
public Size Win10BorderCrop { get; set; }
private Size _iconSize;
[IniProperty("IconSize", Description = "Defines the size of the icons (e.g. for the buttons in the editor), default value 16,16 anything bigger will cause scaling", DefaultValue = "16,16")]
public Size IconSize {
get {
return _iconSize;
set {
Size newSize = value;
if (newSize != Size.Empty) {
if (newSize.Width < 16) {
newSize.Width = 16;
} else if (newSize.Width > 256) {
newSize.Width = 256;
newSize.Width = (newSize.Width / 16) * 16;
if (newSize.Height < 16) {
newSize.Height = 16;
} else if (IconSize.Height > 256) {
newSize.Height = 256;
newSize.Height = (newSize.Height / 16) * 16;
if (_iconSize != newSize) {
_iconSize = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("IconSize"));
[IniProperty("WebRequestTimeout", Description = "The connect timeout value for webrequets, these are seconds", DefaultValue = "100")]
public int WebRequestTimeout { get; set; }
[IniProperty("WebRequestReadWriteTimeout", Description = "The read/write timeout value for webrequets, these are seconds", DefaultValue = "100")]
public int WebRequestReadWriteTimeout { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Specifies what THIS build is
/// </summary>
public BuildStates BuildState {
get {
string informationalVersion = Application.ProductVersion;
if (informationalVersion != null) {
if (informationalVersion.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("-rc")) {
return BuildStates.RELEASE_CANDIDATE;
if (informationalVersion.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("-unstable")) {
return BuildStates.UNSTABLE;
return BuildStates.RELEASE;
public bool UseLargeIcons => IconSize.Width >= 32 || IconSize.Height >= 32;
/// <summary>
/// A helper method which returns true if the supplied experimental feature is enabled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="experimentalFeature"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsExperimentalFeatureEnabled(string experimentalFeature) {
return (ExperimentalFeatures != null && ExperimentalFeatures.Contains(experimentalFeature));
/// <summary>
/// Supply values we can't put as defaults
/// </summary>
/// <param name="property">The property to return a default for</param>
/// <returns>object with the default value for the supplied property</returns>
public override object GetDefault(string property) {
switch(property) {
case "PluginWhitelist":
case "PluginBacklist":
return new List<string>();
case "OutputFileAsFullpath":
if (IniConfig.IsPortable) {
return Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\Documents\Pictures\Greenshots\dummy.png");
return Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop),"dummy.png");
case "OutputFilePath":
if (IniConfig.IsPortable) {
string pafOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\Documents\Pictures\Greenshots");
if (!Directory.Exists(pafOutputFilePath)) {
try {
return pafOutputFilePath;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Problem creating directory, fallback to Desktop
} else {
return pafOutputFilePath;
return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
case "DWMBackgroundColor":
return Color.Transparent;
case "ActiveTitleFixes":
return new List<string> {"Firefox", "IE", "Chrome"};
case "TitleFixMatcher":
return new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Firefox", " - Mozilla Firefox.*"}, {"IE", " - (Microsoft|Windows) Internet Explorer.*"}, {"Chrome", " - Google Chrome.*"}};
case "TitleFixReplacer":
return new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Firefox", ""}, {"IE", ""}, {"Chrome", ""}};
return null;
/// <summary>
/// This method will be called before converting the property, making to possible to correct a certain value
/// Can be used when migration is needed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property</param>
/// <param name="propertyValue">The string value of the property</param>
/// <returns>string with the propertyValue, modified or not...</returns>
public override string PreCheckValue(string propertyName, string propertyValue) {
// Changed the separator, now we need to correct this
if ("Destinations".Equals(propertyName)) {
if (propertyValue != null) {
return propertyValue.Replace('|',',');
if("OutputFilePath".Equals(propertyName)) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyValue)) {
return null;
return base.PreCheckValue(propertyName, propertyValue);
/// <summary>
/// This method will be called before writing the configuration
/// </summary>
public override void BeforeSave() {
try {
// Store version, this can be used later to fix settings after an update
LastSaveWithVersion = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
// ignored
/// <summary>
/// This method will be called after reading the configuration, so eventually some corrections can be made
/// </summary>
public override void AfterLoad() {
// Comment with releases
// CheckForUnstable = true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastSaveWithVersion)) {
try {
// Store version, this can be used later to fix settings after an update
LastSaveWithVersion = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
// ignored
// Disable the AutoReduceColors as it causes issues with Mozzila applications and some others
OutputFileAutoReduceColors = false;
// Fix for excessive feed checking
if (UpdateCheckInterval != 0 && UpdateCheckInterval <= 7 && LastSaveWithVersion.StartsWith("1.2"))
UpdateCheckInterval = 14;
if (UpdateCheckInterval > 365)
UpdateCheckInterval = 365;
// Enable OneNote if upgrading from 1.1
if (ExcludeDestinations != null && ExcludeDestinations.Contains("OneNote")) {
if(LastSaveWithVersion != null && LastSaveWithVersion.StartsWith("1.1")) {
} else {
// TODO: Remove with the release
if (OutputDestinations == null) {
OutputDestinations = new List<string>();
// Make sure there is an output!
if (OutputDestinations.Count == 0) {
// Prevent both settings at once, bug #3435056
if (OutputDestinations.Contains("Clipboard") && OutputFileCopyPathToClipboard) {
OutputFileCopyPathToClipboard = false;
// Make sure we have clipboard formats, otherwise a paste doesn't make sense!
if (ClipboardFormats == null || ClipboardFormats.Count == 0) {
ClipboardFormats = new List<ClipboardFormat> {ClipboardFormat.PNG, ClipboardFormat.HTML, ClipboardFormat.DIB};
// Make sure the lists are lowercase, to speedup the check
if (NoGDICaptureForProduct != null) {
// Fix error in configuration
if (NoGDICaptureForProduct.Count >= 2) {
if ("intellij".Equals(NoGDICaptureForProduct[0]) && "idea".Equals(NoGDICaptureForProduct[1])) {
NoGDICaptureForProduct.RemoveRange(0, 2);
NoGDICaptureForProduct.Add("Intellij Idea");
IsDirty = true;
for (int i = 0; i < NoGDICaptureForProduct.Count; i++) {
NoGDICaptureForProduct[i] = NoGDICaptureForProduct[i].ToLower();
if (NoDWMCaptureForProduct != null) {
// Fix error in configuration
if (NoDWMCaptureForProduct.Count >= 3) {
if ("citrix".Equals(NoDWMCaptureForProduct[0]) && "ica".Equals(NoDWMCaptureForProduct[1]) && "client".Equals(NoDWMCaptureForProduct[2])) {
NoDWMCaptureForProduct.RemoveRange(0, 3);
NoDWMCaptureForProduct.Add("Citrix ICA Client");
IsDirty = true;
for (int i = 0; i < NoDWMCaptureForProduct.Count; i++) {
NoDWMCaptureForProduct[i] = NoDWMCaptureForProduct[i].ToLower();
if (AutoCropDifference < 0) {
AutoCropDifference = 0;
if (AutoCropDifference > 255) {
AutoCropDifference = 255;
if (OutputFileReduceColorsTo < 2) {
OutputFileReduceColorsTo = 2;
if (OutputFileReduceColorsTo > 256) {
OutputFileReduceColorsTo = 256;
if (WebRequestTimeout <= 10) {
WebRequestTimeout = 100;
if (WebRequestReadWriteTimeout < 1) {
WebRequestReadWriteTimeout = 100;
/// <summary>
/// Validate the OutputFilePath, and if this is not correct it will be set to the default
/// Added for BUG-1992, reset the OutputFilePath / OutputFileAsFullpath if they don't exist (e.g. the configuration is used on a different PC)
/// </summary>
public void ValidateAndCorrectOutputFilePath()
if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFilePath))
OutputFilePath = GetDefault(nameof(OutputFilePath)) as string;
/// <summary>
/// Validate the OutputFileAsFullpath, and if this is not correct it will be set to the default
/// Added for BUG-1992, reset the OutputFilePath / OutputFileAsFullpath if they don't exist (e.g. the configuration is used on a different PC)
/// </summary>
public void ValidateAndCorrectOutputFileAsFullpath()
var outputFilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputFileAsFullpath);
if (outputFilePath == null || (!File.Exists(OutputFileAsFullpath) && !Directory.Exists(outputFilePath)))
OutputFileAsFullpath = GetDefault(nameof(OutputFileAsFullpath)) as string;
} |