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import numpy as np
from core.leras import nn
tf = nn.tf
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops, random_ops, math_ops, sparse_ops, gradients
from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor
def tf_get_value(tensor):
return nn.tf_sess.run (tensor)
nn.tf_get_value = tf_get_value
def batch_set_value(tuples):
if len(tuples) != 0:
with nn.tf.device('/CPU:0'):
assign_ops = []
feed_dict = {}
for x, value in tuples:
if isinstance(value, nn.tf.Operation) or \
isinstance(value, nn.tf.Variable):
value = np.asarray(value, dtype=x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
assign_placeholder = nn.tf.placeholder( x.dtype.base_dtype, shape=[None]*value.ndim )
assign_op = nn.tf.assign (x, assign_placeholder )
feed_dict[assign_placeholder] = value
nn.tf_sess.run(assign_ops, feed_dict=feed_dict)
nn.batch_set_value = batch_set_value
def init_weights(weights):
ops = []
ca_tuples_w = []
ca_tuples = []
for w in weights:
initializer = w.initializer
for input in initializer.inputs:
if "_cai_" in input.name:
ca_tuples_w.append (w)
ca_tuples.append ( (w.shape.as_list(), w.dtype.as_numpy_dtype) )
ops.append (initializer)
if len(ops) != 0:
nn.tf_sess.run (ops)
if len(ca_tuples) != 0:
nn.batch_set_value( [*zip(ca_tuples_w, nn.initializers.ca.generate_batch (ca_tuples))] )
nn.init_weights = init_weights
def tf_gradients ( loss, vars ):
grads = gradients.gradients(loss, vars, colocate_gradients_with_ops=True )
gv = [*zip(grads,vars)]
for g,v in gv:
if g is None:
raise Exception(f"Variable {v.name} is declared as trainable, but no tensors flow through it.")
return gv
nn.gradients = tf_gradients
def average_gv_list(grad_var_list, tf_device_string=None):
if len(grad_var_list) == 1:
return grad_var_list[0]
e = tf.device(tf_device_string) if tf_device_string is not None else None
if e is not None: e.__enter__()
result = []
for i, (gv) in enumerate(grad_var_list):
for j,(g,v) in enumerate(gv):
g = tf.expand_dims(g, 0)
if i == 0:
result += [ [[g], v] ]
result[j][0] += [g]
for i,(gs,v) in enumerate(result):
result[i] = ( tf.reduce_mean( tf.concat (gs, 0), 0 ), v )
if e is not None: e.__exit__(None,None,None)
return result
nn.average_gv_list = average_gv_list
def average_tensor_list(tensors_list, tf_device_string=None):
if len(tensors_list) == 1:
return tensors_list[0]
e = tf.device(tf_device_string) if tf_device_string is not None else None
if e is not None: e.__enter__()
result = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat ([tf.expand_dims(t, 0) for t in tensors_list], 0), 0)
if e is not None: e.__exit__(None,None,None)
return result
nn.average_tensor_list = average_tensor_list
def concat (tensors_list, axis):
Better version.
if len(tensors_list) == 1:
return tensors_list[0]
return tf.concat(tensors_list, axis)
nn.concat = concat
def gelu(x):
cdf = 0.5 * (1.0 + tf.nn.tanh((np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * tf.pow(x, 3)))))
return x * cdf
nn.gelu = gelu
def upsample2d(x, size=2):
if nn.data_format == "NCHW":
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,2,3,1))
x = tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(x, (x.shape[1]*size, x.shape[2]*size) )
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,3,1,2))
# b,c,h,w = x.shape.as_list()
# x = tf.reshape (x, (-1,c,h,1,w,1) )
# x = tf.tile(x, (1,1,1,size,1,size) )
# x = tf.reshape (x, (-1,c,h*size,w*size) )
return x
return tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(x, (x.shape[1]*size, x.shape[2]*size) )
nn.upsample2d = upsample2d
def resize2d_bilinear(x, size=2):
h = x.shape[nn.conv2d_spatial_axes[0]].value
w = x.shape[nn.conv2d_spatial_axes[1]].value
if nn.data_format == "NCHW":
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,2,3,1))
if size > 0:
new_size = (h*size,w*size)
new_size = (h//-size,w//-size)
x = tf.image.resize(x, new_size, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR)
if nn.data_format == "NCHW":
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,3,1,2))
return x
nn.resize2d_bilinear = resize2d_bilinear
def resize2d_nearest(x, size=2):
if size in [-1,0,1]:
return x
if size > 0:
raise Exception("")
if nn.data_format == "NCHW":
x = x[:,:,::-size,::-size]
x = x[:,::-size,::-size,:]
return x
h = x.shape[nn.conv2d_spatial_axes[0]].value
w = x.shape[nn.conv2d_spatial_axes[1]].value
if nn.data_format == "NCHW":
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,2,3,1))
if size > 0:
new_size = (h*size,w*size)
new_size = (h//-size,w//-size)
x = tf.image.resize(x, new_size, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
if nn.data_format == "NCHW":
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,3,1,2))
return x
nn.resize2d_nearest = resize2d_nearest
def flatten(x):
if nn.data_format == "NHWC":
# match NCHW version in order to switch data_format without problems
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,3,1,2) )
return tf.reshape (x, (-1, np.prod(x.shape[1:])) )
nn.flatten = flatten
def max_pool(x, kernel_size=2, strides=2):
if nn.data_format == "NHWC":
return tf.nn.max_pool(x, [1,kernel_size,kernel_size,1], [1,strides,strides,1], 'SAME', data_format=nn.data_format)
return tf.nn.max_pool(x, [1,1,kernel_size,kernel_size], [1,1,strides,strides], 'SAME', data_format=nn.data_format)
nn.max_pool = max_pool
def reshape_4D(x, w,h,c):
if nn.data_format == "NHWC":
# match NCHW version in order to switch data_format without problems
x = tf.reshape (x, (-1,c,h,w))
x = tf.transpose(x, (0,2,3,1) )
return x
return tf.reshape (x, (-1,c,h,w))
nn.reshape_4D = reshape_4D
def random_binomial(shape, p=0.0, dtype=None, seed=None):
if dtype is None:
if seed is None:
seed = np.random.randint(10e6)
return array_ops.where(
random_ops.random_uniform(shape, dtype=tf.float16, seed=seed) < p,
array_ops.ones(shape, dtype=dtype), array_ops.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype))
nn.random_binomial = random_binomial
def gaussian_blur(input, radius=2.0):
def gaussian(x, mu, sigma):
return np.exp(-(float(x) - float(mu)) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))
def make_kernel(sigma):
kernel_size = max(3, int(2 * 2 * sigma))
if kernel_size % 2 == 0:
kernel_size += 1
mean = np.floor(0.5 * kernel_size)
kernel_1d = np.array([gaussian(x, mean, sigma) for x in range(kernel_size)])
np_kernel = np.outer(kernel_1d, kernel_1d).astype(np.float32)
kernel = np_kernel / np.sum(np_kernel)
return kernel, kernel_size
gauss_kernel, kernel_size = make_kernel(radius)
padding = kernel_size//2
if padding != 0:
if nn.data_format == "NHWC":
padding = [ [0,0], [padding,padding], [padding,padding], [0,0] ]
padding = [ [0,0], [0,0], [padding,padding], [padding,padding] ]
padding = None
gauss_kernel = gauss_kernel[:,:,None,None]
x = input
k = tf.tile (gauss_kernel, (1,1,x.shape[nn.conv2d_ch_axis],1) )
x = tf.pad(x, padding )
x = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(x, k, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='VALID', data_format=nn.data_format)
return x
nn.gaussian_blur = gaussian_blur
def style_loss(target, style, gaussian_blur_radius=0.0, loss_weight=1.0, step_size=1):
def sd(content, style, loss_weight):
content_nc = content.shape[ nn.conv2d_ch_axis ]
style_nc = style.shape[nn.conv2d_ch_axis]
if content_nc != style_nc:
raise Exception("style_loss() content_nc != style_nc")
c_mean, c_var = tf.nn.moments(content, axes=nn.conv2d_spatial_axes, keep_dims=True)
s_mean, s_var = tf.nn.moments(style, axes=nn.conv2d_spatial_axes, keep_dims=True)
c_std, s_std = tf.sqrt(c_var + 1e-5), tf.sqrt(s_var + 1e-5)
mean_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(c_mean-s_mean), axis=[1,2,3])
std_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(c_std-s_std), axis=[1,2,3])
return (mean_loss + std_loss) * ( loss_weight / content_nc.value )
if gaussian_blur_radius > 0.0:
target = gaussian_blur(target, gaussian_blur_radius)
style = gaussian_blur(style, gaussian_blur_radius)
return sd( target, style, loss_weight=loss_weight )
nn.style_loss = style_loss
def dssim(img1,img2, max_val, filter_size=11, filter_sigma=1.5, k1=0.01, k2=0.03):
if img1.dtype != img2.dtype:
raise ValueError("img1.dtype != img2.dtype")
not_float32 = img1.dtype != tf.float32
if not_float32:
img_dtype = img1.dtype
img1 = tf.cast(img1, tf.float32)
img2 = tf.cast(img2, tf.float32)
filter_size = max(1, filter_size)
kernel = np.arange(0, filter_size, dtype=np.float32)
kernel -= (filter_size - 1 ) / 2.0
kernel = kernel**2
kernel *= ( -0.5 / (filter_sigma**2) )
kernel = np.reshape (kernel, (1,-1)) + np.reshape(kernel, (-1,1) )
kernel = tf.constant ( np.reshape (kernel, (1,-1)), dtype=tf.float32 )
kernel = tf.nn.softmax(kernel)
kernel = tf.reshape (kernel, (filter_size, filter_size, 1, 1))
kernel = tf.tile (kernel, (1,1, img1.shape[ nn.conv2d_ch_axis ] ,1))
def reducer(x):
return tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(x, kernel, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='VALID', data_format=nn.data_format)
c1 = (k1 * max_val) ** 2
c2 = (k2 * max_val) ** 2
mean0 = reducer(img1)
mean1 = reducer(img2)
num0 = mean0 * mean1 * 2.0
den0 = tf.square(mean0) + tf.square(mean1)
luminance = (num0 + c1) / (den0 + c1)
num1 = reducer(img1 * img2) * 2.0
den1 = reducer(tf.square(img1) + tf.square(img2))
c2 *= 1.0 #compensation factor
cs = (num1 - num0 + c2) / (den1 - den0 + c2)
ssim_val = tf.reduce_mean(luminance * cs, axis=nn.conv2d_spatial_axes )
dssim = (1.0 - ssim_val ) / 2.0
if not_float32:
dssim = tf.cast(dssim, img_dtype)
return dssim
nn.dssim = dssim
def space_to_depth(x, size):
if nn.data_format == "NHWC":
# match NCHW version in order to switch data_format without problems
b,h,w,c = x.shape.as_list()
oh, ow = h // size, w // size
x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, size, oh, size, ow, c))
x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5))
x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, oh, ow, size* size* c ))
return x
return tf.space_to_depth(x, size, data_format=nn.data_format)
nn.space_to_depth = space_to_depth
def depth_to_space(x, size):
if nn.data_format == "NHWC":
# match NCHW version in order to switch data_format without problems
b,h,w,c = x.shape.as_list()
oh, ow = h * size, w * size
oc = c // (size * size)
x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, h, w, size, size, oc, ) )
x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5))
x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, oh, ow, oc, ))
return x
cfg = nn.getCurrentDeviceConfig()
if not cfg.cpu_only:
return tf.depth_to_space(x, size, data_format=nn.data_format)
b,c,h,w = x.shape.as_list()
oh, ow = h * size, w * size
oc = c // (size * size)
x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, size, size, oc, h, w, ) )
x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2))
x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, oc, oh, ow))
return x
nn.depth_to_space = depth_to_space
def rgb_to_lab(srgb):
srgb_pixels = tf.reshape(srgb, [-1, 3])
linear_mask = tf.cast(srgb_pixels <= 0.04045, dtype=tf.float32)
exponential_mask = tf.cast(srgb_pixels > 0.04045, dtype=tf.float32)
rgb_pixels = (srgb_pixels / 12.92 * linear_mask) + (((srgb_pixels + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) * exponential_mask
rgb_to_xyz = tf.constant([
# X Y Z
[0.412453, 0.212671, 0.019334], # R
[0.357580, 0.715160, 0.119193], # G
[0.180423, 0.072169, 0.950227], # B
xyz_pixels = tf.matmul(rgb_pixels, rgb_to_xyz)
xyz_normalized_pixels = tf.multiply(xyz_pixels, [1/0.950456, 1.0, 1/1.088754])
epsilon = 6/29
linear_mask = tf.cast(xyz_normalized_pixels <= (epsilon**3), dtype=tf.float32)
exponential_mask = tf.cast(xyz_normalized_pixels > (epsilon**3), dtype=tf.float32)
fxfyfz_pixels = (xyz_normalized_pixels / (3 * epsilon**2) + 4/29) * linear_mask + (xyz_normalized_pixels ** (1/3)) * exponential_mask
fxfyfz_to_lab = tf.constant([
# l a b
[ 0.0, 500.0, 0.0], # fx
[116.0, -500.0, 200.0], # fy
[ 0.0, 0.0, -200.0], # fz
lab_pixels = tf.matmul(fxfyfz_pixels, fxfyfz_to_lab) + tf.constant([-16.0, 0.0, 0.0])
return tf.reshape(lab_pixels, tf.shape(srgb))
nn.rgb_to_lab = rgb_to_lab
def total_variation_mse(images):
Same as generic total_variation, but MSE diff instead of MAE
pixel_dif1 = images[:, 1:, :, :] - images[:, :-1, :, :]
pixel_dif2 = images[:, :, 1:, :] - images[:, :, :-1, :]
tot_var = ( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(pixel_dif1), axis=[1,2,3]) +
tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(pixel_dif2), axis=[1,2,3]) )
return tot_var
nn.total_variation_mse = total_variation_mse
def pixel_norm(x, axes):
return x * tf.rsqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(x), axis=axes, keepdims=True) + 1e-06)
nn.pixel_norm = pixel_norm
def tf_suppress_lower_mean(t, eps=0.00001):
if t.shape.ndims != 1:
raise ValueError("tf_suppress_lower_mean: t rank must be 1")
t_mean_eps = tf.reduce_mean(t) - eps
q = tf.clip_by_value(t, t_mean_eps, tf.reduce_max(t) )
q = tf.clip_by_value(q-t_mean_eps, 0, eps)
q = q * (t/eps)
return q
def _get_pixel_value(img, x, y):
shape = tf.shape(x)
batch_size = shape[0]
height = shape[1]
width = shape[2]
batch_idx = tf.range(0, batch_size)
batch_idx = tf.reshape(batch_idx, (batch_size, 1, 1))
b = tf.tile(batch_idx, (1, height, width))
indices = tf.stack([b, y, x], 3)
return tf.gather_nd(img, indices)
def bilinear_sampler(img, x, y):
H = tf.shape(img)[1]
W = tf.shape(img)[2]
H_MAX = tf.cast(H - 1, tf.int32)
W_MAX = tf.cast(W - 1, tf.int32)
# grab 4 nearest corner points for each (x_i, y_i)
x0 = tf.cast(tf.floor(x), tf.int32)
x1 = x0 + 1
y0 = tf.cast(tf.floor(y), tf.int32)
y1 = y0 + 1
# clip to range [0, H-1/W-1] to not violate img boundaries
x0 = tf.clip_by_value(x0, 0, W_MAX)
x1 = tf.clip_by_value(x1, 0, W_MAX)
y0 = tf.clip_by_value(y0, 0, H_MAX)
y1 = tf.clip_by_value(y1, 0, H_MAX)
# get pixel value at corner coords
Ia = _get_pixel_value(img, x0, y0)
Ib = _get_pixel_value(img, x0, y1)
Ic = _get_pixel_value(img, x1, y0)
Id = _get_pixel_value(img, x1, y1)
# recast as float for delta calculation
x0 = tf.cast(x0, tf.float32)
x1 = tf.cast(x1, tf.float32)
y0 = tf.cast(y0, tf.float32)
y1 = tf.cast(y1, tf.float32)
# calculate deltas
wa = (x1-x) * (y1-y)
wb = (x1-x) * (y-y0)
wc = (x-x0) * (y1-y)
wd = (x-x0) * (y-y0)
# add dimension for addition
wa = tf.expand_dims(wa, axis=3)
wb = tf.expand_dims(wb, axis=3)
wc = tf.expand_dims(wc, axis=3)
wd = tf.expand_dims(wd, axis=3)
# compute output
out = tf.add_n([wa*Ia, wb*Ib, wc*Ic, wd*Id])
return out
nn.bilinear_sampler = bilinear_sampler