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2024-04-25 22:32:27 +00:00

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;*** - Debug code for including into sysini.asm and ibmbio.asm
; Can't link in via buglib due to memory and relocation games played
; by these modules. Each gets a private, local-only copy of these
; modules.
;** DPRINTF _ Debug Printf
; Dprintf is a kernel debug print formatting package. It is intended
; to produce conviently formatted output.
; Dprintf is called, indirectly, by a macro:
; DEBUG n,m,"string",<a1,...,an>
; string = format string
; a1 = first argument
; an = last argument
; The format string is an ASCIZ string which can contain 2 types of
; specifications: data-format specifications and literal characters.
; Data format specifications always begin with a '$' character; all
; characters not part of a data format specification are treated as
; literal characters.
; Literal characters
; - any character not part of a format specification. Special
; non-printing characters are:
; \n - CRLF
; \t - tab
; \b - bell
; \\ - \
; \$ - $
; Format Specifications
; A format specification takes the form:
; $ [@] <char>
; where <char> =
; x - print argument as a hex word
; d - print argument as decimal word
; c - print argument as ascii character
; b - print argument as hex byte
; For each of the above formats, the supplied argument
; is a 16-bit word - the value to be printed. The optional @
; (described below) allows a segmented address to be supplied,
; instead.
; s[nn] - print argument as asciz string; if optional decimal
; argument follows the format character this specifys
; a maximum string length. Non printing characters are
; printed in the form \nnn where "nnn" is the octal byte
; value.
; Note that this format character cannot be directly
; followed by a digit unless that digit is to be taken
; as the start of a length argument.
; Bnn - print argument as hex bytes. The required following
; decimal argument is the number of bytes to print.
; Both of these formats take a long address as their argument.
; The '@' character is thus invalid for these formats.
; As befitting a debug routine, DPRINTF does not have a whole lot
; of "failsafe" code in it. Supplying screwed up formats can
; muck things up. Specifically:
; The @ argument must NOT be specified with the 's' or 'B'
; format
; A string/byte-length argument of 0 is taken as 65536
; The string "%% BAD FMT %%" appears in the output when
; 1) an illegal format specifier is given, or
; 2) the B format is given a 0 or missing length
; ENTRY (sp+n ) = address of format string (offset from return cs value)
; (sp+n-2) = first argument word
; (sp+n-4) = second argument word
; .
; (sp+4 ) = last argument word
; (sp+2 ) = seg of return address
; (sp ) = offset of return address
; (bp) = offset of format string on the stack
; EXIT none
; USES flags
push ds
push es
push bp
push di
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax ; save registers
mov si,[bp] ; get address of format string
sub bp,2
mov bx,sp
mov ds,ss:20[bx] ; (ds:si) = address of format string
push cs
pop ds
; Scan format string for next character
; (ds:si) = address of format string
; (ss:bp) = address of next argument
dpf1: lodsb ; (al) = format string byte
and al,al
je dpf3 ; all done
cmp al,'$'
je dpf4 ; is data escape
cmp al,'\'
jnz dpf2 ; got the character
; it's an "\" escape code - crack the argument character
and al,al
je dpf3 ; all done, ignore hanging \
xchg ah,al
mov al,0Ch
cmp ah,'n'
jne dpf1$5 ; not \n
mov al,0dH
call putchar
mov al,0aH
jmp SHORT dpf2 ; print LF
dpf1$5: cmp ah,'t'
mov al,9
je dpf2 ; is \t
cmp ah,'b'
mov al,7
je dpf2 ; is \b
xchg ah,al
dpf2: call putchar
jmp dpf1
; have the end of the format string - exit
dpf3: pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
;* Have a '$' character - is data format escape
; Get address of data into es:di
; (bp) = address of data value
dpf4: mov di,bp
push ss
pop es ; (es:di) = address of data value
sub bp,2 ; point to next argument
lodsb ; (al) = format specifier
cmp al,'@'
jne dpf5 ; not an indirect flag
les di,[bp]
sub bp,2 ; have an extra 2 for @
dpf5: cmp al,'x'
jne dpfd1 ; not 'x'
; is 'x' format - print hex word
mov ax,es:[di]
call THW ; type hex word
jmp dpf1
dpfd1: cmp al,'d'
jnz dpfc1 ; not 'd'
; is 'd' format - print decimal word
mov ax,es:[di]
call TDW ; type decimal word
jmp dpf1
dpfc1: cmp al,'c'
jne dpfb1
; is 'c' format - print character
mov al,es:[di]
call putchar
jmp dpf1
dpfb1: cmp al,'b'
jne dpfs1
; is 'b' format - print hex byte
mov al,es:[di]
call THB ; type hex byte
jmp dpf1
dpfs1: cmp al,'s'
jne dpfbb1
; is 's' format - print ASCIZ string. First, check for
; optional decimal limit
public SSB
SSB: sub cx,cx ; set 65536 limit
les di,[bp] ; (es:DI) = fwa of string
sub bp,2 ; argument to 's' was two words
mov al,[si]
cmp al,'0'
jb dpfs2 ; not decimal
cmp al,'9'
ja dpfs2 ; not decimal
call atod ; (ax) = decimal value, (ds:si) updated
xchg cx,ax
; print asciz string at es:di, max of (cx) characters
; (cx) = 0 means max of 65536
; Other sections of code in dpf jump here to print strings
dpfs2: mov al,es:[di]
inc di
and al,al
je dpfs3
call putchar
loop dpfs2 ; continue if not at limit
dpfs3: jmp dpf1
dpfbb1: cmp al,'B'
je dpfbb2 ; is 'B' format
; error in format code - print message
dpferr: push cs
pop es
mov di,OFFSET dpfa ; (es:di) = error message
sub cx,cx
jmp dpfs2
dpfa: DB '%% BAD FMT %%',0
; have B format
dpfbb2: call atod ; (ax) = length specifier
jc dpferr ; number not there - error
xchg cx,ax
jcxz dpferr ; number is 0 - error
les di,[bp] ; (es:DI) = fwa of string
sub bp,2 ; argument to 's' was two words
dpfbb3: mov al,es:[di]
call THB ; type hex byte
mov al,' '
call putchar ; space em out
inc di
loop dpfbb3 ; do em all
jmp dpf1
;** THB - Type Hex Byte
; THB types a hex byte (via "putchar")
; ENTRY (AL) = byte
; EXIT none
; USES ax, flags
THBA DB '0123456789abcdef'
push ax
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
and ax,0fH
xchg bx,ax
mov bl,CS:THBA[bx]
xchg ax,bx
call putchar ; put first character
pop ax
and ax,0fH
xchg bx,ax
mov bl,CS:THBA[bx]
xchg ax,bx
call putchar
;** THW - Type Hex Word
; THW types a word in hex (via "putchar")
; ENTRY (AX) = word
; EXIT none
; USES AX, flags
push ax
xchg ah,al
call THB
pop ax
call THB
;** TDW - Type Decimal Word
; TDW types (via "putchar") the unsigned decimal representation
; of a 16-bit unsigned integer. Only significant digits are
; printed; if the number is 0 a "0" is printed.
; ENTRY (AX) = number
; EXIT none
; USES AX, flags
push cx ; preserve registers
push dx
mov cx,10
call tdw$ ; recurse cracking digits
pop dx
pop cx
;* tdw$ - crack number recursively
; tdw$ cracks the least significant decimal digit. If there
; are no higher-significant digits, print and return.
; else, recurse for higher digits
; (AX) = value
; (CX) = 10
sub dx,dx
div cx ; (ax) = quotient, (dx) = remainder
and ax,ax
jz tdw$1 ; this is highest-order, do it
push dx
call tdw$
pop dx
tdw$1: xchg ax,dx
add al,'0'
call putchar
;** ATOD - Convert ASCII string to decimal number
; ATOD is called to convert an ascii string of digits to a
; decimal number. Digits are converted until we run out of them.
; ENTRY (DS:SI) = address of first digit
; EXIT 'C' clear if OK
; (AX) = value
; (SI) updated to first non-digit
; 'C' set if error - no digits, or result >65535
; (DS:SI) points to error character
push dx
push cx ; save registers
mov al,[si]
sub al,'0'
jc atod9 ; error - no digits
cmp al,10
jc atod9 ; error - no digits
sub ax,ax ; clear accumulator
mov cx,10 ; base 10
; crack next digit
; (AX) = number accumulated so near
; (CX) = 10
; (DS:SI) = next character
atod1: xchg dx,ax ; keep accum in dx for a while
lodsb ; (al) = character
sub al,'0'
jc atod7 ; not digit - all done
cmp al,9
ja atod7 ; not digit - all done
sub ah,ah ; (ax) = digit value (0 - 9)
push ax
xchg ax,dx
mul cx ; (ax) = 10*accum
pop dx ; (dx) = digit to add
jo atod8 ; overflow
add ax,dx
jmp atod1 ; go back for more
; Done with number, all OK
; (dx) = number
; (ds:si) = address+1 of first unused character
atod7: clc
; Done with number, error
; 'C' set
atod8: dec si ; backup over non-decimal (or error) char
atod9: pop cx
xchg ax,dx ; (ax) = number iff no error
pop dx ; restore registers
ret ; exit
;** putchar - put a character on the console
; ENTRY (al) = character
; EXIT none
; USES ax,flags
UR_DAT = 02f8H ; COM1 = 03f8H, COM2 = 02f8H
UR_IEN = UR_DAT+1 ; Interrupt enable
UR_IER = UR_DAT+2 ; interrupt ID
UR_LCR = UR_DAT+3 ; line control registers
UR_MCR = UR_DAT+4 ; modem control register
UR_LSR = UR_DAT+5 ; line status register
UR_MSR = UR_DAT+6 ; modem status regiser
UR_DLL = UR_DAT ; divisor latch least sig
UR_DLM = UR_DAT+1 ; divisor latch most sig
iflag DB 0 ; != 0 when initialized 8250
;* inchr - input character
; EXIT 'z' set if no character
; 'z' clear if char
; (al) = char
inchr: mov dx,UR_LSR
in al,dx
and al,1
jz inchr1
mov dx,UR_DAT
in al,dx
and al,07fh
inchr1: ret
PUBLIC putchar
putchar PROC NEAR
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax ; (al) = character
test iflag,255
jnz putc1 ; is initialized
inc iflag
; program the usart
mov dx,UR_LCR
mov al,80h
out dx,al ; command it
sub al,al
mov dx,UR_DLM
out dx,al
mov dx,UR_DLL
mov al,12 ; 9600 baud = 12, 19.2 Kbaud = 6
out dx,al
mov al,3
mov dx,UR_LCR
out dx,al ; command normal mode
; see if CTL-Q or CTL-S
putc1: pushf
call inchr
jz putc3 ; no characters incomming
cmp al,19 ; ctl-S?
jnz putc3 ; no, ignore
; have ctl-s. wait till we see ctl-Q
putc2: call inchr
jz putc2
cmp al,17
jnz putc2
putc3: popf
mov dx,UR_LSR
putc4: in al,dx
test al,020h
jz putc4
; ready. crank it out!
mov dx,UR_DAT
pop ax
out dx,al
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
putchar ENDP