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# SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This software is provided under a slightly modified version
# of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file
# for more information.
# Authors:
# Arseniy Sharoglazov <> / Positive Technologies (
# Description:
# Can be programmed to be used in relay attacks
# Probably for future MAPI
import re
import ssl
import base64
import binascii
from http.client import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection
except ImportError:
from httplib import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection
from impacket import ntlm, LOG
# Auth types
AUTH_AUTO = 'Auto'
AUTH_BASIC = 'Basic'
AUTH_NEGOTIATE = 'Negotiate'
AUTH_BEARER = 'Bearer'
AUTH_DIGEST = 'Digest'
class HTTPClientSecurityProvider:
def __init__(self, auth_type=AUTH_AUTO):
self.__username = None
self.__password = None
self.__domain = None
self.__lmhash = ''
self.__nthash = ''
self.__aesKey = ''
self.__TGT = None
self.__TGS = None
self.__auth_type = auth_type
self.__auth_types = []
self.__ntlmssp_info = None
def set_auth_type(self, auth_type):
self.__auth_type = auth_type
def get_auth_type(self):
return self.__auth_type
def get_auth_types(self):
return self.__auth_types
def get_ntlmssp_info(self):
return self.__ntlmssp_info
def set_credentials(self, username, password, domain='', lmhash='', nthash='', aesKey='', TGT=None, TGS=None):
self.__username = username
self.__password = password
self.__domain = domain
if lmhash != '' or nthash != '':
if len(lmhash) % 2:
lmhash = '0%s' % lmhash
if len(nthash) % 2:
nthash = '0%s' % nthash
try: # just in case they were converted already
self.__lmhash = binascii.unhexlify(lmhash)
self.__nthash = binascii.unhexlify(nthash)
self.__lmhash = lmhash
self.__nthash = nthash
self.__aesKey = aesKey
self.__TGT = TGT
self.__TGS = TGS
def parse_www_authenticate(self, header):
ret = []
if 'NTLM' in header:
if 'Basic' in header:
if 'Negotiate' in header:
if 'Bearer' in header:
if 'Digest' in header:
return ret
def connect(self, protocol, host_L6):
if protocol == 'http':
return HTTPConnection(host_L6)
uv_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
return HTTPSConnection(host_L6, context=uv_context)
except AttributeError:
return HTTPSConnection(host_L6)
def get_auth_headers(self, http_obj, method, path, headers):
if self.__auth_type == AUTH_BASIC:
return self.get_auth_headers_basic(http_obj, method, path, headers)
elif self.__auth_type in [AUTH_AUTO, AUTH_NTLM]:
return self.get_auth_headers_auto(http_obj, method, path, headers)
raise Exception('%s auth type not supported' % self.__auth_type)
def get_auth_headers_basic(self, http_obj, method, path, headers):
if self.__lmhash != '' or self.__nthash != '' or \
self.__aesKey != '' or self.__TGT != None or self.__TGS != None:
raise Exception('Basic authentication in HTTP connection used, '
'so set a plaintext credentials to connect.')
if self.__domain == '':
auth_line = self.__username + ':' + self.__password
auth_line = self.__domain + '\\' + self.__username + ':' + self.__password
auth_line_http = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(auth_line.encode('UTF-8')).decode('ascii')
# Format: auth_headers, reserved, ...
return {'Authorization': auth_line_http}, None
# It's important that the class contains the separate method that
# gets NTLM Type 1 value, as this way the class can be programmed to
# be used in relay attacks
def send_ntlm_type1(self, http_obj, method, path, headers, negotiateMessage):
auth_headers = headers.copy()
auth_headers['Content-Length'] = '0'
auth_headers['Authorization'] = 'NTLM %s' % base64.b64encode(negotiateMessage).decode('ascii')
http_obj.request(method, path, headers=auth_headers)
res = http_obj.getresponse()
if res.status != 401:
raise Exception('Status code returned: %d. '
'Authentication does not seem required for url %s'
% (res.status, path)
if res.getheader('WWW-Authenticate') is None:
raise Exception('No authentication requested by '
'the server for url %s' % path)
if self.__auth_types == []:
self.__auth_types = self.parse_www_authenticate(res.getheader('WWW-Authenticate'))
if AUTH_NTLM not in self.__auth_types:
# NTLM auth not supported for url
return None, None
serverChallengeBase64 ='NTLM ([a-zA-Z0-9+/]+={0,2})',
serverChallenge = base64.b64decode(serverChallengeBase64)
except (IndexError, KeyError, AttributeError):
raise Exception('No NTLM challenge returned from server for url %s' % path)
if not self.__ntlmssp_info:
challenge = ntlm.NTLMAuthChallenge(serverChallenge)
self.__ntlmssp_info = ntlm.AV_PAIRS(challenge['TargetInfoFields'])
# Format: serverChallenge, reserved, ...
return serverChallenge, None
def get_auth_headers_auto(self, http_obj, method, path, headers):
if self.__aesKey != '' or self.__TGT != None or self.__TGS != None:
raise Exception('NTLM authentication in HTTP connection used, ' \
'cannot use Kerberos.')
auth = ntlm.getNTLMSSPType1(domain=self.__domain)
serverChallenge = self.send_ntlm_type1(http_obj, method, path, headers, auth.getData())[0]
if serverChallenge is not None:
self.__auth_type = AUTH_NTLM
type3, exportedSessionKey = ntlm.getNTLMSSPType3(auth, serverChallenge, self.__username,
self.__password, self.__domain,
self.__lmhash, self.__nthash)
auth_line_http = 'NTLM %s' % base64.b64encode(type3.getData()).decode('ascii')
if self.__auth_type == AUTH_AUTO and AUTH_BASIC in self.__auth_types:
self.__auth_type = AUTH_BASIC
return self.get_auth_headers_basic(http_obj, method, path, headers)
raise Exception('No supported auth offered by URL: %s' % self.__auth_types)
# Format: auth_headers, reserved, ...
return {'Authorization': auth_line_http}, None