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import numpy as np
from ..AShape import AShape
from ..backend import Kernel
from ..HArgs import HArgs
from ..SCacheton import SCacheton
from ..Tensor import Tensor
def matmul(a_t : Tensor, b_t : Tensor, output_t: Tensor=None, is_add_to_output=False) -> Tensor:
matmul operator in row-major format
A(...,M,K) x
B(...,K,N) =
output_t compute result to this Tensor.
Tensor may be with different shape,
but should match total size.
gradfn will not be set.
is_add_to_output add result to output_t if output_t is set.
return matmulc(b_t, a_t, output_t=output_t, is_add_to_output=is_add_to_output)
def matmulc(a_t : Tensor, b_t : Tensor, output_t : Tensor = None, is_add_to_output=False) -> Tensor:
matmul operator in col-major format
A(...,K,M) x
B(...,N,K) =
output_t compute result to this Tensor.
Tensor may be with different shape,
but should match total size.
gradfn will not be set.
is_add_to_output add result to output_t if output_t is set.
device = HArgs.check_get_same_device([a_t, b_t])
op = SCacheton.get(_MatmulOp, a_t.shape, a_t.dtype, b_t.shape, b_t.dtype, False if output_t is None else is_add_to_output)
if output_t is None:
output_t = Tensor (op.o_shape, op.o_dtype, device=device )
elif output_t.shape.size != op.o_shape.size:
raise ValueError(f'output_t must have size {op.o_shape.size}')
device.run_kernel(op.forward_krn, output_t.get_buffer(), a_t.get_buffer(), b_t.get_buffer(), )
return output_t
class _MatmulOp:
def __init__(self, a_shape, a_dtype, b_shape, b_dtype, is_add_to_output):
a_dtype = np.dtype(a_dtype).type
b_dtype = np.dtype(b_dtype).type
if a_dtype != np.float32 or b_dtype != np.float32:
raise ValueError('matmul works only with float32 tensors.')
if a_shape.ndim != b_shape.ndim:
raise ValueError(f'ndims are not equal. {a_shape.ndim} != {b_shape.ndim}')
ndim = a_shape.ndim
if ndim < 2:
raise ValueError('Tensors ndim must be at least 2.')
K, M = a_shape[-2], a_shape[-1]
N, B_COLS = b_shape[-2], b_shape[-1]
if K != B_COLS:
raise ValueError('A_ROWS != B_COLS')
BATCH = a_shape[0:-2].size
B_BATCH = b_shape[0:-2].size
raise ValueError(f'BATCH size {BATCH} != {B_BATCH} in shapes {a_shape} {b_shape}')
if ndim == 2:
self.o_shape = AShape( (N, M) )
self.o_shape = AShape( a_shape[:-2]+(N, M) )
self.o_dtype = np.float32
self.M = M
self.N = N
self.K = K
# Determining optimal tile widths
for MW in [8,4,2,1]:
if M % MW == 0:
for KW in [8,4,2,1]:
if N % KW == 0 and K % KW == 0:
self.forward_krn = Kernel(global_shape=(M//MW, N//NW, BATCH), kernel_text=f"""
#define K {K}
#define N {N}
#define MW {MW} // M tile Width
#define NW {NW} // N tile Width -- NW & KW should be the same !
#define KW {KW} // K tile Width
#define MT {M//MW} // MT is max for 'mt' (M tile count)
#define KT {K//KW} // KT is max for 'kt' (K tile count)
#define floatMW { f'float{MW}' if MW != 1 else 'float'}
#define floatKW { f'float{KW}' if KW != 1 else 'float'}
__kernel void GeMM(__global floatMW* O, const __global floatMW* restrict A, const __global floatKW* restrict B)
size_t mt = get_global_id(0); //global M-tile id
size_t nc = get_global_id(1); //global N-tile id
size_t batch = get_global_id(2);
float AT[KW][MW]; // sub tiles
float BT[NW][KW];
float CT[NW][MW];
#pragma unroll
for (uint i=0; i<NW*MW; ++i) // zero CT tile
((float*) CT)[i] = 0.0;
for (uint kt=0; kt<KT; ++kt) // iterate over K-dim tiles
#pragma unroll
for (uint k=0; k<KW; ++k) // every k-element inside K-dim tile
*( (floatMW*) AT[k] ) = A[batch*K*MT + (kt*KW + k)*MT + mt]; // store M-Width floats
#pragma unroll
for (uint n=0; n<NW; ++n) // every n-element inside N-dim tile
*( (floatKW*) BT[n] ) = B[batch*N*KT + (nc*NW + n)*KT + kt]; // store K-Width floats
#pragma unroll
for (uint k=0; k<KW; ++k)
#pragma unroll
for (uint n=0; n<NW; ++n) // sub tiles multiplication
#pragma unroll
for (uint m=0; m<MW; ++m)
CT[n][m] += AT[k][m] * BT[n][k];
#pragma unroll
for (uint n=0; n<NW; ++n)
O[ batch*N*MT + (nc*NW + n)*MT + mt] {'+=' if is_add_to_output else '='}
*( (floatMW*) CT[n]);