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import math
import numpy as np
from ..AAxes import AAxes
from ..AShape import AShape
from ..backend import Kernel
from ..HKernel import HKernel
from ..info import ReductionInfo, TransposeInfo
from ..SCacheton import SCacheton
from ..Tensor import Tensor
from .slice_ import slice_
from .transpose import transpose
from .any_wise import square, sqrt
def reduce_mean (input_t : Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=False, output_t=None, is_add_to_output=False) -> Tensor:
Reduce mean operator.
input_t Tensor
axes(None) int
Iterable of ints.
None - all axes
keepdims(False) keep reduced axes
return reduce_op ('mean', input_t, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims, output_t=output_t, is_add_to_output=is_add_to_output)
def reduce_std(input_t, axes=None, keepdims=False):
Reduce std operator.
input_t Tensor
axes(None) int
Iterable of ints.
None - all axes
keepdims(False) keep reduced axes
return sqrt(reduce_variance(input_t, axes, keepdims))
def reduce_variance(input_t, axes=None, keepdims=False):
Reduce variance operator.
input_t Tensor
axes(None) int
Iterable of ints.
None - all axes
keepdims(False) keep reduced axes
mean = reduce_mean(input_t, axes, keepdims=True)
return reduce_mean(square(input_t - mean), axes, keepdims)
def moments(input_t, axes=None):
Returns (mean, variance) of input_t
input_t Tensor
axes(None) int
Iterable of ints.
None - all axes
mean = reduce_mean(input_t, axes, True)
var = reduce_mean(square(input_t - mean), axes, True)
return mean, var
def reduce_min (input_t : Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=False, output_t=None, is_add_to_output=False) -> Tensor:
Reduce min operator.
input_t Tensor
axes(None) int
Iterable of ints.
None - all axes
keepdims(False) keep reduced axes
return reduce_op ('min', input_t, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims, output_t=output_t, is_add_to_output=is_add_to_output)
def reduce_max (input_t : Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=False, output_t=None, is_add_to_output=False) -> Tensor:
Reduce max operator.
input_t Tensor
axes(None) int
Iterable of ints.
None - all axes
keepdims(False) keep reduced axes
return reduce_op ('max', input_t, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims, output_t=output_t, is_add_to_output=is_add_to_output)
def reduce_sum (input_t : Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=False, output_t=None, is_add_to_output=False) -> Tensor:
Reduce sum operator.
input_t Tensor
axes(None) int
Iterable of ints.
None - all axes
keepdims(False) keep reduced axes
return reduce_op ('sum', input_t, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims, output_t=output_t, is_add_to_output=is_add_to_output)
def reduce_op (op_type : str, input_t, axes=None, keepdims=False, output_t=None, is_add_to_output=False):
op_type 'sum' 'mean' 'min' 'max'
output_t compute result to this Tensor.
Tensor may be with different shape,
but should match total size.
gradfn will not be set.
is_add_to_output add result to output_t if output_t is set.
op = SCacheton.get(_ReduceOp, op_type, input_t.shape, input_t.dtype, AAxes(axes, input_t.shape.ndim), keepdims)
if output_t is None:
output_t = Tensor ( op.info.o_shape, input_t.dtype, device=input_t.get_device() )
elif output_t.shape.size != op.info.o_shape.size:
raise ValueError(f'output_t must have size {op.info.o_shape.size}')
# Make an intermediate tensor
input_t_inter = transpose(input_t, op.intermediate_transpose_axes)
# Perform multistage inplace operation in intermediate tensor
for stage, (shape, STAGE_COLS, STAGE_VALID_COLS) in enumerate(zip(op.forward_krn_shapes, op.forward_krn_stage_cols, op.forward_krn_stage_valid_cols)):
input_t_inter.get_device().run_kernel(op.forward_krn, input_t_inter.get_buffer(), np.int64(op.COLS), np.int64(STAGE_COLS), np.int64(STAGE_VALID_COLS),
if op_type == 'mean':
# divide values in ROWS by number of COLS
input_t_inter.get_device().run_kernel(op.mean_div_forward_krn, input_t_inter.get_buffer(), np.int64(op.COLS), global_shape=(op.ROWS,) )
# Fetch final tensor from zero indexes using slices argument
slice_(input_t_inter, op.inter_slices, output_t=output_t, is_add_to_output=is_add_to_output)
return output_t
class _ReduceOp:
def __init__(self, op_type, i_shape : AShape, i_dtype : np.dtype, axes : AAxes, keepdims=False):
self.op_type = op_type
self.info = info = ReductionInfo(i_shape, axes, keepdims)
# Determine transpose order for intermediate tensor, where reduction axes will be at the end
self.intermediate_transpose_axes = info.o_axes + info.reduction_axes
self.intermediate_shape = TransposeInfo(i_shape, self.intermediate_transpose_axes).o_shape
# slices argument to fetch processed tensor from zero indexes
self.inter_slices = ( slice(None,None,None), ) * info.o_axes.ndim + (0,) * info.reduction_axes.ndim
# COLS are reduction axes, ROWS are remaining axes
rows_ndim = info.o_axes.ndim
self.ROWS = ROWS = self.intermediate_shape[:rows_ndim].size
self.COLS = COLS = self.intermediate_shape[rows_ndim:].size
# Number of stages to operate COLS
n_stages = (COLS-1).bit_length()
self.forward_krn_shapes = [ (ROWS * math.ceil(COLS/ (2**(stage+1)) ),) for stage in range(n_stages) ]
self.forward_krn_stage_cols = [ math.ceil(COLS / (2**(stage+1)) ) for stage in range(n_stages) ]
self.forward_krn_stage_valid_cols = [ math.ceil(COLS / (2** stage ) ) for stage in range(n_stages) ]
self.forward_krn = Kernel(f"""
{HKernel.define_tensor('I', (1,), i_dtype)}
__kernel void impl(__global I_PTR_TYPE* I_PTR_NAME, long COLS, long STAGE_COLS, long STAGE_VALID_COLS)
size_t gid = get_global_id(0);
size_t col = gid % STAGE_COLS;
size_t row = gid / STAGE_COLS;
size_t i_idx = row*COLS + col;
size_t other_col = col + STAGE_COLS;
if (other_col < STAGE_VALID_COLS)
I_TYPE val_a = I_GLOBAL_LOAD(i_idx);
I_TYPE val_b = I_GLOBAL_LOAD(row*COLS + other_col);
{'I_TYPE val_x = val_a + val_b;' if op_type in ['sum','mean'] else
'I_TYPE val_x = fmin( I_TO_FLOATX(val_a), I_TO_FLOATX(val_b) );' if op_type == 'min' else
'I_TYPE val_x = fmax( I_TO_FLOATX(val_a), I_TO_FLOATX(val_b) );' if op_type == 'max' else ''
I_GLOBAL_STORE(i_idx, val_x);
self.mean_div_forward_krn = Kernel(f"""
{HKernel.define_tensor('I', (1,), i_dtype)}
__kernel void impl(__global I_PTR_TYPE* I_PTR_NAME, long COLS)
size_t row = get_global_id(0);