2024-08-23 16:03:35 +02:00

228 lines
6.6 KiB

package can
import (
type CompileResult struct {
Database *descriptor.Database
Warnings []error
func dbcCompile(sourceFile string, data []byte) (result *CompileResult, err error) {
p := dbc.NewParser(sourceFile, data)
if err := p.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse DBC source file: %w", err)
defs := p.Defs()
c := &compiler{
db: &descriptor.Database{SourceFile: sourceFile},
defs: defs,
return &CompileResult{Database: c.db, Warnings: c.warnings}, nil
type compileError struct {
def dbc.Def
reason string
func (e *compileError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("failed to compile: %v (%v)", e.reason, e.def)
type compiler struct {
db *descriptor.Database
defs []dbc.Def
warnings []error
func (c *compiler) addWarning(warning error) {
c.warnings = append(c.warnings, warning)
func (c *compiler) collectDescriptors() {
for _, def := range c.defs {
switch def := def.(type) {
case *dbc.VersionDef:
c.db.Version = def.Version
case *dbc.MessageDef:
if def.MessageID == dbc.IndependentSignalsMessageID {
continue // don't compile
message := &descriptor.Message{
Name: string(def.Name),
ID: def.MessageID.ToCAN(),
IsExtended: def.MessageID.IsExtended(),
Length: uint8(def.Size),
SenderNode: string(def.Transmitter),
for _, signalDef := range def.Signals {
signal := &descriptor.Signal{
Name: string(signalDef.Name),
IsBigEndian: signalDef.IsBigEndian,
IsSigned: signalDef.IsSigned,
IsMultiplexer: signalDef.IsMultiplexerSwitch,
IsMultiplexed: signalDef.IsMultiplexed,
MultiplexerValue: uint(signalDef.MultiplexerSwitch),
Start: uint8(signalDef.StartBit),
Length: uint8(signalDef.Size),
Scale: signalDef.Factor,
Offset: signalDef.Offset,
Min: signalDef.Minimum,
Max: signalDef.Maximum,
Unit: signalDef.Unit,
for _, receiver := range signalDef.Receivers {
signal.ReceiverNodes = append(signal.ReceiverNodes, string(receiver))
message.Signals = append(message.Signals, signal)
c.db.Messages = append(c.db.Messages, message)
case *dbc.NodesDef:
for _, node := range def.NodeNames {
c.db.Nodes = append(c.db.Nodes, &descriptor.Node{Name: string(node)})
func (c *compiler) addMetadata() {
for _, def := range c.defs {
switch def := def.(type) {
case *dbc.SignalValueTypeDef:
signal, ok := c.db.Signal(def.MessageID.ToCAN(), string(def.SignalName))
if !ok {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: "no declared signal"})
switch def.SignalValueType {
case dbc.SignalValueTypeInt:
signal.IsFloat = false
case dbc.SignalValueTypeFloat32:
if signal.Length == 32 {
signal.IsFloat = true
} else {
reason := fmt.Sprintf("incorrect float signal length: %d", signal.Length)
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: reason})
reason := fmt.Sprintf("unsupported signal value type: %v", def.SignalValueType)
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: reason})
case *dbc.CommentDef:
switch def.ObjectType {
case dbc.ObjectTypeMessage:
if def.MessageID == dbc.IndependentSignalsMessageID {
continue // don't compile
message, ok := c.db.Message(def.MessageID.ToCAN())
if !ok {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: "no declared message"})
message.Description = def.Comment
case dbc.ObjectTypeSignal:
if def.MessageID == dbc.IndependentSignalsMessageID {
continue // don't compile
signal, ok := c.db.Signal(def.MessageID.ToCAN(), string(def.SignalName))
if !ok {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: "no declared signal"})
signal.Description = def.Comment
case dbc.ObjectTypeNetworkNode:
node, ok := c.db.Node(string(def.NodeName))
if !ok {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: "no declared node"})
node.Description = def.Comment
case *dbc.ValueDescriptionsDef:
if def.MessageID == dbc.IndependentSignalsMessageID {
continue // don't compile
if def.ObjectType != dbc.ObjectTypeSignal {
continue // don't compile
signal, ok := c.db.Signal(def.MessageID.ToCAN(), string(def.SignalName))
if !ok {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: "no declared signal"})
for _, valueDescription := range def.ValueDescriptions {
signal.ValueDescriptions = append(signal.ValueDescriptions, &descriptor.ValueDescription{
Description: valueDescription.Description,
Value: int64(valueDescription.Value),
case *dbc.AttributeValueForObjectDef:
switch def.ObjectType {
case dbc.ObjectTypeMessage:
msg, ok := c.db.Message(def.MessageID.ToCAN())
if !ok {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: "no declared message"})
switch def.AttributeName {
case "GenMsgSendType":
if err := msg.SendType.UnmarshalString(def.StringValue); err != nil {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: err.Error()})
case "GenMsgCycleTime":
msg.CycleTime = time.Duration(def.IntValue) * time.Millisecond
case "GenMsgDelayTime":
msg.DelayTime = time.Duration(def.IntValue) * time.Millisecond
case dbc.ObjectTypeSignal:
sig, ok := c.db.Signal(def.MessageID.ToCAN(), string(def.SignalName))
if !ok {
c.addWarning(&compileError{def: def, reason: "no declared signal"})
if def.AttributeName == "GenSigStartValue" {
sig.DefaultValue = int(def.IntValue)
func (c *compiler) sortDescriptors() {
// Sort nodes by name
sort.Slice(c.db.Nodes, func(i, j int) bool {
return c.db.Nodes[i].Name < c.db.Nodes[j].Name
// Sort messages by ID
sort.Slice(c.db.Messages, func(i, j int) bool {
return c.db.Messages[i].ID < c.db.Messages[j].ID
for _, m := range c.db.Messages {
m := m
// Sort signals by start (and multiplexer value)
sort.Slice(m.Signals, func(j, k int) bool {
if m.Signals[j].MultiplexerValue < m.Signals[k].MultiplexerValue {
return true
return m.Signals[j].Start < m.Signals[k].Start
// Sort value descriptions by value
for _, s := range m.Signals {
s := s
sort.Slice(s.ValueDescriptions, func(k, l int) bool {
return s.ValueDescriptions[k].Value < s.ValueDescriptions[l].Value