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from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from xlib import onnxruntime as lib_ort
from xlib import path as lib_path
from xlib.image import ImageProcessor
from xlib.net import ThreadFileDownloader
from xlib.onnxruntime.device import ORTDeviceInfo
class DFMModelInfo:
def __init__(self, name : str, model_path : Path, url : str = None):
self._name = name
self._model_path = model_path
self._url = url
def get_name(self) -> str: return self._name
def get_model_path(self) -> Path: return self._model_path
def get_url(self) -> Union[str, None]: return self._url
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is not None and other is not None and isinstance(self, DFMModelInfo) and isinstance(other, DFMModelInfo):
return self._name == other._name
return False
def __hash__(self):
return self._name.__hash__()
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def get_available_models_info(models_path : Path) -> List[DFMModelInfo]:
# predefined list of celebs with urls
dfm_models = [
DFMModelInfo(name='Margot Robbie', model_path=models_path / f'Margot_Robbie.dfm', url=rf'https://github.com/iperov/DeepFaceLive/releases/download/MARGOT_ROBBIE/Margot_Robbie.dfm'),
# scan additional models in directory
dfm_model_paths = [ celeb.get_model_path() for celeb in dfm_models]
for dfm_path in lib_path.get_files_paths(models_path, extensions=['.dfm']):
if dfm_path not in dfm_model_paths:
dfm_models.append( DFMModelInfo(dfm_path.stem, model_path=dfm_path, ) )
return dfm_models
def get_available_devices() -> List[ORTDeviceInfo]:
return lib_ort.get_available_devices_info()
class DFMModel:
def __init__(self, model_path : Path, device : ORTDeviceInfo = None):
if device is None:
device = lib_ort.get_cpu_device()
self._model_path = model_path
sess = self._sess = lib_ort.InferenceSession_with_device(str(model_path), device)
inputs = sess.get_inputs()
if len(inputs) == 0:
raise Exception(f'Invalid model {model_path}')
if 'in_face' not in inputs[0].name:
raise Exception(f'Invalid model {model_path}')
self._input_height, self._input_width = inputs[0].shape[1:3]
self._model_type = 1
if len(inputs) == 2:
if 'morph_value' not in inputs[1].name:
raise Exception(f'Invalid model {model_path}')
self._model_type = 2
elif len(inputs) > 2:
raise Exception(f'Invalid model {model_path}')
def get_model_path(self) -> Path: return self._model_path
def get_input_res(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self._input_width, self._input_height
def has_morph_value(self) -> bool:
return self._model_type == 2
def convert(self, img, morph_factor=0.75):
img np.ndarray HW,HWC,NHWC uint8,float32
morph_factor float used if model supports it
img NHW3 same dtype as img
celeb_mask NHW1 same dtype as img
face_mask NHW1 same dtype as img
ip = ImageProcessor(img)
N,H,W,C = ip.get_dims()
dtype = ip.get_dtype()
img = ip.resize( (self._input_width,self._input_height) ).ch(3).to_ufloat32().get_image('NHWC')
if self._model_type == 1:
out_face_mask, out_celeb, out_celeb_mask = self._sess.run(None, {'in_face:0': img})
elif self._model_type == 2:
out_face_mask, out_celeb, out_celeb_mask = self._sess.run(None, {'in_face:0': img, 'morph_value:0':np.float32([morph_factor]) })
out_celeb = ImageProcessor(out_celeb).resize((W,H)).ch(3).to_dtype(dtype).get_image('NHWC')
out_celeb_mask = ImageProcessor(out_celeb_mask).resize((W,H)).ch(1).to_dtype(dtype).get_image('NHWC')
out_face_mask = ImageProcessor(out_face_mask).resize((W,H)).ch(1).to_dtype(dtype).get_image('NHWC')
return out_celeb, out_celeb_mask, out_face_mask
class DFMModelInitializer:
class to initialize DFMModel from DFMModelInfo
use .process_events() to iterate initialization process with events
class Events:
prev_status_initializing : bool = False
prev_status_downloading : bool = False
prev_status_initialized : bool = False
prev_status_error : bool = False
new_status_initializing : bool = False
new_status_downloading : bool = False
new_status_initialized : bool = False
new_status_error : bool = False
download_progress : float = None
error : str = None
dfm_model : DFMModel = None
def __init__(self, dfm_model_info : DFMModelInfo, device : ORTDeviceInfo = None ): self._gen = self._generator(dfm_model_info, device)
def process_events(self) -> 'DFMModelInitializer.Events': return next(self._gen)
def _generator(self, dfm_model_info : DFMModelInfo, device : ORTDeviceInfo = None) -> Iterator['DFMModelInitializer.Events']:
Creates a generator object to initialize DFM model from provided parameters
downloader : ThreadFileDownloader = None
status = None
while True:
events = DFMModelInitializer.Events()
new_status = status
if status is None:
new_status = INITIALIZING
elif status == INITIALIZING:
model_path = dfm_model_info.get_model_path()
if not model_path.exists():
url = dfm_model_info.get_url()
if url is None:
new_status = ERROR
events.error = 'Model file is not found and URL is not defined.'
downloader = ThreadFileDownloader(url=url, savepath=model_path)
new_status = DOWNLOADING
error = None
dfm_model = DFMModel(model_path, device)
except Exception as e:
error = str(e)
if error is None:
new_status = INITIALIZED
events.dfm_model = dfm_model
new_status = ERROR
events.error = error
elif status == DOWNLOADING:
error = downloader.get_error()
if error is None:
progress = downloader.get_progress()
if progress == 100.0:
new_status = INITIALIZING
events.download_progress = progress
new_status = ERROR
events.error = error
if new_status != status:
events.prev_status_initializing = status == INITIALIZING
events.prev_status_downloading = status == DOWNLOADING
events.prev_status_initialized = status == INITIALIZED
events.prev_status_error = status == ERROR
events.new_status_initializing = new_status == INITIALIZING
events.new_status_downloading = new_status == DOWNLOADING
events.new_status_initialized = new_status == INITIALIZED
events.new_status_error = new_status == ERROR
status = new_status
yield events
def DFMModel_from_path(model_path : Path, device : ORTDeviceInfo = None) -> DFMModel:
instantiates DFMModel
return DFMModel(model_path=model_path, device=device, __check=1)
def DFMModel_from_info(dfm_model_info : DFMModelInfo, device : ORTDeviceInfo = None) -> DFMModelInitializer:
instantiates DFMModelInitializer
return DFMModelInitializer(dfm_model_info=dfm_model_info, device=device)