mirror of https://github.com/Gator96100/ProxSpace.git synced 2025-03-12 04:36:22 -07:00
2020-09-07 18:14:14 +02:00

223 lines
7.4 KiB

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "WD=%__CD__%"
if NOT EXIST "%WD%msys-2.0.dll" set "WD=%~dp0usr\bin\"
set "LOGINSHELL=bash"
set /a msys2_shiftCounter=0
rem To activate windows native symlinks uncomment next line
rem set MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict
rem Set debugging program for errors
rem set MSYS=error_start:%WD%../../mingw64/bin/qtcreator.exe^|-debug^|^<process-id^>
rem To export full current PATH from environment into MSYS2 use '-use-full-path' parameter
rem or uncomment next line
rem set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit
rem Help option
if "x%~1" == "x-help" (
call :printhelp "%~nx0"
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
if "x%~1" == "x--help" (
call :printhelp "%~nx0"
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
if "x%~1" == "x-?" (
call :printhelp "%~nx0"
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
if "x%~1" == "x/?" (
call :printhelp "%~nx0"
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
rem Shell types
if "x%~1" == "x-msys" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MSYS& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-msys2" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MSYS& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-mingw32" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MINGW32& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-mingw64" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MINGW64& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-mingw" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& (if exist "%WD%..\..\mingw64" (set MSYSTEM=MINGW64) else (set MSYSTEM=MINGW32))& goto :checkparams
rem Console types
if "x%~1" == "x-mintty" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSCON=mintty.exe& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-conemu" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSCON=conemu& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-defterm" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSCON=defterm& goto :checkparams
rem Other parameters
if "x%~1" == "x-full-path" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-use-full-path" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-here" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set CHERE_INVOKING=enabled_from_arguments& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-where" (
if "x%~2" == "x" (
echo Working directory is not specified for -where parameter. 1>&2
exit /b 2
cd /d "%~2" || (
echo Cannot set specified working diretory "%~2". 1>&2
exit /b 2
set CHERE_INVOKING=enabled_from_arguments
rem Ensure parentheses in argument do not interfere with FOR IN loop below.
set msys2_arg="%~2"
call :substituteparens msys2_arg
call :removequotes msys2_arg
rem Increment msys2_shiftCounter by number of words in argument (as cmd.exe saw it).
rem (Note that this form of FOR IN loop uses same delimiters as parameters.)
for %%a in (!msys2_arg!) do set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1
)& shift& shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-no-start" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYS2_NOSTART=yes& goto :checkparams
if "x%~1" == "x-shell" (
if "x%~2" == "x" (
echo Shell not specified for -shell parameter. 1>&2
exit /b 2
set LOGINSHELL="%~2"
call :removequotes LOGINSHELL
set msys2_arg="%~2"
call :substituteparens msys2_arg
call :removequotes msys2_arg
for %%a in (!msys2_arg!) do set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1
)& shift& shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& goto :checkparams
rem Collect remaining command line arguments to be passed to shell
if %msys2_shiftCounter% equ 0 set SHELL_ARGS=%* & goto cleanvars
set msys2_full_cmd=%*
for /f "tokens=%msys2_shiftCounter%,* delims=,;= " %%i in ("!msys2_full_cmd!") do set SHELL_ARGS=%%j
set msys2_arg=
set msys2_shiftCounter=
set msys2_full_cmd=
rem Setup proper title
if "%MSYSTEM%" == "MINGW32" (
set "CONTITLE=MinGW x32"
) else if "%MSYSTEM%" == "MINGW64" (
set "CONTITLE=MinGW x64"
) else (
if "x%MSYSCON%" == "xmintty.exe" goto startmintty
if "x%MSYSCON%" == "xconemu" goto startconemu
if "x%MSYSCON%" == "xdefterm" goto startsh
if NOT EXIST "%WD%mintty.exe" goto startsh
set MSYSCON=mintty.exe
if not defined MSYS2_NOSTART (
start "%CONTITLE%" "%WD%mintty" -i /msys2.ico -t "%CONTITLE%" "/usr/bin/%LOGINSHELL%" --login !SHELL_ARGS!
) else (
"%WD%mintty" -i /msys2.ico -t "%CONTITLE%" "/usr/bin/%LOGINSHELL%" --login !SHELL_ARGS!
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
call :conemudetect || (
echo ConEmu not found. Exiting. 1>&2
exit /b 1
if not defined MSYS2_NOSTART (
start "%CONTITLE%" "%ComEmuCommand%" /Here /Icon "%WD%..\..\msys2.ico" /cmd "%WD%\%LOGINSHELL%" --login !SHELL_ARGS!
) else (
"%ComEmuCommand%" /Here /Icon "%WD%..\..\msys2.ico" /cmd "%WD%\%LOGINSHELL%" --login !SHELL_ARGS!
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
if not defined MSYS2_NOSTART (
start "%CONTITLE%" "%WD%\%LOGINSHELL%" --login !SHELL_ARGS!
) else (
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
exit /b 0
set ComEmuCommand=
if defined ConEmuDir (
if exist "%ConEmuDir%\ConEmu64.exe" (
set "ComEmuCommand=%ConEmuDir%\ConEmu64.exe"
set MSYSCON=conemu64.exe
) else if exist "%ConEmuDir%\ConEmu.exe" (
set "ComEmuCommand=%ConEmuDir%\ConEmu.exe"
set MSYSCON=conemu.exe
if not defined ComEmuCommand (
ConEmu64.exe /Exit 2>nul && (
set ComEmuCommand=ConEmu64.exe
set MSYSCON=conemu64.exe
) || (
ConEmu.exe /Exit 2>nul && (
set ComEmuCommand=ConEmu.exe
set MSYSCON=conemu.exe
if not defined ComEmuCommand (
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('reg.exe QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ConEmu64.exe" /ve 2^>nul ^| find "REG_SZ"') DO (
set "ComEmuCommand=%%A"
if defined ComEmuCommand (
call set "ComEmuCommand=%%ComEmuCommand:*REG_SZ =%%"
set MSYSCON=conemu64.exe
) else (
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('reg.exe QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ConEmu.exe" /ve 2^>nul ^| find "REG_SZ"') DO (
set "ComEmuCommand=%%A"
if defined ComEmuCommand (
call set "ComEmuCommand=%%ComEmuCommand:*REG_SZ =%%"
set MSYSCON=conemu.exe
if not defined ComEmuCommand exit /b 2
exit /b 0
echo Usage:
echo %~1 [options] [login shell parameters]
echo Options:
echo -mingw32 ^| -mingw64 ^| -msys[2] Set shell type
echo -defterm ^| -mintty ^| -conemu Set terminal type
echo -here Use current directory as working
echo directory
echo -where DIRECTORY Use specified DIRECTORY as working
echo directory
echo -[use-]full-path Use full current PATH variable
echo instead of trimming to minimal
echo -no-start Do not use "start" command and
echo return login shell resulting
echo errorcode as this batch file
echo resulting errorcode
echo -shell SHELL Set login shell
echo -help ^| --help ^| -? ^| /? Display this help and exit
echo Any parameter that cannot be treated as valid option and all
echo following parameters are passed as login shell command parameters.
exit /b 0
FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN ('echo %%%1%%') DO set %1=%%~A
GOTO :eof
FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN ('echo %%%1%%') DO (
set value=%%A
set value=!value:^(=x!
set value=!value:^)=x!
ENDLOCAL & set %1=%value%
GOTO :eof