2021-09-30 18:21:30 +04:00

92 lines
2.7 KiB

from ..AShape import AShape
from ..backend import Kernel
from ..HKernel import HKernel
from import Conv2DInfo
from ..SCacheton import SCacheton
from ..Tensor import Tensor
def binary_dilate_circle (input_t : Tensor, radius : int = 1, iterations : int = 1, dtype=None):
Binary dilate operator using circle kernel with radius.
input_t Tensor (...,H,W)
per-element of H,W, set 1 if any neighbor elements inside circle with radius != 0.
otherwise set 0.
op = SCacheton.get(_BinaryDilateOp, input_t.shape, input_t.dtype, int(radius), dtype)
device = input_t.get_device()
if radius <= 0 or iterations <= 0:
return input_t.copy()
for i in range(iterations):
if i == 0:
buf_in = input_t
buf_in, buf_out = buf_out, buf_in
if i <= 1:
buf_out = Tensor( op.o_shape, op.o_dtype, device=device )
device.run_kernel(op.forward_krn, buf_out.get_buffer(), buf_in.get_buffer() )
return buf_out
class _BinaryDilateOp():
def __init__(self, i_shape : AShape, i_dtype, radius, o_dtype):
self.o_dtype = o_dtype = o_dtype if o_dtype is not None else i_dtype
if i_shape.ndim < 2:
raise ValueError(f'i_shape.ndim must be >= 2')
KS = radius*2+1
IH,IW = i_shape[-2:]
ci = Conv2DInfo(IH, IW, KS, KS, stride=1, dilation=1, padding='same')
self.o_shape = o_shape = i_shape
self.forward_krn = Kernel(global_shape=(o_shape.size,), kernel_text=f"""
{HKernel.define_tensor('O', o_shape, o_dtype)}
{HKernel.define_tensor('I', i_shape, i_dtype)}
#define PADL {ci.PADL}
#define PADT {ci.PADT}
#define RADIUS {radius}
#define KS {KS}
__kernel void impl(__global O_PTR_TYPE* O_PTR_NAME, __global const I_PTR_TYPE* I_PTR_NAME)
size_t gid = get_global_id(0);
{HKernel.decompose_idx_to_axes_idxs('gid', 'O', o_shape.ndim)}
{'#pragma unroll' if KS <= 16 else ''}
for (int kh=0; kh<KS; ++kh)
{'#pragma unroll' if KS <= 16 else ''}
for (int kw=0; kw<KS; ++kw)
if ( hypot( (float)(kh-RADIUS), (float)(kw-RADIUS) ) <= RADIUS)
int im2 = -PADT + kh + om2;
int im1 = -PADL + kw + om1;
I_TYPE i_val = (im1 >= 0 & im1 < Im1 & im2 >= 0 & im2 < Im2) ?
I_GLOBAL_LOAD(I_IDX_MOD({HKernel.axes_seq_enum('O', o_shape.ndim-2, suffix='im2,im1' )}))
: 0;
if (i_val != (I_TYPE)0)