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66 KiB

# SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright 2018 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This software is provided under under a slightly modified version
# of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file
# for more information.
# [C706] Transfer NDR Syntax implementation
# Author: Alberto Solino (@agsolino)
# ToDo:
# [X] Unions and rest of the structured types
# [ ] Documentation for this library, especially the support for Arrays
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import random
import inspect
from struct import pack, unpack_from, calcsize
from six import with_metaclass, PY3
from impacket import LOG
from impacket.dcerpc.v5.enum import Enum
from impacket.uuid import uuidtup_to_bin
# Something important to have in mind:
# Diagrams do not depict the specified alignment gaps, which can appear in the octet stream
# before an item (see Section 14.2.2 on page 620.)
# Where necessary, an alignment gap, consisting of octets of unspecified value, *precedes* the
# representation of a primitive. The gap is of the smallest size sufficient to align the primitive
class NDR(object):
This will be the base class for all DCERPC NDR Types and represents a NDR Primitive Type
referent = ()
commonHdr = ()
commonHdr64 = ()
structure = ()
structure64 = ()
align = 4
item = None
_isNDR64 = False
def __init__(self, data = None, isNDR64 = False):
self._isNDR64 = isNDR64
self.fields = {}
if isNDR64 is True:
if self.commonHdr64 != ():
self.commonHdr = self.commonHdr64
if self.structure64 != ():
self.structure = self.structure64
if hasattr(self, 'align64'):
self.align = self.align64
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure+self.referent:
if self.isNDR(fieldTypeOrClass):
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64)
elif fieldTypeOrClass == ':':
self.fields[fieldName] = b''
elif len(fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')) == 2:
self.fields[fieldName] = eval(fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')[1])
self.fields[fieldName] = None
self.fields[fieldName] = []
if data is not None:
def changeTransferSyntax(self, newSyntax):
NDR64Syntax = uuidtup_to_bin(('71710533-BEBA-4937-8319-B5DBEF9CCC36', '1.0'))
if newSyntax == NDR64Syntax:
if self._isNDR64 is False:
# Ok, let's change everything
self._isNDR64 = True
for fieldName in list(self.fields.keys()):
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDR):
# Finally, I change myself
if self.commonHdr64 != ():
self.commonHdr = self.commonHdr64
if self.structure64 != ():
self.structure = self.structure64
if hasattr(self, 'align64'):
self.align = self.align64
# And check whether the changes changed the data types
# if so, I need to instantiate the new ones and copy the
# old values
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure+self.referent:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDR):
if fieldTypeOrClass != self.fields[fieldName].__class__ and isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRPOINTERNULL) is False:
backupData = self[fieldName]
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64)
if 'Data' in self.fields[fieldName].fields:
self.fields[fieldName].fields['Data'] = backupData
self[fieldName] = backupData
if self._isNDR64 is True:
# Ok, nothing for now
raise Exception('Shouldn\'t be here')
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance(value, NDRPOINTERNULL):
value = NDRPOINTERNULL(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64)
if isinstance(self.fields[key], NDRPOINTER):
self.fields[key] = value
elif 'Data' in self.fields[key].fields:
if isinstance(self.fields[key].fields['Data'], NDRPOINTER):
self.fields[key].fields['Data'] = value
elif isinstance(value, NDR):
# It's not a null pointer, ok. Another NDR type, but it
# must be the same same as the iteam already in place
if self.fields[key].__class__.__name__ == value.__class__.__name__:
self.fields[key] = value
elif isinstance(self.fields[key]['Data'], NDR):
if self.fields[key]['Data'].__class__.__name__ == value.__class__.__name__:
self.fields[key]['Data'] = value
LOG.error("Can't setitem with class specified, should be %s" % self.fields[key]['Data'].__class__.__name__)
LOG.error("Can't setitem with class specified, should be %s" % self.fields[key].__class__.__name__)
elif isinstance(self.fields[key], NDR):
self.fields[key]['Data'] = value
self.fields[key] = value
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(self.fields[key], NDR):
if 'Data' in self.fields[key].fields:
return self.fields[key]['Data']
return self.fields[key]
def __str__(self):
return self.getData()
def __len__(self):
# XXX: improve
return len(self.getData())
def getDataLen(self, data, offset=0):
return len(data) - offset
def isNDR(field):
if inspect.isclass(field):
myClass = field
if issubclass(myClass, NDR):
return True
return False
def dumpRaw(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
if msg is None:
msg = self.__class__.__name__
ind = ' '*indent
print("\n%s" % msg)
for field in self.commonHdr+self.structure+self.referent:
i = field[0]
if i in self.fields:
if isinstance(self.fields[i], NDR):
self.fields[i].dumpRaw('%s%s:{' % (ind,i), indent = indent + 4)
print("%s}" % ind)
elif isinstance(self.fields[i], list):
print("%s[" % ind)
for num,j in enumerate(self.fields[i]):
if isinstance(j, NDR):
j.dumpRaw('%s%s:' % (ind,i), indent = indent + 4)
print("%s," % ind)
print("%s%s: {%r}," % (ind, i, j))
print("%s]" % ind)
print("%s%s: {%r}" % (ind,i,self[i]))
def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
if msg is None:
msg = self.__class__.__name__
ind = ' '*indent
if msg != '':
print("%s" % msg, end=' ')
for fieldName, fieldType in self.commonHdr+self.structure+self.referent:
if fieldName in self.fields:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDR):
self.fields[fieldName].dump('\n%s%-31s' % (ind, fieldName+':'), indent = indent + 4),
print(" %r" % (self[fieldName]), end=' ')
def getAlignment(self):
return self.align
def calculatePad(fieldType, soFar):
if isinstance(fieldType, str):
alignment = calcsize(fieldType.split('=')[0])
alignment = 0
alignment = 0
if alignment > 0:
pad = (alignment - (soFar % alignment)) % alignment
pad = 0
return pad
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
data = b''
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
# Alignment of Primitive Types
# NDR enforces NDR alignment of primitive data; that is, any primitive of size n
# octets is aligned at a octet stream index that is a multiple of n.
# (In this version of NDR, n is one of {1, 2, 4, 8}.) An octet stream index indicates
# the number of an octet in an octet stream when octets are numbered, beginning with 0,
# from the first octet in the stream. Where necessary, an alignment gap, consisting of
# octets of unspecified value, precedes the representation of a primitive. The gap is
# of the smallest size sufficient to align the primitive.
pad = self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xbf'*pad
res = self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
data += res
soFar += len(res)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
return data
def fromString(self, data, offset=0):
offset0 = offset
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
# Alignment of Primitive Types
# NDR enforces NDR alignment of primitive data; that is, any primitive of size n
# octets is aligned at a octet stream index that is a multiple of n.
# (In this version of NDR, n is one of {1, 2, 4, 8}.) An octet stream index indicates
# the number of an octet in an octet stream when octets are numbered, beginning with 0,
# from the first octet in the stream. Where necessary, an alignment gap, consisting of
# octets of unspecified value, precedes the representation of a primitive. The gap is
# of the smallest size sufficient to align the primitive.
offset += self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, offset)
offset += self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error unpacking field '%s | %s | %r'" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data[offset:offset+256]))
return offset - offset0
def pack(self, fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar = 0):
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDR):
return self.fields[fieldName].getData(soFar)
data = self.fields[fieldName]
# void specifier
if fieldTypeOrClass[:1] == '_':
return b''
# code specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')
if len(two) >= 2:
return self.pack(fieldName, two[0], soFar)
self.fields[fieldName] = eval(two[1], {}, self.fields)
return self.pack(fieldName, two[0], soFar)
if data is None:
raise Exception('Trying to pack None')
# literal specifier
if fieldTypeOrClass[:1] == ':':
if hasattr(data, 'getData'):
return data.getData()
return data
# struct like specifier
return pack(fieldTypeOrClass, data)
def unpack(self, fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset=0):
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDR):
return self.fields[fieldName].fromString(data, offset)
# code specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')
if len(two) >= 2:
return self.unpack(fieldName, two[0], data, offset)
# literal specifier
if fieldTypeOrClass == ':':
if isinstance(fieldTypeOrClass, NDR):
return self.fields[fieldName].fromString(data, offset)
dataLen = self.getDataLen(data, offset)
self.fields[fieldName] = data[offset:offset+dataLen]
return dataLen
# struct like specifier
self.fields[fieldName] = unpack_from(fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)[0]
return calcsize(fieldTypeOrClass)
def calcPackSize(self, fieldTypeOrClass, data):
if isinstance(fieldTypeOrClass, str) is False:
return len(data)
# code specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')
if len(two) >= 2:
return self.calcPackSize(two[0], data)
# literal specifier
if fieldTypeOrClass[:1] == ':':
return len(data)
# struct like specifier
return calcsize(fieldTypeOrClass)
def calcUnPackSize(self, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset=0):
if isinstance(fieldTypeOrClass, str) is False:
return len(data) - offset
# code specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')
if len(two) >= 2:
return self.calcUnPackSize(two[0], data, offset)
# array specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('*')
if len(two) == 2:
return len(data) - offset
# literal specifier
if fieldTypeOrClass[:1] == ':':
return len(data) - offset
# struct like specifier
return calcsize(fieldTypeOrClass)
# NDR Primitives
align = 1
structure = (
('Data', 'b=0'),
align = 1
structure = (
('Data', 'B=0'),
def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
if msg is None:
msg = self.__class__.__name__
if msg != '':
print(msg, end=' ')
if self['Data'] > 0:
print(" TRUE")
print(" FALSE")
align = 1
structure = (
('Data', 'c'),
align = 2
structure = (
('Data', '<h=0'),
align = 2
structure = (
('Data', '<H=0'),
align = 4
structure = (
('Data', '<l=0'),
align = 4
structure = (
('Data', '<L=0'),
align = 8
structure = (
('Data', '<q=0'),
align = 8
structure = (
('Data', '<Q=0'),
align = 4
structure = (
('Data', '<f=0'),
align = 8
structure = (
('Data', '<d=0'),
class EnumType(type):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self.enumItems[attr].value
class NDRENUM(with_metaclass(EnumType, NDR)):
align = 2
align64 = 4
structure = (
('Data', '<H'),
# NDR64 Simple Data Types
# NDR64 supports all simple types defined by NDR (as specified in [C706] section 14.2)
# with the same alignment requirements except for enumerated types, which MUST be
# represented as signed long integers (4 octets) in NDR64.
structure64 = (
('Data', '<L'),
# enum MUST be an python enum (see
class enumItems(Enum):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance(value, Enum):
self['Data'] = value.value
return NDR.__setitem__(self,key,value)
def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
if msg is None:
msg = self.__class__.__name__
if msg != '':
print(msg, end=' ')
print(" %s" % self.enumItems(self.fields['Data']).name, end=' ')
# NDR Constructed Types (arrays, strings, structures, unions, variant structures, pipes and pointers)
def isPointer(field):
if inspect.isclass(field):
myClass = field
if issubclass(myClass, NDRPOINTER):
return True
return False
def isUnion(field):
if inspect.isclass(field):
myClass = field
if issubclass(myClass, NDRUNION):
return True
return False
def getDataReferents(self, soFar = 0):
data = b''
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
data += self.fields[fieldName].getDataReferents(len(data)+soFar)
data += self.fields[fieldName].getDataReferent(len(data)+soFar)
return data
def getDataReferent(self, soFar=0):
data = b''
soFar0 = soFar
if hasattr(self,'referent') is False:
return b''
if 'ReferentID' in self.fields:
if self['ReferentID'] == 0:
return b''
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.referent:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# So we have an array, first item in the structure must be the array size, although we
# will need to build it later.
if self._isNDR64:
arrayItemSize = 8
arrayPackStr = '<Q'
arrayItemSize = 4
arrayPackStr = '<L'
# The size information is itself aligned according to the alignment rules for
# primitive data types. (See Section 14.2.2 on page 620.) The data of the constructed
# type is then aligned according to the alignment rules for the constructed type.
# In other words, the size information precedes the structure and is aligned
# independently of the structure alignment.
# We need to check whether we need padding or not
pad0 = (arrayItemSize - (soFar % arrayItemSize)) % arrayItemSize
if pad0 > 0:
soFar += pad0
arrayPadding = b'\xef'*pad0
arrayPadding = b''
# And now, let's pretend we put the item in
soFar += arrayItemSize
data = self.fields[fieldName].getData(soFar)
data = arrayPadding + pack(arrayPackStr, self.getArrayMaximumSize(fieldName)) + data
pad = self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xcc'*pad
data += self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
# Any referent information to pack?
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
data += self.fields[fieldName].getDataReferents(soFar0 + len(data))
data += self.fields[fieldName].getDataReferent(soFar0 + len(data))
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
return data
def calcPackSize(self, fieldTypeOrClass, data):
if isinstance(fieldTypeOrClass, str) is False:
return len(data)
# array specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('*')
if len(two) == 2:
answer = 0
for each in data:
if self.isNDR(self.item):
item = ':'
item = self.item
answer += self.calcPackSize(item, each)
return answer
return NDR.calcPackSize(self, fieldTypeOrClass, data)
def getArrayMaximumSize(self, fieldName):
if self.fields[fieldName].fields['MaximumCount'] is not None and self.fields[fieldName].fields['MaximumCount'] > 0:
return self.fields[fieldName].fields['MaximumCount']
return self.fields[fieldName].getArraySize()
def getArraySize(self, fieldName, data, offset=0):
if self._isNDR64:
arrayItemSize = 8
arrayUnPackStr = '<Q'
arrayItemSize = 4
arrayUnPackStr = '<L'
pad = (arrayItemSize - (offset % arrayItemSize)) % arrayItemSize
offset += pad
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantArray):
# Array Size is at the very beginning
arraySize = unpack_from(arrayUnPackStr, data, offset)[0]
elif isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# NDRUniConformantVaryingArray Array
# Unpack the Maximum Count
maximumCount = unpack_from(arrayUnPackStr, data, offset)[0]
# Let's store the Maximum Count for later use
self.fields[fieldName].fields['MaximumCount'] = maximumCount
# Unpack the Actual Count
arraySize = unpack_from(arrayUnPackStr, data, offset+arrayItemSize*2)[0]
# NDRUniVaryingArray Array
arraySize = unpack_from(arrayUnPackStr, data, offset+arrayItemSize)[0]
return arraySize, arrayItemSize+pad
def fromStringReferents(self, data, offset=0):
offset0 = offset
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
offset += self.fields[fieldName].fromStringReferents(data, offset)
offset += self.fields[fieldName].fromStringReferent(data, offset)
return offset - offset0
def fromStringReferent(self, data, offset=0):
if hasattr(self, 'referent') is not True:
return 0
offset0 = offset
if 'ReferentID' in self.fields:
if self['ReferentID'] == 0:
# NULL Pointer, there's no referent for it
return 0
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.referent:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# Get the array size
arraySize, advanceStream = self.getArraySize(fieldName, data, offset)
offset += advanceStream
# Let's tell the array how many items are available
size = self.fields[fieldName].fromString(data, offset)
# ToDo: Align only if not NDR
offset += self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, offset)
size = self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
size += self.fields[fieldName].fromStringReferents(data, offset+size)
size += self.fields[fieldName].fromStringReferent(data, offset+size)
offset += size
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error unpacking field '%s | %s | %r'" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data[offset:offset+256]))
return offset-offset0
def calcUnPackSize(self, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset=0):
if isinstance(fieldTypeOrClass, str) is False:
return len(data) - offset
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('*')
if len(two) == 2:
return len(data) - offset
return NDR.calcUnPackSize(self, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
# Uni-dimensional Fixed Arrays
def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
if msg is None:
msg = self.__class__.__name__
ind = ' '*indent
if msg != '':
print(msg, end=' ')
if isinstance(self['Data'], list):
print("\n%s[" % ind)
ind += ' '*4
for num,j in enumerate(self.fields['Data']):
if isinstance(j, NDR):
j.dump('%s' % ind, indent = indent + 4),
print("%s %r," % (ind,j))
print("%s]" % ind[:-4], end=' ')
print(" %r" % self['Data'], end=' ')
def setArraySize(self, size):
self.arraySize = size
def getArraySize(self):
return self.arraySize
def changeTransferSyntax(self, newSyntax):
# Here we gotta go over each item in the array and change the TS
# Only if the item type is NDR
if hasattr(self, 'item') and self.item is not None:
if self.isNDR(self.item):
for item in self.fields['Data']:
return NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE.changeTransferSyntax(self, newSyntax)
def getAlignment(self):
# Array alignment is the largest alignment of the array element type and
# the size information type, if any.
align = 0
# And now the item
if hasattr(self, "item") and self.item is not None:
if self.isNDR(self.item):
tmpAlign = self.item().getAlignment()
tmpAlign = self.calcPackSize(self.item, b'')
if tmpAlign > align:
align = tmpAlign
return align
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
data = b''
soFar0 = soFar
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.structure:
if self.isNDR(fieldTypeOrClass) is False:
# If the item is not NDR (e.g. ('MaximumCount', '<L=len(Data)'))
# we have to align it
pad = self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xca'*pad
res = self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
data += res
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
return data
def pack(self, fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar = 0):
# array specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('*')
if len(two) == 2:
answer = b''
if self.isNDR(self.item):
item = ':'
dataClass = self.item
self.fields['_tmpItem'] = dataClass(isNDR64=self._isNDR64)
item = self.item
dataClass = None
self.fields['_tmpItem'] = item
for each in (self.fields[fieldName]):
pad = self.calculatePad(self.item, len(answer)+soFar)
if pad > 0:
answer += b'\xdd' * pad
if dataClass is None:
if item == 'c' and PY3 and isinstance(each, int):
# Special case when dealing with PY3, here we have an integer we need to convert
each = bytes([each])
answer += pack(item, each)
answer += each.getData(len(answer)+soFar)
if dataClass is not None:
for each in self.fields[fieldName]:
if isinstance(each, NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
answer += each.getDataReferents(len(answer)+soFar)
answer += each.getDataReferent(len(answer)+soFar)
if isinstance(self, NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self, NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# First field points to a field with the amount of items
self.fields[two[1]] = len(self.fields[fieldName])
return answer
return NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE.pack(self, fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
def fromString(self, data, offset=0):
offset0 = offset
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
if self.isNDR(fieldTypeOrClass) is False:
# If the item is not NDR (e.g. ('MaximumCount', '<L=len(Data)'))
# we have to align it
offset += self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, offset)
size = self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
offset += size
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error unpacking field '%s | %s | %r'" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data[offset:offset+256]))
return offset - offset0
def unpack(self, fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset=0):
# array specifier
two = fieldTypeOrClass.split('*')
answer = []
soFarItems = 0
offset0 = offset
if len(two) == 2:
if isinstance(self, NDRUniConformantArray):
# First field points to a field with the amount of items
numItems = self.getArraySize()
elif isinstance(self, NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# In this case we have the MaximumCount but it could be different from the ActualCount.
# Let's make the unpack figure this out.
#self.fields['MaximumCount'] = self.getArraySize()
numItems = self[two[1]]
numItems = self[two[1]]
# The item type is determined by self.item
if self.isNDR(self.item):
item = ':'
dataClassOrCode = self.item
self.fields['_tmpItem'] = dataClassOrCode(isNDR64=self._isNDR64)
item = self.item
dataClassOrCode = None
self.fields['_tmpItem'] = item
nsofar = 0
while numItems and soFarItems < len(data) - offset:
pad = self.calculatePad(self.item, soFarItems+offset)
if pad > 0:
soFarItems +=pad
if dataClassOrCode is None:
nsofar = soFarItems + calcsize(item)
answer.append(unpack_from(item, data, offset+soFarItems)[0])
itemn = dataClassOrCode(isNDR64=self._isNDR64)
size = itemn.fromString(data, offset+soFarItems)
nsofar += size + pad
numItems -= 1
soFarItems = nsofar
if dataClassOrCode is not None and isinstance(dataClassOrCode(), NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
# We gotta go over again, asking for the referents
answer2 = []
for itemn in answer:
size = itemn.fromStringReferents(data, soFarItems+offset)
soFarItems += size
size = itemn.fromStringReferent(data, soFarItems+offset)
soFarItems += size
answer = answer2
del answer2
self.fields[fieldName] = answer
return soFarItems + offset - offset0
return NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE.unpack(self, fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
class NDRUniFixedArray(NDRArray):
structure = (
# Uni-dimensional Conformant Arrays
class NDRUniConformantArray(NDRArray):
item = 'c'
structure = (
#('MaximumCount', '<L=len(Data)'),
('Data', '*MaximumCount'),
structure64 = (
#('MaximumCount', '<Q=len(Data)'),
('Data', '*MaximumCount'),
def __init__(self, data = None, isNDR64 = False):
NDRArray.__init__(self, data, isNDR64)
# Let's store the hidden MaximumCount field
self.fields['MaximumCount'] = 0
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.fields['MaximumCount'] = None
return NDRArray.__setitem__(self, key, value)
# Uni-dimensional Varying Arrays
class NDRUniVaryingArray(NDRArray):
item = 'c'
structure = (
structure64 = (
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.fields['ActualCount'] = None
return NDRArray.__setitem__(self, key, value)
# Uni-dimensional Conformant-varying Arrays
class NDRUniConformantVaryingArray(NDRArray):
item = 'c'
commonHdr = (
#('MaximumCount', '<L=len(Data)'),
commonHdr64 = (
#('MaximumCount', '<Q=len(Data)'),
structure = (
def __init__(self, data = None, isNDR64 = False):
NDRArray.__init__(self, data, isNDR64)
# Let's store the hidden MaximumCount field
self.fields['MaximumCount'] = 0
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.fields['MaximumCount'] = None
self.fields['ActualCount'] = None
return NDRArray.__setitem__(self, key, value)
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
data = b''
soFar0 = soFar
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
pad = self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xcb'*pad
res = self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
data += res
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
return data
# Multidimensional arrays not implemented for now
# Varying Strings
class NDRVaryingString(NDRUniVaryingArray):
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
# The last element of a string is a terminator of the same size as the other elements.
# If the string element size is one octet, the terminator is a NULL character.
# The terminator for a string of multi-byte characters is the array element zero (0).
if self["Data"][-1:] != b'\x00':
if PY3 and isinstance(self["Data"],list) is False:
self["Data"] = self["Data"] + b'\x00'
self["Data"] = b''.join(self["Data"]) + b'\x00'
return NDRUniVaryingArray.getData(self, soFar)
def fromString(self, data, offset = 0):
ret = NDRUniVaryingArray.fromString(self, data, offset)
# Let's take out the last item
self["Data"] = self["Data"][:-1]
return ret
# Conformant and Varying Strings
class NDRConformantVaryingString(NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# Structures
# Structures Containing a Conformant Array
# Structures Containing a Conformant and Varying Array
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
data = b''
arrayPadding = b''
soFar0 = soFar
# Structures Containing a Conformant Array
# A structure can contain a conformant array only as its last member.
# In the NDR representation of a structure that contains a conformant array,
# the unsigned long integers that give maximum element counts for dimensions of the array
# are moved to the beginning of the structure, and the array elements appear in place at
# the end of the structure.
# Structures Containing a Conformant and Varying Array
# A structure can contain a conformant and varying array only as its last member.
# In the NDR representation of a structure that contains a conformant and varying array,
# the maximum counts for dimensions of the array are moved to the beginning of the structure,
# but the offsets and actual counts remain in place at the end of the structure,
# immediately preceding the array elements
lastItem = (self.commonHdr+self.structure)[-1][0]
if isinstance(self.fields[lastItem], NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self.fields[lastItem], NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# So we have an array, first item in the structure must be the array size, although we
# will need to build it later.
if self._isNDR64:
arrayItemSize = 8
arrayPackStr = '<Q'
arrayItemSize = 4
arrayPackStr = '<L'
# The size information is itself aligned according to the alignment rules for
# primitive data types. (See Section 14.2.2 on page 620.) The data of the constructed
# type is then aligned according to the alignment rules for the constructed type.
# In other words, the size information precedes the structure and is aligned
# independently of the structure alignment.
# We need to check whether we need padding or not
pad0 = (arrayItemSize - (soFar % arrayItemSize)) % arrayItemSize
if pad0 > 0:
soFar += pad0
arrayPadding = b'\xee'*pad0
arrayPadding = b''
# And now, let's pretend we put the item in
soFar += arrayItemSize
arrayItemSize = 0
# Now we need to align the structure
# The alignment of a structure in the octet stream is the largest of the alignments of the fields it
# contains. These fields may also be constructed types. The same alignment rules apply
# recursively to nested constructed types.
alignment = self.getAlignment()
if alignment > 0:
pad = (alignment - (soFar % alignment)) % alignment
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xAB'*pad
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
res = self.fields[fieldName].getData(soFar)
if isinstance(self, NDRPOINTER):
pointerData = data[:arrayItemSize]
data = data[arrayItemSize:]
data = pointerData + arrayPadding + pack(arrayPackStr ,self.getArrayMaximumSize(fieldName)) + data
data = arrayPadding + pack(arrayPackStr, self.getArrayMaximumSize(fieldName)) + data
arrayPadding = b''
arrayItemSize = 0
res = self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
data += res
soFar = soFar0 + len(data) + len(arrayPadding) + arrayItemSize
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
# Structure with Trailing Gap
# NDR64 represents a structure as an ordered sequence of representations of the
# structure members. The trailing gap from the last nonconformant and nonvarying
# field to the alignment of the structure MUST be represented as a trailing pad.
# The size of the structure MUST be a multiple of its alignment.
# See the following figure.
# 4.8 Example of Structure with Trailing Gap in NDR64
# This example shows a structure with a trailing gap in NDR64.
# typedef struct _StructWithPad
# {
# long l;
# short s;
# } StructWithPad;
# The size of the structure in the octet stream MUST contain a 2-byte trailing
# gap to make its size 8, a multiple of the structure's alignment, 4.
# if self._isNDR64 is True:
# # ToDo add trailing gap here
# if alignment > 0:
# pad = (alignment - (soFar % alignment)) % alignment
# if pad > 0:
# soFar += pad
# data += '\xcd'*pad
# print self.__class__ , alignment, pad, hex(soFar)
return data
def fromString(self, data, offset = 0 ):
offset0 = offset
# Structures Containing a Conformant Array
# A structure can contain a conformant array only as its last member.
# In the NDR representation of a structure that contains a conformant array,
# the unsigned long integers that give maximum element counts for dimensions of the array
# are moved to the beginning of the structure, and the array elements appear in place at
# the end of the structure.
# Structures Containing a Conformant and Varying Array
# A structure can contain a conformant and varying array only as its last member.
# In the NDR representation of a structure that contains a conformant and varying array,
# the maximum counts for dimensions of the array are moved to the beginning of the structure,
# but the offsets and actual counts remain in place at the end of the structure,
# immediately preceding the array elements
lastItem = (self.commonHdr+self.structure)[-1][0]
# If it's a pointer, let's parse it here because
# we are going to parse the next MaximumCount field(s) manually
# when it's a Conformant or Conformant and Varying array
if isinstance(self, NDRPOINTER):
structureFields = self.structure
alignment = self.getAlignment()
if alignment > 0:
offset += (alignment - (offset % alignment)) % alignment
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr:
offset += self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
structureFields = self.commonHdr+self.structure
if isinstance(self.fields[lastItem], NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self.fields[lastItem], NDRUniConformantVaryingArray):
# So we have an array, first item in the structure must be the array size, although we
# will need to build it later.
if self._isNDR64:
arrayItemSize = 8
arrayUnPackStr = '<Q'
arrayItemSize = 4
arrayUnPackStr = '<L'
# The size information is itself aligned according to the alignment rules for
# primitive data types. (See Section 14.2.2 on page 620.) The data of the constructed
# type is then aligned according to the alignment rules for the constructed type.
# In other words, the size information precedes the structure and is aligned
# independently of the structure alignment.
# We need to check whether we need padding or not
offset += (arrayItemSize - (offset % arrayItemSize)) % arrayItemSize
# And let's extract the array size for later use
if isinstance(self.fields[lastItem], NDRUniConformantArray):
# NDRUniConformantArray
arraySize = unpack_from(arrayUnPackStr, data, offset)[0]
# NDRUniConformantVaryingArray
maximumCount = unpack_from(arrayUnPackStr, data, offset)[0]
self.fields[lastItem].fields['MaximumCount'] = maximumCount
offset += arrayItemSize
# Now we need to align the structure
# The alignment of a structure in the octet stream is the largest of the alignments of the fields it
# contains. These fields may also be constructed types. The same alignment rules apply
# recursively to nested constructed types.
alignment = self.getAlignment()
if alignment > 0:
offset += (alignment - (offset % alignment)) % alignment
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in structureFields:
offset += self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error unpacking field '%s | %s | %r'" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data[offset:offset+256]))
return offset - offset0
def getAlignment(self):
# Alignment of Constructed Types
# NDR enforces NDR alignment of structured data. As with primitive data types, an alignment, n, is determined
# for the structure. Where necessary, an alignment gap of octets of unspecified value precedes the data in
# the NDR octet stream. This gap is the smallest size sufficient to align the first field of the structure
# on an NDR octet stream index of n.
# The rules for calculating the alignment of constructed types are as follows:
# 1) If a conformant structure-that is, a conformant or conformant varying array, or a structure containing
# a conformant or conformant varying array-is embedded in the constructed type, and is the outermost
# structure-that is, is not contained in another structure-then the size information from the contained
# conformant structure is positioned so that it precedes both the containing constructed type and any
# alignment gap for the constructed type. (See Section 14.3.7 for information about structures containing
# arrays.) The size information is itself aligned according to the alignment rules for primitive data
# types. (See Section 14.2.2 on page 620.) The data of the constructed type is then aligned according to
# the alignment rules for the constructed type. In other words, the size information precedes the structure
# and is aligned independently of the structure alignment.
# 2) The alignment of a structure in the octet stream is the largest of the alignments of the fields it
# contains. These fields may also be constructed types. The same alignment rules apply recursively to nested
# constructed types.
align = 0
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure+self.referent:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDR):
tmpAlign = self.fields[fieldName].getAlignment()
tmpAlign = self.calcPackSize(fieldTypeOrClass, b'')
if tmpAlign > align:
align = tmpAlign
return align
# Unions
commonHdr = (
('tag', NDRUSHORT),
commonHdr64 = (
('tag', NDRULONG),
union = {
# For example
def __init__(self, data = None, isNDR64=False, topLevel = False):
#ret = NDR.__init__(self,None, isNDR64=isNDR64)
self.topLevel = topLevel
self._isNDR64 = isNDR64
self.fields = {}
if isNDR64 is True:
if self.commonHdr64 != ():
self.commonHdr = self.commonHdr64
if self.structure64 != ():
self.structure = self.structure64
if hasattr(self, 'align64'):
self.align = self.align64
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure+self.referent:
if self.isNDR(fieldTypeOrClass):
if self.isPointer(fieldTypeOrClass):
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64, topLevel = topLevel)
elif self.isUnion(fieldTypeOrClass):
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64, topLevel = topLevel)
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64)
elif fieldTypeOrClass == ':':
self.fields[fieldName] = None
elif len(fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')) == 2:
self.fields[fieldName] = eval(fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')[1])
self.fields[fieldName] = None
self.fields[fieldName] = 0
if data is not None:
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key == 'tag':
# We're writing the tag, we now should set the right item for the structure
self.structure = ()
if value in self.union:
self.structure = (self.union[value]),
# Init again the structure
self.__init__(None, isNDR64=self._isNDR64, topLevel = self.topLevel)
self.fields['tag']['Data'] = value
# Let's see if we have a default value
if 'default' in self.union:
if self.union['default'] is None:
self.structure = ()
self.structure = (self.union['default']),
# Init again the structure
self.__init__(None, isNDR64=self._isNDR64, topLevel = self.topLevel)
self.fields['tag']['Data'] = 0xffff
raise Exception("Unknown tag %d for union!" % value)
return NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE.__setitem__(self,key,value)
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
data = b''
soFar0 = soFar
# Let's align ourselves
alignment = self.getAlignment()
if alignment > 0:
pad = (alignment - (soFar % alignment)) % alignment
pad = 0
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xbc'*pad
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr:
pad = self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xbb'*pad
res = self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
data += res
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
# Now we need to align what's coming next.
# This doesn't come from the documentation but from seeing the packets in the wire
# for some reason, even if the next field is a SHORT, it should be aligned to
# a DWORD, or HYPER if NDR64.
if self._isNDR64:
align = 8
if hasattr(self, 'notAlign'):
align = 1
align = 4
pad = (align - (soFar % align)) % align
if pad > 0:
data += b'\xbd'*pad
soFar += pad
if self.structure == ():
return data
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.structure:
pad = self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xbe'*pad
res = self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
data += res
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
return data
def fromString(self, data, offset=0):
offset0 = offset
# Let's align ourselves
alignment = self.getAlignment()
if alignment > 0:
pad = (alignment - (offset % alignment)) % alignment
pad = 0
if pad > 0:
offset += pad
if len(data)-offset > 4:
# First off, let's see what the tag is:
# We need to know the tag type and unpack it
tagtype = self.commonHdr[0][1].structure[0][1].split('=')[0]
tag = unpack_from(tagtype, data, offset)[0]
if tag in self.union:
self.structure = (self.union[tag]),
self.__init__(None, isNDR64=self._isNDR64, topLevel = self.topLevel)
# Let's see if we have a default value
if 'default' in self.union:
if self.union['default'] is None:
self.structure = ()
self.structure = (self.union['default']),
# Init again the structure
self.__init__(None, isNDR64=self._isNDR64, topLevel = self.topLevel)
self.fields['tag']['Data'] = 0xffff
raise Exception("Unknown tag %d for union!" % tag)
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr:
offset += self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, offset)
offset += self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error unpacking field '%s | %s | %r'" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data[offset:offset+256]))
# Now we need to align what's coming next.
# This doesn't come from the documentation but from seeing the packets in the wire
# for some reason, even if the next field is a SHORT, it should be aligned to
# a DWORD, or HYPER if NDR64.
if self._isNDR64:
align = 8
if hasattr(self, 'notAlign'):
align = 1
align = 4
offset += (align - (offset % align)) % align
if self.structure == ():
return offset-offset0
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.structure:
offset += self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, offset)
offset += self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error unpacking field '%s | %s | %r'" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data[offset:offset+256]))
return offset - offset0
def getAlignment(self):
# Union alignment is the largest alignment of the union discriminator
# and all of the union arms.
# WRONG, I'm calculating it just with the tag, if I do it with the
# arms I get bad stub data. Something wrong I'm doing or the standard
# is wrong (most probably it's me :s )
align = 0
if self._isNDR64:
fields = self.commonHdr+self.structure
fields = self.commonHdr
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in fields:
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDR):
tmpAlign = self.fields[fieldName].getAlignment()
tmpAlign = self.calcPackSize(fieldTypeOrClass, b'')
if tmpAlign > align:
align = tmpAlign
if self._isNDR64:
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.union.values():
tmpAlign = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64).getAlignment()
if tmpAlign > align:
align = tmpAlign
return align
# Pipes not implemented for now
# Pointers
align = 4
align64 = 8
structure = (
('Data', '<L=0'),
structure64 = (
('Data', '<Q=0'),
def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
if msg is None:
msg = self.__class__.__name__
if msg != '':
print("%s" % msg, end=' ')
# Here we just print NULL
print(" NULL", end=' ')
align = 4
align64 = 8
commonHdr = (
commonHdr64 = (
referent = (
# This is the representation of the Referent
def __init__(self, data = None, isNDR64=False, topLevel = False):
NDRSTRUCT.__init__(self,None, isNDR64=isNDR64)
# If we are being called from a NDRCALL, it's a TopLevelPointer,
# if not, it's a embeeded pointer.
# It is *very* important, for every subclass of NDRPointer
# you have to declare the referent in the referent variable
# Not in the structure one!
if topLevel is True:
self.structure = self.referent
self.referent = ()
if data is None:
self.fields['ReferentID'] = random.randint(1,65535)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if (key in self.fields) is False:
# Key not found.. let's send it to the referent to handle, maybe it's there
return self.fields['Data'].__setitem__(key,value)
return NDRSTRUCT.__setitem__(self,key,value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self.fields:
if isinstance(self.fields[key], NDR):
if 'Data' in self.fields[key].fields:
return self.fields[key]['Data']
return self.fields[key]
# Key not found, let's send it to the referent, maybe it's there
return self.fields['Data'].__getitem__(key)
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
# First of all we need to align ourselves
data = b''
pad = self.calculatePad(self.commonHdr[0][1], soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data = b'\xaa'*pad
# If we have a ReferentID == 0, means there's no data
if self.fields['ReferentID'] == 0:
if len(self.referent) > 0:
self['Data'] = b''
if self._isNDR64 is True:
return data+b'\x00'*8
return data+b'\x00'*4
return data + NDRSTRUCT.getData(self, soFar)
def fromString(self, data, offset=0):
# First of all we need to align ourselves
pad = self.calculatePad(self.commonHdr[0][1], offset)
offset += pad
# Do we have a Referent ID == 0?
if self._isNDR64 is True:
unpackStr = '<Q'
unpackStr = '<L'
if unpack_from(unpackStr, data, offset)[0] == 0:
# Let's save the value
self['ReferentID'] = 0
self.fields['Data'] = b''
if self._isNDR64 is True:
return pad + 8
return pad + 4
retVal = NDRSTRUCT.fromString(self, data, offset)
return retVal + pad
def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
if msg is None:
msg = self.__class__.__name__
if msg != '':
print("%s" % msg, end=' ')
# Here we just print the referent
if isinstance(self.fields['Data'], NDR):
self.fields['Data'].dump('', indent = indent)
if self['ReferentID'] == 0:
print(" NULL", end=' ')
print(" %r" % (self['Data']), end=' ')
def getAlignment(self):
if self._isNDR64 is True:
return 8
return 4
# Embedded Reference Pointers not implemented for now
# Common RPC Data Types
class PNDRUniConformantVaryingArray(NDRPOINTER):
referent = (
('Data', NDRUniConformantVaryingArray),
class PNDRUniConformantArray(NDRPOINTER):
referent = (
('Data', NDRUniConformantArray),
def __init__(self, data = None, isNDR64 = False, topLevel = False):
# This represents a group of NDR instances that conforms an NDR Call.
# The only different between a regular NDR instance is a NDR call must
# represent the referents when building the final octet stream
referent = ()
commonHdr = ()
commonHdr64 = ()
structure = ()
structure64 = ()
align = 4
def __init__(self, data = None, isNDR64 = False):
self._isNDR64 = isNDR64
self.fields = {}
if isNDR64 is True:
if self.commonHdr64 != ():
self.commonHdr = self.commonHdr64
if self.structure64 != ():
self.structure = self.structure64
if hasattr(self, 'align64'):
self.align = self.align64
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure+self.referent:
if self.isNDR(fieldTypeOrClass):
if self.isPointer(fieldTypeOrClass):
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64, topLevel = True)
elif self.isUnion(fieldTypeOrClass):
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64, topLevel = True)
self.fields[fieldName] = fieldTypeOrClass(isNDR64 = self._isNDR64)
elif fieldTypeOrClass == ':':
self.fields[fieldName] = None
elif len(fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')) == 2:
self.fields[fieldName] = eval(fieldTypeOrClass.split('=')[1])
self.fields[fieldName] = None
self.fields[fieldName] = 0
if data is not None:
def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE.dump(self, msg, indent)
def getData(self, soFar = 0):
data = b''
soFar0 = soFar
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
pad = self.calculatePad(fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
if pad > 0:
soFar += pad
data += b'\xab'*pad
# Are we dealing with an array?
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self.fields[fieldName],
# Align size item
if self._isNDR64:
pad = (8 - (soFar % 8)) % 8
pad = (4 - (soFar % 4)) % 4
# Pack the item
res = self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar+pad)
# Yes, get the array size
arraySize = self.getArrayMaximumSize(fieldName)
if self._isNDR64:
pad = (8 - (soFar % 8)) % 8
data += b'\xce'*pad + pack('<Q', arraySize) + res
pad = (4 - (soFar % 4)) % 4
data += b'\xce'*pad + pack('<L', arraySize) + res
data += self.pack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, soFar)
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
# Any referent information to pack?
# I'm still not sure whether this should go after processing
# all the fields at the call level.
# Guess we'll figure it out testing.
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
data += self.fields[fieldName].getDataReferents(soFar)
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
data += self.fields[fieldName].getDataReferent(soFar)
soFar = soFar0 + len(data)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error packing field '%s | %s' in %s" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, self.__class__))
return data
def fromString(self, data, offset=0):
offset0 = offset
for fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass in self.commonHdr+self.structure:
# Are we dealing with an array?
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRUniConformantArray) or isinstance(self.fields[fieldName],
# Yes, get the array size
arraySize, advanceStream = self.getArraySize(fieldName, data, offset)
offset += advanceStream
size = self.unpack(fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data, offset)
# Any referent information to unpack?
if isinstance(self.fields[fieldName], NDRCONSTRUCTEDTYPE):
size += self.fields[fieldName].fromStringReferents(data, offset+size)
size += self.fields[fieldName].fromStringReferent(data, offset+size)
offset += size
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Error unpacking field '%s | %s | %r'" % (fieldName, fieldTypeOrClass, data[offset:offset+256]))
return offset - offset0
# Top Level Struct == NDRCALL
align = 1
structure = (
('Data', ':'),