#!/bin/bash # info: add firewall rule # options: ACTION IP PORT [PROTOCOL] [COMMENT] [RULE] # # The function adds new rule to system firewall #----------------------------------------------------------# # Variable&Function # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Importing system variables source /etc/profile # Argument definition action=$(echo $1|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') ip=$2 port_ext=$3 protocol=${4-TCP} protocol=$(echo $protocol|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') comment=$5 rule=$6 # Includes source $VESTA/func/main.sh source $VESTA/conf/vesta.conf # Get next firewall rule id get_next_fw_rule() { if [ -z "$rule" ]; then curr_str=$(grep "RULE=" $VESTA/data/firewall/rules.conf |\ cut -f 2 -d \' | sort -n | tail -n1) rule="$((curr_str +1))" fi } sort_fw_rules() { cat $VESTA/data/firewall/rules.conf |\ sort -n -k 2 -t \' > $VESTA/data/firewall/rules.conf.tmp mv -f $VESTA/data/firewall/rules.conf.tmp \ $VESTA/data/firewall/rules.conf } #----------------------------------------------------------# # Verifications # #----------------------------------------------------------# check_args '3' "$#" 'ACTION IP PORT [PROTOCOL] [COMMENT] [RULE]' is_format_valid 'action' 'protocol' 'port_ext' 'ip' is_system_enabled "$FIREWALL_SYSTEM" 'FIREWALL_SYSTEM' get_next_fw_rule is_format_valid 'rule' is_object_new '../../data/firewall/rules' 'RULE' "$rule" if [ ! -z "$comment" ]; then is_format_valid 'comment' fi #----------------------------------------------------------# # Action # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Generating timestamp time_n_date=$(date +'%T %F') time=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 1 -d \ ) date=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 2 -d \ ) # Concatenating rule str="RULE='$rule' ACTION='$action' PROTOCOL='$protocol' PORT='$port_ext'" str="$str IP='$ip' COMMENT='$comment' SUSPENDED='no'" str="$str TIME='$time' DATE='$date'" # Adding to config echo "$str" >> $VESTA/data/firewall/rules.conf # Changing permissions chmod 660 $VESTA/data/firewall/rules.conf # Sorting firewall rules by id number sort_fw_rules # Updating system firewall $BIN/v-update-firewall #----------------------------------------------------------# # Vesta # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Logging log_event "$OK" "$ARGUMENTS" exit