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synced 2024-12-25 15:31:13 -08:00
369 lines
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369 lines
12 KiB
import threading
import time
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Union
from numbers import Number
from ... import text as lib_text
class EDlgMode(IntEnum):
BACK = 1
class DlgChoice:
def __init__(self, short_name : str = None,
row_def : str = None,
on_choose : Callable = None):
if len(short_name) == 0:
raise ValueError('Zero len short_name is not valid.')
self._short_name = short_name
self._row_def = row_def
self._on_choose = on_choose
def get_short_name(self) -> Union[str, None]: return self._short_name
def get_row_def(self) -> Union[str, None]: return self._row_def
def get_on_choose(self) -> Callable: return self._on_choose
class Dlg:
def __init__(self, on_recreate : Callable[ [], 'Dlg'] = None,
on_back : Callable = None,
top_rows_def : Union[str, List[str]] = None,
bottom_rows_def : Union[str, List[str]] = None,
base class for Diacon dialogs.
self._on_recreate = on_recreate
self._on_back = on_back
self._top_rows_def = top_rows_def
self._bottom_rows_def = bottom_rows_def
def recreate(self):
if self._on_recreate is not None:
return self._on_recreate(self)
raise Exception('on_recreate() is not defined.')
def set_current(self, print=True):
Diacon.update_dlg(self, print=print)
def handle_user_input(self, s : str):
mode = self.on_user_input(s.strip())
if mode == EDlgMode.UNHANDLED:
mode = EDlgMode.RELOAD
if mode == EDlgMode.WRONG_INPUT:
print('\nWrong input')
mode = EDlgMode.RELOAD
if mode == EDlgMode.RELOAD:
if mode == EDlgMode.BACK:
if self._on_back is not None:
def on_user_input(self, s : str) -> EDlgMode:
if len(s) == 0:
return EDlgMode.RELOAD
if self._on_back is not None and len(s) == 1:
if s == '<':
return EDlgMode.BACK
return EDlgMode.UNHANDLED
def print(self, table_width_max=80, col_spacing = 3):
print dialog
table_def : List[str]= []
trd = self._top_rows_def
brd = self._bottom_rows_def
if trd is not None:
if not isinstance(trd, (list,tuple)):
trd = [trd]
table_def += trd
if self._on_back is not None:
table_def.append('| < | Go back.')
table_def = self.on_print(table_def)
if brd is not None:
if not isinstance(brd, (list,tuple)):
brd = [brd]
table_def += brd
table = lib_text.ascii_table(table_def, max_table_width=80,
left_border = '| ',
right_border = ' |',
border = ' | ',
row_symbol = None,
def on_print(self, table_lines : List[Tuple[str,str]]):
return table_lines
class DlgNumber(Dlg):
def __init__(self, is_float : bool,
current_value = None,
min_value = None,
max_value = None,
clip_min_value = None,
clip_max_value = None,
on_value : Callable[ [Dlg, Number], None] = None,
on_recreate : Callable[ [], 'Dlg'] = None,
on_back : Callable = None,
top_rows_def : Union[str, List[str]] = None,
bottom_rows_def : Union[str, List[str]] = None, ):
super().__init__(on_recreate=on_recreate, on_back=on_back, top_rows_def=top_rows_def, bottom_rows_def=bottom_rows_def)
if min_value is not None and max_value is not None and min_value > max_value:
raise ValueError('min_value > max_value')
if clip_min_value is not None and clip_max_value is not None and clip_min_value > clip_max_value:
raise ValueError('clip_min_value > clip_max_value')
self._is_float = is_float
self._current_value = current_value
self._min_value = min_value
self._max_value = max_value
self._clip_min_value = clip_min_value
self._clip_max_value = clip_max_value
self._on_value = on_value
def on_print(self, table_def : List[str]):
minv, maxv = self._min_value, self._max_value
if self._is_float:
line = '| * | Enter float number'
line = '| * | Enter integer number'
if minv is not None and maxv is None:
line += f' in range: [{minv} ... )'
elif minv is None and maxv is not None:
line += f' in range: ( ... {maxv} ]'
elif minv is not None and maxv is not None:
line += f' in range: [{minv} ... {maxv} ]'
return table_def
def on_user_input(self, s : str) -> bool:
result = super().on_user_input(s)
if result == EDlgMode.UNHANDLED:
v = float(s) if self._is_float else int(s)
if self._min_value is not None:
if v < self._min_value:
return EDlgMode.WRONG_INPUT
if self._max_value is not None:
if v > self._max_value:
return EDlgMode.WRONG_INPUT
if self._clip_min_value is not None:
if v < self._clip_min_value:
v = self._clip_min_value
if self._clip_max_value is not None:
if v > self._clip_max_value:
v = self._clip_max_value
if self._on_value is not None:
self._on_value(self, v)
return EDlgMode.HANDLED
return EDlgMode.WRONG_INPUT
return result
class DlgChoices(Dlg):
def __init__(self, choices : List[DlgChoice],
on_multi_choice : Callable[ [ List[DlgChoice] ], None] = None,
on_recreate : Callable[ [Dlg], Dlg] = None,
on_back : Callable = None,
top_rows_def : Union[str, List[str]] = None,
bottom_rows_def : Union[str, List[str]] = None,
super().__init__(on_recreate=on_recreate, on_back=on_back, top_rows_def=top_rows_def, bottom_rows_def=bottom_rows_def)
self._choices = choices
self._on_multi_choice = on_multi_choice
self._short_names = [choice.get_short_name() for choice in choices]
# Make short names for all choices
if len(set(self._short_names)) != len(self._short_names):
raise ValueError(f'Contains duplicate short name : {self._short_names}')
def on_print(self, table_def : List[str]):
for short_name, choice in zip(self._short_names, self._choices):
row_def = f'| {short_name}'
x = choice.get_row_def()
if x is not None:
row_def += x
return table_def
def on_user_input(self, s : str) -> bool:
result = super().on_user_input(s)
if result == EDlgMode.UNHANDLED:
if self._on_multi_choice is not None:
multi_s = s.split(',')
multi_s = [s]
choices_id = []
for s in multi_s:
x = [ i for i, short_name in enumerate(self._short_names) if s.strip() == short_name ]
if len(x) == 0:
# No short name match
return EDlgMode.WRONG_INPUT
id = x[0]
if len(set(choices_id)) != len(choices_id):
# Duplicate input
return EDlgMode.WRONG_INPUT
for id in choices_id:
on_choose = self._choices[id].get_on_choose()
if on_choose is not None:
if self._on_multi_choice is not None:
return EDlgMode.HANDLED
return result
class _Diacon:
User dialog with via console.
def __init__(self):
self._lock = threading.RLock()
self._current_dlg : Dlg = None
self._new_dlg : Dlg = None
self._started = False
self._dialog_t : threading.Thread = None
self._input_t : threading.Thread = None
self._input_request = False
self._input_result : str = None
def start(self):
if self._started:
raise Exception('Diacon already started.')
self._started = True
self._input_t = threading.Thread(target=self._input_thread, daemon=True)
self._dialog_t = threading.Thread(target=self._dialog_thread, daemon=True)
def stop(self):
if not self._started:
raise Exception('Diacon not started.')
self._started = False
self._dialog_t = None
self._input_t = None
def get_current_dlg(self) -> Union[Dlg, None]:
return self._current_dlg
def _input_thread(self,):
while self._started:
if self._input_request:
input_result = input()
except Exception as e:
input_result = ''
with self._lock:
self._input_result = input_result
self._input_request = False
def _dialog_thread(self, ):
while self._started:
with self._lock:
if self._new_dlg is not None:
(new_dlg, is_print), self._new_dlg = self._new_dlg, None
if new_dlg is not None:
self._current_dlg = new_dlg
if is_print:
input_result = self._fetch_input()
if input_result is not None:
if self._current_dlg is not None:
def _fetch_input(self):
with self._lock:
result = None
if self._input_result is not None:
result, self._input_result = self._input_result, None
return result
def _request_input(self):
with self._lock:
if not self._input_request:
self._input_result = None
self._input_request = True
def update_dlg(self, new_dlg = None, print=True ):
show current or set new Dialog
Can be called from any thread.
if not self._started:
self._new_dlg = (new_dlg, print)
Diacon = _Diacon()