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import math
import numpy as np
from ..AShape import AShape
class SliceInfo:
__slots__ = ['o_shape', 'o_shape_kd', 'just_reshaped','axes_bes','axes_abs_bes']
def __init__(self, shape : AShape, slices):
Slice info.
can raise ValueError,TypeError during the construction
o_shape result shape after slice
axes_bes list of (begin,step,end) per axis
if s==0, then single axis element is fetched from position b
s can be negative.
# Validate slices argument for given shape.
new_slices = []
before_ellipsis = None
for s in slices:
if s is Ellipsis:
before_ellipsis = new_slices
new_slices = []
elif s is not None and not isinstance(s, (int,tuple) ):
raise ValueError(f'unknown slice argument {s} of type {s.__class__}')
if before_ellipsis is not None:
# Process Ellipsis separator
new_slices_n_axes = sum([ 1 for x in new_slices if x != None])
before_ellipsis_n_axes = sum([ 1 for x in before_ellipsis if x != None])
# Expand slices by filling intermediate (None,None,None) for each remaining axis
new_slices = before_ellipsis + \
[(None,None,None)]*max(0, shape.ndim-before_ellipsis_n_axes-new_slices_n_axes) + \
new_slices_n_axes = sum([ 1 for x in new_slices if x != None])
if new_slices_n_axes > shape.ndim:
raise ValueError('slices arguments more than shape axes')
elif new_slices_n_axes < shape.ndim:
# Fill remaining axes
new_slices += [(None,None,None)]*( shape.ndim - new_slices_n_axes )
slices = tuple(new_slices)
# Compute shapes
output_is_reshaped = True # Flag determines that output_tensor
# can be just reshaped without any computation
o_shape = [] # output tensor shape
o_shape_kd = [] # output shape used in kernel, must match input shape
axes_bes = []
axes_abs_bes = []
i_axis = 0
# Process slices arguments
for v in slices:
if v is None:
# None is new axis
# We can add unlimited number of (1,) axes at any place of shape
i_axis_size = shape[i_axis]
i_axis += 1
if isinstance(v, int):
if v < 0:
v += i_axis_size
if v < 0 or v >= i_axis_size:
raise ValueError(f'index {v} is out of bounds for axis {i_axis} with size {i_axis_size}')
b,e,s = v,v,0
b,e,s = v
if s == 0:
raise ValueError(f'slice step cannot be zero')
# Fix begin, end, step values
if s is None:
s = 1
if b is None:
b = 0 if s >= 0 else i_axis_size-1
if e is None:
e = i_axis_size if s >= 0 else -1
elif e < 0:
e += i_axis_size
if b < 0:
b += i_axis_size
if s >= 0:
b = np.clip(b, 0, i_axis_size)
e = np.clip(e, 0, i_axis_size)
if b > e:
raise ValueError('for positive step, begin cannot be > end.')
abs_b, abs_e, abs_s = b,e,s
b = np.clip(b, 0, i_axis_size-1)
e = np.clip(e, -1, i_axis_size)
if b <= e:
raise ValueError('for negative step, begin cannot be <= end.')
abs_s = -s
abs_e = b + 1
abs_b = b - (math.ceil( (b-e) / abs_s ) -1) * abs_s
# for every o_shape_kd axis
# we have exact begin,step values to fetch value from input
axes_bes.append( (b,e,s))
axes_abs_bes.append( (abs_b, abs_e, abs_s))
if i_axis_size != 1 and not (b == 0 and e == i_axis_size and s == 1):
# Such params of axis slice will change input, thus output cannot be as just reshaped input
output_is_reshaped = False
# Compute output_axis_size based on begin,end,step
o_axis_size = max(0, math.ceil ( (e-b) / (s if s != 0 else 1) ) )
if o_axis_size >= 1:
# >= 1 : select range of indexes, axis will remain
# ^ othwerwise axis will be supressed
# o_shape with keepdims, must match ndim of input shape
o_shape_kd.append( max(1,o_axis_size) )
self.just_reshaped = output_is_reshaped
self.o_shape = AShape(o_shape)
self.o_shape_kd = AShape(o_shape_kd)
self.axes_bes = axes_bes
self.axes_abs_bes = axes_abs_bes |