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import numpy as np
from . import op
from .backend import get_default_device, get_device, set_default_device
from .HType import HType
from .info import Conv2DInfo
from .initializer import InitCoords2DArange, InitRandomUniform
from .NCore import NCore
from .Tensor import Tensor
class NTest():
def test_all():
prev_device = get_default_device()
device = get_device(0)
print(f'Using {device.get_description()}')
test_funcs = [
for test_func in test_funcs:
def _all_close(x,y, atol=1, btol=1):
return np.allclose( np.ndarray.flatten(x[None,...]), np.ndarray.flatten(y[None,...]), atol, btol )
def rct_test():
for _ in range(10):
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32]:
base_shape = list(np.random.randint(1, 8, size=4) )
shape = base_shape.copy()
shape[1] = 3
mask_shape = base_shape.copy()
mask_shape[1] = 3
print(f'rct {shape} {str(np.dtype(dtype).name)} ... ', end='', flush=True)
source_t = Tensor(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, initializer=InitRandomUniform())
target_t = Tensor(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, initializer=InitRandomUniform())
mask_t = Tensor(shape=mask_shape, dtype=dtype, initializer=InitRandomUniform())
result_t = op.rct(target_t, source_t, target_mask_t=mask_t, source_mask_t=mask_t )
def cvt_color_test():
for _ in range(10):
for shape_len in range(2,6):
for in_mode in ['RGB','BGR','XYZ','LAB']:
for out_mode in ['RGB','BGR','XYZ','LAB']:
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32]:
shape = list(np.random.randint(1, 8, size=shape_len) )
ch_axis = np.random.randint(len(shape))
shape[ch_axis] = 3
print(f'cvt_color {shape} {str(np.dtype(dtype).name)} {in_mode}->{out_mode} ... ', end='', flush=True)
inp_n = np.random.uniform(size=shape ).astype(dtype)
inp_t = Tensor.from_value(inp_n)
out_t = op.cvt_color(inp_t, in_mode=in_mode, out_mode=out_mode, ch_axis=ch_axis)
inp_t2 = op.cvt_color(out_t, in_mode=out_mode, out_mode=in_mode, ch_axis=ch_axis)
is_check = in_mode in ['RGB','BGR','XYZ'] and out_mode in ['XYZ','LAB']
if is_check and not _all_close(inp_t.np(), inp_t2.np(), atol=0.1, btol=0.1):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def cast_test():
for in_dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
for out_dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
shape = tuple(np.random.randint(1, 8, size=( np.random.randint(1,5))) )
print(f'cast: {shape} in_dtype:{str(np.dtype(in_dtype).name)} out_dtype:{str(np.dtype(out_dtype).name)} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_n = np.random.uniform( -64, 64, size=shape ).astype(in_dtype)
cast_n = val_n.astype(out_dtype)
val_t = Tensor.from_value(val_n)
cast_t = op.cast(val_t, out_dtype)
if not _all_close(cast_t.np(), cast_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def binary_morph_test():
for shape_len in range(2,4):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 64, size=(shape_len,) )
erode_dilate = np.random.randint( -16, 16 )
blur = np.random.rand()*16 - 8
input_n = np.random.randint( 2, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
input_t = Tensor.from_value(input_n)
print(f'binary_morph: {shape} erode_dilate:{erode_dilate} blur:{blur} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
op.binary_morph(input_t, erode_dilate=erode_dilate, blur=blur, fade_to_border=True)
def binary_erode_circle_test():
for shape_len in range(2,4):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 64, size=(shape_len,) )
radius = np.random.randint( 1, 16 )
iterations = np.random.randint( 1, 4 )
input_n = np.random.randint( 2, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
input_t = Tensor.from_value(input_n)
print(f'binary_erode_circle: {shape} radius:{radius} iters:{iterations} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
op.binary_erode_circle(input_t, radius=radius, iterations=iterations)
def binary_dilate_circle_test():
for shape_len in range(2,4):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 64, size=(shape_len,) )
radius = np.random.randint( 1, 16 )
iterations = np.random.randint( 1, 4 )
input_n = np.random.randint( 2, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
input_t = Tensor.from_value(input_n)
print(f'binary_dilate_circle: {shape} radius:{radius} iters:{iterations} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
op.binary_dilate_circle(input_t, radius=radius, iterations=iterations)
def gaussian_blur_test():
for shape_len in range(2,5):
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32]:
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 64, size=(shape_len,) )
sigma = np.random.rand() * 10
print(f'gaussian_blur: {shape} sigma:{sigma} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_n = np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
val_t = Tensor.from_value(val_n)
op.gaussian_blur(val_t, sigma)
def pad_test():
for iteration in range(1):
for shape_len in range(5,1,-1):
for mode in ['constant']:
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
while True:
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 8, size=(shape_len,) )
paddings = tuple( (np.random.randint(8), np.random.randint(8)) for i in range(len(shape)) )
print(f'pad: {shape} {paddings} {mode} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_n = np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
pad_n = np.pad(val_n, paddings, mode=mode)
val_t = Tensor.from_value(val_n)
pad_t = op.pad(val_t, paddings, mode=mode)
print(f'{pad_n.shape} == {pad_t.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if pad_n.shape != pad_t.shape:
raise Exception(f'shape is not equal')
if not _all_close(pad_t.np(), pad_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def slice_set_test():
for iteration in [0,1]:
for shape_len in range(5,1,-1):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
while True:
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 8, size=(shape_len,) )
if iteration == 0:
slices = [ slice(None,None,None), ] * shape_len
axis = np.random.randint(shape_len)
shape[axis] = 1
slices[axis] = 0
slices = []
for i in range (shape_len):
axis_size = shape[i]
b = np.random.randint(axis_size)
e = np.random.randint(axis_size)
if b == e:
if b < e:
s = 1
if b == 0:
b = None
if e == axis_size-1:
e = None
s = -1
if b == axis_size-1:
b = None
if e == 0:
e = None
slices.append ( slice(b,e,s) )
if np.random.randint(2) == 0:
axis = np.random.randint(shape_len)
slices[axis] = Ellipsis
shape = tuple(shape)
slices = tuple(slices)
print(f'slice_set: {shape} {np.dtype(dtype).name} {slices} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_n = np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
val_t = Tensor.from_value(val_n)
sliced_n = val_n[slices]
v = [0] if sliced_n.ndim > 0 else 0
val_n[slices] = v
val_t[slices] = v
if not _all_close(val_t.np(), val_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def depthwise_conv2d_test():
def _numpy_depthwise_conv2d(input_n, kernel_n, STRIDE=1, DILATION=1, padding='same', dtype=np.float32):
N, IC, IH, IW = input_n.shape
KI, KH, KW = kernel_n.shape
ci = Conv2DInfo(IH, IW, KH, KW, STRIDE, DILATION, padding)
OC, OH, OW = IC, ci.OH, ci.OW
O_IK_idxs = { idx:[ [ [], [] ], [ [], [] ] ] for idx in range(OH*OW) }
K_IO_idxs = { idx:[ [ [], [] ], [ [], [] ] ] for idx in range(KH*KW) }
I_KO_idxs = { idx:[ [ [], [] ], [ [], [] ] ] for idx in range(IH*IW) }
for ow in range(OW):
for oh in range(OH):
O_idx = oh*OW + ow
for kh in range(KH):
for kw in range(KW):
iw = -PADL + kw*DILATION + ow*STRIDE
ih = -PADT + kh*DILATION + oh*STRIDE
if (iw >= 0) & (ih >= 0) & (iw < IW) & (ih < IH):
O_IK_idxs[O_idx][0][0].append (ih)
O_IK_idxs[O_idx][0][1].append (iw)
O_IK_idxs[O_idx][1][0].append (kh)
O_IK_idxs[O_idx][1][1].append (kw)
K_idx = kh*KW + kw
K_IO_idxs[K_idx][0][0].append (ih)
K_IO_idxs[K_idx][0][1].append (iw)
K_IO_idxs[K_idx][1][0].append (oh)
K_IO_idxs[K_idx][1][1].append (ow)
I_idx = ih*IW + iw
I_KO_idxs[I_idx][0][0].append (kh)
I_KO_idxs[I_idx][0][1].append (kw)
I_KO_idxs[I_idx][1][0].append (oh)
I_KO_idxs[I_idx][1][1].append (ow)
output_shape = (N, OC, OH, OW)
output = np.empty( output_shape, dtype)
for n in range(N):
for oc in range(OC):
for oh in range(OH):
for ow in range(OW):
O_idx = oh*OW + ow
I_idxs = O_IK_idxs[O_idx][0]
K_idxs = O_IK_idxs[O_idx][1]
v = ( input_n[ n,oc][..., I_idxs[0], I_idxs[1]] *
kernel_n [oc][..., K_idxs[0], K_idxs[1]] ).sum()
output[n,oc,oh,ow] = v
return output
for padding in ['same','valid',2]:
for dilation in [1,2]:
for stride in [1,2]:
for ks in [1,3]:
for n in [1,4]:
for ic in [1,4]:
for ih,iw in zip(*[[4,16]]*2):
if padding == 'valid' and iw < ks:
for dtype in [np.int16, np.float16, np.float32]:
input_shape = (n, ic, ih, iw)
kernel_shape = (ic, ks, ks)
print(f'depthwise_conv2d: {input_shape},{kernel_shape},{padding},{stride},{dilation},{np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
input_n = np.random.randint( 64, size=input_shape ).astype(dtype)
kernel_n = np.ones(shape=kernel_shape ).astype(dtype)
input_t = Tensor.from_value(input_n)
kernel_t = Tensor.from_value(kernel_n)
conved_t = op.depthwise_conv2D(input_t, kernel_t, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, padding=padding)
conved_n = _numpy_depthwise_conv2d(input_n, kernel_n, STRIDE=stride, DILATION=dilation, padding=padding, dtype=dtype)
if conved_n.shape != conved_t.shape:
raise Exception(f'shape is not equal')
if not all ( np.ndarray.flatten( conved_t.np() == conved_n) ):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def warp_affine_test():
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
if dtype == np.bool_:
H = np.random.randint(8, 64)
W = np.random.randint(8, 64)
print(f'warp_affine: [{H},{W}] {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
input_t = Tensor ( [H,W,2], dtype, initializer=InitCoords2DArange(0, H-1, 0, W-1) ).sum( (-1,) )
affine_t = Tensor.from_value ( [[1,0,0],
[0,1,0]], dtype)
result_t = op.warp_affine(input_t, affine_t)
if not _all_close(input_t.np(), result_t.np() ):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def remap_np_affine_test():
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
if dtype == np.bool_:
H = np.random.randint(8, 64)
W = np.random.randint(8, 64)
print(f'remap_np_affine: [{H},{W}] {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
input_t = Tensor ( [H,W,2], dtype, initializer=InitCoords2DArange(0, H-1, 0, W-1) ).sum( (-1,) )
affine_n = np.array ( [[1,0,0],
[0,1,0]], dtype)
result_t = op.remap_np_affine(input_t, affine_n)
if not _all_close(input_t.np(), result_t.np() ):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def remap_test():
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
if dtype == np.bool_:
H = np.random.randint(8, 64)
W = np.random.randint(8, 64)
print(f'remap: [{H},{W}] {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
input_t = Tensor ( [H,W,2], dtype, initializer=InitCoords2DArange(0, H-1, 0, W-1) ).sum( (-1,) )
coords_t = Tensor ( [H,W,2], dtype, initializer=InitCoords2DArange(0, H-1, 0, W-1) )
result_t = op.remap(input_t, coords_t)
if not _all_close(input_t.np(), result_t.np() ):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def tile_test():
for _ in range(3):
for shape_len in range(3, 5):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
shape = tuple(np.random.randint( 8, size=(shape_len,) )+1)
tiles = tuple(np.random.randint( 4, size=(shape_len,) )+1)
print(f'tile: {shape} {tiles} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_n = np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
tiled_n = np.tile(val_n, tiles)
val_t = Tensor.from_value(val_n)
tiled_t = op.tile(val_t, tiles)
print(f'{tiled_n.shape} == {tiled_t.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if tiled_n.shape != tiled_t.shape:
raise Exception(f'shape is not equal')
if not _all_close(tiled_t.np(), tiled_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def stack_test():
for _ in range(3):
for shape_len in range(1, 4):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
shape = tuple(np.random.randint( 8, size=(shape_len,) )+1)
axis = np.random.randint(shape_len+1)
stack_count = np.random.randint(4)+1
print(f'stack: {shape}*{stack_count} axis:{axis} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
vals_n = [ np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype) for i in range(stack_count) ]
stack_n = np.stack(vals_n, axis)
vals_t = [ Tensor.from_value(vals_n[i]) for i in range(stack_count) ]
stack_t = op.stack(vals_t, axis)
print(f'{stack_n.shape} == {stack_t.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if stack_n.shape != stack_t.shape:
raise Exception('shape is not equal')
if not _all_close(stack_t.np(), stack_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def reduce_test():
for op_type in ['sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max']:
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
if dtype != np.bool_:
for shape_len in range(2, 5):
shape = np.random.randint( 8, size=(shape_len,) )+1
reduction_axes = np.array([*range(shape_len)])
# Cut random amount of reduction_axes
reduction_axes = tuple(reduction_axes [:np.random.randint(shape_len+1)])
if len(reduction_axes) == 0:
reduction_axes = None
keepdims = np.random.randint(2) == 0
print(f'reduce {op_type}: {shape} {np.dtype(dtype).name} axes={reduction_axes} keepdims={keepdims} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if dtype in [np.float16, np.float32]:
value_n = np.random.uniform(size=shape).astype(dtype)
value_n = np.random.randint( max(1, int(np.iinfo(dtype).max / np.prod(shape)) ), size=shape, dtype=dtype )
value_t = Tensor.from_value(value_n)
if op_type == 'sum':
reducted_n = value_n.sum(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
reducted_t = value_t.sum(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
elif op_type == 'mean':
reducted_n = value_n.mean(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
reducted_t = value_t.mean(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
elif op_type == 'max':
reducted_n = value_n.max(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
reducted_t = value_t.max(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
elif op_type == 'min':
reducted_n = value_n.min(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
reducted_t = value_t.min(reduction_axes, keepdims=keepdims)
print(f'{reducted_n.shape} == {reducted_t.shape} ... ')
if not _all_close(reducted_t.np(), reducted_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def InitRandomUniform_test():
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
for shape_len in range(1, 5):
shape = np.random.randint( 8, size=(shape_len,) )+1
print(f'InitRandomUniform: {shape} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
Tensor(shape, dtype, initializer=InitRandomUniform()).np()
def InitCoords2DArange_test():
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
for shape_len in range(2, 5):
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 60, size=(shape_len,) ).tolist()
shape = shape + ([2] if np.random.randint(2) == 0 else [3])
h_start = np.random.randint(80)
h_stop = h_start + np.random.randint(80)
w_start = np.random.randint(80)
w_stop = w_start + np.random.randint(80)
print(f'InitCoords2DArange: {shape} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
Tensor(shape, dtype, initializer=InitCoords2DArange(h_start,h_stop,w_start,w_stop )).np()
def concat_test():
for shape_len in range(2, 5):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
shape = (np.random.randint( 8, size=(shape_len,) )+1).tolist()
axis = np.random.randint(shape_len)
count = np.random.randint(4)+1
shapes = tuple( tuple( dim if i != axis else np.random.randint(8)+1
for i,dim in enumerate(shape) )
for shape in ([shape] * count) )
print(f'concat: {shapes} axis={axis} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
V_n = [ np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype) for shape in shapes ]
O_n = np.concatenate(V_n, axis)
print(f'{O_n.shape} == ', end='', flush=True)
V_t = [ Tensor.from_value(V_n[i]) for i in range(count) ]
O_t = op.concat(V_t, axis)
print(f'{O_t.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if O_n.shape != O_t.shape:
raise Exception('shape is not equal')
if not all ( np.ndarray.flatten( O_t.np() == O_n ) ):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def matmul_test():
for _ in range(100):
for dtype in [np.float32]:
BATCH = np.random.randint(8)+1
M = np.random.randint(8)+1
N = np.random.randint(32768)+1
K = np.random.randint(32768)+1
while K*N > ( 8000000 // BATCH ):
K = max(1, K // 2)
N = max(1, N // 2)
if np.random.randint(2) == 0:
size = [2,4,8,16][np.random.randint(4)]
M = max(1, M // size) * size
N = max(1, N // size) * size
K = max(1, K // size) * size
if BATCH == 1:
A_shape = (M, K)
B_shape = (K, N)
A_shape = (BATCH, M, K)
B_shape = (BATCH, K, N)
print(f'matmul: {A_shape} {B_shape} {np.dtype(dtype).name} ... ', end='', flush=True)
A_n = np.random.randint( 2**4, size=A_shape ).astype(dtype)
B_n = np.random.randint( 2**4, size=B_shape ).astype(dtype)
O_n = np.matmul(A_n, B_n)
print(f'{O_n.shape} == ', end='', flush=True)
A_t = Tensor.from_value(A_n)
B_t = Tensor.from_value(B_n)
O_t = op.matmul(A_t, B_t)
print(f'{O_t.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if O_n.shape != O_t.shape:
raise Exception('shape is not equal')
if not _all_close (O_t.np(), O_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def slice_test():
for iteration in [0,1]:
for shape_len in range(5,1,-1):
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
while True:
shape = np.random.randint( 1, 8, size=(shape_len,) )
if iteration == 0:
slices = [ slice(None,None,None), ] * shape_len
axis = np.random.randint(shape_len)
shape[axis] = 1
slices[axis] = 0
slices = []
for i in range (shape_len):
axis_size = shape[i]
b = np.random.randint(axis_size)
e = np.random.randint(axis_size)
if b == e:
if b < e:
s = 1
if b == 0:
b = None
if e == axis_size-1:
e = None
s = -1
if b == axis_size-1:
b = None
if e == 0:
e = None
slices.append ( slice(b,e,s) )
if np.random.randint(2) == 0:
axis = np.random.randint(shape_len)
slices[axis] = Ellipsis
shape = tuple(shape)
slices = tuple(slices)
print(f'slice: {shape} {np.dtype(dtype).name} {slices} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_n = np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
sliced_n = val_n[slices]
print(f'{sliced_n.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
sliced_t = Tensor.from_value(val_n)[slices]
print(f'{sliced_t.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if 0 in sliced_n.shape:
# some cases like 0:1:-1 will produce zero shape and invalid array on numpy
# but nn.slice has no such behaviour, thus we have to generate new slice again
print('pass (bad case)')
if np.prod(sliced_n.shape) != sliced_t.shape.size:
raise Exception(f'shape is not equal')
if not _all_close(sliced_t.np(), sliced_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')
def transpose_test():
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
for shape_len in range(2, 5):
shape = np.random.randint( 8, size=(shape_len,) )+1
axes_order = np.array([*range(shape_len)])
print(f'transpose: {shape} {axes_order} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_n = np.random.randint( 2**8, size=shape ).astype(dtype)
transposed_n = np.transpose(val_n, axes_order)
print(f'{transposed_n.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
val_t = Tensor.from_value(val_n)
transposed_t = op.transpose (val_t, axes_order )
print(f'{transposed_t.shape} ... ', end='', flush=True)
if transposed_n.shape != transposed_t.shape:
raise Exception('shape is not equal')
if not all ( np.ndarray.flatten( transposed_t.np() == transposed_n ) ):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal {shape} {axes_order}')
def any_wise_op_test():
for op_type in ['square', '+', '-', '*', '/', 'min', 'max']:
for dtype in HType.get_np_scalar_types():
if dtype != np.bool_:
shape_gen = range(1, 5)
for shape_len in shape_gen:
a_shape = tuple(np.random.randint( 8, size=(shape_len,) )+1)
if np.random.randint(2) == 0:
b_shape = tuple(a_shape[np.random.randint(len(a_shape)):])
b_shape = (1,) if len(b_shape) == 0 else b_shape
b_shape = list(a_shape)
b_shape[ np.random.randint(len(b_shape)) ] = 1
b_shape = tuple(b_shape)
shapes = [a_shape, b_shape]
if np.random.randint(2) == 0:
shapes = shapes[::-1]
a_shape, b_shape = shapes
print(f'any_wise: {a_shape} {str(op_type)} {b_shape}:{str(np.dtype(dtype).name)} ...', end='', flush=True)
a_n = np.random.randint( 1, 2**8, size=a_shape ).astype(dtype)
b_n = np.random.randint( 1, 2**8, size=b_shape ).astype(dtype)
a_t = Tensor.from_value(a_n)
b_t = Tensor.from_value(b_n)
if op_type == '+':
r_t = a_t + b_t
elif op_type == '-':
r_t = a_t - b_t
elif op_type == '*':
r_t = a_t * b_t
elif op_type == '/':
r_t = a_t / b_t
elif op_type == 'min':
r_t = op.min_(a_t, b_t)
elif op_type == 'max':
r_t = op.max_(a_t, b_t)
elif op_type == 'square':
r_t = op.square(a_t)
if op_type in ['+','-','*','/']:
r_n = eval(f'a_n {op_type} b_n')
r_n = r_n.astype(dtype)
elif op_type == 'min':
r_n = np.minimum(a_n, b_n)
elif op_type == 'max':
r_n = np.maximum(a_n, b_n)
elif op_type == 'square':
r_n = np.square(a_n)
if r_n.shape != r_t.shape:
raise Exception(f'shapes are not equal')
if not _all_close(r_t.np(), r_n):
raise Exception(f'data is not equal')