<?php /** * Vesta language file * This language file is translate by * Clark's Hosting Service (https://host.clark-chen.com) * Clark Chen (clark@clark-chen.com) */ $LANG['tw'] = array( 'Packages' => '方案設定', 'IP' => 'IP 管理', 'Graphs' => '資源使用圖表', 'Statistics' => '統計資料', 'Log' => '系統紀錄', 'Server' => '伺服器', 'Services' => '服務', 'Firewall' => '防火牆', 'Updates' => '系統更新', 'Log in' => '登入', 'Log out' => '登出', 'USER' => '使用者管理', 'WEB' => '網站管理', 'DNS' => 'DNS 管理', 'MAIL' => '信箱管理', 'DB' => '資料庫', 'CRON' => '任務排程', 'BACKUP' => '備份', 'LOGIN' => '登入', 'RESET PASSWORD' => '重設密碼', 'SEARCH' => '搜尋', 'PACKAGE' => '方案', 'RRD' => 'RRD', 'STATS' => '狀態', 'LOG' => '日誌', 'UPDATES' => '更新', 'FIREWALL' => '防火牆', 'SERVER' => '伺服器', 'MEMORY' => '記憶體', 'DISK' => '磁碟', 'NETWORK' => '網路', 'Web Log Manager' => 'Web 日誌管理員', 'no notifications' => '沒有通知', 'Add User' => '新增使用者', 'Add Domain' => '新增網域', 'Add Web Domain' => '新增網站網域', 'Add DNS Domain' => '新增 DNS 網域', 'Add DNS Record' => '新增 DNS 紀錄', 'Add Mail Domain' => '新增信箱網域', 'Add Mail Account' => '新增信箱帳號', 'Add Database' => '新增資料庫', 'Add Cron Job' => '新增任務排程', 'Create Backup' => '建立備份', 'Configure' => '設定', 'Restore All' => '全部還原', 'Add Package' => '新增方案', 'Add IP' => '新增 IP', 'Add Rule' => '新增規則', 'Ban IP Address' => '封鎖 IP', 'Search' => '搜尋', 'Add one more FTP Account' => '新增 FTP 帳號', 'Overall Statistics' => '整理統計資料', 'Daily' => '每天', 'Weekly' => '每週', 'Monthly' => '每月', 'Yearly' => '每年', 'Add' => '新增', 'Back' => '返回', 'Save' => '儲存', 'Submit' => '送出', 'toggle all' => '批次執行', 'apply to selected' => '套用到所有已選擇的', 'rebuild' => '重建', 'rebuild web' => '重建網站', 'rebuild dns' => '重建DNS', 'rebuild mail' => '重建信箱', 'rebuild db' => '重建資料庫', 'rebuild cron' => '重建任務排程', 'update counters' => '更新計數器', 'suspend' => '停用', 'unsuspend' => '解除停用', 'delete' => '刪除', 'show per user' => '依選擇的使用者', 'login as' => '登入帳號', 'logout' => '登出', 'edit' => '編輯', 'open webstats' => '開啟網站統計資料', 'view logs' => '檢視系統紀錄', 'list records' => '列出 %s 紀錄', 'add record' => '新增紀錄', 'list accounts' => '列出 %s 帳號', 'add account' => '新增帳號', 'open webmail' => '開啟網路信箱', 'list fail2ban' => '列出登入失敗遭封鎖名單', 'open %s' => '開啟 %s', 'download' => '下載', 'restore' => '還原', 'configure restore settings' => '配置還原設定', 'stop' => '停止', 'start' => '啟動', 'restart' => '重新啟動', 'update' => '更新', 'generate' => '產生', 'Generate CSR' => '產生憑證簽署請求 (CSR)', 'reread IP' => '重新取得 IP', 'enable autoupdate' => '啟用自動更新', 'disable autoupdate' => '停用自動更新', 'turn on notifications' => '啟用通知', 'turn off notifications' => '停用通知', 'configure' => '配置', 'Adding User' => '新增使用者', 'Editing User' => '編輯使用者', 'Adding Domain' => '新增網域', 'Editing Domain' => '編輯網域', 'Adding DNS Domain' => '新增 DNS 網域', 'Editing DNS Domain' => '編輯 DNS 網域', 'Adding DNS Record' => '新增 DNS 紀錄', 'Editing DNS Record' => '編輯 DNS 紀錄', 'Adding Mail Domain' => '新增信箱網域', 'Editing Mail Domain' => '編輯信箱網域', 'Adding Mail Account' => '新增信箱帳號', 'Editing Mail Account' => '編輯信箱帳號', 'Adding database' => '新增資料庫', 'Editing Cron Job' => '編輯任務排程', 'Adding Cron Job' => '新增任務排程', 'Editing Database' => '編輯資料庫', 'Adding Package' => '新增方案', 'Editing Package' => '編輯方案', 'Adding IP address' => '新增 IP', 'Editing IP Address' => '編輯 IP', 'Editing Backup Exclusions' => '編輯備份排除項目', 'Generating CSR' => '產生憑證簽署請求 (CSR) 中...', 'Listing' => '列出', 'Search Results' => '搜尋結果', 'Adding Firewall Rule' => '新增防火牆規則', 'Editing Firewall Rule' => '編輯防火牆規則', 'Adding IP Address to Banlist' => '新增IP至黑名單', 'active' => '正常', 'spnd' => '停用', 'suspended' => '已停用', 'running' => '執行中', 'stopped' => '已停止', 'outdated' => '有可升級的新版本', 'updated' => '已是最新版本', 'yes' => '是', 'no' => '否', 'none' => '無', 'pb' => 'PB', 'tb' => 'TB', 'gb' => 'GB', 'mb' => 'MB', 'minute' => '分鐘', 'hour' => '小時', 'day' => '日', 'days' => '日', 'hours' => '小時', 'minutes' => '分鐘', 'month' => '月', 'package' => '方案', 'Bandwidth' => '流量', 'Disk' => '磁碟空間', 'Web' => '網站', 'Mail' => '信箱', 'Databases' => '資料庫', 'User Directories' => '使用者目錄', 'Template' => '範本', 'Web Template' => 'Apache 範本', 'Backend Template' => 'Backend 範本', 'Proxy Template' => 'Proxy 範本', 'DNS Template' => 'DNS 範本', 'Web Domains' => '網站網域', 'SSL Domains' => 'SSL 網域', 'Web Aliases' => '網站子網域', 'per domain' => '(每個網域)', 'DNS Domains' => 'DNS 網域', 'DNS domains' => 'DNS 網域', 'DNS records' => 'DNS 紀錄', 'Name Servers' => '域名伺服器', 'Mail Domains' => '信箱網域', 'Mail Accounts' => '信箱使用者', 'Cron Jobs' => '任務排程', 'SSH Access' => 'SSH 權限', 'IP Address' => 'IP 位置', 'IP Addresses' => 'IP 位置', 'Backups' => '備份', 'Backup System' => '備份系統', 'backup exclusions' => '備份例外', 'template' => '範本', 'SSL Support' => 'SSL 支援', 'SSL Home Directory' => 'SSL 主目錄', 'Lets Encrypt Support' => 'Lets Encrypt 支援', 'Lets Encrypt' => 'Lets Encrypt', 'Your certificate will be automatically issued in 5 minutes' => '您的憑證會在五分鐘內完成簽發', 'Proxy Support' => 'Proxy 支援', 'Proxy Extensions' => 'Proxy 副檔名', 'Web Statistics' => '網站統計', 'Additional FTP Account' => '其他 FTP 帳號', 'Path' => '路徑', 'SOA' => 'SOA', 'TTL' => 'TTL', 'Expire' => '過期', 'Records' => '紀錄', 'Serial' => '序列 (Serial)', 'Catchall email' => '收到所有郵件', 'AntiVirus Support' => '防毒支援', 'AntiSpam Support' => '防垃圾郵件支援', 'DKIM Support' => 'DKIM 支援', 'Accounts' => '帳號', 'Quota' => '配額', 'Autoreply' => '自動回覆', 'Forward to' => '轉寄到', 'Do not store forwarded mail' => '不保留已轉發的郵件', 'IMAP hostname' => 'IMAP 主機名稱', 'IMAP port' => 'IMAP 連接埠', 'IMAP security' => 'IMAP 安全性', 'IMAP auth method' => 'IMAP 驗證方式', 'SMTP hostname' => 'SMTP 主機名稱', 'SMTP port' => 'SMTP 連接埠', 'SMTP security' => 'SMTP 安全性', 'SMTP auth method' => 'SMTP 驗證方式', 'STARTTLS' => 'STARTTLS', 'Normal password' => '普通密碼', 'database' => '資料庫', 'User' => '使用者', 'Host' => '主機', 'Charset' => '編碼', 'Min' => '分', 'Hour' => '時', 'Day' => '日', 'Month' => '月', 'Day of week' => '星期幾', 'local' => '本地', 'Run Time' => '運作時間', 'Backup Size' => '備份大小', 'SYS' => 'SYS', 'Domains' => '網域', 'Status' => '狀態', 'shared' => '共享', 'dedicated' => '獨立', 'Owner' => '擁有者', 'Users' => '使用者', 'Load Average' => '平均負載量', 'Memory Usage' => '記憶體使用量', 'APACHE2 Usage' => 'APACHE2 使用量', 'HTTPD Usage' => 'HTTPD 使用量', 'NGINX Usage' => 'NGINX 使用量', 'MySQL Usage on localhost' => '本機 MySQL 使用量', 'PostgreSQL Usage on localhost' => '本機 PostgreSQL 使用量', 'Bandwidth Usage eth0' => 'eth0 頻寬使用量', 'Bandwidth Usage eth1' => 'eth1 頻寬使用量', 'Exim Usage' => 'Exim 使用量', 'FTP Usage' => 'FTP 使用量', 'SSH Usage' => 'SSH 使用量', 'reverse proxy' => '反向代理伺服器', 'web server' => '網站伺服器', 'dns server' => 'DNS 伺服器', 'mail server' => '信箱伺服器', 'pop/imap server' => 'POP/IMAP 伺服器', 'email antivirus' => '信箱防毒', 'email antispam' => '信箱防垃圾信', 'database server' => '資料庫伺服器', 'ftp server' => 'FTP 伺服器', 'job scheduler' => '任務排程指令', 'firewall' => '防火牆', 'brute-force monitor' => '防止暴力破解', 'CPU' => '處理器負載', 'Memory' => '記憶體', 'Uptime' => '已啟動時間', 'core package' => '核心系統', 'php interpreter' => 'PHP 解析', 'internal web server' => '管理系統伺服器', 'Version' => '版本', 'Release' => '發佈號碼', 'Architecture' => '架構', 'Object' => '物件', 'Username' => '使用者名稱', 'Password' => '密碼', 'Email' => '電子信箱', 'Package' => '方案', 'Language' => '語言', 'First Name' => '名字', 'Last Name' => '姓氏', 'Send login credentials to email address' => '傳送登入資訊至使用者的信箱', 'Default Template' => '預設範本', 'Default Name Servers' => '預設域名伺服器', 'Domain' => '網域', 'DNS Support' => 'DNS 支援', 'Mail Support' => '信箱支援', 'Advanced options' => '進階選項', 'Basic options' => '基本選項', 'Aliases' => '子網域', 'SSL Certificate' => 'SSL 憑證', 'SSL Key' => 'SSL 密鑰', 'SSL Certificate Authority / Intermediate' => 'SSL 中繼憑證', 'SSL CSR' => 'SSL 憑證簽署請求 (CSR)', 'optional' => '選用', 'internal' => '內部', 'Statistics Authorization' => '統計授權', 'Statistics Auth' => '統計驗證', 'Account' => '帳號', 'Prefix will be automaticaly added to username' => '前綴 %s 將會自動加到使用者名稱', 'Send FTP credentials to email' => '將 FTP 登入資訊傳送到使用者信箱', 'Expiration Date' => '到期日期', 'YYYY-MM-DD' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'Name servers' => '域名伺服器', 'Record' => '紀錄', 'IP or Value' => 'IP 或值', 'Priority' => '優先順序', 'Record Number' => '記錄編號', 'in megabytes' => '以 MB 為單位', 'Message' => '訊息', 'use local-part' => '使用本地部分', 'one or more email addresses' => '一個或更多電子郵件信箱', 'Prefix will be automaticaly added to database name and database user' => '前綴 %s 將會自動加入資料庫名稱及使用者名稱', 'Database' => '資料庫', 'Type' => '類型', 'Minute' => '分鐘', 'Command' => '指令', 'Package Name' => '方案名稱', 'Netmask' => '子網路遮罩', 'Interface' => '介面卡', 'Shared' => '共享', 'Assigned user' => '指定使用者', 'Assigned domain' => '指定網址', 'NAT IP association' => 'NAT IP 關聯', 'shell' => 'shell', 'web domains' => '網站網域', 'web aliases' => '網站子網域', 'dns records' => 'DNS 記錄', 'mail domains' => '信箱網域', 'mail accounts' => '信箱帳號', 'accounts' => '帳號', 'databases' => '資料庫', 'cron jobs' => '任務排程', 'backups' => '備份', 'quota' => '配額', 'day of week' => '星期幾', 'cmd' => '指令', 'users' => '使用者', 'domains' => '網域', 'aliases' => '子網域', 'records' => '記錄', 'jobs' => '任務', 'username' => '使用者名稱', 'password' => '密碼', 'type' => '類型', 'charset' => '編碼', 'domain' => '網域', 'ip' => 'IP', 'ip address' => 'IP 位置', 'IP address' => 'IP 位置', 'netmask' => '子網路遮罩', 'interface' => '介面卡', 'assigned user' => '指定使用者', 'ns1' => 'ns1', 'ns2' => 'ns2', 'user' => '使用者', 'email' => '信箱', 'first name' => '名字', 'last name' => '姓氏', 'account' => '帳號', 'ssl certificate' => 'SSL 憑證', 'ssl key' => 'SSL 密鑰', 'stats user password' => '統計使用者帳號密碼', 'stats username' => '統計使用者名稱', 'stats password' => '統計密碼', 'ftp user password' => 'FTP 使用者帳號密碼', 'ftp user' => 'FTP 使用者', 'Last 70 lines of %s.%s.log' => '%s.%s.log 的最後 70 行', 'AccessLog' => '存取記錄', 'ErrorLog' => '錯誤紀錄', 'Download AccessLog' => '下載存取記錄', 'Download ErrorLog' => '下載錯誤記錄', 'Country' => '國家', '2 letter code' => '國家簡碼(台灣 TW、香港 HK)', 'State / Province' => '州 / 省', 'City / Locality' => '市 / 地區', 'Organization' => '組織名稱', 'Action' => '動作', 'Protocol' => '協定', 'Port' => '連線埠', 'Comment' => '備註', 'Banlist' => '封鎖清單', 'ranges are acceptable' => '可接受陣列', 'CIDR format is supported' => '支援 CIDR 格式', 'ACCEPT' => '允許', 'DROP' => '封鎖', 'TCP' => 'TCP', 'UDP' => 'UDP', 'ICMP' => 'ICMP', 'SSH' => 'SSH', 'FTP' => 'FTP', 'VESTA' => 'VESTA', 'Add one more Name Server' => '新增至少一個域名伺服器', 'web domain' => 'Web 網域', 'dns domain' => 'DNS 網域', 'dns record' => 'DNS 紀錄', 'mail domain' => 'Mail 紀錄', 'mail account' => 'Mail 帳號', 'cron job' => '任務排程', 'cron' => '任務排程', 'user dir' => '使用者資料夾', 'unlimited' => '無限制', '1 account' => '1 個帳號', '%s accounts' => '%s 個帳號', '1 domain' => '1 個網域', '%s domains' => '%s 個網域', '1 record' => '1 筆記錄', '%s records' => '%s 筆記錄', '1 mail account' => '1 個信箱帳號', '%s mail accounts' => '%s 個信箱帳號', '1 database' => '1 個資料庫', '%s databases' => '%s 個資料庫', '1 cron job' => '1 個任務排程', '%s cron jobs' => '%s 個任務排程', '1 archive' => '1 個壓縮', '%s archives' => '%s 個壓縮', '1 item' => '1 個項目', '%s items' => '%s 個項目', '1 package' => '1 種方案', '%s packages' => '%s 種方案', '1 IP address' => '1 個 IP 位置', '%s IP addresses' => '%s 個 IP 位置', '1 month' => '1 個月', '%s months' => '%s 個月', '1 log record' => '1 筆系統記錄', '%s log records' => '%s 筆系統記錄', '1 object' => '1 個物件', '%s objects' => '%s 個物件', 'no exclusions' => '取消排除', '1 rule' => '1 條規則', '%s rules' => '%s 條規則', 'There are no currently banned IP' => '目前沒有任何已封鎖的 IP', 'USER_CREATED_OK' => '使用者 <a href="/edit/user/?user=%s"><b>%s</b></a> has been 已加入成功!', 'WEB_DOMAIN_CREATED_OK' => '網域 <a href="/edit/web/?domain=%s"><b>%s</b></a> 已加入成功!', 'DNS_DOMAIN_CREATED_OK' => 'DNS 網域 <a href="/list/dns/?domain=%s"><b>%s</b></a> 已加入成功!', 'DNS_RECORD_CREATED_OK' => '記錄 <b>%s.%s</b> 已加入成功!', 'MAIL_DOMAIN_CREATED_OK' => '信箱網域 <a href="/list/mail/?domain=%s"><b>%s</b></a> 已加入成功!', 'MAIL_ACCOUNT_CREATED_OK' => '信箱帳號 <a href="/edit/mail/?account=%s&domain=%s"><b>%s@%s</b></a> 已加入成功!', 'DATABASE_CREATED_OK' => '資料庫 <a href="/edit/db/?database=%s"><b>%s</b></a> 已加入成功!', 'CRON_CREATED_OK' => '任務排程 已加入成功!', 'IP_CREATED_OK' => 'IP 位置 <a href="/edit/ip/?ip=%s"><b>%s</b></a> 已加入成功!', 'PACKAGE_CREATED_OK' => '方案 <a href="/edit/package/?package=%s"><b>%s</b></a> 已加入成功!', 'SSL_GENERATED_OK' => '已成功產生 SSL 憑證!', 'RULE_CREATED_OK' => '已成功加入規則!', 'BANLIST_CREATED_OK' => 'IP 位置已經成功封鎖', 'Autoupdate has been successfully enabled' => '「自動更新」已成功啟動', 'Autoupdate has been successfully disabled' => '「自動更新」已成功關閉', 'Cronjob email reporting has been successfully enabled' => '「任務排程電子郵件回報」已成功啟動', 'Cronjob email reporting has been successfully disabled' => '「任務排程電子郵件回報」已成功關閉', 'Changes has been saved.' => '已儲存變更', 'Confirmation' => '確認', 'DELETE_USER_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除使用者 %s 嗎?', 'SUSPEND_USER_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要停用使用者 %s 嗎?', 'UNSUSPEND_USER_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要解除停用使用者 %s 嗎?', 'DELETE_DOMAIN_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除網域 %s 嗎?', 'SUSPEND_DOMAIN_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要停用網域 %s 嗎?', 'UNSUSPEND_DOMAIN_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要解除停用網域 %s 嗎?', 'DELETE_RECORD_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除記錄 %s 嗎?', 'SUSPEND_RECORD_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要停用記錄 %s 嗎?', 'UNSUSPEND_RECORD_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要解除停用紀錄 %s 嗎?', 'DELETE_MAIL_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除 %s 嗎?', 'SUSPEND_MAIL_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要停用 %s 嗎?', 'UNSUSPEND_MAIL_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要解除停用 %s 嗎?', 'DELETE_DATABASE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除資料庫 %s 嗎?', 'SUSPEND_DATABASE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要停用資料庫 %s 嗎?', 'UNSUSPEND_DATABASE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要解除停用資料庫 %s 嗎?', 'DELETE_CRON_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除 任務排程嗎?', 'SUSPEND_CRON_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要停用 任務排程嗎?', 'UNSUSPEND_CRON_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要解除停用 任務排程嗎?', 'DELETE_BACKUP_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除 %s 備份嗎?', 'DELETE_EXCLUSION_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除 %s 例外嗎?', 'DELETE_PACKAGE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除方案 %s 嗎?', 'DELETE_IP_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除 IP 地址 %s 嗎?', 'DELETE_RULE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要刪除防火牆規則 #%s 嗎?', 'SUSPEND_RULE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要停用防火牆規則 #%s 嗎?', 'UNSUSPEND_RULE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要解除停用防火牆規則 #%s 嗎?', 'LEAVE_PAGE_CONFIRMATION' => '確定離開嗎?', 'RESTART_CONFIRMATION' => '確定要重新啟動 %s 嗎?', 'Welcome' => '歡迎', 'LOGGED_IN_AS' => '以使用者身份 %s 登入', 'Error' => '錯誤', 'Invalid username or password' => '無效的使用者名稱或密碼', 'Invalid username or code' => '無效的使用者名稱或驗證碼.', 'Passwords not match' => '密碼錯誤', 'Please enter valid email address.' => '請輸入正確的信箱', 'Field "%s" can not be blank.' => '"%s" 欄位不能空白', 'Password is too short.' => '密碼太短。', 'Error code:' => '錯誤代碼:%s', 'SERVICE_ACTION_FAILED' => '"%s" "%s" 失敗', 'IP address is in use' => 'IP 位置正在使用中', 'BACKUP_SCHEDULED' => '您的要求已加入隊列中,備份完成後會再以電子郵件通知您', 'BACKUP_EXISTS' => '已經有一個備份正在執行中,請等待備份完成後再動作', 'RESTORE_SCHEDULED' => '您的要求已加入隊列中,還原完成後會再以電子郵件通知您', 'RESTORE_EXISTS' => '已經有一個還原正在執行中,請等待備份完成後再動作', 'WEB_EXCLUSIONS' => '輸入網域名稱,每行一個網域。如要排除備份所有網域請使用「*」。排除特定的資料夾請依照這個格式:Example.com:public_html/cache:public_html/tmp', 'DNS_EXCLUSIONS' => '輸入網域名稱,每行一個網域。如要排除備份所有網域請使用「*」', 'MAIL_EXCLUSIONS' => '輸入網域名稱,每行一個網域。如要排除備份所有網域請使用「*」。要排除特定使用者請依照這個格式:Example.com:info:support:postmaster', 'DB_EXCLUSIONS' => '輸入完整資料庫名城,每行一個資料庫。如要排除備份所有資料庫請使用「*」', 'CRON_EXCLUSIONS' => '要排除備份所有任務排程請使用*', 'USER_EXCLUSIONS' => '輸入要排除備份的資料夾名稱,每行一個資料夾。如要排除備份所有資料夾請使用*', 'Welcome to Vesta Control Panel' => '歡迎來到 Vesta 管理系統', 'MAIL_FROM' => 'Vesta 管理系統 <noreply@%s>', 'GREETINGS_GORDON_FREEMAN' => "您好, %s %s,\n", 'GREETINGS' => "您好,\n", 'ACCOUNT_READY' => "您的帳號已成功建立,並可以開始使用了!\n\nhttps://%s/login/\n使用者名稱:%s\n密碼:%s\n\n--\nVesta Control Panel\n", 'FTP login credentials' => 'FTP 登入資料', 'FTP_ACCOUNT_READY' => "FTP 帳號已成功建立,並可以開始使用了!\n\n主機名稱:%s\n使用者名稱:%s_%s\n密碼:%s\n\n--\nVesta Control Panel\n", 'Database Credentials' => '資料庫 登入資料', 'DATABASE_READY' => "資料庫已加入成功!\n\n資料庫名稱:%s\n使用者名稱:%s\n密碼:%s\n%s\n\n--\nVesta Control Panel\n", 'forgot password' => '忘記密碼', 'Confirm' => '確認', 'New Password' => '新密碼', 'Confirm Password' => '確認密碼', 'Reset' => '重設', 'Reset Code' => '重設代碼', 'RESET_NOTICE' => '', 'RESET_CODE_SENT' => '密碼重設代碼已傳送到您的信箱<br>', 'MAIL_RESET_SUBJECT' => '密碼重設在 %s', 'PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST' => "重設密碼請點擊連結:\nhttps://%s/reset/?action=confirm&user=%s&code=%s\n\n或者您可以到 https://%s/reset/?action=code&user=%s 輸入密碼重設代碼:\n%s\n\n如果您沒有要求重設密碼,請忽略此郵件\n\n—\nVesta Control Panel\n", 'Jan' => '一月', 'Feb' => '二月', 'Mar' => '三月', 'Apr' => '四月', 'May' => '五月', 'Jun' => '六月', 'Jul' => '七月', 'Aug' => '八月', 'Sep' => '九月', 'Oct' => '十月', 'Nov' => '十一月', 'Dec' => '十二月', 'Configuring Server' => '設定主機', 'Hostname' => '主機名稱', 'Time Zone' => '時區', 'Default Language' => '預設語言', 'Proxy Server' => 'Proxy 伺服器', 'Web Server' => 'Web 伺服器', 'Backend Server' => 'Backend 伺服器', 'Backend Pool Mode' => 'Backend 池模式', 'DNS Server' => 'DNS 伺服器', 'DNS Cluster' => 'DNS 叢集', 'MAIL Server' => 'MAIL 伺服器', 'Antivirus' => '病毒防護', 'AntiSpam' => '垃圾郵件防護', 'Use Web Domain SSL Certificate' => 'Use Web Domain SSL Certificate', 'Webmail URL' => 'Webmail 路徑', 'MySQL Support' => 'MySQL 支援', 'phpMyAdmin URL' => 'phpMyAdmin 路徑', 'PostgreSQL Support' => 'PostgreSQL 支援', 'phpPgAdmin URL' => 'phpPgAdmin 路徑', 'Maximum Number Of Databases' => '最多的資料庫數量', 'Current Number Of Databases' => '目前的資料庫數量', 'Local backup' => '本機備份', 'Compression level' => '壓縮等級', 'Directory' => '路徑', 'Remote backup' => '遠端備份', 'ftp' => 'FTP', 'sftp' => 'SFTP', 'SFTP Chroot' => 'SFTP Chroot', 'FileSystem Disk Quota' => '檔案系統硬碟配額', 'Vesta Control Panel Plugins' => 'Vesta Control Panel 外掛', 'preview' => '預覽', 'Reseller Role' => '經銷商權限', 'Web Config Editor' => '網站設定編輯器', 'Template Manager' => '模組管理員', 'Backup Migration Manager' => '備份轉移管理員', 'FileManager' => '檔案管理員', 'show: CPU / MEM / NET / DISK' => '顯示:處理器 / 記憶體 / 網路 / 硬碟', 'sort by' => '排序依', 'Date' => '日期', 'Starred' => '加註星號', 'Name' => '名稱', 'save to favorites' => '存到我的最愛', 'File Manager' => '檔案管理員', 'size' => '大小', 'date' => '日期', 'name' => '名稱', 'Initializing' => '正在初始化', 'UPLOAD' => '上傳', 'NEW FILE' => '新增檔案', 'NEW DIR' => '新增資料夾', 'DELETE' => '刪除', 'RENAME' => '重新命名', 'MOVE' => '移動', 'RIGHTS' => '權限', 'COPY' => '複製', 'ARCHIVE' => '壓縮', 'EXTRACT' => '解壓縮', 'DOWNLOAD' => '下載', 'Are you sure?' => '確定嗎?', 'Hit' => '點擊', 'to reload the page' => '重新整理頁面', 'Directory name cannot be empty' => '資料夾名稱不能為空白', 'File name cannot be empty' => '檔案名稱不能為空白', 'No file selected' => '還沒選取任何檔案', 'No file or folder selected' => '還沒有選取任何檔案或資料夾', 'File type not supported' => '尚未支援的檔案類型', 'Directory download not available in current version' => '目前的版本尚未支援資料夾下載', 'Directory not available' => '資料夾無法使用', 'Done' => '完成', 'Close' => '關閉', 'Copy' => '複製', 'Cancel' => '取消', 'Rename' => '重新命名', 'Move' => '移動', 'Change Rights' => '修改權限', 'Delete' => '刪除', 'Extract' => '解壓縮', 'Create' => '新增', 'Compress' => '壓縮', 'OK' => '確定', 'YOU ARE COPYING' => '您正在複製', 'YOU ARE REMOVING' => '您正在移動', 'Delete items' => '刪除', 'Copy files' => '複製檔案', 'Move files' => '移動檔案', 'Are you sure you want to copy' => '確定要複製', 'Are you sure you want to move' => '確定要移動', 'Are you sure you want to delete' => '確定要刪除', 'into' => '資訊', 'existing files will be replaced' => '原本的檔案會被覆蓋', 'Original name' => '原始檔名', 'File' => '檔案', 'already exists' => '已經存在', 'Create file' => '新增檔案', 'Create directory' => '新增資料夾', 'read by owner' => '擁有者可讀', 'write by owner' => '擁有者可寫', 'execute/search by owner' => '擁有者可執行', 'read by group' => '群組可讀', 'write by group' => '群組可寫', 'execute/search by group' => '群組可執行', 'read by others' => '所有人可讀', 'write by others' => '所有人可寫', 'execute/search by others' => '所有人可執行', 'Shortcuts' => '快捷鍵', 'Add New object' => '新增', 'Save Form' => '儲存設定', 'Cancel saving form' => '不要儲存設定', 'Go to USER list' => '回到使用者列表', 'Go to WEB list' => '回到網站列表', 'Go to DNS list' => '回到 DNS 列表', 'Go to MAIL list' => '回到郵件列表', 'Go to DB list' => '回到資料庫列表', 'Go to CRON list' => '回到任務排程列表', 'Go to BACKUP list' => '回到備份列表', 'Focus on search' => '搜尋', 'Display/Close shortcuts' => '顯示/關閉 快捷鍵列表', 'Move backward through top menu' => '在頂部選單中向左移動', 'Move forward through top menu' => '在頂部選單中向右移動', 'Enter focused element' => '進入選擇的選項', 'Move up through elements list' => '往上檢視列表', 'Move down through elements list' => '往下檢視列表', 'Upload' => '上傳', 'New File' => '新增檔案', 'New Folder' => '新增資料夾', 'Download' => '下載', 'Archive' => '壓縮', 'Save File (in text editor)' => '儲存檔案 (在目前的文字編輯器)', 'Close Popup / Cancel' => '關閉快顯視窗 / 取消', 'Move Cursor Up' => '選項往上移', 'Move Cursor Down' => '選項往下移', 'Switch to Left Tab' => '切換到左邊的管理員', 'Switch to Right Tab' => '切換到右邊的管理員', 'Switch Tab' => '切換到另一邊的管理員', 'Go to the Top of the File List' => '回到檔案列表頂端', 'Go to the Last File' => '回到上個檔案', 'Open File / Enter Directory' => '開啟檔案或資料夾', 'Edit File' => 'Edit File', 'Go to Parent Directory' => '回到上一頁', 'Select Current File' => '選取目前的檔案', 'Select Bunch of Files' => '選取多個檔案', 'Add File to the Current Selection' => '新增檔案到已選取的列表', 'Select All Files' => '選取所有檔案', 'shortcuts are inspired by magnificent GNU <a href="https://www.midnight-commander.org/">Midnight Commander</a> file manager' => "快捷鍵的想法是由 magnificent GNU <a href='https://www.midnight-commander.org/'>Midnight Commander</a> 檔案管理員啟發的", 'Licence Key' => '授權金鑰', 'Enter License Key' => '輸入授權金鑰', 'Buy Licence' => '購買授權', 'Buy Lifetime License' => '購買永久授權', 'Disable and Cancel Licence' => '刪除並且取消授權', 'Licence Activated' => '授權已啟用', 'Licence Deactivated' => '授權已停用', 'Restrict users so that they cannot use SSH and access only their home directory.' => '禁止使用者使用 SSH,並且只能存取他們自己的資料夾', 'Browse, copy, edit, view, and retrieve all of your web domain files using fully featured File Manager.' => '使用全能的檔案管理員瀏覽、複製、編輯、存取你所有的網站資料', 'This is a commercial module, you would need to purchace license key to enable it.' => '這是一個付費模組,您需要購買授權金鑰才能啟用它。', 'Minutes' => '分鐘', 'Hourly' => '小時', 'Run Command' => '執行指令', 'every month' => '每月', 'every odd month' => '奇數月', 'every even month' => '偶數月', 'every day' => '每天', 'every odd day' => '奇數日', 'every even day' => '偶數日', 'weekdays (5 days)' => '工作日(五天)', 'weekend (2 days)' => '周末(兩天)', 'Monday' => '星期一', 'Tuesday' => '星期二', 'Wednesday' => '星期三', 'Thursday' => '星期四', 'Friday' => '星期五', 'Saturday' => '星期六', 'Sunday' => '星期日', 'every hour' => '每小時', 'every two hours' => '每兩小時', 'every minute' => '每分鐘', 'every two minutes' => '每兩分鐘', 'every' => '每', 'Generate' => '產生', 'webalizer' => 'webalizer', 'awstats' => 'awstats', 'Vesta SSL' => 'Vesta 後台 SSL', 'SUBJECT' => '主體名稱', 'ALIASES' => '主體別名', 'NOT_BEFORE' => '有效期自', 'NOT_AFTER' => '有效期到', 'SIGNATURE' => '簽章演算法', 'PUB_KEY' => '公開金鑰', 'ISSUER' => '簽發者', 'Use server hostname' => '使用伺服器主機名稱', 'Use domain hostname' => '使用網域主機名稱', 'Use STARTTLS' => '使用 STARTTLS', 'Use SSL / TLS' => '使用 SSL / TLS', 'No encryption' => '不加密', 'Do not use encryption' => '不要使用加密', 'maximum characters length, including prefix' => '最多 %s 字元 (包含前綴)', 'Email Credentials' => '信箱登入資訊', );